Pregnant Women Lose Civil Rights

holy smoke I've heard it all now. it's a gawddamn civil right to KILL your children.

how sick and twisted that we as a society are so frikken HOPELESS

These same people wail over animals being abused but claim women are losing THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS because we don't supply an abortion killing clinic on every street corner for them

I'm telling you, these leftists mourn every live birth as a missed abortion.
Isn't it funny how a person can charged with the murder of TWO PEOPLE if the mother is killed while pregnant?

but hey, a fetus is just a GLOB of cells

you abortion lovers make me ill

this child is 20 WEEKS OLD

Scarlet Letters: Getting the History of Abortion and Contraception Right

Scarlet Letters Getting the History of Abortion and Contraception Right Center for American Progress

Such as the lack of empathy for children killed in the womb by their very own mothers?

^ fallacy

As libs like to say, they will be on the wrong side of history when it comes to abortion, human history will see this as a blight on human decency just as slavery is viewed today.

Who kills their own child when it's so easy to prevent conception? Murdering babies because of laziness and selfishness is on the same scale, if not worse, than slavery.

not quite...

with early American abortion law..the procedure was legal until “quickening—the first time a mother feels the baby kick, which can happen anywhere from 14 weeks to 26 weeks into pregnancy.

Abortion was not just legal—it was a safe, condoned, and practiced procedure in colonial America and common enough to appear in the legal and medical records of the period. Official abortion laws did not appear on the books in the United States until 1821, and abortion before quickening did not become illegal until the 1860s. If a woman living in New England in the 17th or 18th centuries wanted an abortion, no legal, social, or religious force would have stopped her.

That, however, is not the way the anti-abortion movement likes to paint the history of abortion in the United States. Anti-abortion organizations such as the National Right to Life spin a narrative in which legal abortion is a historical anomaly and an unnatural consequence of modern America’s loose moral standards.

Scarlet Letters Getting the History of Abortion and Contraception Right Center for American Progress
Since the Puritans believed that one could be godly without children and that life began when a mother felt her baby kick, their strict religious code had no need to outlaw abortion before quickening.

The Puritans brought their laws on abortion from merry old England, where the procedure was also legal until quickening.

Although the Puritans changed much of England’s legal system when they established their “city upon a hill,” they kept abortion as a part of Puritan family life, allowing women to choose when and if they would become mothers—whether for the first time or the fifth time.

Colonial women procured prequickening abortions mainly with the help of other women in their communities; skilled midwives knew which herbs could cause a woman to abort, and early American medical books even gave instructions for “suppressing the courses,” or inducing an abortion.

Scarlet Letters Getting the History of Abortion and Contraception Right Center for American Progress
I'm leaning towards mandatory abortions for Liberals.
That's why I have rethought my position on government funded birth control. As long as it's liberal women getting the birth control, I'm all for it. :biggrin:

So you would take birth control only from conservative women.

No matter what they want. You want them to not use birth control.

Did you know you have no authority or right to do such a thing? And did you know you're violating the constitution if you did such a thing? The supreme court ruled in 1963 that a woman has a constitutional right to use birth control. So you want to violate the constitution in two ways. First by denying women birth control and then by denying them the right to terminate a pregnancy. The supreme court ruled in 1973 that a woman has a constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy.

I want to know why you can't be happy to be free to live your life as you choose. You want and need to take that freedom from everyone else and force everyone to live the way you do.

You prove over and over again you have no respect or love for our constitution and no respect or love for freedom.

Do you know that birth control prevents abortions? It's not about life with you or people like you. It's about controlling women's lives.
I hold that killing a baby is not a basic human right.

thank God, what men like you HOLD doesn't mean much, ernie...

Especially since he, rmkbrown and other RW men don't even know the difference between a baby and a fetus!

Until they're the ones getting pregnant, they really don't count for much.

They don't know the difference between a zygote or a fetus either.

They say a fertilized egg is life. It's not. The woman isn't even pregnant at that point. She's not pregnant until the egg is implanted in that uterus wall.

Men have no place in the reproductive freedom debate.

At least not until there isn't even one single male who didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood. Until all children know their fathers and all fathers take 100% responsibility for the children they create, men have absolutely no say in this matter as far as I'm concerned.

Millions of men in America not just walk away from their own flesh and blood, they actually claim that it's not theirs.

It's disgusting.

Men need to clean up your own house before you stick your noses into a woman's.
I hold that killing a baby is not a basic human right.

thank God, what men like you HOLD doesn't mean much, ernie...

Especially since he, rmkbrown and other RW men don't even know the difference between a baby and a fetus!

Until they're the ones getting pregnant, they really don't count for much.

They don't know the difference between a zygote or a fetus either.

They say a fertilized egg is life. It's not. The woman isn't even pregnant at that point. She's not pregnant until the egg is implanted in that uterus wall.

Men have no place in the reproductive freedom debate.

At least not until there isn't even one single male who didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood. Until all children know their fathers and all fathers take 100% responsibility for the children they create, men have absolutely no say in this matter as far as I'm concerned.

Millions of men in America not just walk away from their own flesh and blood, they actually claim that it's not theirs.

It's disgusting.

Men need to clean up your own house before you stick your noses into a woman's.

shut up you don't speak for all the women in this country. worry about your own abortions leave the rest of us alone. I don't where you got that stupid idea that abortions were a civil right but you should go slap the hell out them who planted that in your small mind. it made you look stupid
Newby, don't you find it at all morally objectionable to allow such State authority over private individuals?

The logical extension of having legal 'personhood' protections allows a dangerous oppressive State power over women.

as a conservative and as a Christian, i find that sort of State control over individuals as most objectionable...

SCOTUS rulings have repeatedly reinforced this unemotional objective protection of personal privacy in the 1st trimester...

IMO it is THE proper legal AND moral stance on this issue..

the only reason our society continues to have this 'argument' is because of self righteous do-gooders who can't seem to get past emotional appeals long enough to discern the legal nuance involved with the immense danger in protecting every conception as a constitutionally protected 'person'.

being politically 'pro-choice' does not mean someone has 'no empathy' for the the unborn, that is a typical dishonest appeal to emotion.

the pro-life movement towards 'personhood' legislation is not something the OP made up, it has very real and dangerous consequences for American citizens. naturally, most women are very concerned about this misguided political trend...

Troubling Trend: More States Hostile to Abortion Rights as Middle Ground Shrinks
Troubling Trend More States Hostile to Abortion Rights as Middle Ground Shrinks

They scream and shout that a fertilized egg is life. Yet they are silent when I ask them where the life is in an ectopic pregnancy. When I ask them how a women doesn't die without an abortion they remain very silent.

They don't even know basic human biology. Yet they want to tell total strangers what they can or can't do with their own body.
“I want to know why you can't be happy to be free to live your life as you choose. You want and need to take that freedom from everyone else and force everyone to live the way you do.”

Because as is common to most authoritarian conservatives they're afraid of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty. Most on the right feel the need to compel conformity to justify rightist dogma, where dissent undermines that dogma, which can't be tolerated.
“I want to know why you can't be happy to be free to live your life as you choose. You want and need to take that freedom from everyone else and force everyone to live the way you do.”

Because as is common to most authoritarian conservatives they're afraid of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty. Most on the right feel the need to compel conformity to justify rightist dogma, where dissent undermines that dogma, which can't be tolerated.

Harry, the translator ring for this one:disbelief:
lol did you mean to say drivel..?

Yep, I should have said drivel, but his drive-by, short and nonsensical stupid comments are like dribble.


to issue sporadically and in small bits
to let or cause to fall in drops little by little

How can you claim that a woman is brain dead and put on life support to save the life of the baby, THEN claim that the rights of a living woman were violated?

Many leftists weep at every live birth. Clearly Dana is one of those.

That's such bullshit. How do you come up with such dribble?
What you see Uncensored doing is creating a ridiculous lie to argue against. That's all he's got.

Yeah, just shows how ignorant that comment is, I have 5 children.
The dying fetus did not have the right to overrule her DNR. The court ruled in her favor.

The baby wasn't dying.

She died, the baby was alive.

If that is the case, why didn't they remove it.....why would a dead person have to be hooked up to machines to keep the fetus alive? If like another conservative said, the baby is not part of the mother then the dead mother's body should be given the respect given the dead and be allowed to be buried.
What you see Uncensored doing is creating a ridiculous lie to argue against. That's all he's got.

What is ridiculous about it? Isn't every live birth the tragedy of an abortion never performed?

That you generalize with such ridiculous statements just shows how utterly immature you are. If you believe that Liberals want every pregnancy to end in abortion, there wouldn't be any liberals giving birth. That is utterly ridiculous and ignorant and doesn't even deserve a response.

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