President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

Smokin' OP
Madcow sure made a big deal out it didnt she....
Only for about an hour.
Where's the "bombshells" coming from FOX, exonerating Trump?
They been yapping about that for months, so far?....................Crickets.

The DA has already said he wont charge Trump.
I wish they would, then we would have them 60000 missing emails from the Hilly
Smokin' OP
Madcow sure made a big deal out it didnt she....
Only for about an hour.
Where's the "bombshells" coming from FOX, exonerating Trump?
They been yapping about that for months, so far?....................Crickets.

The DA has already said he wont charge Trump.
^double reading comprehension fail.
Kaz - A crazy right winger who screams racist, racist, racist at anything that fights back until it stops moving
Democrats: You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Bulldog: {silence}

Kaz: No, you're the racist

Bulldog: OMG, where did that come from! Incredible!!!!

This is the whole point, fucking racist. You want to sit there and then when it suits you start screaming racist, racist, racist.

Cut the racism crap, racist.

Anyway, thank you for getting butt hurt over this. That you fascists keep doing it is MY POINT.

It gets tired to keep getting called a racist, doesn't it, racist?

I hope you ARE a racist, kas! A good racist. Because the essence of racism is discrimination and discrimination is the KEY TO SURVIVAL since life began.
  • Being able to discriminate between friend and foe.
  • Food and prey.
  • Cliff and safe walkway.
  • Food and poison.
There are scientifically demonstrable differences between men and women.

There are demonstrable differences between blacks and whites. Only an idiot (like Bulldog) would argue otherwise.
  • Blacks have 99% of their genetic makeup born in Africa.
  • Whites have 99% of their makeup born in Europe.
There better be differences between us, advantages, disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses.

Only a fool would argue that a socket wrench is better than a box wrench without seeing the job, but only an idiot would claim both are no different from the other just because both are tools.
More proof we have a tremendous amount of mentally challenged people in this country
the mentally challenged are the trolls like you who want to believe Biden got more votes than any other president in history America hater. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Say what you want about Biden, but no rational mature adult would believe a moronic, whiny little bitch like Trump got 81 million either.

The simplest of equations​


: "There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day."


Last month every single House republican voted against funding US Capitol law enforcement after rightwing terrorists ransacked the Capitol and killed and maimed police. Every single one.


"Not reaching the 70% vaccination goal is not Biden’s failure — it’s the failure of the Republican Party, Fox News, and the Trumplicons."

Welcome the party (GOP) that really wants to defund the police.
Smokin' OP
Madcow sure made a big deal out it didnt she....
Only for about an hour.
Where's the "bombshells" coming from FOX, exonerating Trump?
They been yapping about that for months, so far?....................Crickets.

The DA has already said he wont charge Trump.
I wish they would, then we would have them 60000 missing emails from the Hilly


Are they spawning?
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

You're utterly deranged. So what do you think by Fox News meant by Biden/Harris ... 81,283,495 votes, if not 81 million votes?? :lmao:

emphasis to highlight your nuttinessView attachment 509443...

It does seem that not knowing how to do a basic google search is a pre-requisite for Trumpism.
There is no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes
A brilliant retort indeed!
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

You're utterly deranged. So what do you think by Fox News meant by Biden/Harris ... 81,283,495 votes, if not 81 million votes?? :lmao:

emphasis to highlight your nuttinessView attachment 509443...

It does seem that not knowing how to do a basic google search is a pre-requisite for Trumpism.
There is no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes
A brilliant retort indeed!
I own more shares of Apple than you own articles of clothing.

In your entire life.

Yea that's brilliant

Not for you who is the gonad that wants to pay more taxes
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

You're utterly deranged. So what do you think by Fox News meant by Biden/Harris ... 81,283,495 votes, if not 81 million votes?? :lmao:

emphasis to highlight your nuttinessView attachment 509443...

It does seem that not knowing how to do a basic google search is a pre-requisite for Trumpism.
There is no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes
A brilliant retort indeed!
I own more shares of Apple than you own articles of clothing.

In your entire life.

Yea that's brilliant

Not for you who is the gonad that wants to pay more taxes
Blather on Bubba. Blather on. I am not of such means that I would be paying more taxes with Biden's plan. If you will be paying more, it means that you can afford it.
"If you believe that 81 million for Biden then you are just as stupid......"
Claudette, listen, mi amiga........NOBODY believes Biden got just 81,000,000 votes. I certainly don't. So, girlfriend, give it up.

  • Biden did not really get 81 million votes.
  • believes that Xiden got 81 million votes
  • no way to prove that Xiden got 81 million votes because he did not.
  • can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.
  • can not prove that Xiden got 81 million votes because he most certainly did not.
  • but Xiden still did not get 81 million votes by anyone's count
  • pity that you still believe that 81 million people voted for Xiden
  • you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
  • Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes
  • Nope never happened, that biden got 81 million votes is a collective mass delusion
  • you can not prove that biden got 81 million votes
  • biden did not get 81 million votes.
  • no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes

Compliments to poser Dusty for his focus.
THAT avatar knows how to hew to a theme. Stay the course.
So, kudos for his concentration and ability to not get distracted.

And, to his great credit......I agree with him.

Joseph Biden, our current President (#46, btw) ....did NOT get 81 million votes in the November 2020 election.

Rather, he got (depending upon your source): 81,256,924....or 81, 283,786.......81,284,666.

Now, my avatar readily admits that that may sound dire to Trump supporters.
However, my avatar would point out to Trump supporters that Don Trump did get 74,216,154 (it varies from 216 thousand to 224,00.....depending on source).

And that 74, 216,000 and change is greater than he got in 2016...... (62,984,828)*

So, Don Trump made progress.
So don't worry.
Be happy.

*(Hilary = 65,853,514)
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

You're utterly deranged. So what do you think by Fox News meant by Biden/Harris ... 81,283,495 votes, if not 81 million votes?? :lmao:

emphasis to highlight your nuttinessView attachment 509443...

It does seem that not knowing how to do a basic google search is a pre-requisite for Trumpism.
There is no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes
A brilliant retort indeed!
If he didn't regularly exercise the muscles in his mouth like that, his boyfriend would be very disappointed.
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

You're utterly deranged. So what do you think by Fox News meant by Biden/Harris ... 81,283,495 votes, if not 81 million votes?? :lmao:

emphasis to highlight your nuttinessView attachment 509443...

It does seem that not knowing how to do a basic google search is a pre-requisite for Trumpism.
There is no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes
A brilliant retort indeed!
I own more shares of Apple than you own articles of clothing.

In your entire life.

Yea that's brilliant

Not for you who is the gonad that wants to pay more taxes
Blather on Bubba. Blather on. I am not of such means that I would be paying more taxes with Biden's plan. If you will be paying more, it means that you can afford it.
When Xiden ends the trump cuts you will be paying more.

Joe Biddum got 81 million ballots counted in his favor that no one can verify, all the traceability on most of them was discarded, and a great many of them at that violated state laws and should not have been counted.
Nope never happened, that biden got 81 million votes is a collective mass delusion
A pity you still can't prove that. :(
And a bigger pity that you can not prove that biden got 81 million votes

Does not say 81 million anywhere

I don't know that I've ever encountered anyone as crazy and delusional as you. :cuckoo:

It literally reads .... Total: 81,268,924, yet here you are, denying it shows that.

At first, it seems like presenting facts to a trump supporter is the right thing to do, but you soon realize facts just confuse them, and causes nervousness in the herd.

Facts to a Democrat are what you get when you scream racist, racist, racist at anything that fights back until it stops moving
Now that's an interesting remark, since you have called me racist at least once in each of your last 6 or 8 posts, and I haven't said that about you at all. Would you explain about shouting racist, racist, racist again?

All Libtards are racist. You are no exception. Using the goddamn Negroes as your core voting block by keeping them on welfare is very racist.

After Bulldog sitting there screaming racist racist racist in a party that screams racist, racist racist and has done that for decades to get all butt hurt about being called a racist is pretty funny.

This is a potentially learning moment for him. He can quietly without admitting anything simply think to himself, wow, I've been acting like a dick.

We both know that isn't going to happen, he will learn nothing from it even though he fully did EXACTLY what I wanted him to do to demonstrate my point
this is why
NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! Biden is toast and so is the Demoncrat party, the deep state, the dark cabal, and everything they stand for. Ditto for the corrupt MSM and social media platforms. All are toast. The war is already won, past the point of no return for all of them. Trump will be back in the saddle and when he is he will be taking names and kicking ass. The 2020 election was the biggest sting operation in history and they fell for it hook, line and sinker and hung themselves. They got their balls caught in a bear trap, but the real pain won't come until they hit the end of the chain.

There is no point in responding to this with ridicule because this is the last time I am even going to log in here until it has all come to pass, and I won't see it anyway. There is no point in trying to tell the ignorant, stupid, mentally retarded, flea-brained, brainwashed, disgusting liberal deep state stooges and dupes on this forum anything, no point in wasting any more of my time.

For the few good conservatives on here, my advice is to likewise leave this libtard cesspool and just let them carry on their mutual masturbation singing to their own choir until their Waterloo has come to pass, then log back in just to rub their noses in their own shit and say "I TOLD YOU SO".

I have over 80 liberal dick-heads in my ignore list. I have to add 5 or 6 more every time I log in to this shit hole. It won't bother me a bit if every liberal in the country takes the Covid-19 depopulation "vaccine" and croaks in the next 3 years. Good riddance. Such stupidity should not be allowed to breed.
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NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! Biden is toast and so is the Demoncrat party, the deep state, the dark cabal, and everything they stand for. Ditto for the corrupt MSM and social media platforms. All are toast. The war is already won, past the point of no return for all of them. Trump will be back in the saddle and when he is he will be taking names and kicking ass. The 2020 election was the biggest sting operation in history and they fell for it hook, line and sinker and hung themselves. They got their balls caught in a bear trap, but the real pain won't come until they hit the end of the chain.

There is no point in responding to this with ridicule because this is the last time I am even going to log in here until it has all come to pass, and I won't see it anyway. There is no point in trying to tell the ignorant, stupid, mentally retarded, flea-brained, brainwashed, disgusting liberal deep state stooges and dupes on this forum anything, no point in wasting any more of my time.

For the few good conservatives on here, my advice is to likewise leave this libtard cesspool and just let them carry on their mutual masturbation singing to their own choir until their Waterloo has come to pass, then log back in just to rub their noses in their own shit and say "I TOLD YOU SO".

I have over 80 liberal dick-heads in my ignore list. I have to add 5 or 6 more every time I log in to this shit hole. It won't bother me a bit if every liberal in the country takes the Covid-19 depopulation "vaccine" and croaks in the next 3 years. Good riddance. Such stupidity should not be allowed to breed.
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View attachment 509544
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

You're utterly deranged. So what do you think by Fox News meant by Biden/Harris ... 81,283,495 votes, if not 81 million votes?? :lmao:

emphasis to highlight your nuttinessView attachment 509443...

It does seem that not knowing how to do a basic google search is a pre-requisite for Trumpism.
There is no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes
A brilliant retort indeed!
I own more shares of Apple than you own articles of clothing.

In your entire life.

Yea that's brilliant

Not for you who is the gonad that wants to pay more taxes
Blather on Bubba. Blather on. I am not of such means that I would be paying more taxes with Biden's plan. If you will be paying more, it means that you can afford it.
When Xiden ends the trump cuts you will be paying more.
You are clearly brain washed. Or brain dead. You know nothing about my finances so you can't possibly know how anyones tax policy would effect me. Yet you delude yourself into thinking that you do
Last edited:
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

You're utterly deranged. So what do you think by Fox News meant by Biden/Harris ... 81,283,495 votes, if not 81 million votes?? :lmao:

emphasis to highlight your nuttinessView attachment 509443...

It does seem that not knowing how to do a basic google search is a pre-requisite for Trumpism.
There is no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes
A brilliant retort indeed!
I own more shares of Apple than you own articles of clothing.

In your entire life.

Yea that's brilliant

Not for you who is the gonad that wants to pay more taxes
Blather on Bubba. Blather on. I am not of such means that I would be paying more taxes with Biden's plan. If you will be paying more, it means that you can afford it.
When Xiden ends the trump cuts you will be paying more.
You are clearly brain washed. Or brain dead
And you are fucked because either Xiden will end the Trump tax cuts and you will pay more or Xiden does not end the Trump tax cuts and he agrees then that Trump was right, so Trump wins either way

You are screwed either way.

No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

You're utterly deranged. So what do you think by Fox News meant by Biden/Harris ... 81,283,495 votes, if not 81 million votes?? :lmao:

emphasis to highlight your nuttinessView attachment 509443...

It does seem that not knowing how to do a basic google search is a pre-requisite for Trumpism.
There is no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes
A brilliant retort indeed!
I own more shares of Apple than you own articles of clothing.

In your entire life.

Yea that's brilliant

Not for you who is the gonad that wants to pay more taxes
Blather on Bubba. Blather on. I am not of such means that I would be paying more taxes with Biden's plan. If you will be paying more, it means that you can afford it.
When Xiden ends the trump cuts you will be paying more.
You are clearly brain washed. Or brain dead
And you are fucked because either Xiden will end the Trump tax cuts and you will pay more or Xiden does not end the Trump tax cuts and he agrees then that Trump was right, so Trump wins either way

You are screwed either way.

You know nothing about my finances so you can't possibly know how anyones tax policy would effect me. Yet you delude yourself into thinking that you do. Trump was not right to give massive cuts to the wealth and chump change to everyone else
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

You're utterly deranged. So what do you think by Fox News meant by Biden/Harris ... 81,283,495 votes, if not 81 million votes?? :lmao:

emphasis to highlight your nuttinessView attachment 509443...

It does seem that not knowing how to do a basic google search is a pre-requisite for Trumpism.
There is no link anywhere that says biden got 81 million votes
A brilliant retort indeed!
I own more shares of Apple than you own articles of clothing.

In your entire life.

Yea that's brilliant

Not for you who is the gonad that wants to pay more taxes
Blather on Bubba. Blather on. I am not of such means that I would be paying more taxes with Biden's plan. If you will be paying more, it means that you can afford it.
When Xiden ends the trump cuts you will be paying more.
You are clearly brain washed. Or brain dead
And you are fucked because either Xiden will end the Trump tax cuts and you will pay more or Xiden does not end the Trump tax cuts and he agrees then that Trump was right, so Trump wins either way

You are screwed either way.

You know nothing about my finances so you can't possibly know how anyones tax policy would effect me. Yet you delude yourself into thinking that you do. Trump was not right to give massive cuts to the wealth and chump change to everyone else
The Trump cuts effected everyone in your trailer park................................

Joe Biddum got 81 million ballots counted in his favor that no one can verify, all the traceability on most of them was discarded, and a great many of them at that violated state laws and should not have been counted.
Nope never happened, that biden got 81 million votes is a collective mass delusion
A pity you still can't prove that. :(
And a bigger pity that you can not prove that biden got 81 million votes

Does not say 81 million anywhere

I don't know that I've ever encountered anyone as crazy and delusional as you. :cuckoo:

It literally reads .... Total: 81,268,924, yet here you are, denying it shows that.

At first, it seems like presenting facts to a trump supporter is the right thing to do, but you soon realize facts just confuse them, and causes nervousness in the herd.

Facts to a Democrat are what you get when you scream racist, racist, racist at anything that fights back until it stops moving
Now that's an interesting remark, since you have called me racist at least once in each of your last 6 or 8 posts, and I haven't said that about you at all. Would you explain about shouting racist, racist, racist again?

All Libtards are racist. You are no exception. Using the goddamn Negroes as your core voting block by keeping them on welfare is very racist.
Take a minute and think about how goofy that remark is. I know it's one of your favorites, but do you really think black people are too stupid to notice if your remark is accurate?

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