President declares: Every gun that is made, every warship launched is a theft from the hungry

That's what the British and the French thought before WW II.

They didn't have a military larger than the next ten nations combined

They had one smaller than Germany's, and that was the problem.

So it really doesn't apply to us did it?
How much have we spent on the military....yet we still have wars

I would rather spend money on helping AMERICANS than in fighting senseless wars around the globe

We are spending trillions on americans and we are fighting senseless wars around the globe and neither is working.

Unless we send those poor people to fight our wars for us

That has always worked in the past
If we had universal military conscription, with no BS educational deferments, we wouldn't be going to war all the time, like we do now. People are considerably less apt to commit themselves when the possibility exist of having to actually sacrifice something.

You mean like Vietnam and Korea?

How many wars since we ended the draft? Can you count that high?

None of the magnitude of Vietnam
We have a larger military than the next ten countries combined.....who is the threat?

Other nations seem to understand they can build schools, hospitals and feed their people while we build bigger and better military hardware


How did that work out?
A military larger than the next ten nations combined

Check that again sport. We come in #7 on military size....

List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

How did that work out?
A military larger than the next ten nations combined

Check that again sport. We come in #7 on military size....

List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

Even more important than that is the way it's used. I wonder what percentage of our military budget is spent defending the nation, rather than its "interests"?
How did that work out?
A military larger than the next ten nations combined

Check that again sport. We come in #7 on military size....

List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

Even more important than that is the way it's used. I wonder what percentage of our military budget is spent defending the nation, rather than its "interests"?

The US is defended by two huge oceans and friendly neighbors to our north and south. We also have the capability to press a button and nuke anyone who dares to threaten us

Maybe 10% of our military budget is needed to defend the continental US. The rest is used to project our power around the globe
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. … Is there no other way the world may live?

Great speech by a great President


Our defense budget and spending is pure Keynesian economics.
They didn't have a military larger than the next ten nations combined

They had one smaller than Germany's, and that was the problem.

So it really doesn't apply to us did it?
We are spending trillions on americans and we are fighting senseless wars around the globe and neither is working.

Unless we send those poor people to fight our wars for us

That has always worked in the past
If we had universal military conscription, with no BS educational deferments, we wouldn't be going to war all the time, like we do now. People are considerably less apt to commit themselves when the possibility exist of having to actually sacrifice something.

You mean like Vietnam and Korea?

How many wars since we ended the draft? Can you count that high?

None of the magnitude of Vietnam
Uh huh. And?

How did that work out?
A military larger than the next ten nations combined

Check that again sport. We come in #7 on military size....

List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality
the number of bodies is directly related to the number of planes, ships etc.

Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

Even more important than that is the way it's used. I wonder what percentage of our military budget is spent defending the nation, rather than its "interests"?

The US is defended by two huge oceans and friendly neighbors to our north and south. We also have the capability to press a button and nuke anyone who dares to threaten us

Maybe 10% of our military budget is needed to defend the continental US. The rest is used to project our power around the globe
The ocean doesn't protect us from anything, this isn't the nineteenth century. And if nuclear weapons are your only military option, then you really don't have one except as a last resort.
Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

Even more important than that is the way it's used. I wonder what percentage of our military budget is spent defending the nation, rather than its "interests"?

The US is defended by two huge oceans and friendly neighbors to our north and south. We also have the capability to press a button and nuke anyone who dares to threaten us

Maybe 10% of our military budget is needed to defend the continental US. The rest is used to project our power around the globe
The ocean doesn't protect us from anything, this isn't the nineteenth century. And if nuclear weapons are your only military option, then you really don't have one except as a last resort.

Try landing an invasion force without using the ocean

Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

Even more important than that is the way it's used. I wonder what percentage of our military budget is spent defending the nation, rather than its "interests"?

The US is defended by two huge oceans and friendly neighbors to our north and south. We also have the capability to press a button and nuke anyone who dares to threaten us

Maybe 10% of our military budget is needed to defend the continental US. The rest is used to project our power around the globe
Incorrect. You keep forgetting about veterans. Why? Over a third of the military budget is for veterans benefits.
No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

Even more important than that is the way it's used. I wonder what percentage of our military budget is spent defending the nation, rather than its "interests"?

The US is defended by two huge oceans and friendly neighbors to our north and south. We also have the capability to press a button and nuke anyone who dares to threaten us

Maybe 10% of our military budget is needed to defend the continental US. The rest is used to project our power around the globe
The ocean doesn't protect us from anything, this isn't the nineteenth century. And if nuclear weapons are your only military option, then you really don't have one except as a last resort.

Try landing an invasion force without using the ocean
Oceans are meaningless without a strong navy.
How did that work out?
A military larger than the next ten nations combined

Check that again sport. We come in #7 on military size....

List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality
the number of bodies is directly related to the number of planes, ships etc.

Related yes, but not directly

Our military force has gotten smaller and smaller because of enhancements in technology....but it has become more lethal
No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

Even more important than that is the way it's used. I wonder what percentage of our military budget is spent defending the nation, rather than its "interests"?

The US is defended by two huge oceans and friendly neighbors to our north and south. We also have the capability to press a button and nuke anyone who dares to threaten us

Maybe 10% of our military budget is needed to defend the continental US. The rest is used to project our power around the globe
The ocean doesn't protect us from anything, this isn't the nineteenth century. And if nuclear weapons are your only military option, then you really don't have one except as a last resort.

Try landing an invasion force without using the ocean
Why invade when you can just install puppets like Obama?
Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

Even more important than that is the way it's used. I wonder what percentage of our military budget is spent defending the nation, rather than its "interests"?

The US is defended by two huge oceans and friendly neighbors to our north and south. We also have the capability to press a button and nuke anyone who dares to threaten us

Maybe 10% of our military budget is needed to defend the continental US. The rest is used to project our power around the globe
Incorrect. You keep forgetting about veterans. Why? Over a third of the military budget is for veterans benefits.


And most of those veterans are veterans of foreign engagements. Over time, they will die out

I'm not saying we do not need foreign engagements but acknowledging that they are not directly engaged in protecting continental US

We spend 43 cents out of every military dollar in the world. Most of that goes to acting as the worlds policeman

Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality
the number of bodies is directly related to the number of planes, ships etc.

Related yes, but not directly

Our military force has gotten smaller and smaller because of enhancements in technology....but it has become more lethal
Another nearly meaningless equation. As our potential enemies improve their technology, they can only be countered with better technology or greater numbers. The technology gap is rapidly disappearing. The Russians and Chinese are reportedly well on their way to developing stealth detection technology, which means the hundreds of billions of dollars we've spent on stealth aircraft and ships will be pointless in just a few years.
Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality
the number of bodies is directly related to the number of planes, ships etc.

Related yes, but not directly

Our military force has gotten smaller and smaller because of enhancements in technology....but it has become more lethal
Another nearly meaningless equation. As our potential enemies improve their technology, they can only be countered with better technology or greater numbers. The technology gap is rapidly disappearing. The Russians and Chinese are reportedly well on their way to developing stealth detection technology, which means the hundreds of billions of dollars we've spent on stealth aircraft and ships will be pointless in just a few years.


And we have ten supercarrier task forces and they have none
We have more nuclear weapons than the rest of the world combined
We have alliances with Germany, France, England, Japan and South Korea and they don't
The development of radar did not make planes obsolete
No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality
the number of bodies is directly related to the number of planes, ships etc.

Related yes, but not directly

Our military force has gotten smaller and smaller because of enhancements in technology....but it has become more lethal
Another nearly meaningless equation. As our potential enemies improve their technology, they can only be countered with better technology or greater numbers. The technology gap is rapidly disappearing. The Russians and Chinese are reportedly well on their way to developing stealth detection technology, which means the hundreds of billions of dollars we've spent on stealth aircraft and ships will be pointless in just a few years.


And we have ten supercarrier task forces and they have none
We have more nuclear weapons than the rest of the world combined
We have alliances with Germany, France, England, Japan and South Korea and they don't
The development of radar did not make planes obsolete

Whose they? All those alliances you mention work one way only, if our allies are attacked we will defend them. Allied forces contribute nothing to our defense.
That's what the British and the French thought before WW II.

They didn't have a military larger than the next ten nations combined

They had one smaller than Germany's, and that was the problem.

So it really doesn't apply to us did it?
How much have we spent on the military....yet we still have wars

I would rather spend money on helping AMERICANS than in fighting senseless wars around the globe

We are spending trillions on americans and we are fighting senseless wars around the globe and neither is working.

Unless we send those poor people to fight our wars for us

That has always worked in the past
If we had universal military conscription, with no BS educational deferments, we wouldn't be going to war all the time, like we do now. People are considerably less apt to commit themselves when the possibility exist of having to actually sacrifice something.

You mean like Vietnam and Korea?

How many wars since we ended the draft? Can you count that high?
How many wars before we ended the draft?

Your claim that the draft would end wars is obvious bullshit.
No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

There is much, much more to the size of a military than the number of bodies

Number of ships, bases, aircraft, nukes, tanks.......and more importantly, their lethality

Even more important than that is the way it's used. I wonder what percentage of our military budget is spent defending the nation, rather than its "interests"?

The US is defended by two huge oceans and friendly neighbors to our north and south. We also have the capability to press a button and nuke anyone who dares to threaten us

Maybe 10% of our military budget is needed to defend the continental US. The rest is used to project our power around the globe
Incorrect. You keep forgetting about veterans. Why? Over a third of the military budget is for veterans benefits.


And most of those veterans are veterans of foreign engagements. Over time, they will die out

I'm not saying we do not need foreign engagements but acknowledging that they are not directly engaged in protecting continental US

We spend 43 cents out of every military dollar in the world. Most of that goes to acting as the worlds policeman
Link? I would have assumed that most veterans are not combat veterans. Our military gets pensions and health care befits whether or not they are combat veterans, correct?
They didn't have a military larger than the next ten nations combined

They had one smaller than Germany's, and that was the problem.

So it really doesn't apply to us did it?
We are spending trillions on americans and we are fighting senseless wars around the globe and neither is working.

Unless we send those poor people to fight our wars for us

That has always worked in the past
If we had universal military conscription, with no BS educational deferments, we wouldn't be going to war all the time, like we do now. People are considerably less apt to commit themselves when the possibility exist of having to actually sacrifice something.

You mean like Vietnam and Korea?

How many wars since we ended the draft? Can you count that high?
How many wars before we ended the draft?

Your claim that the draft would end wars is obvious bullshit.

That's not what I said. Why do you have to lie all the time?

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