President Trump: A Compassionate Man Of God On Thanksgiving

Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white
He may not be as lilly white as he thinks. "Six million Americans who describe themselves as white have some African ancestry, according to a new study." A lot of Southern whites are a little bit black

And I'm a New Yorker and know all about his lying and cheating , taking advantage of those lesser than him ,,armed with millions,, and law firms to beat down those he wronged
Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white

Why is it that's the first thing you leftists say? Listen: I used to be just like you. I've had more than my share of black girlfriends, almost married one one time. I've played music in bands which were made up primary of black musicians. Hell, I even wrote in "Jesse Jackson" once in a presidential primary.

But times change. People change. We mature as we get older, understand? I was once a liberal myself, but I had no idea why. Maybe it was because that's what everyone else around me was.

But then I started to become politically aware. I started questioning the things I had blindly believed and the things I had always accepted without question. I started thinking for myself and being more critical, instead of merely going with the flow of everyone else.

Maybe someday you'll take a long look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself, or maybe not. Who knows?
What you say most holds true for me ONLY in the opposite way I was a republican all my life even voted for gwb in 2000 It was my last republican vote I saw the meanness the nasty parts of what makes republicans run ,,so I left Are the Dems perfect ?? No certainly not but they have a heart while repubs imo are heartless

You're an anomoly. People seldom change from being Republicans to being Democrats. It's usually the other way around. Trump was once a Democrat. Moore was a Democrat back when he was trying to get in the teen's panties. And so on.
A President of pure White European heritage who truly loves America.

What a wonderful Thanksgiving Proclamation!

President Donald Trump’s 2017 Thanksgiving Proclamation
You know he didn't write that. He's not capable.
Yep.....he's not smart enough to get a couple of degrees, nor is he smart enough to make billions running a multi-national corporation.
Nope.....he's just a spoiled brat, like Obama, who's only leadership experience was political-organizing, which is essentially a professional asshole that causes riots.
Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white
He may not be as lilly white as he thinks. "Six million Americans who describe themselves as white have some African ancestry, according to a new study." A lot of Southern whites are a little bit black

Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white

Why is it that's the first thing you leftists say? Listen: I used to be just like you. I've had more than my share of black girlfriends, almost married one one time. I've played music in bands which were made up primary of black musicians. Hell, I even wrote in "Jesse Jackson" once in a presidential primary.

But times change. People change. We mature as we get older, understand? I was once a liberal myself, but I had no idea why. Maybe it was because that's what everyone else around me was.

But then I started to become politically aware. I started questioning the things I had blindly believed and the things I had always accepted without question. I started thinking for myself and being more critical, instead of merely going with the flow of everyone else.

Maybe someday you'll take a long look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself, or maybe not. Who knows?
What you say most holds true for me ONLY in the opposite way I was a republican all my life even voted for gwb in 2000 It was my last republican vote I saw the meanness the nasty parts of what makes republicans run ,,so I left Are the Dems perfect ?? No certainly not but they have a heart while repubs imo are heartless

You're an anomoly. People seldom change from being Republicans to being Democrats. It's usually the other way around. Trump was once a Democrat. Moore was a Democrat back when he was trying to get in the teen's panties. And so on.
and Red states used to be Dem
And I'm a New Yorker and know all about his lying and cheating , taking advantage of those lesser than him ,,armed with millions,, and law firms to beat down those he wronged
Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white
He may not be as lilly white as he thinks. "Six million Americans who describe themselves as white have some African ancestry, according to a new study." A lot of Southern whites are a little bit black

Oh I have, sadly, I have. I'm probably a lot older than you and have been around since before he was around. I know all about him.
And I'm a New Yorker and know all about his lying and cheating , taking advantage of those lesser than him ,,armed with millions,, and law firms to beat down those he wronged
Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white

Why is it that's the first thing you leftists say? Listen: I used to be just like you. I've had more than my share of black girlfriends, almost married one one time. I've played music in bands which were made up primary of black musicians. Hell, I even wrote in "Jesse Jackson" once in a presidential primary.

But times change. People change. We mature as we get older, understand? I was once a liberal myself, but I had no idea why. Maybe it was because that's what everyone else around me was.

But then I started to become politically aware. I started questioning the things I had blindly believed and the things I had always accepted without question. I started thinking for myself and being more critical, instead of merely going with the flow of everyone else.

Maybe someday you'll take a long look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself, or maybe not. Who knows?
Just because you haven't got much of a brain doesn't mean others are the same. I've been a thinking, aware person from the time I was an adolescent. A reader, a thinker, and self directed. I never blindly believed anything, and certainly don't now, and I imagine I'm just as old as you are. People like you, who suddenly started thinking when they were of middle age are astounding. Got no sympathy for you at all. Why the hell did you wait so long?
Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white
He may not be as lilly white as he thinks. "Six million Americans who describe themselves as white have some African ancestry, according to a new study." A lot of Southern whites are a little bit black

And I'm a New Yorker and know all about his lying and cheating , taking advantage of those lesser than him ,,armed with millions,, and law firms to beat down those he wronged
Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white

Why is it that's the first thing you leftists say? Listen: I used to be just like you. I've had more than my share of black girlfriends, almost married one one time. I've played music in bands which were made up primary of black musicians. Hell, I even wrote in "Jesse Jackson" once in a presidential primary.

But times change. People change. We mature as we get older, understand? I was once a liberal myself, but I had no idea why. Maybe it was because that's what everyone else around me was.

But then I started to become politically aware. I started questioning the things I had blindly believed and the things I had always accepted without question. I started thinking for myself and being more critical, instead of merely going with the flow of everyone else.

Maybe someday you'll take a long look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself, or maybe not. Who knows?
Just because you haven't got much of a brain doesn't mean others are the same. I've been a thinking, aware person from the time I was an adolescent. A reader, a thinker, and self directed. I never blindly believed anything, and certainly don't now, and I imagine I'm just as old as you are. People like you, who suddenly started thinking when they were of middle age are astounding. Got no sympathy for you at all. Why the hell did you wait so long?
Do you love God?
Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white
He may not be as lilly white as he thinks. "Six million Americans who describe themselves as white have some African ancestry, according to a new study." A lot of Southern whites are a little bit black

Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white

Why is it that's the first thing you leftists say? Listen: I used to be just like you. I've had more than my share of black girlfriends, almost married one one time. I've played music in bands which were made up primary of black musicians. Hell, I even wrote in "Jesse Jackson" once in a presidential primary.

But times change. People change. We mature as we get older, understand? I was once a liberal myself, but I had no idea why. Maybe it was because that's what everyone else around me was.

But then I started to become politically aware. I started questioning the things I had blindly believed and the things I had always accepted without question. I started thinking for myself and being more critical, instead of merely going with the flow of everyone else.

Maybe someday you'll take a long look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself, or maybe not. Who knows?
Just because you haven't got much of a brain doesn't mean others are the same. I've been a thinking, aware person from the time I was an adolescent. A reader, a thinker, and self directed. I never blindly believed anything, and certainly don't now, and I imagine I'm just as old as you are. People like you, who suddenly started thinking when they were of middle age are astounding. Got no sympathy for you at all. Why the hell did you wait so long?
Do you love God?
I for one never gave it much thought
Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white
He may not be as lilly white as he thinks. "Six million Americans who describe themselves as white have some African ancestry, according to a new study." A lot of Southern whites are a little bit black

And I'm a New Yorker and know all about his lying and cheating , taking advantage of those lesser than him ,,armed with millions,, and law firms to beat down those he wronged
Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white

Why is it that's the first thing you leftists say? Listen: I used to be just like you. I've had more than my share of black girlfriends, almost married one one time. I've played music in bands which were made up primary of black musicians. Hell, I even wrote in "Jesse Jackson" once in a presidential primary.

But times change. People change. We mature as we get older, understand? I was once a liberal myself, but I had no idea why. Maybe it was because that's what everyone else around me was.

But then I started to become politically aware. I started questioning the things I had blindly believed and the things I had always accepted without question. I started thinking for myself and being more critical, instead of merely going with the flow of everyone else.

Maybe someday you'll take a long look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself, or maybe not. Who knows?
Just because you haven't got much of a brain doesn't mean others are the same. I've been a thinking, aware person from the time I was an adolescent. A reader, a thinker, and self directed. I never blindly believed anything, and certainly don't now, and I imagine I'm just as old as you are. People like you, who suddenly started thinking when they were of middle age are astounding. Got no sympathy for you at all. Why the hell did you wait so long?

Sigh. Some folks you just can't reach, no matter what. Go ahead, stew in your ignorance and hatefulness. Your eyes are closed: Your brain is being eaten alive by the hateful and toxic leftist/progressive/liberal ideology that has its hold on you, and you're not even aware of it.

But don't count on me for support or sympathy. I have already experienced the depths of where you are in your political evolution. That's not who I am and I thank God that He opened my eyes. I will continue to enjoy the new spirit that President Donald Trump is bringing to this country. Trump's election was the dawning of a new age in America, and I'm going to enjoy the full benefit of the freedom and prosperity that's in store for us.
Yep.....he's not smart enough to get a couple of degrees, nor is he smart enough to make billions running a multi-national corporation.
Nope.....he's just a spoiled brat, like Obama, who's only leadership experience was political-organizing, which is essentially a professional asshole that causes riots.

The only thing smart about Trump was he was smart enough to let Putin help him in the election, and to be born the heir to a fortune. Trump was smart enough to bankrupt six companies, including losing almost $ 1 billion in a single year.
Yep.....he's not smart enough to get a couple of degrees, nor is he smart enough to make billions running a multi-national corporation.
Nope.....he's just a spoiled brat, like Obama, who's only leadership experience was political-organizing, which is essentially a professional asshole that causes riots.

The only thing smart about Trump was he was smart enough to let Putin help him in the election, and to be born the heir to a fortune. Trump was smart enough to bankrupt six companies, including losing almost $ 1 billion in a single year.

Haven't you heard? The "Trump/Russia" narrative is such a cliche. Hardly anyone believes that any more.
I will continue to enjoy the new spirit that President Donald Trump is bringing to this country. Trump's election was the dawning of a new age in America, and I'm going to enjoy the full benefit of the freedom and prosperity that's in store for us.

Call this the pussy grabbing era. Or maybe better called the end of that era. The number of sexual molestation and harassment cases are going up exponentially.
Yep.....he's not smart enough to get a couple of degrees, nor is he smart enough to make billions running a multi-national corporation.
Nope.....he's just a spoiled brat, like Obama, who's only leadership experience was political-organizing, which is essentially a professional asshole that causes riots.

The only thing smart about Trump was he was smart enough to let Putin help him in the election, and to be born the heir to a fortune. Trump was smart enough to bankrupt six companies, including losing almost $ 1 billion in a single year.
Exactly how did Putin help Trump win the election?
A President of pure White European heritage who truly loves America.

What a wonderful Thanksgiving Proclamation!

President Donald Trump’s 2017 Thanksgiving Proclamation
You know he didn't write that. He's not capable.
Yep.....he's not smart enough to get a couple of degrees, nor is he smart enough to make billions running a multi-national corporation.
Nope.....he's just a spoiled brat, like Obama, who's only leadership experience was political-organizing, which is essentially a professional asshole that causes riots.
Historians have ranked Barack Obama the 12th best president of all time, the highest rated since President Ronald Reagan... In world wide surveys, Trump is not liked while Obama is popular; these are people who are neither Repblican or democrat.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white
He may not be as lilly white as he thinks. "Six million Americans who describe themselves as white have some African ancestry, according to a new study." A lot of Southern whites are a little bit black

Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white

Why is it that's the first thing you leftists say? Listen: I used to be just like you. I've had more than my share of black girlfriends, almost married one one time. I've played music in bands which were made up primary of black musicians. Hell, I even wrote in "Jesse Jackson" once in a presidential primary.

But times change. People change. We mature as we get older, understand? I was once a liberal myself, but I had no idea why. Maybe it was because that's what everyone else around me was.

But then I started to become politically aware. I started questioning the things I had blindly believed and the things I had always accepted without question. I started thinking for myself and being more critical, instead of merely going with the flow of everyone else.

Maybe someday you'll take a long look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself, or maybe not. Who knows?
Just because you haven't got much of a brain doesn't mean others are the same. I've been a thinking, aware person from the time I was an adolescent. A reader, a thinker, and self directed. I never blindly believed anything, and certainly don't now, and I imagine I'm just as old as you are. People like you, who suddenly started thinking when they were of middle age are astounding. Got no sympathy for you at all. Why the hell did you wait so long?

Sigh. Some folks you just can't reach, no matter what. Go ahead, stew in your ignorance and hatefulness. Your eyes are closed: Your brain is being eaten alive by the hateful and toxic leftist/progressive/liberal ideology that has its hold on you, and you're not even aware of it.

But don't count on me for support or sympathy. I have already experienced the depths of where you are in your political evolution. That's not who I am and I thank God that He opened my eyes. I will continue to enjoy the new spirit that President Donald Trump is bringing to this country. Trump's election was the dawning of a new age in America, and I'm going to enjoy the full benefit of the freedom and prosperity that's in store for us.
Your the one who's stupid. You apparently weren't even self aware until you were middle aged. Idiot. And now you are so simple minded as to think your change is the only enlightened one. What a fool. You were always a narrrow minded simpleton and just didn't know it. Now you know it.
Yep.....he's not smart enough to get a couple of degrees, nor is he smart enough to make billions running a multi-national corporation.
Nope.....he's just a spoiled brat, like Obama, who's only leadership experience was political-organizing, which is essentially a professional asshole that causes riots.

The only thing smart about Trump was he was smart enough to let Putin help him in the election, and to be born the heir to a fortune. Trump was smart enough to bankrupt six companies, including losing almost $ 1 billion in a single year.
Obviously you're not smart enough to figure out that's total BS.
A President of pure White European heritage who truly loves America.

What a wonderful Thanksgiving Proclamation!

President Donald Trump’s 2017 Thanksgiving Proclamation
You know he didn't write that. He's not capable.
Yep.....he's not smart enough to get a couple of degrees, nor is he smart enough to make billions running a multi-national corporation.
Nope.....he's just a spoiled brat, like Obama, who's only leadership experience was political-organizing, which is essentially a professional asshole that causes riots.
Historians have ranked Barack Obama the 12th best president of all time, the highest rated since President Ronald Reagan... In world wide surveys, Trump is not liked while Obama is popular; these are people who are neither Repblican or democrat.

A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white
He may not be as lilly white as he thinks. "Six million Americans who describe themselves as white have some African ancestry, according to a new study." A lot of Southern whites are a little bit black

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white

Why is it that's the first thing you leftists say? Listen: I used to be just like you. I've had more than my share of black girlfriends, almost married one one time. I've played music in bands which were made up primary of black musicians. Hell, I even wrote in "Jesse Jackson" once in a presidential primary.

But times change. People change. We mature as we get older, understand? I was once a liberal myself, but I had no idea why. Maybe it was because that's what everyone else around me was.

But then I started to become politically aware. I started questioning the things I had blindly believed and the things I had always accepted without question. I started thinking for myself and being more critical, instead of merely going with the flow of everyone else.

Maybe someday you'll take a long look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself, or maybe not. Who knows?
Just because you haven't got much of a brain doesn't mean others are the same. I've been a thinking, aware person from the time I was an adolescent. A reader, a thinker, and self directed. I never blindly believed anything, and certainly don't now, and I imagine I'm just as old as you are. People like you, who suddenly started thinking when they were of middle age are astounding. Got no sympathy for you at all. Why the hell did you wait so long?

Sigh. Some folks you just can't reach, no matter what. Go ahead, stew in your ignorance and hatefulness. Your eyes are closed: Your brain is being eaten alive by the hateful and toxic leftist/progressive/liberal ideology that has its hold on you, and you're not even aware of it.

But don't count on me for support or sympathy. I have already experienced the depths of where you are in your political evolution. That's not who I am and I thank God that He opened my eyes. I will continue to enjoy the new spirit that President Donald Trump is bringing to this country. Trump's election was the dawning of a new age in America, and I'm going to enjoy the full benefit of the freedom and prosperity that's in store for us.
Your the one who's stupid. You apparently weren't even self aware until you were middle aged. Idiot. And now you are so simple minded as to think your change is the only enlightened one. What a fool. You were always a narrrow minded simpleton and just didn't know it. Now you know it.

Whoa, stop. Yer killin' me here. :lmao:

Historians have ranked Barack Obama??

The shithead has only been out of office a year. It's a little early to judge what history thinks about Obama's presidency. Personally, I believe they won't be as kind to him as you believe. Especially after two terms of Trump.
Yep.....he's not smart enough to get a couple of degrees, nor is he smart enough to make billions running a multi-national corporation.
Nope.....he's just a spoiled brat, like Obama, who's only leadership experience was political-organizing, which is essentially a professional asshole that causes riots.

The only thing smart about Trump was he was smart enough to let Putin help him in the election, and to be born the heir to a fortune. Trump was smart enough to bankrupt six companies, including losing almost $ 1 billion in a single year.
Obviously you're not smart enough to figure out that's total BS.

Aww, let him go on livin' the dream. The only hope these leftists have any more, is that someday Trump will miraculously step down, and Hillary will take her "rightful" place in the White House.

It's the only reason they have to get out of bed in the morning.


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