President Obama endorses Hillary.......nobody endorses Trump

President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

The American people have endorsed Trump, it doesn't matter if any rinos endorse him. The rinos and establishment pukes are as much the enemy as the demoshits.

It is impossible for a party candidate to be elected without the support of the party.

The RNC supports Trump, a few of the losers don't, no one cares who Jebby supports.
another thing, when obozo endorsed Hillary he created a blatant conflict of interest with the ongoing FBI investigation. The FBI reports to him, the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. He endorsed Clinton. I suspect that even a partisan fool like you can see the conflict.

No conflict. He has been interested getting her off the hook from the beginning, he just now knows he has done it. Look for an FBI announcement soon.


You may be right, but I think Comey has too much integrity to just roll over and drop this.

I might be wrong but it isn't up to Comey to make the decision to prosecute or not. What he might announce is that although there is evidence that her emails were compromised it is not up to the FBI to decide criminality. It is up to the DOJ and we all know who runs the DOJ.

When a person's career is threatened they may do anything. I am thinking that right before the bullet when through his brain Vince Foster wished he had made different career choices.
another thing, when obozo endorsed Hillary he created a blatant conflict of interest with the ongoing FBI investigation. The FBI reports to him, the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. He endorsed Clinton. I suspect that even a partisan fool like you can see the conflict.
The FBI is not investigating Hillary, they are investigating a possible leak of classified information on her server

LOL, nice spin, but they are investigating her actions relative to the disclosure of classified data. Sorry, but she cannot use some underling as a scape goat. This is on her.
It is a Republican fantasy that Hillary will be indicted over this

The first thing they are investigating is whether a security breach occurred that impacted national security which is an indictable offense......the answer will be a resounding no

Anything beyond that revolves around violation of rules and regulations for which Hillary will be told she shouldn't have done that. Hillary will say sorry, she won't do it again
Even the Koch brothers will not endorse Trump

because they cannot buy him, don't you understand how this works?

Always behind the curve. Doesn't that ever get old?

Trump has a huge fund raising deficit to make up. He's traveling the country begging for cash as we speak.

Donald Trump's Campaign to Meet with Charles Koch's Team

and he will get it, without promising favors to any special interests. Don't worry, the Trump campaign will be very well financed.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

The American people have endorsed Trump, it doesn't matter if any rinos endorse him. The rinos and establishment pukes are as much the enemy as the demoshits.

It is impossible for a party candidate to be elected without the support of the party.

The RNC supports Trump, a few of the losers don't, no one cares who Jebby supports.

Out with the BUSHS!!!!
another thing, when obozo endorsed Hillary he created a blatant conflict of interest with the ongoing FBI investigation. The FBI reports to him, the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. He endorsed Clinton. I suspect that even a partisan fool like you can see the conflict.
The FBI is not investigating Hillary, they are investigating a possible leak of classified information on her server

LOL, nice spin, but they are investigating her actions relative to the disclosure of classified data. Sorry, but she cannot use some underling as a scape goat. This is on her.
It is a Republican fantasy that Hillary will be indicted over this

The first thing they are investigating is whether a security breach occurred that impacted national security which is an indictable offense......the answer will be a resounding no

Anything beyond that revolves around violation of rules and regulations for which Hillary will be told she shouldn't have done that. Hillary will say sorry, she won't do it again

Yep, you parrot the establishment excuse very well. Nothing will happen because the establishment protects their own. I am not sure why you comment on the subject since we all know what is going to happen.
So far, Trump has managed to get the endorsements of Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney as well as Chris Christie

Will anyone of note actually speak on his behalf at the Republican convention?

He only has a month to go
paul ryan totally endorsed him. like, totally.

Ya..he does... like totally.. While at the same time totally saying Trump's comments about the judge are totally racist.

JJEEEEZZZUUUSSS!!!!! This primary is like totally right out of the Twilight Zone !!!

It's like the Republicans are saying "sure, racism is bad, but Hillary..." Hillary what? Racism is bad but Hillary will raise your taxes?
another thing, when obozo endorsed Hillary he created a blatant conflict of interest with the ongoing FBI investigation. The FBI reports to him, the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. He endorsed Clinton. I suspect that even a partisan fool like you can see the conflict.

No conflict. He has been interested getting her off the hook from the beginning, he just now knows he has done it. Look for an FBI announcement soon.


You may be right, but I think Comey has too much integrity to just roll over and drop this.

I might be wrong but it isn't up to Comey to make the decision to prosecute or not. What he might announce is that although there is evidence that her emails were compromised it is not up to the FBI to decide criminality. It is up to the DOJ and we all know who runs the DOJ.

When a person's career is threatened they may do anything. I am thinking that right before the bullet when through his brain Vince Foster wished he had made different career choices.

Sadly, you may be right. Depends on whether Comey needs the job or if he is financially secure. If he is told to stand down on it, he could resign and go public. Although that would probably make him a target for a Foster-like suicide.
Yes, Obama endorses Hillary along with 99.9% of all partisan hack blacks and illegal Mexicans.

Without the help of such political parties, we might just destroy racism in this country.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

The American people have endorsed Trump, it doesn't matter if any rinos endorse him. The rinos and establishment pukes are as much the enemy as the demoshits.

It is impossible for a party candidate to be elected without the support of the party.

I'm learning that the more I see less likely impossible is. Improbable yes, impossible no.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

The American people have endorsed Trump, it doesn't matter if any rinos endorse him. The rinos and establishment pukes are as much the enemy as the demoshits.

It is impossible for a party candidate to be elected without the support of the party.

The RNC supports Trump, a few of the losers don't, no one cares who Jebby supports.

Don't fool yourself. The Speaker of the house is a party leader with quite a lot of influence.
His statements and actions should be seen as a bellwether of the party. His statements are crafted to send a message as are the Senate leader's.
another thing, when obozo endorsed Hillary he created a blatant conflict of interest with the ongoing FBI investigation. The FBI reports to him, the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. He endorsed Clinton. I suspect that even a partisan fool like you can see the conflict.
The FBI is not investigating Hillary, they are investigating a possible leak of classified information on her server

LOL, nice spin, but they are investigating her actions relative to the disclosure of classified data. Sorry, but she cannot use some underling as a scape goat. This is on her.

As much as I would like Mrs. Tuzla to go down for this I really believe it just isn't going to happen. Look at Whitewater. 15 convictions on 40 crimes yet Mrs. Tuzla comes out clean. Being the 1st lady I am sure didn't have a thing to do with it.

What I don't understand is Obama's loyalty. After the mess she made of the state department one would think he would be dissing her. Maybe she has some pictures?
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney
Gee. I'm sure that will sway a lot of voters.

You don't think so? Checked the President's approval rating lately?

The A team is off the bench and can fight openly for Secretary Clinton. This is gonna be a fun five months.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

The American people have endorsed Trump, it doesn't matter if any rinos endorse him. The rinos and establishment pukes are as much the enemy as the demoshits.

It is impossible for a party candidate to be elected without the support of the party.

It is impossible for a party candidate to win the nomination without support of the party.
another thing, when obozo endorsed Hillary he created a blatant conflict of interest with the ongoing FBI investigation. The FBI reports to him, the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. He endorsed Clinton. I suspect that even a partisan fool like you can see the conflict.
The FBI is not investigating Hillary, they are investigating a possible leak of classified information on her server

LOL, nice spin, but they are investigating her actions relative to the disclosure of classified data. Sorry, but she cannot use some underling as a scape goat. This is on her.
It is a Republican fantasy that Hillary will be indicted over this

The first thing they are investigating is whether a security breach occurred that impacted national security which is an indictable offense......the answer will be a resounding no

Anything beyond that revolves around violation of rules and regulations for which Hillary will be told she shouldn't have done that. Hillary will say sorry, she won't do it again

You don't even understand what is being investigated. When a person is given a security clearance (I had top secret and SAP for several years), that person is charged with adequately protecting all classified data from disclosure. It doesn't matter if the data is marked or unmarked, written or verbal. The content makes it classified, not the markings on it. You commit a violation of law if you verbally transmit classified data to any person who does not have a security clearance.

By transmitting classified data on her personal unsecure server, she violated federal law. If I had done that, I would be typing this from a jail cell in Leavenworth prison.

Hillary Clinton is not above the law, I do not understand why you libs want her to be.
Even the Koch brothers will not endorse Trump

because they cannot buy him, don't you understand how this works?

Always behind the curve. Doesn't that ever get old?

Trump has a huge fund raising deficit to make up. He's traveling the country begging for cash as we speak.

Donald Trump's Campaign to Meet with Charles Koch's Team

and he will get it, without promising favors to any special interests. Don't worry, the Trump campaign will be very well financed.

Sure. Trump will do exactly the same thing as every other candidate has done and who you see as a sellout, yet will somehow not be a sellout.:cuckoo:

Trump is very good at making his supporters twist themselves up in knots to support him.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

The American people have endorsed Trump, it doesn't matter if any rinos endorse him. The rinos and establishment pukes are as much the enemy as the demoshits.

It is impossible for a party candidate to be elected without the support of the party.

It is impossible for a party candidate to win the nomination without support of the party.

What does that mean?
another thing, when obozo endorsed Hillary he created a blatant conflict of interest with the ongoing FBI investigation. The FBI reports to him, the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. He endorsed Clinton. I suspect that even a partisan fool like you can see the conflict.
The FBI is not investigating Hillary, they are investigating a possible leak of classified information on her server

LOL, nice spin, but they are investigating her actions relative to the disclosure of classified data. Sorry, but she cannot use some underling as a scape goat. This is on her.
It is a Republican fantasy that Hillary will be indicted over this

The first thing they are investigating is whether a security breach occurred that impacted national security which is an indictable offense......the answer will be a resounding no

Anything beyond that revolves around violation of rules and regulations for which Hillary will be told she shouldn't have done that. Hillary will say sorry, she won't do it again

You don't even understand what is being investigated. When a person is given a security clearance (I had top secret and SAP for several years), that person is charged with adequately protecting all classified data from disclosure. It doesn't matter if the data is marked or unmarked, written or verbal. The content makes it classified, not the markings on it. You commit a violation of law if you verbally transmit classified data to any person who does not have a security clearance.

By transmitting classified data on her personal unsecure server, she violated federal law. If I had done that, I would be typing this from a jail cell in Leavenworth prison.

Hillary Clinton is not above the law, I do not understand why you libs want her to be.

Right on all counts except one, Obama and mrs. Tuzla are above the law.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

The American people have endorsed Trump, it doesn't matter if any rinos endorse him. The rinos and establishment pukes are as much the enemy as the demoshits.

It is impossible for a party candidate to be elected without the support of the party.

It is impossible for a party candidate to win the nomination without support of the party.

What does that mean?

Remember months ago when it was being said that Trump can't win the nomination. Not only can't it was predicted he won't. Because he is not a Republican insider. So making such prediction when Trump has broken records and won with the establishment working very hard against him seems foolish. Trump is a force, Mrs. Tuzla is the establishment.
Even the Koch brothers will not endorse Trump

because they cannot buy him, don't you understand how this works?

Always behind the curve. Doesn't that ever get old?

Trump has a huge fund raising deficit to make up. He's traveling the country begging for cash as we speak.

Donald Trump's Campaign to Meet with Charles Koch's Team

and he will get it, without promising favors to any special interests. Don't worry, the Trump campaign will be very well financed.

Sure. Trump will do exactly the same thing as everyone candidate has done and who you see as a sellout, yet will somehow not be a sellout.:cuckoo:

Trump is very good at making his supporters twist themselves up in knots to support him.

Well...when Trump promises things to donors in exchange for their support and money, he doesn't 'really mean it (and he'll probably end up saying so to Meaghan Kelly when she gives him shit about accepting donations) it's okay.

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