Prayers to Jesus Christ, 2019

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Depends on which God Book you believe in.
In the New Testiment Jesus is God.
Then the idea of Jesus being god doesn't jibe with the law of Moses.
What law is that?
That they will worship no other god than the god of Abraham.
Jesus was his son.....born 2000 years later.
So of course Moses didn't know about him.
You don't think God gave them all a debriefing?
The only person I recall talked to God was Moses. And he had been gone for 2000 years when Jesus was born.
I was just starting a thread for believers

I believe Jesus said it better than I could. He said: "I and the Father are one." He also said, as Peach above mentioned, "No man cometh to the Father but by me."

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.
You're sad? Take it to the Lord in Prayer. Until then, you're on ignore for ignoring this is a thread for Christian prayers to Jesus for the year, 2019. Hope He will help you work out your passive-aggressive stuff. That's not my department. Because joy comes from communicating with the Lord, not with me. Best wishes, really.
Remember the calendar is off by 4 to 7 years because Denis the small made a mistake in his calculations in the 6 th century and they never corrected it so your prayer to Jesus is off by a number of years and will not reach him or you might get a RETURN(HASHEV) to sender like that Elvis song... Wink...
The good book warns believers against people who wink or live in an insincere way. My readings on the exact time of birth reveal a number of different claims that errors were made. I'm sticking with the way things were when I was a kid. 1 year Before Christ was born, and Christ was 1 year old on year one. Zero divides the Old Covenent from the New Covenant of Christ. The rest is just a form of lawyering argument to me, and nobody I know is interested in changing two thousand and nineteen years of calendar changes and changes to every book written since then, not to mention carvings of dates on woods, concrete, marble, etcetera. I do not care to be in charge of dozens of billions of corrections on paper, wood, concrete, marble, and anything else that can be etched and carved. It's just plum silly. If you have a prayer to say to the good Lord Jesus Christ, for his goodness of teaching God's laws to the heart, by all means, say it. I simply ignore people who come here to drop bombs. This is a prayer thread, and we're not hurting anybody else. We're just exercising our first amendment privileges as you did in order to throw us an unpleasant glare from your perspective. Please start a bash thread in the Rubber Room where you can even the score. I'm stayin' right here in the prayer space.
Again, to quote the kids from South Park, you should concentrate on what Jesus had to say, not how he died.

Concentrating on how he died is what people did in the Dark Ages, and it had really bad results.
If you wish to start a "you oughta" thread, please start it in the Rubber Room, JoeB. This is a prayer room thread. Enjoy the relief you will find on my ignore list of ignoramuses who do not know the difference between old goats butting fences in the pasture and a sacred place of kindred spirits to pray. My gifts are not apostolic, they are auxiliary gifts. For some reason, God blesses me for what I can do and steers me clear of head-butters most of the time.
Is Jesus the Father?
Well the Trinity must always have existed, so Jesus is both his own father and his own son. Kinky.
There is nothing about the Lord that is kinky. Enjoy your time out on ignore from trying to discourage sincere prayers to our maker. The title is very clear on purpose to avoid haters of the Lord who present Him as somehow kinky to the world. He is not. He is the author of salvation; He's the bright and morning star; He pities orphans and widows and expects us to as well; He rewards people who call on him in a sincere way, and He knows the difference. We don't. We're just sheep of his pasture, and he protects us from wolves and other predators.
Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for giving us sorrows, because they teach us to appreciate the joys. Please be with our President, and give him the Victory over the people who lied to the American public with a myriad of false witnesses and shameful diatribe proffering evil lies and a cause to push bad things and withhold protection from our civilization with power they took with even more lies. Thank you for the words you said to Moses' right hand man, Joshua who showed a people their new homes in the Land you promised them upon escaping an oppressive civilization that utilized slavery against a nation born of a man and his large family, who saved their oppressors' forbears from starvation. Amen.
I was just starting a thread for believers

I believe Jesus said it better than I could. He said: "I and the Father are one." He also said, as Peach above mentioned, "No man cometh to the Father but by me."

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.

bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
I was just starting a thread for believers

I believe Jesus said it better than I could. He said: "I and the Father are one." He also said, as Peach above mentioned, "No man cometh to the Father but by me."

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.

bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
I’ve explained to you many times there are no beliefs or practices which did not originate with the early Christians.

And given that you can’t name one single thing that early Christians believed that is not a current belief, your cries of 4th century forgery ring hollow.
I was just starting a thread for believers

I believe Jesus said it better than I could. He said: "I and the Father are one." He also said, as Peach above mentioned, "No man cometh to the Father but by me."

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.

bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
Now why don’t you be honest. You’re an atheist, right?

So your motives are biased and disingenuous as there are no religious beliefs or practices that you accept.
I was just starting a thread for believers

I believe Jesus said it better than I could. He said: "I and the Father are one." He also said, as Peach above mentioned, "No man cometh to the Father but by me."

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.

bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
Now why don’t you be honest. You’re an atheist, right?

So your motives are biased and disingenuous as there are no religious beliefs or practices that you accept.
Now why don’t you be honest.

you've been requested to divulge what sins you are unable to stop committing, bing - give your answer or stop following me around ...

it's uncomfortable dealing with sinners as it is, they have no honesty, only to mimic and repeat their past performances proving they are incapable of deciphering reasoned responses.
Dear Lord,

Please heal all who mourn the civility our nation once had, and help us deal with burdens placed on us by uncaring neighbors. Please help the poor who truly just want jobs until the fence goes up to protect our citizens to have to pay for another society's errors. We have plenty of problems here with what we've seen large groups of people wanting to tax a large number of people to pay for their pet rock projects that wind up murdering, poisoning with drugs, raping, and making preposterous demands against our people. Please help us comfort the poor and stop the drugs at the border that kill 300 Americans a week with the border so porous that illegal substances are pouring over here. Thank you for our courageous President who has suffered more than 2 years and still counting of vicious lies leveled against him since even before he won the Presidential race here. Please carry through his benign plans for America to enable a world to help out its starving masses, wherever they are while keeping us prosperous enough to bless those who come to us for sustenance and justice. Please help us clean our House and Senate from people who were tricked by the plot against President Trump and the Republican Party that started out with plans to get rid of slavery in our nation and now are challenged to get liars and cheaters out of Washington, DC. Please help our country return to its religious roots in Christianity by keeping us safe from detractors who persecute first and make false claims later. Please help the elderly who have no children and watch their savings they earned being the focus of evil politicians who make expensive promises to get elected to office, then pick the taxpayers' pockets to support unrealistic promises they are compelled to fulfill at our expense when our social security savings can't pay all the taxes collected from us and make us feel headed for destitution by this formalized system of thievery. Please help them have a change of heart, to give taxpayers back their family properties that are sold by the state for some people, who just couldn't pay all that demanded money from the tax lords politicians have made of themselves. Amen
I was just starting a thread for believers

I believe Jesus said it better than I could. He said: "I and the Father are one." He also said, as Peach above mentioned, "No man cometh to the Father but by me."

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.

bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
Now why don’t you be honest. You’re an atheist, right?

So your motives are biased and disingenuous as there are no religious beliefs or practices that you accept.
Now why don’t you be honest.

you've been requested to divulge what sins you are unable to stop committing, bing - give your answer or stop following me around ...

it's uncomfortable dealing with sinners as it is, they have no honesty, only to mimic and repeat their past performances proving they are incapable of deciphering reasoned responses.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.
I was just starting a thread for believers

I believe Jesus said it better than I could. He said: "I and the Father are one." He also said, as Peach above mentioned, "No man cometh to the Father but by me."

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.

bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
Now why don’t you be honest. You’re an atheist, right?

So your motives are biased and disingenuous as there are no religious beliefs or practices that you accept.
Now why don’t you be honest.

you've been requested to divulge what sins you are unable to stop committing, bing - give your answer or stop following me around ...

it's uncomfortable dealing with sinners as it is, they have no honesty, only to mimic and repeat their past performances proving they are incapable of deciphering reasoned responses.
So, are you going to answer my question.

Are you an atheist? Don’t be afraid to answer.
Dear Lord, thanks for this new day. Please help heal our nation and help our President stay strong as he needs to be to face another barrage of lies hurled at him from an out-of-control media that has become the point man for a team of corruption following the get-Trump Mueller report that couldn't find Trump colluding with anyone.Thank you for finally giving us an honest President and bring him peace and justice to America. Amen
it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.

bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
Now why don’t you be honest. You’re an atheist, right?

So your motives are biased and disingenuous as there are no religious beliefs or practices that you accept.
Now why don’t you be honest.

you've been requested to divulge what sins you are unable to stop committing, bing - give your answer or stop following me around ...

it's uncomfortable dealing with sinners as it is, they have no honesty, only to mimic and repeat their past performances proving they are incapable of deciphering reasoned responses.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.

you place your responses out of context without answering the objective question - there are no sins that can not be overcome that are self inflicted or regrettably inflicted by others the most difficult, your failure to address the issue is your problem not mine.

if that is why you have chosen the false religion of christianity to skirt the issue of correcting your errors just be reminded your 4th century christian bible does not reflect the religion of antiquity or that of the events of the 1st century and it is you who is in opposition without remorse for the uninterrupted crimes of persecution and victimization of the innocent you are guilty of from the 4th century to the present day.

good luck, creep.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.
Coercion? Forgery?

Hardly. Feel free to back it up, Ivan.

it's sad christians have to use coercion, an obvious 4th century forgery to entrap others to participate in their religion ... where ever is a document by Jesus they wrote for posterity anything the op alludes to in all their prayers or from other than their book.

bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
Now why don’t you be honest. You’re an atheist, right?

So your motives are biased and disingenuous as there are no religious beliefs or practices that you accept.
Now why don’t you be honest.

you've been requested to divulge what sins you are unable to stop committing, bing - give your answer or stop following me around ...

it's uncomfortable dealing with sinners as it is, they have no honesty, only to mimic and repeat their past performances proving they are incapable of deciphering reasoned responses.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.

you place your responses out of context without answering the objective question - there are no sins that can not be overcome that are self inflicted or regrettably inflicted by others the most difficult, your failure to address the issue is your problem not mine.

if that is why you have chosen the false religion of christianity to skirt the issue of correcting your errors just be reminded your 4th century christian bible does not reflect the religion of antiquity or that of the events of the 1st century and it is you who is in opposition without remorse for the uninterrupted crimes of persecution and victimization of the innocent you are guilty of from the 4th century to the present day.

good luck, creep.
No one will ever be free of imperfection. Practicing a religion won’t change that.

So your argument is flawed because your measure of success is flawed. The true measure of success is progress. Of course even that is not a straight line.

The fool calls others fools while believing he himself is not foolish.
bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
Now why don’t you be honest. You’re an atheist, right?

So your motives are biased and disingenuous as there are no religious beliefs or practices that you accept.
Now why don’t you be honest.

you've been requested to divulge what sins you are unable to stop committing, bing - give your answer or stop following me around ...

it's uncomfortable dealing with sinners as it is, they have no honesty, only to mimic and repeat their past performances proving they are incapable of deciphering reasoned responses.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.

you place your responses out of context without answering the objective question - there are no sins that can not be overcome that are self inflicted or regrettably inflicted by others the most difficult, your failure to address the issue is your problem not mine.

if that is why you have chosen the false religion of christianity to skirt the issue of correcting your errors just be reminded your 4th century christian bible does not reflect the religion of antiquity or that of the events of the 1st century and it is you who is in opposition without remorse for the uninterrupted crimes of persecution and victimization of the innocent you are guilty of from the 4th century to the present day.

good luck, creep.
No one will ever be free of imperfection. Practicing a religion won’t change that.

So your argument is flawed because your measure of success is flawed. The true measure of success is progress. Of course even that is not a straight line.

The fool calls others fools while believing he himself is not foolish.
Thanks for posting Ding. I'm a little under the weather with some bronchitis. Got some new over the counter cough medicine that said it was nondrowsy, but I'm nodding off and finding a row of letters when I wake with a start. So it's naptime for old ladies with coughs. Yesterday was worse than today, I woke up and found 8 or 9 rows of lower-case a's . lol May the good Lord bless and keep you.... and those on my ignore list who I can no loger see.
bing, do you ever read a post for its content in reference for your replies - "Feel free to back it" was what was asked of the op, are you his parrot ...
Now why don’t you be honest. You’re an atheist, right?

So your motives are biased and disingenuous as there are no religious beliefs or practices that you accept.
Now why don’t you be honest.

you've been requested to divulge what sins you are unable to stop committing, bing - give your answer or stop following me around ...

it's uncomfortable dealing with sinners as it is, they have no honesty, only to mimic and repeat their past performances proving they are incapable of deciphering reasoned responses.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.

you place your responses out of context without answering the objective question - there are no sins that can not be overcome that are self inflicted or regrettably inflicted by others the most difficult, your failure to address the issue is your problem not mine.

if that is why you have chosen the false religion of christianity to skirt the issue of correcting your errors just be reminded your 4th century christian bible does not reflect the religion of antiquity or that of the events of the 1st century and it is you who is in opposition without remorse for the uninterrupted crimes of persecution and victimization of the innocent you are guilty of from the 4th century to the present day.

good luck, creep.
No one will ever be free of imperfection. Practicing a religion won’t change that.

So your argument is flawed because your measure of success is flawed. The true measure of success is progress. Of course even that is not a straight line.

The fool calls others fools while believing he himself is not foolish.
No one will ever be free of imperfection. Practicing a religion won’t change that.

Practicing a religion won’t change that ...

what you are incapable of realizing is that christianity is a false representation of the 1st century that you have chosen to endorse making your beliefs twice removed from reality - and particularly the religion of antiquity the 1st century events were based on -

again, if you could keep your corruption to yourself, good luck however knowing in fact that is not what christianity is capable of you prove an obstacle to the set goal to triumph over evil.
Now why don’t you be honest. You’re an atheist, right?

So your motives are biased and disingenuous as there are no religious beliefs or practices that you accept.
Now why don’t you be honest.

you've been requested to divulge what sins you are unable to stop committing, bing - give your answer or stop following me around ...

it's uncomfortable dealing with sinners as it is, they have no honesty, only to mimic and repeat their past performances proving they are incapable of deciphering reasoned responses.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.
And I answered before. Here it is again. Pride, selfishness. You know a thing or two about those I bet.

I’m never going to stop opposing you. Get used to it.

you place your responses out of context without answering the objective question - there are no sins that can not be overcome that are self inflicted or regrettably inflicted by others the most difficult, your failure to address the issue is your problem not mine.

if that is why you have chosen the false religion of christianity to skirt the issue of correcting your errors just be reminded your 4th century christian bible does not reflect the religion of antiquity or that of the events of the 1st century and it is you who is in opposition without remorse for the uninterrupted crimes of persecution and victimization of the innocent you are guilty of from the 4th century to the present day.

good luck, creep.
No one will ever be free of imperfection. Practicing a religion won’t change that.

So your argument is flawed because your measure of success is flawed. The true measure of success is progress. Of course even that is not a straight line.

The fool calls others fools while believing he himself is not foolish.
No one will ever be free of imperfection. Practicing a religion won’t change that.

Practicing a religion won’t change that ...

what you are incapable of realizing is that christianity is a false representation of the 1st century that you have chosen to endorse making your beliefs twice removed from reality - and particularly the religion of antiquity the 1st century events were based on -

again, if you could keep your corruption to yourself, good luck however knowing in fact that is not what christianity is capable of you prove an obstacle to the set goal to triumph over evil.
As I have explained close to a dozen times it is not. There is nothing we practice today that the early Christians did not practice.

But I am not surprised that a militant atheist such as yourself would take exception with any religion.

The true evil is socialism. It destroys the spirit of man.
Dear Lord, in this hour for vespers, thank you for the sunshine of your servants in the White House who are at this moment planning to protect the American people with a wall against the failure of other cultures to make room for everyone there. I know that some do not approve of this, but in a few years, we will see our neighbors begin to take care of their own people through teaching them your precepts of your Kingdom of caring for all your children by teaching them self-sufficiency, peace and not war, sharing, not hoarding as we sometimes blindly do. Help us to walk in your beauteous light, O Mighty God and Everlasting Father, thou Prince of Peace. Rule in our hearts and show us how to love others when we're not so good at it sometimes. I rest myself in Thee O Lord, restorer of our souls. Amen
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