President Trump infuriates Israel and India

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if Israel has a problem with Iran or Lebanon or whatever they they should get some Big Balls and bomb Iran and DEAL with whatever blow back on their OWN, if Israel was a good American ally already they WOULD have joined the Coalition to Invade Iraq and the Coalition to Invade Afghanistan but they did not, so effectively America owe them ZERO.

Iran isn't on Stolen land, Iran doesn't continue to steal land, Iran isn't shooting into crowds massacring & maiming people, or waging a major War upon a people they stole land from.

Israel has done such, however.

I don't see how Iran is a bigger issue than Israel.

It's just some NeoCON job.

That’s because you’re a Jew hating dummy. Iran has stated it wants to end the US. Pretty sure Israel is our ally. You’re dumb. Oh and Pawling is dirty and poor.

America on the orders of America's String Puller ie. International Globalists in New York City want to end Iran so logic dictates then that Iran would consider America the Enemy and want to end America.

Iran is run by Islamists. Enough said. You disappoint me Lucy. You’re as dumb as Sobie

Islamists destroy some buildings, and some lives.

They mostly just end up self destructing, and making people hate them.

It's certainly NOT anything I support.

However, Jews ruin entire countries, by Agenda.

Things like Zionism, have also killed a ton.

Things like Hollywood, Facebook, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC all promote the Liberal agenda, and are run by guess who?????????

Yet, it's subtle enough, that many people in Western society don't notice, or care.

Some buildings and some lives? You’re an idiot. He Suis Charlie.
How is Israel our Ally, exactly?
This is a myth fabricated by Zionist dumbos such as yourself.

Considering all the actions Israel has done over the years against us, like the Lavon Affair, or the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard, or how Israel divulging US information to China, or how about Israel getting Terrorists in Pakistan to fight for them, by posing as CIA agents without permission??????

How is Pawling poor, or dirty?
The poverty rate of Pawling village is somewhere around 10% & the town is somewhere around 3%, both are below the National average.

You prove yourself to be a very snotty & dumb Jew, but we all know Jews are Gefilte Filth.

Your town is poor. You’re fat and ugly. Israel is our ally and only ally in the ME. I have Explained how many times but you’re too stupid to retain that knowledge so I will not repeat myself.

Israel is NO ALLY, this is a myth by filthy Zionists like yourself.

Other than that, you're an Obnoxious Big Mouth, and a Dumb Simpleton.

Where's your Pic????? Are you too Ugly to show yourself, you filthy Jew?

Pawling's a great town, perhaps the best in the NYC metro....I've not seen a friendlier town in America, come to think of it.

You know nothing, and just run your mouth like a Simpleton Beast.

“Filthy Zionists” LMAO

Have another burger. Fatty.

Zionists are massacring, waging war, or stealing land from Palestinian victims on a nearly continous basis.

Yet, you claim your the voice of reason, what a bunch of crock, Zionism is putrid.

So, says the guy who's too much of an Ugly Jew to show his face.

Now they are victims? LMAO. You love Radical Islamists now. Good to know. Fatty.

Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.
Your town is poor. You’re fat and ugly. Israel is our ally and only ally in the ME. I have Explained how many times but you’re too stupid to retain that knowledge so I will not repeat myself.

Israel is NO ALLY, this is a myth by filthy Zionists like yourself.

Other than that, you're an Obnoxious Big Mouth, and a Dumb Simpleton.

Where's your Pic????? Are you too Ugly to show yourself, you filthy Jew?

Pawling's a great town, perhaps the best in the NYC metro....I've not seen a friendlier town in America, come to think of it.

You know nothing, and just run your mouth like a Simpleton Beast.

“Filthy Zionists” LMAO

Have another burger. Fatty.

Zionists are massacring, waging war, or stealing land from Palestinian victims on a nearly continous basis.

Yet, you claim your the voice of reason, what a bunch of crock, Zionism is putrid.

So, says the guy who's too much of an Ugly Jew to show his face.

Now they are victims? LMAO. You love Radical Islamists now. Good to know. Fatty.

Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.

Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.
Iran isn't on Stolen land, Iran doesn't continue to steal land, Iran isn't shooting into crowds massacring & maiming people, or waging a major War upon a people they stole land from.

Israel has done such, however.

I don't see how Iran is a bigger issue than Israel.

It's just some NeoCON job.

That’s because you’re a Jew hating dummy. Iran has stated it wants to end the US. Pretty sure Israel is our ally. You’re dumb. Oh and Pawling is dirty and poor.

America on the orders of America's String Puller ie. International Globalists in New York City want to end Iran so logic dictates then that Iran would consider America the Enemy and want to end America.

Iran is run by Islamists. Enough said. You disappoint me Lucy. You’re as dumb as Sobie

Islamists destroy some buildings, and some lives.

They mostly just end up self destructing, and making people hate them.

It's certainly NOT anything I support.

However, Jews ruin entire countries, by Agenda.

Things like Zionism, have also killed a ton.

Things like Hollywood, Facebook, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC all promote the Liberal agenda, and are run by guess who?????????

Yet, it's subtle enough, that many people in Western society don't notice, or care.

Some buildings and some lives? You’re an idiot. He Suis Charlie.

The Mid-East was actually in better shape, before some dumb Neocon Zionists came in & took out Saddam Hussein.
if Israel has a problem with Iran or Lebanon or whatever they they should get some Big Balls and bomb Iran and DEAL with whatever blow back on their OWN, if Israel was a good American ally already they WOULD have joined the Coalition to Invade Iraq and the Coalition to Invade Afghanistan but they did not, so effectively America owe them ZERO.

Iran isn't on Stolen land, Iran doesn't continue to steal land, Iran isn't shooting into crowds massacring & maiming people, or waging a major War upon a people they stole land from.

Israel has done such, however.

I don't see how Iran is a bigger issue than Israel.

It's just some NeoCON job.

That’s because you’re a Jew hating dummy. Iran has stated it wants to end the US. Pretty sure Israel is our ally. You’re dumb. Oh and Pawling is dirty and poor.

America on the orders of America's String Puller ie. International Globalists in New York City want to end Iran so logic dictates then that Iran would consider America the Enemy and want to end America.

Iran is run by Islamists. Enough said. You disappoint me Lucy. You’re as dumb as Sobie

Islamists destroy some buildings, and some lives.

They mostly just end up self destructing, and making people hate them.

It's certainly NOT anything I support.

However, Jews ruin entire countries, by Agenda.

Things like Zionism, have also killed a ton.

Things like Hollywood, Facebook, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC all promote the Liberal agenda, and are run by guess who?????????

Yet, it's subtle enough, that many people in Western society don't notice, or care.

Fatty. We agree that the Media is biased to the Left but those aren’t real Jews they are traitors and assholes. Any Jew who votes Democrat is a traitor.
That’s because you’re a Jew hating dummy. Iran has stated it wants to end the US. Pretty sure Israel is our ally. You’re dumb. Oh and Pawling is dirty and poor.

America on the orders of America's String Puller ie. International Globalists in New York City want to end Iran so logic dictates then that Iran would consider America the Enemy and want to end America.

Iran is run by Islamists. Enough said. You disappoint me Lucy. You’re as dumb as Sobie

Islamists destroy some buildings, and some lives.

They mostly just end up self destructing, and making people hate them.

It's certainly NOT anything I support.

However, Jews ruin entire countries, by Agenda.

Things like Zionism, have also killed a ton.

Things like Hollywood, Facebook, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC all promote the Liberal agenda, and are run by guess who?????????

Yet, it's subtle enough, that many people in Western society don't notice, or care.

Some buildings and some lives? You’re an idiot. He Suis Charlie.

The Mid-East was actually in better shape, before some dumb Neocon Zionists came in & took out Saddam Hussein.

I agree. And? You’re still fat.
Israel is NO ALLY, this is a myth by filthy Zionists like yourself.

Other than that, you're an Obnoxious Big Mouth, and a Dumb Simpleton.

Where's your Pic????? Are you too Ugly to show yourself, you filthy Jew?

Pawling's a great town, perhaps the best in the NYC metro....I've not seen a friendlier town in America, come to think of it.

You know nothing, and just run your mouth like a Simpleton Beast.

“Filthy Zionists” LMAO

Have another burger. Fatty.

Zionists are massacring, waging war, or stealing land from Palestinian victims on a nearly continous basis.

Yet, you claim your the voice of reason, what a bunch of crock, Zionism is putrid.

So, says the guy who's too much of an Ugly Jew to show his face.

Now they are victims? LMAO. You love Radical Islamists now. Good to know. Fatty.

Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.

Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.

You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?
“Filthy Zionists” LMAO

Have another burger. Fatty.

Zionists are massacring, waging war, or stealing land from Palestinian victims on a nearly continous basis.

Yet, you claim your the voice of reason, what a bunch of crock, Zionism is putrid.

So, says the guy who's too much of an Ugly Jew to show his face.

Now they are victims? LMAO. You love Radical Islamists now. Good to know. Fatty.

Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.

Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.

You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?

Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?
The Jew hate on these boards is amusing and troubling. Really need to get the OP and Sobie into a steel cage with me.

This is not a Jew Exclusive forum, there are Jews here you are one of them perhaps if you have problems or whatever you could go to an Israel First Forum where ALL you will get is what your type want which is Kissing Israel's Buttocks 24/7, Americans need to CHOOSE are YOU America FIRST or Israel FIRST you CANNOT be BOTH at the SAME time you can ONLY be loyal to ONE master.

America first and our allies 2nd. Don’t tell me what I can or cannot do. You primitive troll. I am a Trump guy and his daughter is Jewish. Don’t attack my President.

So if The Donald said NO MORE Whatever for Israel would you STILL support him or would you turn against him? Depotoo I think not sure he is waiting but from his first comment in this thread did he mean that IF The Donald doesn't continue sucking Israel's Micro Dick then he will Dump Trump?

I think you will find I have NEVER attacked The Donald EVER, his by marriage Jewish daughter and her husband are part of the problem they are Globalists and early on Ivanka and Jared should have been sent back to New York so Ivanka could not get all emotional when The Donald did something she thought was mean to Brown Muslims or Central American children for example and then The Donald change the course on what in his heart he knew should be done.
Zionists are massacring, waging war, or stealing land from Palestinian victims on a nearly continous basis.

Yet, you claim your the voice of reason, what a bunch of crock, Zionism is putrid.

So, says the guy who's too much of an Ugly Jew to show his face.

Now they are victims? LMAO. You love Radical Islamists now. Good to know. Fatty.

Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.

Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.

You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?

Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?

Conquest is National Theft, doof.

You're such a snot-nosed, dumb, very dumb, mistake of Nature, like all Jews are... Especially Zionist ones.
Zionists are massacring, waging war, or stealing land from Palestinian victims on a nearly continous basis.

Yet, you claim your the voice of reason, what a bunch of crock, Zionism is putrid.

So, says the guy who's too much of an Ugly Jew to show his face.

Now they are victims? LMAO. You love Radical Islamists now. Good to know. Fatty.

Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.

Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.

You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?

Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?

The majority of California is now Mexico again they have Reconquered it via Unlimited Mass Immigration from Mexico into California and if not stopped within twenty years Texas will again be Mexico.
The Jew hate on these boards is amusing and troubling. Really need to get the OP and Sobie into a steel cage with me.

This is not a Jew Exclusive forum, there are Jews here you are one of them perhaps if you have problems or whatever you could go to an Israel First Forum where ALL you will get is what your type want which is Kissing Israel's Buttocks 24/7, Americans need to CHOOSE are YOU America FIRST or Israel FIRST you CANNOT be BOTH at the SAME time you can ONLY be loyal to ONE master.

America first and our allies 2nd. Don’t tell me what I can or cannot do. You primitive troll. I am a Trump guy and his daughter is Jewish. Don’t attack my President.

So if The Donald said NO MORE Whatever for Israel would you STILL support him or would you turn against him? Depotoo I think not sure he is waiting but from his first comment in this thread did he mean that IF The Donald doesn't continue sucking Israel's Micro Dick then he will Dump Trump?

I think you will find I have NEVER attacked The Donald EVER, his by marriage Jewish daughter and her husband are part of the problem they are Globalists and early on Ivanka and Jared should have been sent back to New York so Ivanka could not get all emotional when The Donald did something she thought was mean to Brown Muslims or Central American children for example and then The Donald change the course on what in his heart he knew should be done.

You vile troll. Trump would never abandon Israel. It’s like asking me would I still support him if he decided to endorse idiot Liz Warren. Not happening. You’re a vile and ugly troll.
Now they are victims? LMAO. You love Radical Islamists now. Good to know. Fatty.

Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.

Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.

You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?

Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?

Conquest is National Theft, doof.

You're such a snot-nosed, dumb, very dumb, mistake of Nature, like all Jews are... Especiallyt Zionist ones.

No it’s conquest. So you think we stole Cali and TX? You’re an idiot.
Now they are victims? LMAO. You love Radical Islamists now. Good to know. Fatty.

Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.

Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.

You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?

Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?

The majority of California is now Mexico again they have Reconquered it via Unlimited Mass Immigration from Mexico into California and if not stopped within twenty years Texas will again be Mexico.

That was not the question you vile Jew hating troll faced rat. Did the US steal Cali and TX from Mexico? Yes or No?
Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.

Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.

You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?

Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?

Conquest is National Theft, doof.

You're such a snot-nosed, dumb, very dumb, mistake of Nature, like all Jews are... Especiallyt Zionist ones.

No it’s conquest. So you think we stole Cali and TX? You’re an idiot.

Israel stole Palestine, explain how it didn't, exactly?

Conqest is Theft National Form.

Pretty simple.

Jews are really that simple.

Jews aren't smart, you're filthy dumb Semitic scums with severe OCD & Autistic issues, which make you have these OCD panic attacks until you get yours at all costs.
Iran isn't on Stolen land, Iran doesn't continue to steal land, Iran isn't shooting into crowds massacring & maiming people, or waging a major War upon a people they stole land from.

Israel has done such, however.

I don't see how Iran is a bigger issue than Israel.

It's just some NeoCON job.

That’s because you’re a Jew hating dummy. Iran has stated it wants to end the US. Pretty sure Israel is our ally. You’re dumb. Oh and Pawling is dirty and poor.

America on the orders of America's String Puller ie. International Globalists in New York City want to end Iran so logic dictates then that Iran would consider America the Enemy and want to end America.

Iran is run by Islamists. Enough said. You disappoint me Lucy. You’re as dumb as Sobie

Saudi Arabia also run by Islamists, so what is your point? No I am not dumb, but then I think to you ANYONE is dumb who does NOT want to Bomb Iran, as Israel wants America to Bomb Iran then IF America does this how about ISRAEL AND AMERICA take in ALL the TENS of MILLIONS of Iranian Migrants instead of having a repeat of 2015 and them ALL thinking they can walk into MY Continent.

KSA is a terror regime and not our ally. Your continent? LMAO

Israel WORSHIP that Saudi Arabia Islamist Regime and Saudi Arabia and Israel are closer than close, Israel would throw America off the mountain for Saudi Arabia, Israel ONLY wants America for the MONEY and American TROOPS.

This is MY Continent the European Continent is MY Continent.
Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.

You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?

Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?

Conquest is National Theft, doof.

You're such a snot-nosed, dumb, very dumb, mistake of Nature, like all Jews are... Especiallyt Zionist ones.

No it’s conquest. So you think we stole Cali and TX? You’re an idiot.

Israel stole Palestine, explain how it didn't, exactly?

Conqest is Theft National Form.

Pretty simple.

Jews are really that simple.

Jews aren't smart, you're filthy dumb Semitic scums with severe OCD & Autistic issues, which make you have these OCD panic attacks until you get yours at all costs.

You seem angry. I enjoy Getting you all riled up. He he he he he he. Have some donuts. Conquest is not theft.
That’s because you’re a Jew hating dummy. Iran has stated it wants to end the US. Pretty sure Israel is our ally. You’re dumb. Oh and Pawling is dirty and poor.

America on the orders of America's String Puller ie. International Globalists in New York City want to end Iran so logic dictates then that Iran would consider America the Enemy and want to end America.

Iran is run by Islamists. Enough said. You disappoint me Lucy. You’re as dumb as Sobie

Saudi Arabia also run by Islamists, so what is your point? No I am not dumb, but then I think to you ANYONE is dumb who does NOT want to Bomb Iran, as Israel wants America to Bomb Iran then IF America does this how about ISRAEL AND AMERICA take in ALL the TENS of MILLIONS of Iranian Migrants instead of having a repeat of 2015 and them ALL thinking they can walk into MY Continent.

KSA is a terror regime and not our ally. Your continent? LMAO

Israel WORSHIP that Saudi Arabia Islamist Regime and Saudi Arabia and Israel are closer than close, Israel would throw America off the mountain for Saudi Arabia, Israel ONLY wants America for the MONEY and American TROOPS.

This is MY Continent the European Continent is MY Continent.

Your continent is one giant caliphate. Your Jew hate blinded you to the Islamist invasion. Sucks to be you.
You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?

Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?

Conquest is National Theft, doof.

You're such a snot-nosed, dumb, very dumb, mistake of Nature, like all Jews are... Especiallyt Zionist ones.

No it’s conquest. So you think we stole Cali and TX? You’re an idiot.

Israel stole Palestine, explain how it didn't, exactly?

Conqest is Theft National Form.

Pretty simple.

Jews are really that simple.

Jews aren't smart, you're filthy dumb Semitic scums with severe OCD & Autistic issues, which make you have these OCD panic attacks until you get yours at all costs.

You seem angry. I enjoy Getting you all riled up. He he he he he he. Have some donuts. Conquest is not theft.

I can't think of anything more large, oppressive, or destructive in Theft, than a Conquest style theft, as opposed to stealing a pack of Bubble Gum.

You're a mega-Dumb-F*ck Zion-Scum of Biblical proportions.

You have no morals, no intelligence, all you have is OCD issues, a trade-mark of Jews.
Uh, It's been proven that Arabs owned more land & made up more population than Jews up into the 1940's in Palestine.

Even in the mid 1940's when Israel was being created, something like 46% Arab land owners as opposed to approx 6% Jewish land owners, and about 2/3rds of the population was Arab, as opposed to Jews.

So, why are you such a Propagandist, Zionist scum, that you can't admit to Palestinians being victims?
Yet, your poor Jews, want to be victims of everybody else.

Never proven. Until Islamists stop being Satanic I
am all for Israel kicking their asses. Bang! Oh and you’re fat.

You're such a dumb Jew, Who's too dumb to grasp Facts.

Facts are that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine.

Why is it so hard to admit???????????

When are you going to show a pic of your Ugly Jewish Face, you obnoxious Big mouthed snot?

Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?

The majority of California is now Mexico again they have Reconquered it via Unlimited Mass Immigration from Mexico into California and if not stopped within twenty years Texas will again be Mexico.

That was not the question you vile Jew hating troll faced rat. Did the US steal Cali and TX from Mexico? Yes or No?

"That was not the question you vile Jew hating troll faced rat."

You have that Inferiority Complex DNA and that Prone to Psychotic and Neurotic DNA I notice, I mean my comments have been logical and I have not resorted to calling you names and here's you making comments like you are Off Your Meds.
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