Pres Carter Says, Yes, Racism is Alive and Well

Racism in this country is historically a geographical issue. The Civil War attests to this. Its no secret that historically the South is where racism lived, festered, grew and thrived. Yes, at one point the SOUTHERN Dems were racist, but notice the party that courted them and accepts them today. Its not the Democrats. There is a reason why the term "White Southern Male" exists. Joe Wilson, another White Southern Male. surprise. The Republican base is in the South. No surprise. Now I'm not saying that ALL Republicans are racists, but I am saying that today, if you're a racist, you're most likely a member of the Republican party and they welcome you with open arms.


CongressLink: [Congress: The Basics - Lawmaking] Civil Rights: Major Features of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

...After outlining specific recommendations and lining up bipartisan support, the Kennedy administration sent its proposal for a bill to Congress on June 19. Political factors continued to shape the President's attitude. He worked to secure Republican congressional assistance; he sought unsuccessfully to ward off opposition from the southern wing of his own party; and he urged African American leaders to control demonstrations more carefully so as not to scare off potential supporters by inciting violence in the streets. Kennedy likewise marshaled support by conducting discussions with businessmen, religious leaders, labor officials, and other groups. He sought by these means to stimulate Congress to action by mobilizing pressure for passage without at the same time jeopardizing the fragile political coalition needed to pass the bill....

Committee Action in the House: Judiciary Committee
H. R. 7152 was referred for consideration to the House Judiciary Committee chaired by civil rights supporter Emanuel Celler. As is the case with most major bills, a subcommittee considered the proposal in depth. From the perspective of civil rights advocates, the choice of Celler as chairman of Subcommittee Number 5 was fortunate in that Celler had a strong, positive civil rights record. The ranking Republican member of Judiciary, William M. McCulloch, joined Celler in maneuvering the bill through the committee process.

Subcommittee Number 5
The subcommittee conducted lengthy hearings from May into August of 1963 on the civil rights bill, inviting many witnesses to testify in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposal. The subcommittee, in weighing the evidence, actually rewrote the Justice Department's draft of H. R. 7152 to make it stronger. In general, the subcommittee draft made it more difficult to prevent African Americans from voting, outlawed discrimination in all public accommodations, gave the Attorney General the right to sue on behalf of integration in education, and guaranteed equal employment opportunities.

Members of the subcommittee approved the bill with little trouble. Northern Democrats welcomed the measure, and Republican subcommittee members voted for the bill in order to receive some credit for its passage.
More interesting is the fact that some southern Democrats who opposed the administration's bill favored the more liberal subcommittee bill because they felt that a stronger bill would be impossible to pass on the floor of the House.

Committee Recommendations
The Kennedy administration apparently saw the correctness and the danger of the southern Democrats' reasoning. When the entire Judiciary Committee considered the subcommittee's draft of the bill, Attorney General Robert Kennedy appeared before the full committee in executive session in mid-October to urge that it report a more moderate bill. The Kennedy administration knew that a strong civil rights bill would be more difficult to pass because Republicans would find little in it to support. Republican support was absolutely crucial for Senate passage and only slightly less so for House passage. The administration's successful efforts to moderate the bill naturally aroused suspicion among some civil rights groups, but Kennedy probably had little choice: compromise or no bill.

As a result of the administration's urging, Democratic and Republican House leaders on the Judiciary Committee worked together to produce a more acceptable piece of legislation. Republicans were able to modify voting registration procedures, the status of the Civil Rights Commission, and enforcement procedures. The resulting compromise received the Judiciary Committee's endorsement, 23 to 11, on October 29, 1963, after the original subcommittee proposal was defeated, 19 to 15. The Judiciary Committee formally reported H. R. 7152 on November 20.

...Senator Richard Russell, Democrat from Georgia, led the so-called opposition forces. The group was also known as the "southern bloc." It was composed of eighteen southern Democrats and one Republican, John Tower of Texas. Although a hopeless minority, the group exerted much influence because Senate rules virtually guaranteed unlimited debate unless it was ended by cloture. The "southern bloc" relied on the filibuster to postpone the legislation as long as possible, hoping that support for civil rights legislation throughout the country would falter. The Democratic leadership and Humphrey could not control the southern wing of the party.

Russell's forces disliked civil rights legislation for several reasons. Many feared that their southern constituents would vote them out of office if, as senators, they voted for equal rights for African Americans. The "southern bloc" held up consideration of the bill from March into June hoping that presidential candidate George Wallace, a segregationist from Alabama, would do well in the early presidential primaries. If Wallace seemed popular, Russell would argue that the nation as a whole did not support federal civil rights legislation and that the Senate should not pass an unwanted bill. Southern senators could not compromise. Only by forcing cloture could they demonstrate to their constituents that they had fought to the end against hopeless odds.

From Filibuster to Cloture
The filibuster forces knew that they faced a long and tiring battle. Their opponents had anticipated and planned for the filibuster. In fact, Humphrey personally opened full-fledged debate on the civil rights bill on March 30 with a three hour, eleven-minute speech from a 68 page speech of his own in defense of H. R. 7152. Both Humphrey and Thomas Kuchel (R-CA), Senate Minority Whip gathered enough senators together so that at any time a quorum call came up, the pro-civil rights forces could answer it. Northerners also combated the "southern bloc" by answering southerners' criticisms of the bill on the floor rather than simply letting the filibusterers speak indefinitely without response. To respond to the organized opposition, southerners formed a platoon system composed of three six- member filibuster teams. When one team had the floor for the filibuster, the other two would rest and then prepare to take turns speaking on the floor.

The Republican Party was not so badly split as the Democrats by the civil rights issue. Only one Republican senator participated in the filibuster against the bill. In fact, since 1933, Republicans had a more positive record on civil rights than the Democrats. In the twenty-six major civil rights votes since 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 % of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 % of the votes.

The Republican pro-civil rights forces were blessed with gifted leadership. Although Senate minority whip Thomas Kuchel initially managed the party's forces, it increasingly became clear to Democrats, Republicans, the press, civil rights groups, and the White House that Everett McKinley Dirksen was the key man in the entire civil rights legislative effort.

After criticizing H. R. 7152 in March, Dirksen began to work more closely in late spring with Humphrey and the civil rights forces to fashion a strategy that would secure passage of the bill. Dirksen organized Republican support for the bill by designating a floor captain for each of the bill's seven sections. He and the bipartisan leaders believed that five or six "swing" votes held the key to cloture and the end of debate. Almost all of these uncommitted senators were conservative Republicans from rural states without racial difficulties. Their constituents opposed the legislation because it involved expanded federal powers. The problem facing the leadership was how to enlist the support of these uncommitted senators.

By working with Dirksen to swing key votes and by marshaling public opinion and constituent support for the civil rights measure, Senate leaders moved forward with the legislation....

...Final Votes
Under the Senate rules, after cloture is invoked each senator may speak for one hour on the bill or pending amendments. Although southerners called up many amendments between June 10 and June 17 to stall action further, the Senate leadership allowed only those it wanted to be adopted. Most of the amendments were defeated by large margins. On June 17, the Senate voted by a 76 to 18 margin to adopt the bipartisan substitute worked out by Dirksen in his office in May and to give the bill its third reading. Two days later, the Senate passed the bill by a 73 to 27 roll call vote. Six Republicans and 21 Democrats held firm and voted against passage. In all, the the 1964 civil rights debate had lasted a total of 83 days, slightly over 730 hours, and had taken up almost 3,000 pages in the Congressional Record....
And he's correct. Obama isn't far behind him either.

Cool, now add "Anti-Semite" onto the long list of nonsensical insults that Obama has to be "Thick Skinned" for.


Back when he was speaking at Cairo University? Did he or did he NOT tell Israel to Cease building in Gaza? He in fact DID. Carter did similiar stupid shit.

How in God's name is telling Isreal to stop building settlement being "Anti-Semite".

Does that mean all the Jews in Isreal who also think they should stop building settlements are ALSO anti-semite?

Not believing in Zionist expansion is NOT the same as being an "anti-semite".

Seriously dude, go ask a Rabbi.
Cool, now add "Anti-Semite" onto the long list of nonsensical insults that Obama has to be "Thick Skinned" for.


Back when he was speaking at Cairo University? Did he or did he NOT tell Israel to Cease building in Gaza? He in fact DID. Carter did similiar stupid shit.

How in God's name is telling Isreal to stop building settlement being "Anti-Semite".

Does that mean all the Jews in Isreal who also think they should stop building settlements are ALSO anti-semite?

Not believing in Zionist expansion is NOT the same as being an "anti-semite".

Seriously dude, go ask a Rabbi.

Look at HISTORY. (And I mean Obama hanging around The Wrong, Reverend Wright, Farakhan? THey aren't exactly friends of Israel, now are they)?

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Back when he was speaking at Cairo University? Did he or did he NOT tell Israel to Cease building in Gaza? He in fact DID. Carter did similiar stupid shit.

How in God's name is telling Isreal to stop building settlement being "Anti-Semite".

Does that mean all the Jews in Isreal who also think they should stop building settlements are ALSO anti-semite?

Not believing in Zionist expansion is NOT the same as being an "anti-semite".

Seriously dude, go ask a Rabbi.

Look at HISTORY.


????? What about history? What kind of a retort is that?
and of course YOU LIE
Reagans term didnt start till jan 1981 and unemployment was above 10% already

As I have said many times, when CON$ are caught lying they simply make up more lies.
Poor DumbCon can't handle the truth about his almighty God, St Ronnie, so he is reduced to lying and neg rep, because after he googled Carter's and Reagan's UE rates he confirmed I am absolutely correct.
Thank you for the neg rep, every time I get it right you neg rep me. Thank you again.

I don't suppose you would be willing to back up YOUR LIE with some money rather than your worthless neg rep and even more worthless personal reputation???
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
no, you are the fucking liar

You make up CRAP that UE was over 10% when St Ronnie took office when it was 7.2% in Carter's last month in office, which you won't back with money, and in the sick perverted mind of a pathological lying CON$ervative, that makes ME a liar for telling you the truth you don't want to hear. :cuckoo:

Come on DumbCon, be a man for the first time in your WORTHLESS life and back your WORTHLESS lies with money. It does not have to be a lot, $20 will do, it's just the principle of the matter.

Of course, everyone knows CON$ have no principles so you will again refuse. No CON$ervative actually BELIEVES the lies they parrot from GOP Hate-Run media enough to back them with even a token amount of money.
As I have said many times, when CON$ are caught lying they simply make up more lies.
Poor DumbCon can't handle the truth about his almighty God, St Ronnie, so he is reduced to lying and neg rep, because after he googled Carter's and Reagan's UE rates he confirmed I am absolutely correct.
Thank you for the neg rep, every time I get it right you neg rep me. Thank you again.

I don't suppose you would be willing to back up YOUR LIE with some money rather than your worthless neg rep and even more worthless personal reputation???
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
no, you are the fucking liar

You make up CRAP that UE was over 10% when St Ronnie took office when it was 7.2% in Carter's last month in office, which you won't back with money, and in the sick perverted mind of a pathological lying CON$ervative, that makes ME a liar for telling you the truth you don't want to hear. :cuckoo:

Come on DumbCon, be a man for the first time in your WORTHLESS life and back your WORTHLESS lies with money. It does not have to be a lot, $20 will do, it's just the principle of the matter.

Of course, everyone knows CON$ have no principles so you will again refuse. No CON$ervative actually BELIEVES the lies they parrot from GOP Hate-Run media enough to back them with even a token amount of money.
fuck off aswipe
i really dont give a fucking rats ass
no, you are the fucking liar

You make up CRAP that UE was over 10% when St Ronnie took office when it was 7.2% in Carter's last month in office, which you won't back with money, and in the sick perverted mind of a pathological lying CON$ervative, that makes ME a liar for telling you the truth you don't want to hear. :cuckoo:

Come on DumbCon, be a man for the first time in your WORTHLESS life and back your WORTHLESS lies with money. It does not have to be a lot, $20 will do, it's just the principle of the matter.

Of course, everyone knows CON$ have no principles so you will again refuse. No CON$ervative actually BELIEVES the lies they parrot from GOP Hate-Run media enough to back them with even a token amount of money.
fuck off aswipe
i really dont give a fucking rats ass

Well DUH, everybody knows CON$ don't give a hairy flying f**k about the truth!!

I just wanted to prove that CON$ only pretend to believe the lies they mindlessly parrot because they have CONvinced themselves that if they pretend to believe the lies they tell they aren't liars. I have always said that CON$ are premeditated liars and not the stupid liars they pretend to be. Thank you for proving me right again.

Here is the link to the proof you were LYING when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie took office. Notice how UE was steady until Reagan's tax cuts were passed and then they sky rocketed into double digits.
The United States Unemployment Rate
You make up CRAP that UE was over 10% when St Ronnie took office when it was 7.2% in Carter's last month in office, which you won't back with money, and in the sick perverted mind of a pathological lying CON$ervative, that makes ME a liar for telling you the truth you don't want to hear. :cuckoo:

Come on DumbCon, be a man for the first time in your WORTHLESS life and back your WORTHLESS lies with money. It does not have to be a lot, $20 will do, it's just the principle of the matter.

Of course, everyone knows CON$ have no principles so you will again refuse. No CON$ervative actually BELIEVES the lies they parrot from GOP Hate-Run media enough to back them with even a token amount of money.
fuck off aswipe
i really dont give a fucking rats ass

Well DUH, everybody knows CON$ don't give a hairy flying f**k about the truth!!

I just wanted to prove that CON$ only pretend to believe the lies they mindlessly parrot because they have CONvinced themselves that if they pretend to believe the lies they tell they aren't liars. I have always said that CON$ are premeditated liars and not the stupid liars they pretend to be. Thank you for proving me right again.

Here is the link to the proof you were LYING when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie took office. Notice how UE was steady until Reagan's tax cuts were passed and then they sky rocketed into double digits.
The United States Unemployment Rate
no, i dont give a rats ass about YOU moron

and when Reagan left office it was 5%
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Originally Posted by DiveCon and of course YOU LIE
Reagans term didnt start till jan 1981 and unemployment was above 10% already
fuck off aswipe
i really dont give a fucking rats ass

Well DUH, everybody knows CON$ don't give a hairy flying f**k about the truth!!

I just wanted to prove that CON$ only pretend to believe the lies they mindlessly parrot because they have CONvinced themselves that if they pretend to believe the lies they tell they aren't liars. I have always said that CON$ are premeditated liars and not the stupid liars they pretend to be. Thank you for proving me right again.

Here is the link to the proof you were LYING when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie took office. Notice how UE was steady until Reagan's tax cuts were passed and then they sky rocketed into double digits.
The United States Unemployment Rate
no, i dont give a rats ass about YOU moron

and when Reagan left office it was 5%

And how exactly does that make you any less of a worthless PREMEDITATED LIAR when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie TOOK office????????

All you are proving is that no matter how obvious it is that a CON$ervative is WRONG, they will NEVER admit the truth. :cuckoo:
Thank you again!
I know the right hates Jimmy Peanut, but he's right on this issue. Some Americans don't like the fact a Black man is president.

A lot of the shit being slung at Obama is racist hate and the inability to accept him as the lawful president of the US of A. Why else would they call it the White House?:eusa_whistle:

This country is afraid to honestly discuss race. We have no problem, nothing to see here, keep moving folks.:eusa_liar:

And...the logic being that it was the BLACK POPULATION that elected him to the White House?

Sure I see how some are declaring these same white folk that were color blind and voted for him....suddenly gained their racial vision back, according to MR. PEANUT. It could not possibly be his great liberal communist Saul Alinsky politics that people dislike.....its just got to be the RED NECK KKK in all the people that came out over 100,000 strong over the weekend to show the world just how much they hate this ******...right? Remind us just ONE MORE time....which party has a former Grand Wizard of the KKK as its leading elder statesman?

Mr. Peanut is just a bitter old man...that is still jealous over the fact that Ronald Regan stole his thunder.
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Originally Posted by DiveCon and of course YOU LIE
Reagans term didnt start till jan 1981 and unemployment was above 10% already
Well DUH, everybody knows CON$ don't give a hairy flying f**k about the truth!!

I just wanted to prove that CON$ only pretend to believe the lies they mindlessly parrot because they have CONvinced themselves that if they pretend to believe the lies they tell they aren't liars. I have always said that CON$ are premeditated liars and not the stupid liars they pretend to be. Thank you for proving me right again.

Here is the link to the proof you were LYING when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie took office. Notice how UE was steady until Reagan's tax cuts were passed and then they sky rocketed into double digits.
The United States Unemployment Rate
no, i dont give a rats ass about YOU moron

and when Reagan left office it was 5%

And how exactly does that make you any less of a worthless PREMEDITATED LIAR when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie TOOK office????????

All you are proving is that no matter how obvious it is that a CON$ervative is WRONG, they will NEVER admit the truth. :cuckoo:
Thank you again!
again, fuck off asswipe
i don't give a rats ass what you say
you are just a fucking moron
Originally Posted by DiveCon and of course YOU LIE
Reagans term didnt start till jan 1981 and unemployment was above 10% already
no, i dont give a rats ass about YOU moron

and when Reagan left office it was 5%

And how exactly does that make you any less of a worthless PREMEDITATED LIAR when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie TOOK office????????

All you are proving is that no matter how obvious it is that a CON$ervative is WRONG, they will NEVER admit the truth. :cuckoo:
Thank you again!
again, fuck off asswipe
i don't give a rats ass what you say
you are just a fucking moron

Maybe so, but I wasn't STUPID enough to say UE was over 10% when Reagan took office, so that puts a worthless PREMEDITATED LIAR like you well BELOW a moron.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
And how exactly does that make you any less of a worthless PREMEDITATED LIAR when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie TOOK office????????

All you are proving is that no matter how obvious it is that a CON$ervative is WRONG, they will NEVER admit the truth. :cuckoo:
Thank you again!
again, fuck off asswipe
i don't give a rats ass what you say
you are just a fucking moron

Maybe so, but I wasn't STUPID enough to say UE was over 10% when Reagan took office, so that puts a worthless PREMEDITATED LIAR like you well BELOW a moron.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
then you shouldnt use a different graph when you are talking about unemployement you fucking dishonest asshole
I know the right hates Jimmy Peanut, but he's right on this issue. Some Americans don't like the fact a Black man is president.

A lot of the shit being slung at Obama is racist hate and the inability to accept him as the lawful president of the US of A. Why else would they call it the White House?:eusa_whistle:

This country is afraid to honestly discuss race. We have no problem, nothing to see here, keep moving folks.:eusa_liar:

It appears to me that the only racial issues in this country have been first & forefront coming from this administration. Our President--being a 20 year member of a racist separatist church--the comments recently made by Obama regarding the Cambridge police department & of course his most recent appointment of a confirmed white hating--self proclaimed communist in Van Jones.

While certainly there are still people in this country that are racist they are in the minut minority. Obviously--if race was an issue--Barack Obama would not be President today.

As far as Jimmy Carter's comments. I find it odd that we are actually paying attention to the "worst" President in the last many decades--:cuckoo:. Carter got walloped by Ronald Reagan in a 49 state landslide. That's how bad Carter was as President. Today--he is only on CNN making these kind of statements to get attention. Carter only hurts Obama's administration by making these outrageous comments.

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You make up CRAP that UE was over 10% when St Ronnie took office when it was 7.2% in Carter's last month in office, which you won't back with money, and in the sick perverted mind of a pathological lying CON$ervative, that makes ME a liar for telling you the truth you don't want to hear. :cuckoo:

Come on DumbCon, be a man for the first time in your WORTHLESS life and back your WORTHLESS lies with money. It does not have to be a lot, $20 will do, it's just the principle of the matter.

Of course, everyone knows CON$ have no principles so you will again refuse. No CON$ervative actually BELIEVES the lies they parrot from GOP Hate-Run media enough to back them with even a token amount of money.
fuck off aswipe
i really dont give a fucking rats ass

Well DUH, everybody knows CON$ don't give a hairy flying f**k about the truth!!

I just wanted to prove that CON$ only pretend to believe the lies they mindlessly parrot because they have CONvinced themselves that if they pretend to believe the lies they tell they aren't liars. I have always said that CON$ are premeditated liars and not the stupid liars they pretend to be. Thank you for proving me right again.

Here is the link to the proof you were LYING when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie took office. Notice how UE was steady until Reagan's tax cuts were passed and then they sky rocketed into double digits.
The United States Unemployment Rate
Yep...turn on the light of TRUTH and watch those sons of Reagans scatter like the filthy cockaroaches that they are.
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fuck off aswipe
i really dont give a fucking rats ass

Well DUH, everybody knows CON$ don't give a hairy flying f**k about the truth!!

I just wanted to prove that CON$ only pretend to believe the lies they mindlessly parrot because they have CONvinced themselves that if they pretend to believe the lies they tell they aren't liars. I have always said that CON$ are premeditated liars and not the stupid liars they pretend to be. Thank you for proving me right again.

Here is the link to the proof you were LYING when you said UE was already over 10% when St Ronnie took office. Notice how UE was steady until Reagan's tax cuts were passed and then they sky rocketed into double digits.
The United States Unemployment Rate
Yep...turn on the light of TRUTH and watch those sons of Reagans scatter like the filthy cockaroaches that they are.

Based upon what? Are you a troll?
again, fuck off asswipe
i don't give a rats ass what you say
you are just a fucking moron

Maybe so, but I wasn't STUPID enough to say UE was over 10% when Reagan took office, so that puts a worthless PREMEDITATED LIAR like you well BELOW a moron.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
then you shouldnt use a different graph when you are talking about unemployement you fucking dishonest asshole

Keep making yourself look more foolish!
The chart was clearly labeled as Mortgage Rates and above the chart I wrote that INTEREST rates had peaked during Reagan rather than Carter. I put a SPACE between the end of my rebuttal of the false claim that UE was 22% during Carter and the start of my rebuttal of the claim that interest rates were 21% which I illustrated with the graph.

So basically you called me a liar and neg repped me because you are toooooo STUPID to read for comprehension. BRILLIANT :cuckoo:

See for yourself:
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Maybe so, but I wasn't STUPID enough to say UE was over 10% when Reagan took office, so that puts a worthless PREMEDITATED LIAR like you well BELOW a moron.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
then you shouldnt use a different graph when you are talking about unemployement you fucking dishonest asshole

Keep making yourself look more foolish!
The chart was clearly labeled as Mortgage Rates and above the chart I wrote that INTEREST rates had peaked during Reagan rather than Carter. I put a SPACE between the end of my rebuttal of the false claim that UE was 22% during Carter and the start of my rebuttal of the claim that interest rates were 21% which I illustrated with the graph.

So basically you called me a liar and neg repped me because you are toooooo STUPID to read for comprehension. BRILLIANT :cuckoo:

See for yourself:
again, fuck off
I know the right hates Jimmy Peanut, but he's right on this issue. Some Americans don't like the fact a Black man is president.

A lot of the shit being slung at Obama is racist hate and the inability to accept him as the lawful president of the US of A. Why else would they call it the White House?:eusa_whistle:

This country is afraid to honestly discuss race. We have no problem, nothing to see here, keep moving folks.:eusa_liar:

It appears to me that the only racial issues in this country have been first & forefront coming from this administration. Our President--being a 20 year member of a racist separatist church--the comments recently made by Obama regarding the Cambridge police department & of course his most recent appointment of a confirmed white hating--self proclaimed communist in Van Jones.

While certainly there are still people in this country that are racist they are in the minut minority. Obviously--if race was an issue--Barack Obama would not be President today.

As far as Jimmy Carter's comments. I find it odd that we are actually paying attention to the "worst" President in the last many decades--:cuckoo:. Carter got walloped by Ronald Reagan in a 49 state landslide. That's how bad Carter was as President. Today--he is only on CNN making these kind of statements to get attention. Carter only hurts Obama's administration by making these outrageous comments.

View attachment 8147

Agreed. And OBAMA needs to make the statement HIMSELF in his own words, and not give it to Bobby Gibbs to parrot.

After all? Isn't Obama on record (AUDIBLE), of calling Kanye West a "JACKASS"??

Then if Obama feels the way as portrayed by Gibbs? Obama? Do your duty? Call for a press conference? Your willing accomplices, your water carriers will pre-empt regular programming to actually HEAR YOU tell Jimah Catah to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I know the right hates Jimmy Peanut, but he's right on this issue. Some Americans don't like the fact a Black man is president.

A lot of the shit being slung at Obama is racist hate and the inability to accept him as the lawful president of the US of A. Why else would they call it the White House?:eusa_whistle:

This country is afraid to honestly discuss race. We have no problem, nothing to see here, keep moving folks.:eusa_liar:

It appears to me that the only racial issues in this country have been first & forefront coming from this administration. Our President--being a 20 year member of a racist separatist church--the comments recently made by Obama regarding the Cambridge police department & of course his most recent appointment of a confirmed white hating--self proclaimed communist in Van Jones.

While certainly there are still people in this country that are racist they are in the minut minority. Obviously--if race was an issue--Barack Obama would not be President today.

As far as Jimmy Carter's comments. I find it odd that we are actually paying attention to the "worst" President in the last many decades--:cuckoo:. Carter got walloped by Ronald Reagan in a 49 state landslide. That's how bad Carter was as President. Today--he is only on CNN making these kind of statements to get attention. Carter only hurts Obama's administration by making these outrageous comments.

View attachment 8147

Agreed. And OBAMA needs to make the statement HIMSELF in his own words, and not give it to Bobby Gibbs to parrot.

After all? Isn't Obama on record (AUDIBLE), of calling Kanye West a "JACKASS"??

Then if Obama feels the way as portrayed by Gibbs? Obama? Do your duty? Call for a press conference? Your willing accomplices, your water carriers will pre-empt regular programming to actually HEAR YOU tell Jimah Catah to SHUT THE FUCK UP.


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