Praise Allah, John F’n Kerry Not Ruling Out 2020

Hey, buddy. Heinz ketchup is awesome. Say what you want about Kerry...
Think of it all the living has beens and never weres the Ds can find all on one debate stage. Who can resist trying to stay awake during this truly historic moment?
Its the strangest. Heinz was a staunch R, but Kerry courted her and married her. Kerry is one of the biggest assholes the D's ever produced. I have no doubt Heinz is spinning in his grave daily.
He has no intention of running. It is just his ego maniacal way to keep his worthless name out there.
What’s his list of accomplishments you ask?

He married a filthy rich moonbat.

Guess Which Famous Democrat Won't Rule Out Running In 2020?

He did manage to have enough upper-body strength to throw his medals over the White House fence, but that was pretty much the only thing he was ever successful in.

He did manage to have enough upper-body strength to throw his medals over the White House fence

He threw someone else's medals over the fence. Kept his own.
What’s his list of accomplishments you ask?

He married a filthy rich moonbat.

Guess Which Famous Democrat Won't Rule Out Running In 2020?

Kerry served in the Navy, did time in Vietnam under fire. I know of a couple republican presidents who moved heaven and earth to keep from serving their country like Kerry did. Add Bolton to that list of draft dodging cowards since he's adviser to the present 'commander in chief'

Fuck off Biden got 5 deferments. Just like Trump. And btw this was Johnsons fucking war in Vietnam that made his families fortune. It was a D debacle of epic fucking proportions.

Oh and you asshole, learn the definition of a dodger vs deferments given. Or shut the fuck up.

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