Predict Obama's Hail Mary pass for 2012


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Its obvious Obama cannot win in 2012 with his status quo. He will need something drastic to change. It's not gonna be the economy. He's scared the private sector so much that as long as he is in office, they aren't gonna hire/invest. Companies have bunkered down to weather whatever storm he may throw their way.

It seems he's trying to stir up civil unrest with unions and racial groups. Thats a tatctic that socialist/left wing types have used across the globe over the course of history. Doubt it'll work here. He announced he's gonna draw down Iraqi troops to 3,000, which may be disasterous.

So what do you think Obama's Hail Mary tactic will be in 2012? I personally believe the left will have plants in Tea Party rallies. They'll have role players that imitate what they think will turn moderates away from the right. They'll have them make racist comments, violent comments, basically try to infiltrate these right wing rallies and embarrass the movement, thus scaring off independents.
If i were the teaparty™ types i wouldnt hold public rallies at all,

its not safe for those who participate now.

Just organize all efforts on the internet or other social media outlets.

The silent majority never was one for public protests.

Why bother, the media doesnt cover them properly anyways.
So what do you think Obama's Hail Mary tactic will be in 2012? I personally believe the left will have plants in Tea Party rallies. They'll have role players that imitate what they think will turn moderates away from the right. They'll have them make racist comments, violent comments, basically try to infiltrate these right wing rallies and embarrass the movement, thus scaring off independents.

I don't think they'd have to do that at TP gatherings. All they'd have to do is carry a concealed camera and microphone. Actually instigating would increase the chances of getting caught and be totally redundant, IMHO. :cool:
Let 'em come up with all the plants they want at Tea Party rallies and whatnot. What harm can it do? Hell, some black idiot is already on record that TP people wanna see blacks hanging from trees because they're all inherently racist. They're too friggin' stupid to know intelligent voters won't buy their b.s., so the thought of a backlash is totally outside of their tiny realm of human behavior. With all due respect to Forrest Gump, desperate is as desperate does.

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