President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

I don't mind the photo op he isn't the first politician to do that. I don't understand the firing if rubber bullets into the crowd. That part makes zero sense. They were peaceful. They are allowed to be there.

Heavens, clearing out the protesters was the entire point. It's Trump's demonstration how to deal with Those people, and to show his supreme disregard for their concern, not to mention their First Amendment rights. Standing around, somewhat lost (what am I doing here anyway?) with a bible in hand, just puts insult upon injury. It's Trump's way of elevating himself - using protesters and "weak" governors and mayors as a backdrop.
President Obama should have cleared out one of those tea party rallies just so he could use the park for a picnic with the kids.

So tired of these leftist liars.

There is a big difference between a riot and a rally.

But keep being a retard, your credibility is all lost anyway so at this point there is no harm in it.
His idea to send out the military to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at PEACEFUL demonstrators, who had another hour before curfew set in, so he could clear the streets for his walk to st John's church, and photo op of awkwardly holding up someone else's Bible was the most repulsive action I've ever witnessed.... and it was anti Christ.

He's out of control.....evil.....every inch of him..... sad, his cult can't see this....

If it were not against the law, I'd spit on him....with the biggest gob I could muster.
History shows us that men like this are ultimately discovered for what they are. The question is, how much damage is done before then.
Damage to the obama agenda? It is done
Christianity is about helping the less fortunate. Nowhere does the Bible speak of amassing great wealth, yet that is what america if today is all about. It's rampant. It goes against the teachings ofJesus. Our politicians have been twisting it since I've been alive.
This is perfect example of the media finding anything Trump does wrong.

Even flipping standing there with a bible is too much for them.

This is not a normal standard people apply to other people. The media is going out of its way to aggravate the situation. FUCK THEM.
Judging by the leftist posters here, they are petty and insane. We CANNOT let them back in power. They must forever be on the outside
What do you want him to do?
Listen. Ask questions. Communicate honestly. Be curious. Seek to truly understand someone other than his base.

I'm not expecting him to do any of that, but you asked.

I don't get answers to my questions, but I'm not afraid to answer the questions of others.
You are obviously looking for some specific answer. When you don't get it you keep saying, no answers eh? Like you are above it all and so much smarter than everybody else. You are not looking for a discussion. You are just raging on Donald Trump. That's all you got.
No answer, again.

Did you not think I would notice?
Ol' Mac asks three reasonable questions, all of which could have been answered in an intelligent, reasonable, adult way.

Instead, the personal attacks, insults, and deflection start flying immediately.

I never have to name names. Ever.
Nobody here disputes it's a stage's certainly no reason to get upset about either. Every president has used a religious prop he certainly isn't the first and won't be the last. It's what pro politicians do.
what did trump do?
Forced protesters peacefully assembled from an area with tear gas for a photo op.
Peacefully assembled yet would not move when told to...

HALLELUJAH!!!!!! the damned annoying slugs who
SIT THERE no matter what----singing HARE KRISHNAH
((sorry, gandhiji------not you----just the idiot unwashed USA acid head scum who imagine themselves "hindoosaints" and social "justice seekers"---whilst blocking ambulances and shittiing the cities and the country side ))
Ol' Mac asks three reasonable questions, all of which could have been answered in an intelligent, reasonable, adult way.

Instead, the personal attacks, insults, and deflection start flying immediately.

I never have to name names. Ever.

Not even close to reasonable, statements masquerading as questions.

Mac, NO ONE buys that those questions are reasonable or made in good faith. No one, so just cut it and embrace the TDS like the rest of you leftist morons do.

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