President declares: Every gun that is made, every warship launched is a theft from the hungry

43 cents out of every dollar spent on earth for defense is spent by the US

That is alot of hospitals, schools, roads that don't get built

Think if those dollars were spent on medical and technical research instead of weapons systems

They won't be spent on any of that. They'll be pissed down the welfare sewer.

Better to spend on people than weapons systems that are never used

That's what the British and the French thought before WW II.

They didn't have a military larger than the next ten nations combined

They had one smaller than Germany's, and that was the problem.
The reason so many are "on the dole" is because Capitalists have stopped paying a living wage

it's because it's easier than ever to get on the dole.

And we can rehash the old what jobs are worth 15 an hour again if you want.

The problem is you people think that one 40 hour a week job should be all anyone needs. If you can't make it on one job then you have options.

You can get a second job or you can increase your skills so as to earn a higher wage.

That's the way it's always been. And the way it should stay

Jobs that used to allow workers to support their family no longer do
That is why more workers are "on the dole"

Conservatives would rather have the taxpayer pick up the slack than expect corporations to support those who make them their money

Adapt or die.

I worked 2 jobs most of my working career and it paid off for me in the long run.

I never expected anyone to give me anything neither should anyone else.

Good answer

Now can you show me 100 million "second jobs" that everyone else can fill?

Show me 100 million people who want to work a second job

People don't want to work more than 40 hours a week
They don't want to miss a break or a holiday
They don't want to do more than is expected of them
They don't want to do anything that is "not their job"

Yet they all want to get ahead.

I find that funny why don't you?

Moving the goalpost aren't you?

There are not 100 million second jobs out there.
There are not even 10 million second jobs

Your "solution" of why not just work a second job is not supported by any economic indicator
43 cents out of every dollar spent on earth for defense is spent by the US

That is alot of hospitals, schools, roads that don't get built

Think if those dollars were spent on medical and technical research instead of weapons systems

They won't be spent on any of that. They'll be pissed down the welfare sewer.

Better to spend on people than weapons systems that are never used

That's what the British and the French thought before WW II.

They didn't have a military larger than the next ten nations combined

They had one smaller than Germany's, and that was the problem.

So it really doesn't apply to us did it?
When the Soviet Union fell, contrary to the belief system of many, defense spending fell and fell and kept falling.

It wasn't until we were horribly attacked that it went back up.

Hell, in Europe, protected by the powerful United States, average defense spending is from our European allies in NATO is running at 1.6%.

YOu remove immediate threats and First World democratic societies will be happy to spend the money elsewhere.

We have a larger military than the next ten countries combined.....who is the threat?

Other nations seem to understand they can build schools, hospitals and feed their people while we build bigger and better military hardware

That's because all those other nations rely on US military strength to guarantee international treaties and security agreements.
Americans love their War. Can't live without it. In that respect, they have quite a bit in common with violent gangs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. It's a blood lust. And Americans have been raised on it. It is what it is.

What a stupid, stupid thing to say. Fuck you comparing Americans to terrorists.

Americans worship violence and War. Their lives would seem empty without it. It's all they know. It's a blood lust. Violent gangs like Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others, also have that blood lust. Just stating reality.
Such deep, profound insights. I'm sure everyone here is better off knowing your thoughts on these matters.
it's because it's easier than ever to get on the dole.

And we can rehash the old what jobs are worth 15 an hour again if you want.

The problem is you people think that one 40 hour a week job should be all anyone needs. If you can't make it on one job then you have options.

You can get a second job or you can increase your skills so as to earn a higher wage.

That's the way it's always been. And the way it should stay

Jobs that used to allow workers to support their family no longer do
That is why more workers are "on the dole"

Conservatives would rather have the taxpayer pick up the slack than expect corporations to support those who make them their money

Adapt or die.

I worked 2 jobs most of my working career and it paid off for me in the long run.

I never expected anyone to give me anything neither should anyone else.

Good answer

Now can you show me 100 million "second jobs" that everyone else can fill?

Show me 100 million people who want to work a second job

People don't want to work more than 40 hours a week
They don't want to miss a break or a holiday
They don't want to do more than is expected of them
They don't want to do anything that is "not their job"

Yet they all want to get ahead.

I find that funny why don't you?

Moving the goalpost aren't you?

There are not 100 million second jobs out there.
There are not even 10 million second jobs

Your "solution" of why not just work a second job is not supported by any economic indicator

If you wanted to find a part time job I bet you could.

And if you couldn't why not start some side business ?

You're just looking for excuses to fail and you find them.

That's easier than looking for ways to succeed which is why most people do it.
When the Soviet Union fell, contrary to the belief system of many, defense spending fell and fell and kept falling.

It wasn't until we were horribly attacked that it went back up.

Hell, in Europe, protected by the powerful United States, average defense spending is from our European allies in NATO is running at 1.6%.

YOu remove immediate threats and First World democratic societies will be happy to spend the money elsewhere.

We have a larger military than the next ten countries combined.....who is the threat?

Other nations seem to understand they can build schools, hospitals and feed their people while we build bigger and better military hardware

That's because all those other nations rely on US military strength to guarantee international treaties and security agreements.

Very true

We pay 42 cents on every defense dollar in the world and they benefit from our protection

Meanwhile, their people enjoy better schools, better healthcare, more vacation, early retirements....while Americans labor to support a military for the world
Jobs that used to allow workers to support their family no longer do
That is why more workers are "on the dole"

Conservatives would rather have the taxpayer pick up the slack than expect corporations to support those who make them their money

Adapt or die.

I worked 2 jobs most of my working career and it paid off for me in the long run.

I never expected anyone to give me anything neither should anyone else.

Good answer

Now can you show me 100 million "second jobs" that everyone else can fill?

Show me 100 million people who want to work a second job

People don't want to work more than 40 hours a week
They don't want to miss a break or a holiday
They don't want to do more than is expected of them
They don't want to do anything that is "not their job"

Yet they all want to get ahead.

I find that funny why don't you?

Moving the goalpost aren't you?

There are not 100 million second jobs out there.
There are not even 10 million second jobs

Your "solution" of why not just work a second job is not supported by any economic indicator

If you wanted to find a part time job I bet you could.

And if you couldn't why not start some side business ?

You're just looking for excuses to fail and you find them.

That's easier than looking for ways to succeed which is why most people do it.

You still haven't realized there is a diference in what one person can do and what a whole society can do

You seem to imply if one person is able to do it then 100 million should be able to do it
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When the Soviet Union fell, contrary to the belief system of many, defense spending fell and fell and kept falling.

It wasn't until we were horribly attacked that it went back up.

Hell, in Europe, protected by the powerful United States, average defense spending is from our European allies in NATO is running at 1.6%.

YOu remove immediate threats and First World democratic societies will be happy to spend the money elsewhere.

We have a larger military than the next ten countries combined.....who is the threat?

Other nations seem to understand they can build schools, hospitals and feed their people while we build bigger and better military hardware

That's because all those other nations rely on US military strength to guarantee international treaties and security agreements.

Very true

We pay 42 cents on every defense dollar in the world and they benefit from our protection

Meanwhile, their people enjoy better schools, better healthcare, more vacation, early retirements....while Americans labor to support a military for the world

I don't even want to contemplate what the world would like without those security arrangements in place. Our problems don't stem from having a huge defense budget, our problems are much deeper systemic issues. Our economy doesn't actually support spending much on anything, we have to borrow money from foreign lenders, our system is headed for eventual collapse and disaster. But that's because the fundamentals of our economy don't work, and haven't for more than forty years. Remember when going off the gold standard was an earth shattering event? How about when we started having a negative trade balance? We don't even think about those things now. Since then our industrial infrastructure has moved overseas, and our middle class is being rapidly destroyed. When the rest of the world decides they don't need to attach their economies to the value of the US dollar any more, the end of this empire will be in sight.
Americans love their War. Can't live without it. In that respect, they have quite a bit in common with violent gangs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. It's a blood lust. And Americans have been raised on it. It is what it is.

What a stupid, stupid thing to say. Fuck you comparing Americans to terrorists.

Americans worship violence and War. Their lives would seem empty without it. It's all they know. It's a blood lust. Violent gangs like Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others, also have that blood lust. Just stating reality.
Such deep, profound insights. I'm sure everyone here is better off knowing your thoughts on these matters.

Humans are warring animals. And that's especially true of Americans. Endless War is all they know. If there were no Al Qaeda and ISIS, they would find another Boogeyman to make War with. War is easy. Peace is hard. It is what it is.
Adapt or die.

I worked 2 jobs most of my working career and it paid off for me in the long run.

I never expected anyone to give me anything neither should anyone else.

Good answer

Now can you show me 100 million "second jobs" that everyone else can fill?

Show me 100 million people who want to work a second job

People don't want to work more than 40 hours a week
They don't want to miss a break or a holiday
They don't want to do more than is expected of them
They don't want to do anything that is "not their job"

Yet they all want to get ahead.

I find that funny why don't you?

Moving the goalpost aren't you?

There are not 100 million second jobs out there.
There are not even 10 million second jobs

Your "solution" of why not just work a second job is not supported by any economic indicator

If you wanted to find a part time job I bet you could.

And if you couldn't why not start some side business ?

You're just looking for excuses to fail and you find them.

That's easier than looking for ways to succeed which is why most people do it.

You still haven't realized there is a diference in what one person can do and what a whole society can do

You seem to imply if one person is able to do it then 100 million should be able to do it

One person or a million, it's not going to make any difference when the money runs out. And when the money runs out, democracy and union will follow.
Americans love their War. Can't live without it. In that respect, they have quite a bit in common with violent gangs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. It's a blood lust. And Americans have been raised on it. It is what it is.

What a stupid, stupid thing to say. Fuck you comparing Americans to terrorists.

Americans worship violence and War. Their lives would seem empty without it. It's all they know. It's a blood lust. Violent gangs like Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others, also have that blood lust. Just stating reality.
Such deep, profound insights. I'm sure everyone here is better off knowing your thoughts on these matters.

Humans are warring animals. And that's especially true of Americans. Endless War is all they know. If there were no Al Qaeda and ISIS, they would find another Boogeyman to make War with. War is easy. Peace is hard. It is what it is.
Thanks again for the anthropological interpretation of human behavior.
Americans love their War. Can't live without it. In that respect, they have quite a bit in common with violent gangs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. It's a blood lust. And Americans have been raised on it. It is what it is.

What a stupid, stupid thing to say. Fuck you comparing Americans to terrorists.

Americans worship violence and War. Their lives would seem empty without it. It's all they know. It's a blood lust. Violent gangs like Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others, also have that blood lust. Just stating reality.
Such deep, profound insights. I'm sure everyone here is better off knowing your thoughts on these matters.

Humans are warring animals. And that's especially true of Americans. Endless War is all they know. If there were no Al Qaeda and ISIS, they would find another Boogeyman to make War with. War is easy. Peace is hard. It is what it is.
Thanks again for the anthropological interpretation of human behavior.

No problem. And just remember, when the Al qaeda and ISIS Boogeymen are gone, a new Boogeyman will be created to war with. Permanent War is the goal. Out of chaos comes order... A New World Order.
What a stupid, stupid thing to say. Fuck you comparing Americans to terrorists.

Americans worship violence and War. Their lives would seem empty without it. It's all they know. It's a blood lust. Violent gangs like Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others, also have that blood lust. Just stating reality.
Such deep, profound insights. I'm sure everyone here is better off knowing your thoughts on these matters.

Humans are warring animals. And that's especially true of Americans. Endless War is all they know. If there were no Al Qaeda and ISIS, they would find another Boogeyman to make War with. War is easy. Peace is hard. It is what it is.
Thanks again for the anthropological interpretation of human behavior.

No problem. And just remember, when the Al qaeda and ISIS Boogeymen are gone, a new Boogeyman will be created to war with. Permanent War is the goal. Out of chaos comes order... A New World Order.

Yeah, whatever crazy man.
Good answer

Now can you show me 100 million "second jobs" that everyone else can fill?

Show me 100 million people who want to work a second job

People don't want to work more than 40 hours a week
They don't want to miss a break or a holiday
They don't want to do more than is expected of them
They don't want to do anything that is "not their job"

Yet they all want to get ahead.

I find that funny why don't you?

Moving the goalpost aren't you?

There are not 100 million second jobs out there.
There are not even 10 million second jobs

Your "solution" of why not just work a second job is not supported by any economic indicator

If you wanted to find a part time job I bet you could.

And if you couldn't why not start some side business ?

You're just looking for excuses to fail and you find them.

That's easier than looking for ways to succeed which is why most people do it.

You still haven't realized there is a diference in what one person can do and what a whole society can do

You seem to imply if one person is able to do it then 100 million should be able to do it

One person or a million, it's not going to make any difference when the money runs out. And when the money runs out, democracy and union will follow.

Run out?

We will just print some more
Show me 100 million people who want to work a second job

People don't want to work more than 40 hours a week
They don't want to miss a break or a holiday
They don't want to do more than is expected of them
They don't want to do anything that is "not their job"

Yet they all want to get ahead.

I find that funny why don't you?

Moving the goalpost aren't you?

There are not 100 million second jobs out there.
There are not even 10 million second jobs

Your "solution" of why not just work a second job is not supported by any economic indicator

If you wanted to find a part time job I bet you could.

And if you couldn't why not start some side business ?

You're just looking for excuses to fail and you find them.

That's easier than looking for ways to succeed which is why most people do it.

You still haven't realized there is a diference in what one person can do and what a whole society can do

You seem to imply if one person is able to do it then 100 million should be able to do it

One person or a million, it's not going to make any difference when the money runs out. And when the money runs out, democracy and union will follow.

Run out?

We will just print some more

Yes, I'm afraid it will eventually come down to choices like that, more money backed by nothing but the continued guarantees of tax payers. A system designed for failure.
Imagine the trillions wasted of welfare and how many hospitals, schools, roads etc that could have been built.

Is helping American people wasted money?

Not at all. 10 trillion later and we have record amounts of people on welfare. Obviously, that's no glaring success. If you consider that success then the bar must be low enough to allow a virus through.

How much have we spent on the military....yet we still have wars

I would rather spend money on helping AMERICANS than in fighting senseless wars around the globe

We are spending trillions on americans and we are fighting senseless wars around the globe and neither is working.

Unless we send those poor people to fight our wars for us

That has always worked in the past
If we had universal military conscription, with no BS educational deferments, we wouldn't be going to war all the time, like we do now. People are considerably less apt to commit themselves when the possibility exist of having to actually sacrifice something.
They won't be spent on any of that. They'll be pissed down the welfare sewer.

Better to spend on people than weapons systems that are never used

That's what the British and the French thought before WW II.

They didn't have a military larger than the next ten nations combined

They had one smaller than Germany's, and that was the problem.

So it really doesn't apply to us did it?
Is helping American people wasted money?

Not at all. 10 trillion later and we have record amounts of people on welfare. Obviously, that's no glaring success. If you consider that success then the bar must be low enough to allow a virus through.

How much have we spent on the military....yet we still have wars

I would rather spend money on helping AMERICANS than in fighting senseless wars around the globe

We are spending trillions on americans and we are fighting senseless wars around the globe and neither is working.

Unless we send those poor people to fight our wars for us

That has always worked in the past
If we had universal military conscription, with no BS educational deferments, we wouldn't be going to war all the time, like we do now. People are considerably less apt to commit themselves when the possibility exist of having to actually sacrifice something.

You mean like Vietnam and Korea?
Better to spend on people than weapons systems that are never used

That's what the British and the French thought before WW II.

They didn't have a military larger than the next ten nations combined

They had one smaller than Germany's, and that was the problem.

So it really doesn't apply to us did it?
Not at all. 10 trillion later and we have record amounts of people on welfare. Obviously, that's no glaring success. If you consider that success then the bar must be low enough to allow a virus through.

How much have we spent on the military....yet we still have wars

I would rather spend money on helping AMERICANS than in fighting senseless wars around the globe

We are spending trillions on americans and we are fighting senseless wars around the globe and neither is working.

Unless we send those poor people to fight our wars for us

That has always worked in the past
If we had universal military conscription, with no BS educational deferments, we wouldn't be going to war all the time, like we do now. People are considerably less apt to commit themselves when the possibility exist of having to actually sacrifice something.

You mean like Vietnam and Korea?

How many wars since we ended the draft? Can you count that high?
When the Soviet Union fell, contrary to the belief system of many, defense spending fell and fell and kept falling.

It wasn't until we were horribly attacked that it went back up.

Hell, in Europe, protected by the powerful United States, average defense spending is from our European allies in NATO is running at 1.6%.

YOu remove immediate threats and First World democratic societies will be happy to spend the money elsewhere.

We have a larger military than the next ten countries combined.....who is the threat?

Other nations seem to understand they can build schools, hospitals and feed their people while we build bigger and better military hardware


How did that work out?
A military larger than the next ten nations combined

Check that again sport. We come in #7 on military size....

List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Are you still in the 19th century in thinking the number of soldiers determines how strong your force is?

No, but you are the one spouting off about numbers, so had to correct your nonsense....

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