President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

A reporter asked if it was HIS Bible, and Trump replied "Its a Bible". He didn't want to be pulled into a discussion of a book he does not know.

His goal in walking to the church was to appear in charge and concerned about his people. Of course, before the walk the DC police and federal agents had to remove all the protesters, many of whom were at the church seeking aid and assistance.

No, I do not believe we were witnessing a devout Christian. I believe we were witnessing a politicians pandering to his base.

Betcha this is the answer OP is looking for!
He stood in front of the temple of God, and proclaimed himself, to be God.... is what the Bible prophesy on the Antichrist says....

Maybe he was practicing, for that Bible prophesy scene, as all good actors, do.

He held the bible for his photo op scene, up side down.....

Up side down.... was he intentionally mocking religion, by his actions? Showing God, he's above Him.....

ANYONE who proclaims themselves to be Christian, and supports this deceiver and his mockery of religiosity, Is being used and needs to do a self check..... does he follow God or Christ's teaching? A resounding, loud, and amplified, NO. Not for one single nano second. Yet, you follow this anti Christ? Why? Why? Why?

Where did he proclaim himself to be God? Are you seeing things Care?

Take the TDS pill. Stop hallucinating.
I did not say he did it, I said he was practicing for the Bible prophesy scene, like all good actors....

He had our military, armed on American soil, fire rubber bullets and tear gas in to a PEACEFUL CROWD of citizens exercising their first amendment right, who had another hour left to protest before curfew.... to make way for him to stand in front of a church with an upside down Bible for a photo op....

Get your head around that....

He's disgusting! Icky icky icky, a creep!

They weren't peaceful moron.

Tear gas has been fired all around the country in response to the rioters. It is fun to watch, although maybe not as comical as your pretend screams of caring about the rioters so much.
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Is it upside down and back to front?

I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

A reporter asked if it was HIS Bible, and Trump replied "Its a Bible". He didn't want to be pulled into a discussion of a book he does not know.

His goal in walking to the church was to appear in charge and concerned about his people. Of course, before the walk the DC police and federal agents had to remove all the protesters, many of whom were at the church seeking aid and assistance.

No, I do not believe we were witnessing a devout Christian. I believe we were witnessing a politicians pandering to his base.

He's not even a politician.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

A reporter asked if it was HIS Bible, and Trump replied "Its a Bible". He didn't want to be pulled into a discussion of a book he does not know.

His goal in walking to the church was to appear in charge and concerned about his people. Of course, before the walk the DC police and federal agents had to remove all the protesters, many of whom were at the church seeking aid and assistance.

No, I do not believe we were witnessing a devout Christian. I believe we were witnessing a politicians pandering to his base.

He's not even a politician.

He may not have been a politician but he is one now, and he sucks at it.
This is perfect example of the media finding anything Trump does wrong.

Even flipping standing there with a bible is too much for them.

This is not a normal standard people apply to other people. The media is going out of its way to aggravate the situation. FUCK THEM.
Any idea as to the way it's being held? How about this image, does it give a better idea?
This is perfect example of the media finding anything Trump does wrong.

Even flipping standing there with a bible is too much for them.

This is not a normal standard people apply to other people. The media is going out of its way to aggravate the situation. FUCK THEM.
When the president does something inexplicably weird the media is going to report on it.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.

“The President just used a Bible and one of the churches of my diocese as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything that our church stands for. To do so, he sanctioned the use of tear gas by police officers in riot gear to clear the church yard.
I am outraged.

The President did not pray when he came to St. John’s; nor did he acknowledge the agony and sacred worth of people of color in our nation who rightfully demand an end to 400 years of systemic racism and white supremacy in our country.

We in the Diocese of Washington follow Jesus in His Way of Love. We aspire to be people of peace and advocates of justice. In no way do we support the President’s incendiary response to a wounded, grieving nation. In faithfulness to our Savior who lived a life of non-violence and sacrificial love, we align ourselves with those seeking justice for the death of George Floyd and countless others through the sacred act of peaceful protest.”

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, Episcopal Diocese of Washington, who oversees the church Trump just stood in front of:
/----/ Geee - another Liberal member of the clergy. who would'a thunk it? BTW, BIshop, it's not your church, it's God's house.
This is perfect example of the media finding anything Trump does wrong.

Even flipping standing there with a bible is too much for them.

This is not a normal standard people apply to other people. The media is going out of its way to aggravate the situation. FUCK THEM.
It's not as though he's not standing there making a deliberate example of himself.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

A reporter asked if it was HIS Bible, and Trump replied "Its a Bible". He didn't want to be pulled into a discussion of a book he does not know.

His goal in walking to the church was to appear in charge and concerned about his people. Of course, before the walk the DC police and federal agents had to remove all the protesters, many of whom were at the church seeking aid and assistance.

No, I do not believe we were witnessing a devout Christian. I believe we were witnessing a politicians pandering to his base.

Was it police? I thought it was the trucks and trucks of military that arrived for show earlier?

Ok, just heard on news it was police, not the trucks of military brought in earlier....

I WAS WRONG that it was military, it was police....
This is perfect example of the media finding anything Trump does wrong.

Even flipping standing there with a bible is too much for them.

This is not a normal standard people apply to other people. The media is going out of its way to aggravate the situation. FUCK THEM.
It's not as though he's not standing there making a deliberate example of himself.

Example of himself holding a bible?

No idea what's your point. This is a clear attack piece, no reasonable person finds anything wrong with Trump standing there having a bible.

On the other hand, all reasonable people take issue with the "peaceful" church burning.
I don't mind the photo op he isn't the first politician to do that. I don't understand the firing if rubber bullets into the crowd. That part makes zero sense. They were peaceful. They are allowed to be there.
This is perfect example of the media finding anything Trump does wrong.

Even flipping standing there with a bible is too much for them.

This is not a normal standard people apply to other people. The media is going out of its way to aggravate the situation. FUCK THEM.
It's NOT normal for a President to clear the streets of citizens with tear gas etc, so he could take a walk, to a church, to hold and shake an upside down, backwards bible....

Did he use this bible PROP to pass on words of calm, words of peace, words of love, words of godly wisdom?

Norman, he's using you.... And a whole bunch of others....imo.
I don't mind the photo op he isn't the first politician to do that. I don't understand the firing if rubber bullets into the crowd. That part makes zero sense. They were peaceful. They are allowed to be there.

So peaceful...

They had a fence that clearly stated the people weren't even welcome in that area. It would have been fine to use real bullets.
This is perfect example of the media finding anything Trump does wrong.

Even flipping standing there with a bible is too much for them.

This is not a normal standard people apply to other people. The media is going out of its way to aggravate the situation. FUCK THEM.
It's NOT normal for a President to clear the streets of citizens with tear gas etc, so he could take a walk, to a church, to hold and shake an upside down, backwards bible....

Did he use this bible PROP to pass on words of calm, words of peace, words of love, words of godly wisdom?

Norman, he's using you.... And a whole bunch of others....imo.

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