President Obama endorses Hillary.......nobody endorses Trump

Guess you never leave the basement, they have already said she managed emails inappropriately and in fact stored classified information on a personal server.

Oddly, there are no indictments. Let me know if/when there are.

Bush never was indicted for anything either yet Democrats to this day call him criminal. Let us know when you are out of a coma.
Getting 1000's killed is criminal especially when it was over BS but traitorous repubs protect their scum

Show us where he killed even one, we can show you where Hildebeast killed a US diplomat no less.
Yeah right you weren't allowed to see our soldiers coming home in the still of night with flags draping their coffins Bush was a fn murderer got our guys killed for his bs
Democrats advocated that war and gave Bush the Congressional approval to take the country to war...unlike Barry who dragged us into the middle of a civil war on his own to help Al Qaeida....and Hillary lied to the loved ones of 4 Americans she let needlessly die...then called those loved ones liars when they pointed out how SHE had lied.

Don't squeal 'Bush' now to try to distract from Bary's new Presidential 1st of endorsing a suspect in an FBI criminal investigation. Man up and accept it.
Guess you never leave the basement, they have already said she managed emails inappropriately and in fact stored classified information on a personal server.

Oddly, there are no indictments. Let me know if/when there are.

Bush never was indicted for anything either yet Democrats to this day call him criminal. Let us know when you are out of a coma.
Getting 1000's killed is criminal especially when it was over BS but traitorous repubs protect their scum

Show us where he killed even one, we can show you where Hildebeast killed a US diplomat no less.
Yeah right you weren't allowed to see our soldiers coming home in the still of night with flags draping their coffins Bush was a fn murderer got our guys killed for his bs

The lies Clinton, Kerry and Gore said were the truth? Those lies. I tire of the stupid lies told about Afghanistan and Iraq and you idiots irrationally support a unsubstantiated theory
And again I respond "SO?" An investigation means nothing. Get back with me when they have some results that show her guilty of wrong doing.

Guess you never leave the basement, they have already said she managed emails inappropriately and in fact stored classified information on a personal server.

Oddly, there are no indictments. Let me know if/when there are.

Bush never was indicted for anything either yet Democrats to this day call him criminal. Let us know when you are out of a coma.

Sorry, but the entire country has become accustomed to continuous right wing fueled investigations, and they always come back with the same results. "No indication of wrong doing" Dozens of times with the same result. I just can't get worked up over yet another one.

Because democrats support criminal behavior, that has always been a known. Where was BLM when Chicago set a record for murders of black teens on Memorial day weekend? Oh that's right cops were not involved. Democrats support a criminal culture. Who has grown that culture in Chicago? why the mayor Rahm Emanuel no less.

Right wingers usually start babbling about a wide range of conspiracy theories when they are tied down to their bullshit like I just did. Decide on a subject before you just start spouting random rush quotes.
Oddly, there are no indictments. Let me know if/when there are.

Bush never was indicted for anything either yet Democrats to this day call him criminal. Let us know when you are out of a coma.
Getting 1000's killed is criminal especially when it was over BS but traitorous repubs protect their scum

Show us where he killed even one, we can show you where Hildebeast killed a US diplomat no less.
Yeah right you weren't allowed to see our soldiers coming home in the still of night with flags draping their coffins Bush was a fn murderer got our guys killed for his bs
Democrats advocated that war and gave Bush the Congressional approval to take the country to war...unlike Barry who dragged us into the middle of a civil war on his own to gelp Al Qaeida....and Hillary lied to the loved obes of 4 Americans she let needlessly die...then called those loved ones liars when they pointed out how SHE had lied.

Don't squeal 'Bush' now to try to distract from Bary's new Presidential 1st of endorsing a suspect in an FBI criminal investigation. Man up and accept it.
Look at the vote stupid that gave the right for bush to go to war and get so many of our guys killed and get back to me The mf pos lied his gd ass off
Bush never was indicted for anything either yet Democrats to this day call him criminal. Let us know when you are out of a coma.
Getting 1000's killed is criminal especially when it was over BS but traitorous repubs protect their scum

Show us where he killed even one, we can show you where Hildebeast killed a US diplomat no less.
Yeah right you weren't allowed to see our soldiers coming home in the still of night with flags draping their coffins Bush was a fn murderer got our guys killed for his bs
Democrats advocated that war and gave Bush the Congressional approval to take the country to war...unlike Barry who dragged us into the middle of a civil war on his own to gelp Al Qaeida....and Hillary lied to the loved obes of 4 Americans she let needlessly die...then called those loved ones liars when they pointed out how SHE had lied.

Don't squeal 'Bush' now to try to distract from Bary's new Presidential 1st of endorsing a suspect in an FBI criminal investigation. Man up and accept it.
Look at the vote stupid that gave the right for bush to go to war and get so many of our guys killed and get back to me The mf pos lied his gd ass off

Just like Hillary that said "what does it mattter" after a US Diplomat died for nothing, then lied to the families. She is unfit.
With Warren Biden Hill and Bill Clinton and Obama speaking around the country and dump with the ah from NJ, pubs are on the way to disaster........well deserved

I don't want to hear libs bitch about Wall St. or the 1% because that is who you are electing. No more the can you claim being the party of the poor, it is the party of the 1%.
Right Pap republicans are now the party of the poor and homeless lol lol lol

there were fewer on food stamps and disability with Republicans in charge. The democrats have grown the poverty base, is that their goal?

The Democrats goal is to hook people on government programs paid for by the middle class. The rich Democrats just laugh at the poor minions that serve them.
All I can say pap is HA HA HA HA

Yeah Eddie you are a dumb Democratic bitch, and serve your masters well. Big business screws us over and you support the party that supports them. Lol! Those bastards laugh at you idiots everyday. A poor schmuck like you laughing at me is nothing, them laughing at you because you believe the BS, is funny in its own right.
Guess you never leave the basement, they have already said she managed emails inappropriately and in fact stored classified information on a personal server.

Oddly, there are no indictments. Let me know if/when there are.

Bush never was indicted for anything either yet Democrats to this day call him criminal. Let us know when you are out of a coma.

Sorry, but the entire country has become accustomed to continuous right wing fueled investigations, and they always come back with the same results. "No indication of wrong doing" Dozens of times with the same result. I just can't get worked up over yet another one.

Because democrats support criminal behavior, that has always been a known. Where was BLM when Chicago set a record for murders of black teens on Memorial day weekend? Oh that's right cops were not involved. Democrats support a criminal culture. Who has grown that culture in Chicago? why the mayor Rahm Emanuel no less.

Right wingers usually start babbling about a wide range of conspiracy theories when they are tied down to their bullshit like I just did. Decide on a subject before you just start spouting random rush quotes.
The only one babbling is you, BD, because your ignorance has been exposed about your moronic claim about Obama & Lynch having no control over the FBI and your refusal to acknowledge Obama's new Presidential 1st!

Lying, denying, and justifying....and as a last resort: "Buuuuussshhhhh!" That's all libs have to answer with.

Be proud - Obama set a new record....embrace it, celebrate it....unless you're too embarassed by it. (You should be...)
Oddly, there are no indictments. Let me know if/when there are.

Bush never was indicted for anything either yet Democrats to this day call him criminal. Let us know when you are out of a coma.

Sorry, but the entire country has become accustomed to continuous right wing fueled investigations, and they always come back with the same results. "No indication of wrong doing" Dozens of times with the same result. I just can't get worked up over yet another one.

Because democrats support criminal behavior, that has always been a known. Where was BLM when Chicago set a record for murders of black teens on Memorial day weekend? Oh that's right cops were not involved. Democrats support a criminal culture. Who has grown that culture in Chicago? why the mayor Rahm Emanuel no less.

Right wingers usually start babbling about a wide range of conspiracy theories when they are tied down to their bullshit like I just did. Decide on a subject before you just start spouting random rush quotes.
The only one babbling is you, BD, because your ignorance has been exposed about your moronic claim about Obama & Lynch having no control over the FBI and your refusal to acknowledge Obama's new Presidential 1st!

Lying, denying, and justifying....and as a last resort: "Buuuuussshhhhh!" That's all libs have to answer with.

Be proud - Obama set a new record....embrace it, celebrate it....unless you're too embarassed by it. (You should be...)

Convince me. Give me anything legitimate to make me believe Obama has that control over the FBI. Silly Alex Jones theories won't work.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Mitt Romney and many others won't even participate in the Republican National Convention. Lindsey Graham has told others to hold off endorsing Trump. Red State, a right wing web site is stating to change the rules so they can dump Trump at the convention. Won't happen, but it kind of gives you an idea of what's happening within the Republican party.
BREAKING. Hugh Hewitt Calls For Convention To Reject Trump (FULL AUDIO) | RedState

After Hillary Clinton creams Trump, it wouldn't surprise to me to see the Republican party add in some Super Delegates of their own.

There's going to millions of Republicans that will not cast a vote for Donald Trump.
Republicans for Hillary? -
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Yes....the borg will march lockstep behind anyone who will give them power.....the hive mind is powerful with democrats.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Mitt Romney and many others won't even participate in the Republican National Convention. Lindsey Graham has told others to hold off endorsing Trump. Red State, a right wing web site is stating to change the rules so they can dump Trump at the convention. Won't happen, but it kind of gives you an idea of what's happening within the Republican party.
BREAKING. Hugh Hewitt Calls For Convention To Reject Trump (FULL AUDIO) | RedState

After Hillary Clinton creams Trump, it wouldn't surprise to me to see the Republican party add in some Super Delegates of their own.

There's going to millions of Republicans that will not cast a vote for Donald Trump.
Republicans for Hillary? -
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans


Yes....dumb republicans who have fought their entire lives to keep liberals out of office because of the horrific damage they do to the country, don't like Trump because he is they are willing to give up the Supreme Court and generations of decisions because they don't like him as a person....

And Hugh Hewitt is the funny one......he predicted Romney would win easily, he predicted that Justice Roberts would kill obama care and promised us.....that Roberts would do the right thing with obamacare because he worked with Roberts at the White House....and knew him as a person....

He has been wrong in just about everything he has predicted....

Also...he often repeats the situation during the Civil War where all of the Washington, Establishment Generals hated General Grant.....they thought he was a drunk, that he was a slob...and that in order to save the Union Lincoln just had to replace the guy...

Then Hewitt repeats what Lincoln said to his Generals and politicians who wanted Grant removed ...."I Can't Replace him....he fights."

And yet....Hewitt can't see how he is just like McClellan.....complaining about Grant.....

The Republicans bitching about Trump...told us they didn't need to stop Obama care by defunding it ...since it would be stopped by the courts...and they told us...they can't fight obama, they didn't control the we gave them the house....then they said they can't fight obama they don't have the we gave them the 16 establisment republicans were defeated by Trump......and they tell us Trump can't win.......

Hugh Hewitt has lost many of his fans...
So far, Trump has managed to get the endorsements of Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney as well as Chris Christie

Will anyone of note actually speak on his behalf at the Republican convention?

He only has a month to go
paul ryan totally endorsed him. like, totally.

Ya..he does... like totally.. While at the same time totally saying Trump's comments about the judge are totally racist.

JJEEEEZZZUUUSSS!!!!! This primary is like totally right out of the Twilight Zone !!!

Obama once again made history by endorsing a candidate that is under criminal investigation.
Obama did not endorse Trump
Trump is being audited, Hillary is under an investigation by the fbi.
So far, Trump has managed to get the endorsements of Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney as well as Chris Christie

Will anyone of note actually speak on his behalf at the Republican convention?

He only has a month to go
paul ryan totally endorsed him. like, totally.

Ya..he does... like totally.. While at the same time totally saying Trump's comments about the judge are totally racist.

JJEEEEZZZUUUSSS!!!!! This primary is like totally right out of the Twilight Zone !!!

Obama once again made history by endorsing a candidate that is under criminal investigation.
Obama did not endorse Trump
Trump is being audited, Hillary is under an investigation by the fbi.

Trump ran a school for business education......hilary sold her office in order to get 16 million dollars in kickbacks from the
University she gave 55 million dollars of government money to.........and deleted the evidence on her illegal private server......
Bush never was indicted for anything either yet Democrats to this day call him criminal. Let us know when you are out of a coma.

Sorry, but the entire country has become accustomed to continuous right wing fueled investigations, and they always come back with the same results. "No indication of wrong doing" Dozens of times with the same result. I just can't get worked up over yet another one.

Because democrats support criminal behavior, that has always been a known. Where was BLM when Chicago set a record for murders of black teens on Memorial day weekend? Oh that's right cops were not involved. Democrats support a criminal culture. Who has grown that culture in Chicago? why the mayor Rahm Emanuel no less.

Right wingers usually start babbling about a wide range of conspiracy theories when they are tied down to their bullshit like I just did. Decide on a subject before you just start spouting random rush quotes.
The only one babbling is you, BD, because your ignorance has been exposed about your moronic claim about Obama & Lynch having no control over the FBI and your refusal to acknowledge Obama's new Presidential 1st!

Lying, denying, and justifying....and as a last resort: "Buuuuussshhhhh!" That's all libs have to answer with.

Be proud - Obama set a new record....embrace it, celebrate it....unless you're too embarassed by it. (You should be...)

Convince me. Give me anything legitimate to make me believe Obama has that control over the FBI. Silly Alex Jones theories won't work.
You're too stupid to convince. You might as well be demanding someone convince you that water is wet.

If realizing Obama hired Lynch and Lynch is over the FBI...that the FBI presents evidence to the DOJ & the DOJ - Lynch - is then the only person who can have Hillary indicted....that both the DOJ and FBI work for the President of the United States doesn't convince you nothing will ever do it.

As John Wayne said, 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.'
Sorry, but the entire country has become accustomed to continuous right wing fueled investigations, and they always come back with the same results. "No indication of wrong doing" Dozens of times with the same result. I just can't get worked up over yet another one.

Because democrats support criminal behavior, that has always been a known. Where was BLM when Chicago set a record for murders of black teens on Memorial day weekend? Oh that's right cops were not involved. Democrats support a criminal culture. Who has grown that culture in Chicago? why the mayor Rahm Emanuel no less.

Right wingers usually start babbling about a wide range of conspiracy theories when they are tied down to their bullshit like I just did. Decide on a subject before you just start spouting random rush quotes.
The only one babbling is you, BD, because your ignorance has been exposed about your moronic claim about Obama & Lynch having no control over the FBI and your refusal to acknowledge Obama's new Presidential 1st!

Lying, denying, and justifying....and as a last resort: "Buuuuussshhhhh!" That's all libs have to answer with.

Be proud - Obama set a new record....embrace it, celebrate it....unless you're too embarassed by it. (You should be...)

Convince me. Give me anything legitimate to make me believe Obama has that control over the FBI. Silly Alex Jones theories won't work.
You're too stupid to convince. You might as well be demanding someone convince you that water is wet.

If realizing Obama hired Lynch and Lynch is over the FBI...that the FBI presents evidence to the DOJ & the DOJ - Lynch - is then the only person who can have Hillary indicted....that both the DOJ and FBI work for the President of the United States doesn't convince you nothing will ever do it.

As John Wayne said, 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.'

It's unlikely Obama would have backed Hillary knowing the FBI was going to indict her. If anybody knows their intentions it would be their boss.
Because democrats support criminal behavior, that has always been a known. Where was BLM when Chicago set a record for murders of black teens on Memorial day weekend? Oh that's right cops were not involved. Democrats support a criminal culture. Who has grown that culture in Chicago? why the mayor Rahm Emanuel no less.

Right wingers usually start babbling about a wide range of conspiracy theories when they are tied down to their bullshit like I just did. Decide on a subject before you just start spouting random rush quotes.
The only one babbling is you, BD, because your ignorance has been exposed about your moronic claim about Obama & Lynch having no control over the FBI and your refusal to acknowledge Obama's new Presidential 1st!

Lying, denying, and justifying....and as a last resort: "Buuuuussshhhhh!" That's all libs have to answer with.

Be proud - Obama set a new record....embrace it, celebrate it....unless you're too embarassed by it. (You should be...)

Convince me. Give me anything legitimate to make me believe Obama has that control over the FBI. Silly Alex Jones theories won't work.
You're too stupid to convince. You might as well be demanding someone convince you that water is wet.

If realizing Obama hired Lynch and Lynch is over the FBI...that the FBI presents evidence to the DOJ & the DOJ - Lynch - is then the only person who can have Hillary indicted....that both the DOJ and FBI work for the President of the United States doesn't convince you nothing will ever do it.

As John Wayne said, 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.'

It's unlikely Obama would have backed Hillary knowing the FBI was going to indict her. If anybody knows their intentions it would be their boss.
The investigation is not over, and the FBI has not - according to them - revealed all they have. To make a decision before the investigation is over is unethical / wrong. To endorse a suspect being investigated for crimes under the espionage act is unethican and a massive conflict of interest....yet history-making.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

So I guess if Romney endorses Trump, then Trump has your vote? Jackass. :lol:

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