President Trump infuriates Israel and India

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Trump Comments Provoke Shock and Outrage in Israel and India

Am I the only who doesn't give a shit if Israel and India are pissed off? Fuck them! If they are so worried about Syria and Afghanistan then they can do their own damn fighting in those areas! I am tired of seeing American boys and girls die for foreign countries.

These treasonous liberals react this way because they work for internationalists rather than America. Why do they think “he pissed off such and such country” is going to bother me?
They died for Globalism. No more. Its now AMERICA FIRST now the WORLD FIRST and AMERICA LAST. They died for AMERICAN EMPIRE...again NO MORE!
Hilarious. American Empire is the antithesis of globalism.

Eh, Maybe Trump a little less so.

But, absolutely, there's been a consistent build up of Globalization, Global Military Policing in Wars like Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Outsourcing, the Importing of Illegals & Refugees, it's all very much so an "American Globalism"
Oh I am an Anti Semite alright. I despise Jews I despise Israel and I wish we could destroy completely BOTH. Only a fool doesn't understand the reason people including VERY famous and influential people hated Jews including military leaders,political leaders etc etc that YOU probably admire.
I love it when frustration causes you far rightwing bastards to come out of your dank & dingy closets.

But, absolutely, there's been a consistent build up of Globalization, Global Military Policing in Wars like Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Outsourcing, the Importing of Illegals & Refugees, it's all very much so an "American Globalism"
The trouble is that your idea of the globe ignores three quarters of it.
But, absolutely, there's been a consistent build up of Globalization, Global Military Policing in Wars like Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Outsourcing, the Importing of Illegals & Refugees, it's all very much so an "American Globalism"
The trouble is that your idea of the globe ignores three quarters of it.

This thread isn't about Globalism, so much.

But, Outsourcing from America, happens just about everywhere.

As for our Wars, we just tend to focus on the so called "Troublemakers".

The Anglosphere has been knocking out Dictators far less murderous than they for many, many decades, AT LEAST, perhaps all the way back to Napoleon, even.

The same holds true for the Muslim World of today
He is screwing up on Israel. I am gonna wait to be really pissed, though to see how this is really handled.

So, you care more about Israel, than Trump?
Most COHENservatives do. Its why I am NOT a "conservative"

No most are Evangelical lunatics who are ONLY supporting Israel because of Muh Waiting For Armageddon and Muh Battle of Meggido because some low IQ non educated lunatic Evangelical preacher like John Hagee etc TOLD them so. The situation is this that IF not for Evangelicals Muh Waiting For Armageddon and Muh Battle of Meggido so they THINK they get Raptured Up To Jesus then the Evangelicals would NOT give a SHIT about Israel and the Orthodox Jews KNOW this which is WHY they keep at arms length American Evangelicals and it is ONLY in America we do NOT have these maniacs on the European Continent they are UNIQUE to America and they ARE your misfortune.

Also as a Christian a MAINSTREAM Christian it tell in our Bible what occur to the crowd like the American Evangelicals, they are supporting oblivious The Anti-Christ and the conclusion is that in our Bible it say that they will be thrown into The Lake of Fire with The Anti-Christ and The False Prophet.
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He is screwing up on Israel. I am gonna wait to be really pissed, though to see how this is really handled.

So, you care more about Israel, than Trump?
Most COHENservatives do. Its why I am NOT a "conservative"

No most are Evangelical lunatics who are ONLY supporting Israel because of Muh Waiting For Armageddon and Muh Battle of Meggido because some low IQ non educated lunatic Evangelical preacher like John Hagee etc TOLD them so. The situation is this that IF not for Evangelicals Muh Waiting For Armageddon and Muh Battle of Meggido so theyu THINK they get Raptured Up To Jesus then the Evangelicals would NOT give a SHIT about Israel and the Orthodox Jews KNOW this which is WHY they keep at arms length American Evangelicals and it is ONLY in America we do NOT have these maniacs on the European Continent they are UNIQUE to America and they ARE your misfortune.

Also as a Christian a MAINSTREAM Christian it tell in our Bible what occur to the crowd like the American Evangelicals, they are supporting oblivious The Anti-Christ and the conclusion is that in our Bible it say that they will be thrown into The Lake of Fire with The Anti-Christ and The False Prophet.

There's certainly some Zionists in Europe too, particularly in Britain, remember Britain played a role in creating Israel, in the Balfour Declaration.

Yes, absolutely Brits are the ethnicity that make up most of the American Zionists, as well.

I really don't like the Britsh ethnicity at all.

On some Notorious White Nationalist forums, they ask the Albanian question, the Bosniak question, and the Polish question.

Personally, I can't see a people from Europe, who are more anti-White & a destructive force for Europeans, than those of British ethnic heritage.
I sure don't understand why trumpanzees get an anti-semitic rap.

(((bodecea))) there is ZERO Anti-Semitic in this thread what you have are the Americans in this thread commenting that considering America give BILLIONS a year to Israel for defence and considering Israel does have a nuclear weapon programme AND they have the Iron Dome then there is NO need for America to be the Mercenary Army For Israel any longer and time for Israel to put on Big Girl Panties and fight their OWN battles, let Jew troops die for Jewish Nation no reason the Gentiles do NOT have to fight battles for that crowd anymore, if Israel has a problem with Iran or Lebanon or whatever they they should get some Big Balls and bomb Iran and DEAL with whatever blow back on their OWN, if Israel was a good American ally already they WOULD have joined the Coalition to Invade Iraq and the Coalition to Invade Afghanistan but they did not, so effectively America owe them ZERO.
I sure don't understand why trumpanzees get an anti-semitic rap.

if Israel has a problem with Iran or Lebanon or whatever they they should get some Big Balls and bomb Iran and DEAL with whatever blow back on their OWN, if Israel was a good American ally already they WOULD have joined the Coalition to Invade Iraq and the Coalition to Invade Afghanistan but they did not, so effectively America owe them ZERO.

Iran isn't on Stolen land, Iran doesn't continue to steal land, Iran isn't shooting into crowds massacring & maiming people, or waging a major War upon a people they stole land from.

Israel has done such, however.

I don't see how Iran is a bigger issue than Israel.

It's just some NeoCON job.
He is screwing up on Israel. I am gonna wait to be really pissed, though to see how this is really handled.

So, you care more about Israel, than Trump?
Most COHENservatives do. Its why I am NOT a "conservative"

No most are Evangelical lunatics who are ONLY supporting Israel because of Muh Waiting For Armageddon and Muh Battle of Meggido because some low IQ non educated lunatic Evangelical preacher like John Hagee etc TOLD them so. The situation is this that IF not for Evangelicals Muh Waiting For Armageddon and Muh Battle of Meggido so theyu THINK they get Raptured Up To Jesus then the Evangelicals would NOT give a SHIT about Israel and the Orthodox Jews KNOW this which is WHY they keep at arms length American Evangelicals and it is ONLY in America we do NOT have these maniacs on the European Continent they are UNIQUE to America and they ARE your misfortune.

Also as a Christian a MAINSTREAM Christian it tell in our Bible what occur to the crowd like the American Evangelicals, they are supporting oblivious The Anti-Christ and the conclusion is that in our Bible it say that they will be thrown into The Lake of Fire with The Anti-Christ and The False Prophet.

There's certainly some Zionists in Europe too, particularly in Britain, remember Britain played a role in creating Israel, in the Balfour Declaration.

Yes, absolutely Brits are the ethnicity that make up most of the American Zionists, as well.

I really don't like the Britsh ethnicity at all.

On some Notorious White Nationalist forums, they ask the Albanian question, the Bosniak question, and the Polish question.

Personally, I can't see a people from Europe, who are more anti-White & a destructive force for Europeans, than those of British ethnic heritage.

I was commenting more about the American Evangelical lunatics who sit masturbating at the thought of Muh Armageddon and Muh Battle of Meggido happening, the SAME lunatics WANT ANYONE to Nuke Mecca we have had them post that at this forum, normal SANE peoples know that Nuking Mecca would be the MEGA DISASTER not only for the Middle East but for Western Civilisation itself.

The American Evangelical lunatics should be treated as what they are Fringe Maniacs who are mentally unable and not very well educated, I would think that from that crowd only a tiny percentage for example have a University Degree, they are Brainwashed Sheep, they are the EPITOME of The Dumb Goyim and the worst of the Shabbos and they are NOT friends of Israel as I already comment those Dumb Goyim ONLY support Israel because via Israel they get Muh Armageddon and Muh Battle of Meggido and the majority of Orthodox Jews KNOW that the American Evangelical lunatics are USING them for that ends, the American Evangelical lunatics are STUPID but the Orthodox Jews are NOT stupid.
He is screwing up on Israel. I am gonna wait to be really pissed, though to see how this is really handled.

The Donald was elected to SERVE America and SERVE the American nation he was NOT elected President of Israel.
They did.
No, they died in the pursuit of US hegemony. As always.

Conspiracy theory?????

No because the reason America is in the Shit Hole that is The Middle East is one because of US hegemony and two because Israel is a Big Baby and also VERY VERY LAZY and wants American troops to be Wet Nurse and also to die to protect Israel, why should American troops die to protect Israel NO Israeli troops have died to protect America have they? No.
I sure don't understand why trumpanzees get an anti-semitic rap.

Oh and (((bodecea))) the situation is that when someone is called Anti-Semitic you have to realise that 90% do NOT give a CRAP about getting called these juvenile names anymore by whatever low IQ Muppet Troll Boi on the Internets. The ONLY reason ANYONE resorts to name calling is because they cannot REFUTE the argument to begin with.
The Jew hate on these boards is amusing and troubling. Really need to get the OP and Sobie into a steel cage with me.
He is screwing up on Israel. I am gonna wait to be really pissed, though to see how this is really handled.

The Donald was elected to SERVE America and SERVE the American nation he was NOT elected President of Israel.
You seem to think our only interest over there is Israel. It’s not. And the area could ultimately effect all of a Europe, as well. You are just too short sighted to see it. Your anti-Semitism is duly noted, though.
I sure don't understand why trumpanzees get an anti-semitic rap.

if Israel has a problem with Iran or Lebanon or whatever they they should get some Big Balls and bomb Iran and DEAL with whatever blow back on their OWN, if Israel was a good American ally already they WOULD have joined the Coalition to Invade Iraq and the Coalition to Invade Afghanistan but they did not, so effectively America owe them ZERO.

Iran isn't on Stolen land, Iran doesn't continue to steal land, Iran isn't shooting into crowds massacring & maiming people, or waging a major War upon a people they stole land from.

Israel has done such, however.

I don't see how Iran is a bigger issue than Israel.

It's just some NeoCON job.

That’s because you’re a Jew hating dummy. Iran has stated it wants to end the US. Pretty sure Israel is our ally. You’re dumb. Oh and Pawling is dirty and poor.
He is screwing up on Israel. I am gonna wait to be really pissed, though to see how this is really handled.

The Donald was elected to SERVE America and SERVE the American nation he was NOT elected President of Israel.
You seem to think our only interest over there is Israel. It’s not. And the area could ultimately effect all of a Europe, as well. You are just too short sighted to see it. Your anti-Semitism is duly noted, though.

The Tug of War in Syria between Assad vs ISIS caused much of the Refugee crisis into Europe, particularly the Syrian Refugee portion of it.

So, how does letting it fall to Assad, hurt Europe, exactly?
Trump Comments Provoke Shock and Outrage in Israel and India

Am I the only who doesn't give a shit if Israel and India are pissed off? Fuck them! If they are so worried about Syria and Afghanistan then they can do their own damn fighting in those areas! I am tired of seeing American boys and girls die for foreign countries.
Why does any rational hominid pay any attention at all to what come out of that dickhead's mouth?
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