President Obama endorses Hillary.......nobody endorses Trump

Right wingers usually start babbling about a wide range of conspiracy theories when they are tied down to their bullshit like I just did. Decide on a subject before you just start spouting random rush quotes.
The only one babbling is you, BD, because your ignorance has been exposed about your moronic claim about Obama & Lynch having no control over the FBI and your refusal to acknowledge Obama's new Presidential 1st!

Lying, denying, and justifying....and as a last resort: "Buuuuussshhhhh!" That's all libs have to answer with.

Be proud - Obama set a new record....embrace it, celebrate it....unless you're too embarassed by it. (You should be...)

Convince me. Give me anything legitimate to make me believe Obama has that control over the FBI. Silly Alex Jones theories won't work.
You're too stupid to convince. You might as well be demanding someone convince you that water is wet.

If realizing Obama hired Lynch and Lynch is over the FBI...that the FBI presents evidence to the DOJ & the DOJ - Lynch - is then the only person who can have Hillary indicted....that both the DOJ and FBI work for the President of the United States doesn't convince you nothing will ever do it.

As John Wayne said, 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.'

It's unlikely Obama would have backed Hillary knowing the FBI was going to indict her. If anybody knows their intentions it would be their boss.
The investigation is not over, and the FBI has not - according to them - revealed all they have. To make a decision before the investigation is over is unethical / wrong. To endorse a suspect being investigated for crimes under the espionage act is unethican and a massive conflict of interest....yet history-making.

They better hurry up. It won't make any difference what they do if she is elected. If accused of something serious the ball would be in the House's court for a possible impeachment. It would be out of the FBI's and the Justice Department's hands at that point.
Sorry, but the entire country has become accustomed to continuous right wing fueled investigations, and they always come back with the same results. "No indication of wrong doing" Dozens of times with the same result. I just can't get worked up over yet another one.

Because democrats support criminal behavior, that has always been a known. Where was BLM when Chicago set a record for murders of black teens on Memorial day weekend? Oh that's right cops were not involved. Democrats support a criminal culture. Who has grown that culture in Chicago? why the mayor Rahm Emanuel no less.

Right wingers usually start babbling about a wide range of conspiracy theories when they are tied down to their bullshit like I just did. Decide on a subject before you just start spouting random rush quotes.
The only one babbling is you, BD, because your ignorance has been exposed about your moronic claim about Obama & Lynch having no control over the FBI and your refusal to acknowledge Obama's new Presidential 1st!

Lying, denying, and justifying....and as a last resort: "Buuuuussshhhhh!" That's all libs have to answer with.

Be proud - Obama set a new record....embrace it, celebrate it....unless you're too embarassed by it. (You should be...)

Convince me. Give me anything legitimate to make me believe Obama has that control over the FBI. Silly Alex Jones theories won't work.
You're too stupid to convince. You might as well be demanding someone convince you that water is wet.

If realizing Obama hired Lynch and Lynch is over the FBI...that the FBI presents evidence to the DOJ & the DOJ - Lynch - is then the only person who can have Hillary indicted....that both the DOJ and FBI work for the President of the United States doesn't convince you nothing will ever do it.

As John Wayne said, 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.'

I can tell you really want that to be killer rhetoric, but it's not. Sorry.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Which might be the best endorsement he could have. The fact that the establishment from both sides hates him almost makes me want to vote for him. I won't though. I'll be voting Libertarian this year.
Right wingers usually start babbling about a wide range of conspiracy theories when they are tied down to their bullshit like I just did. Decide on a subject before you just start spouting random rush quotes.
The only one babbling is you, BD, because your ignorance has been exposed about your moronic claim about Obama & Lynch having no control over the FBI and your refusal to acknowledge Obama's new Presidential 1st!

Lying, denying, and justifying....and as a last resort: "Buuuuussshhhhh!" That's all libs have to answer with.

Be proud - Obama set a new record....embrace it, celebrate it....unless you're too embarassed by it. (You should be...)

Convince me. Give me anything legitimate to make me believe Obama has that control over the FBI. Silly Alex Jones theories won't work.
You're too stupid to convince. You might as well be demanding someone convince you that water is wet.

If realizing Obama hired Lynch and Lynch is over the FBI...that the FBI presents evidence to the DOJ & the DOJ - Lynch - is then the only person who can have Hillary indicted....that both the DOJ and FBI work for the President of the United States doesn't convince you nothing will ever do it.

As John Wayne said, 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.'

It's unlikely Obama would have backed Hillary knowing the FBI was going to indict her. If anybody knows their intentions it would be their boss.
The investigation is not over, and the FBI has not - according to them - revealed all they have. To make a decision before the investigation is over is unethical / wrong. To endorse a suspect being investigated for crimes under the espionage act is unethican and a massive conflict of interest....yet history-making.

You think it is unethical. Obviously, experts on government ethics don't see it the same as you. Otherwise, we would be hearing more than just a few RWNJs on a discussion board whine about it.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Which might be the best endorsement he could have. The fact that the establishment from both sides hates him almost makes me want to vote for him. I won't though. I'll be voting Libertarian this year.

Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Which might be the best endorsement he could have. The fact that the establishment from both sides hates him almost makes me want to vote for him. I won't though. I'll be voting Libertarian this year.

Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?

Non sequitur much?
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Which might be the best endorsement he could have. The fact that the establishment from both sides hates him almost makes me want to vote for him. I won't though. I'll be voting Libertarian this year.

Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?

Non sequitur much?

The fact that no legitimate politician of any party wants to support trump is a good thing in your opinion. No, My post was right on point.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Which might be the best endorsement he could have. The fact that the establishment from both sides hates him almost makes me want to vote for him. I won't though. I'll be voting Libertarian this year.

Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?

Non sequitur much?

The fact that no legitimate politician of any party wants to support trump is a good thing in your opinion. No, My post was right on point.

No, the fact that he is hated and feared by the ESTABLISHMENT, which is driving this country to ruin, is in my opinion a good thing. It is patently obvious that the so called experts couldn't find their collective asses with both hands based on the gross incompetence that they have displayed over and over again. What's even more astonishing is morons keep voting for them.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Which might be the best endorsement he could have. The fact that the establishment from both sides hates him almost makes me want to vote for him. I won't though. I'll be voting Libertarian this year.

Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?

Non sequitur much?

The fact that no legitimate politician of any party wants to support trump is a good thing in your opinion. No, My post was right on point.

No, the fact that he is hated and feared by the ESTABLISHMENT, which is driving this country to ruin, is in my opinion a good thing. It is patently obvious that the so called experts couldn't find their collective asses with both hands based on the gross incompetence that they have displayed over and over again. What's even more astonishing is morons keep voting for them.

So we're back to the less they know, the more you like them. Perfect RW logic.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney
Clearly the democrats are the only grownups who understand what sound, responsible governance is.
Which might be the best endorsement he could have. The fact that the establishment from both sides hates him almost makes me want to vote for him. I won't though. I'll be voting Libertarian this year.

Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?

Non sequitur much?

The fact that no legitimate politician of any party wants to support trump is a good thing in your opinion. No, My post was right on point.

No, the fact that he is hated and feared by the ESTABLISHMENT, which is driving this country to ruin, is in my opinion a good thing. It is patently obvious that the so called experts couldn't find their collective asses with both hands based on the gross incompetence that they have displayed over and over again. What's even more astonishing is morons keep voting for them.

So we're back to the less they know, the more you like them. Perfect RW logic.

I'm a Sanders supporter dumbass. You know, the anti multi national corporation candidate who is likewise hated by the ESTABLISHMENT. Why do you support scumbags who merely pay you lip service to get your vote, then ignore you, or worse enact policies that enrich them but screw you?

Why is that?
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Which might be the best endorsement he could have. The fact that the establishment from both sides hates him almost makes me want to vote for him. I won't though. I'll be voting Libertarian this year.

Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?

Bad analogy. The country has been run by to parties that continue fail the American people. They are both paid for and acting in behalf of the rich. An endorsement of anyone in those two parties is not worth a thing. They are an endorsement by the governing elitist, why is that a good thing?
Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?

Non sequitur much?

The fact that no legitimate politician of any party wants to support trump is a good thing in your opinion. No, My post was right on point.

No, the fact that he is hated and feared by the ESTABLISHMENT, which is driving this country to ruin, is in my opinion a good thing. It is patently obvious that the so called experts couldn't find their collective asses with both hands based on the gross incompetence that they have displayed over and over again. What's even more astonishing is morons keep voting for them.

So we're back to the less they know, the more you like them. Perfect RW logic.

I'm a Sanders supporter dumbass. You know, the anti multi national corporation candidate who is likewise hated by the ESTABLISHMENT. Why do you support scumbags who merely pay you lip service to get your vote, then ignore you, or worse enact policies that enrich them but screw you?

Why is that?

That's my guy and given a chance to put pressure and expose the 1% and corporate America, the Democrats ran to the elitist, Wall Street loving 1%er. The hypocrisy of the left wing nuts is amusing.
Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?

Non sequitur much?

The fact that no legitimate politician of any party wants to support trump is a good thing in your opinion. No, My post was right on point.

No, the fact that he is hated and feared by the ESTABLISHMENT, which is driving this country to ruin, is in my opinion a good thing. It is patently obvious that the so called experts couldn't find their collective asses with both hands based on the gross incompetence that they have displayed over and over again. What's even more astonishing is morons keep voting for them.

So we're back to the less they know, the more you like them. Perfect RW logic.

I'm a Sanders supporter dumbass. You know, the anti multi national corporation candidate who is likewise hated by the ESTABLISHMENT. Why do you support scumbags who merely pay you lip service to get your vote, then ignore you, or worse enact policies that enrich them but screw you?

Why is that?

I keep hearing that the establishment hates Bernie. I don't see it. It might have helped him a little in the primaries to play the outsider card, but his ideas aren't that far from Hillary's, and most of the establishment Democrats know that. Bernie has been in the House and Senate for the last 26 years. He's not an outsider. He's certainly not the same type outsider that trump is. Hillary might not be as hard on Wall Street as Bernie would, but I think she will be as hard as the country will allow.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Which might be the best endorsement he could have. The fact that the establishment from both sides hates him almost makes me want to vote for him. I won't though. I'll be voting Libertarian this year.

Right. I'm having transmission troubles with my car. Do you suggest I find someone who doesn't know anything about cars to fix it?

Non sequitur much?

The fact that no legitimate politician of any party wants to support trump is a good thing in your opinion. No, My post was right on point.
1. The FACT is Trump has already been endorsed by quite a few politicians.

2. Your biased definition of 'legitimate' is anyone who hasn't endorsed Trump. Pathetic.

3. How does it feel to support the only President, the only party, in US history to ever endorse a candidate under criminal investigation by the FBI...for crimes to include those under the Espionage Act?

Talk about 'scraping the bottom of the barrel'...couldn't you guys find anyone with a less criminal past, not in jeopardy of going to prison, and/or not a Fidel-Castro-wannabe Socialist? :p
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney
Clearly the democrats are the only grownups who understand what sound, responsible governance is.
By running a Socialist and a life-long Elitist scandal queen who is under criminal investigation by the FBI....


Yup, Libs know what 'sound responsible governance' is.... :p
Yeah, the lack of endorsements isn't reassuring. But if Trump can attract a running mate that's seen as somebody who has legitimate ability to run the country, that'll go a long way to remedy the situation.
Like Trump would listen to him?
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney
Gee. I'm sure that will sway a lot of voters.

Can you imagine being excited about getting endorsed by Carter, one of the worst Presidents, Goofball Biden, loser Gore, loser Kerry. What a clown car!
I see a common theme

Somehow, any Democrat does not meet your conservative standards
So far, Trump has managed to get the endorsements of Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney as well as Chris Christie

Will anyone of note actually speak on his behalf at the Republican convention?

He only has a month to go
paul ryan totally endorsed him. like, totally.

Ya..he does... like totally.. While at the same time totally saying Trump's comments about the judge are totally racist.

JJEEEEZZZUUUSSS!!!!! This primary is like totally right out of the Twilight Zone !!!

Obama once again made history by endorsing a candidate that is under criminal investigation.
Obama did not endorse Trump
Trump is being audited, Hillary is under an investigation by the fbi.
Trump will see prison before Hillary

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