President Trump: A Compassionate Man Of God On Thanksgiving

The shithead has only been out of office a year. It's a little early to judge what history thinks about Obama's presidency

It's been 5 years since the end of Obama's first term. Had the republicans gotten their way and made Obama a one term president, Obama would have the same ratings.
Exactly how did Putin help Trump win the election?

Start with facebook ads paid for in rubles.
If the Russians helped Trump win, How did Hillary win the popular vote?

Targeted Facebook ads paid for in rubles.

...and Trump paid for those ads in Rubles?

Do you have any idea how ignorant, paranoid, and desperate you sound? Keep livin' the dream though. I can imagine you years from now, a crotchety old fucker living in a nursing home. President Donald J. trump will still be living in your cranium rent free, while you shuffle about and mutter unintelligibly something about "Russians hiding under the bed".

What a monumental wasteland Mr. Trump has made out of your psyche. What a grand fucking President we have.

Got to give the OP credit, he comes up with the gheyest thread titles of anyone here.
Got to give the OP credit, he comes up with the gheyest thread titles of anyone here.

I dunno. Actually that's a pretty macho title there. Of course being of the leftist persuasion, your defining of "gay" is all-inclusive.

The OP did mention Trump, who could no way be considered "gay". I mean look at his wife? Do you know any gay people whose "partner" looks as stunning as she does? Even with a full-on sex change operation, no tranny could compare to her. He also mentioned "Man of God" and everyone knows by now that homosexuality is an abomination to God. And there's nothing "gay" about Thanksgiving: I sincerely doubt that those Pilgrims were buggering each other, that's just not conducive to the procreation of species.
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LOL. Let's see if you become elected the President and then donate your entire first quarter salary to the National Park Service.

I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Obama donated three times his ANNUAL salary to charity when he became president.
LOL. Let's see if you become elected the President and then donate your entire first quarter salary to the National Park Service.

I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Obama donated three times his ANNUAL salary to charity when he became president.
Which charity???

The only charity I've seen is his daughter's college funds.
LOL. Let's see if you become elected the President and then donate your entire first quarter salary to the National Park Service.

I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Obama donated three times his ANNUAL salary to charity when he became president.

Maybe you'd like to provide a link to this imaginary statement? I scoured google and couldn't find anything to support what you said. A Forbes article from 2017 doesn't mention anything like that..

Obama Donated Over $1 Million To Charity As President. Here's Where The Money Went

He did donate his Nobel Prize money but I can't for the life of me figure out why he was given that.
"We have got to get rid of Trump. He is incapable of honesty or goodwill. He cares about no one. We must stay the course and not let up." - Unhinged Chelsea Handler
Trump is a fat assed hippe that needs a haircut and an exercise program..So he will not die sooner rather than later...
Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white
He may not be as lilly white as he thinks. "Six million Americans who describe themselves as white have some African ancestry, according to a new study." A lot of Southern whites are a little bit black

Having White Privilege is a beautiful thing! I'm glad I'm blessed with it too.

Indeed it is. My Thanksgiving turkey is all white meat. My mashed potatoes are white and fluffy like the clouds. We're even washing it all down with white wine. :biggrin:
A person of color must have taken your job or your girl friend for you to be so lilly white

Why is it that's the first thing you leftists say? Listen: I used to be just like you. I've had more than my share of black girlfriends, almost married one one time. I've played music in bands which were made up primary of black musicians. Hell, I even wrote in "Jesse Jackson" once in a presidential primary.

But times change. People change. We mature as we get older, understand? I was once a liberal myself, but I had no idea why. Maybe it was because that's what everyone else around me was.

But then I started to become politically aware. I started questioning the things I had blindly believed and the things I had always accepted without question. I started thinking for myself and being more critical, instead of merely going with the flow of everyone else.

Maybe someday you'll take a long look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself, or maybe not. Who knows?
Just because you haven't got much of a brain doesn't mean others are the same. I've been a thinking, aware person from the time I was an adolescent. A reader, a thinker, and self directed. I never blindly believed anything, and certainly don't now, and I imagine I'm just as old as you are. People like you, who suddenly started thinking when they were of middle age are astounding. Got no sympathy for you at all. Why the hell did you wait so long?
Do you love God?
Absolutely. Aphrodite in her see through nightie is so very lovable. LOL

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