Prayer alone heals mental illness?

Hang on, lemme check the bibliographies from the conversations I had while growing up.

It is kind of like this. Most people that go to church on Sunday learn two verses of the Bible if that anymore. Lets assume for the sake of argument that there are 31,102 verses. That would take you 15,551 Sundays to learn the Bible assuming that all verses would be covered. If we divide 15,551 by 52 weeks, you would get about 299.05769 years to learn the Bible. Trying to convince me of your Bibliographies or pastor's education means nothing if you don't cover more ground or as you would quote the Bible, your faith without works (study) is dead. hehehe

Who's trying to convince you that study means nothing?

All I'm saying is that when I specified, "while I was growing up", I was referring to my childhood and teenage years. I'm now over 30. When you were a kid and you were talking to your religious leaders, did you have them cite their references? Have you ever stopped trying to practice a religion for about 16 years? If you ever go that route, lemme know if you still keep your notebooks from bible study handy all those years later.

Sometimes when you learn, you are getting second or third hand information.

You're expecting the one who is giving you a lecture, Bible study or sermon to care more about truth than you.

I stick to academic commentaries because I believe people today will lie to me so I buy commentaries written by people who are dead.

I had a pastor who told me he wasn't going to teach me anything because knowledge puffeth up.

I know a man of the cloth (I won't say his religion) who gets letters in the mail. If it is a check, he deposits it. If it isn't, he throws it out.

I know another pastor who didn't want to be a Christian on one day of the week. He couldn't handle it so he wanted friends to play monopoly and stuff one day a week and wanted us to promise not to talk about the Bible, faith and stuff so I said, "no" to him.

I know a pastor whose formula it is to keep the people happy so they aren't going to discuss hard stuff.

In other words, the only person that cares enough about truth is me because I can't count on other people to do the math in Bible study. No one cares more about you than you so if you don't find it, don't expect other people to do the math for you. The reason I bought 70+ feet of Christian books is because people weren't teaching in the Church. I find their mistakes and con jobs because I look it up.

I disagree with a lot of things taught in the forum here because I think they are doctrines of men instead of Bible but I'm not here to fight my brothers and sisters.

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