Prediction: If Obama wins look for a resurgent Tea Party.


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
Wait for it.

There may also be a bit of resurgence after the Republican primary winner is announced.
I don't know, it kind of blew up in the GOPs face last time. It may come back some but it will not have as much lobbyist cash and media promotion. Maybe we can see what it would have looked like without selling out/getting hijacked.
There doesn't need to be a tea party resurgence, they never went anywhere to begin with.
I think the tea party influx in the House has contributed to the gridlock. It is now, you do it my way or no way. In a functioning representative democracy there has to be give and take and compromise between the representatives. Today there is only obstructionism.

It will be interesting to see if those Congressmen who were elected last term will be re-elected.
The Teabagger movement is dead.
What has it accomplished other than obstructionism?

The tea party house of reps has passed THREE pieces of legislation since a year ago. THREE!
Why would they be resurgent? So they can get elected and not get anything done?
What are you gonna run on? Your successes? WHAT SUCCESSES? You haven't DONE anything.

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