President Trump infuriates Israel and India

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Conquest is not theft. Sorry Fatty. Do you think we stole Cali and TX from Mexico?

The majority of California is now Mexico again they have Reconquered it via Unlimited Mass Immigration from Mexico into California and if not stopped within twenty years Texas will again be Mexico.

That was not the question you vile Jew hating troll faced rat. Did the US steal Cali and TX from Mexico? Yes or No?

"That was not the question you vile Jew hating troll faced rat."

You have that Inferiority Complex DNA and that Prone to Psychotic and Neurotic DNA I notice, I mean my comments have been logical and I have not resorted to calling you names and here's you making comments like you are Off Your Meds.

Bullshit. Stating Israel would sell out America for the KSA is anti Semitic propaganda. I should not have insulted rats.

It is not Anti-Semitic Propaganda, the situation is that given the FIRST opportunity Israel would dump America for Saudi Arabia, Israel ONLY LIKES America for the MONEY and American troops and military hardware.

Nah. It’s not true. I know This for a fact.
So if The Donald said NO MORE Whatever for Israel would you STILL support him or would you turn against him? Depotoo I think not sure he is waiting but from his first comment in this thread did he mean that IF The Donald doesn't continue sucking Israel's Micro Dick then he will Dump Trump?

I think you will find I have NEVER attacked The Donald EVER, his by marriage Jewish daughter and her husband are part of the problem they are Globalists and early on Ivanka and Jared should have been sent back to New York so Ivanka could not get all emotional when The Donald did something she thought was mean to Brown Muslims or Central American children for example and then The Donald change the course on what in his heart he knew should be done.

You vile troll. Trump would never abandon Israel. It’s like asking me would I still support him if he decided to endorse idiot Liz Warren. Not happening. You’re a vile and ugly troll.

I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

How does Israel solve Refugees, rather than cause Refugees I.E Palestinians??????

We have discussed this before. You have either dementia or you’re trolling me. Which is it?

You obviously have nothing but propaganda, and name calling.

Typical Zionist, indeed.
America first and our allies 2nd. Don’t tell me what I can or cannot do. You primitive troll. I am a Trump guy and his daughter is Jewish. Don’t attack my President.

So if The Donald said NO MORE Whatever for Israel would you STILL support him or would you turn against him? Depotoo I think not sure he is waiting but from his first comment in this thread did he mean that IF The Donald doesn't continue sucking Israel's Micro Dick then he will Dump Trump?

I think you will find I have NEVER attacked The Donald EVER, his by marriage Jewish daughter and her husband are part of the problem they are Globalists and early on Ivanka and Jared should have been sent back to New York so Ivanka could not get all emotional when The Donald did something she thought was mean to Brown Muslims or Central American children for example and then The Donald change the course on what in his heart he knew should be done.

You vile troll. Trump would never abandon Israel. It’s like asking me would I still support him if he decided to endorse idiot Liz Warren. Not happening. You’re a vile and ugly troll.

I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

Islam has ALREADY invaded America. To respond to your other idiotic question, sorry I decide NOT to feed your Paranoia and Inferiority Complex and Persecution Complex and neurosis.

Enjoy your caliphate. You seem angry.
You vile troll. Trump would never abandon Israel. It’s like asking me would I still support him if he decided to endorse idiot Liz Warren. Not happening. You’re a vile and ugly troll.

I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

How does Israel solve Refugees, rather than cause Refugees I.E Palestinians??????

We have discussed this before. You have either dementia or you’re trolling me. Which is it?

You obviously have nothing but propaganda, and name calling.

Typical Zionist, indeed.

You’re the one who cannot answer a simple and non threatening question. LMAO.
America first and our allies 2nd. Don’t tell me what I can or cannot do. You primitive troll. I am a Trump guy and his daughter is Jewish. Don’t attack my President.

So if The Donald said NO MORE Whatever for Israel would you STILL support him or would you turn against him? Depotoo I think not sure he is waiting but from his first comment in this thread did he mean that IF The Donald doesn't continue sucking Israel's Micro Dick then he will Dump Trump?

I think you will find I have NEVER attacked The Donald EVER, his by marriage Jewish daughter and her husband are part of the problem they are Globalists and early on Ivanka and Jared should have been sent back to New York so Ivanka could not get all emotional when The Donald did something she thought was mean to Brown Muslims or Central American children for example and then The Donald change the course on what in his heart he knew should be done.

You vile troll. Trump would never abandon Israel. It’s like asking me would I still support him if he decided to endorse idiot Liz Warren. Not happening. You’re a vile and ugly troll.

I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

How does Israel solve Refugees, rather than cause Refugees I.E Palestinians fleeing West??????

Islam has already invaded America and sucking Israel dick did ZERO to PREVENT that and now America is being invaded by Central America and sucking Israel dick is doing ZERO to PREVENT that and ALL the while Israel has not ONE but TWO Walls but the International Globalists FANATICALLY do NOT want The Donald building his Wall to limit the Invading Caravan Army etc
So if The Donald said NO MORE Whatever for Israel would you STILL support him or would you turn against him? Depotoo I think not sure he is waiting but from his first comment in this thread did he mean that IF The Donald doesn't continue sucking Israel's Micro Dick then he will Dump Trump?

I think you will find I have NEVER attacked The Donald EVER, his by marriage Jewish daughter and her husband are part of the problem they are Globalists and early on Ivanka and Jared should have been sent back to New York so Ivanka could not get all emotional when The Donald did something she thought was mean to Brown Muslims or Central American children for example and then The Donald change the course on what in his heart he knew should be done.

You vile troll. Trump would never abandon Israel. It’s like asking me would I still support him if he decided to endorse idiot Liz Warren. Not happening. You’re a vile and ugly troll.

I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

How does Israel solve Refugees, rather than cause Refugees I.E Palestinians fleeing West??????

Islam has already invaded America and sucking Israel dick did ZERO to PREVENT that and now America is being invaded by Central America and sucking Israel dick is doing ZERO to PREVENT that and ALL the while Israel has not ONE but TWO Walls but the International Globalists FANATICALLY do NOT want The Donald building his Wall to limit the Invading Caravan Army etc

Islam is less than 1% of US pop?
So if The Donald said NO MORE Whatever for Israel would you STILL support him or would you turn against him? Depotoo I think not sure he is waiting but from his first comment in this thread did he mean that IF The Donald doesn't continue sucking Israel's Micro Dick then he will Dump Trump?

I think you will find I have NEVER attacked The Donald EVER, his by marriage Jewish daughter and her husband are part of the problem they are Globalists and early on Ivanka and Jared should have been sent back to New York so Ivanka could not get all emotional when The Donald did something she thought was mean to Brown Muslims or Central American children for example and then The Donald change the course on what in his heart he knew should be done.

You vile troll. Trump would never abandon Israel. It’s like asking me would I still support him if he decided to endorse idiot Liz Warren. Not happening. You’re a vile and ugly troll.

I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

Islam has ALREADY invaded America. To respond to your other idiotic question, sorry I decide NOT to feed your Paranoia and Inferiority Complex and Persecution Complex and neurosis.

Enjoy your caliphate. You seem angry.

I repeat Islam has ALREADY invaded America and there is NO Caliphate on my Continent as I now work for an Organisation that because of this I have Diplomatic Immunity then IF there WAS a Caliphate I would KNOW about it and so would my brother who works with me.

I am not angry no, but you have some deep psychological problems and I recommend you get professional help, you are unable to accept ANY criticism of Israel which is a nation you live TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away from, you seem to expect EVERYONE on this PLANET to suck Israel's buttocks 24/7 and that when confronted with someone who does not do that you have a neurotic meltdown and go into Persecution and Paranoia Default Mode and begin name calling and accusations that EXIST only in your MIND and not in RL.
You vile troll. Trump would never abandon Israel. It’s like asking me would I still support him if he decided to endorse idiot Liz Warren. Not happening. You’re a vile and ugly troll.

I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

Islam has ALREADY invaded America. To respond to your other idiotic question, sorry I decide NOT to feed your Paranoia and Inferiority Complex and Persecution Complex and neurosis.

Enjoy your caliphate. You seem angry.

I repeat Islam has ALREADY invaded America and there is NO Caliphate on my Continent as I now work for an Organisation that because of this I have Diplomatic Immunity then IF there WAS a Caliphate I would KNOW about it and so would my brother who works with me.

I am not angry no, but you have some deep psychological problems and I recommend you get professional help, you are unable to accept ANY criticism of Israel which is a nation you live TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away from, you seem to expect EVERYONE on this PLANET to suck Israel's buttocks 24/7 and that when confronted with someone who does not do that you have a neurotic meltdown and go into Persecution and Paranoia Default Mode and begin name calling and accusations that EXIST only in your MIND and not in RL.

So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.
You vile troll. Trump would never abandon Israel. It’s like asking me would I still support him if he decided to endorse idiot Liz Warren. Not happening. You’re a vile and ugly troll.

I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

How does Israel solve Refugees, rather than cause Refugees I.E Palestinians fleeing West??????

Islam has already invaded America and sucking Israel dick did ZERO to PREVENT that and now America is being invaded by Central America and sucking Israel dick is doing ZERO to PREVENT that and ALL the while Israel has not ONE but TWO Walls but the International Globalists FANATICALLY do NOT want The Donald building his Wall to limit the Invading Caravan Army etc

Islam is less than 1% of US pop?

Well as you suck Israel dick 24/7 why is that NOT 0% of the American population Muslim, so how did your nation of Israel allow America to get to 1% of the American population being Muslim? :omg:
I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

Islam has ALREADY invaded America. To respond to your other idiotic question, sorry I decide NOT to feed your Paranoia and Inferiority Complex and Persecution Complex and neurosis.

Enjoy your caliphate. You seem angry.

I repeat Islam has ALREADY invaded America and there is NO Caliphate on my Continent as I now work for an Organisation that because of this I have Diplomatic Immunity then IF there WAS a Caliphate I would KNOW about it and so would my brother who works with me.

I am not angry no, but you have some deep psychological problems and I recommend you get professional help, you are unable to accept ANY criticism of Israel which is a nation you live TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away from, you seem to expect EVERYONE on this PLANET to suck Israel's buttocks 24/7 and that when confronted with someone who does not do that you have a neurotic meltdown and go into Persecution and Paranoia Default Mode and begin name calling and accusations that EXIST only in your MIND and not in RL.

So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.

You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.
Oh I am an Anti Semite alright. I despise Jews I despise Israel and I wish we could destroy completely BOTH.
I love it when frustration causes you far rightwing bastards to come out of your dank & dingy closets.
The rightwing doesn't have a monopoly on anti-Semitism these days but I too prefer the cockroaches out in the open.
...there is ZERO Anti-Semitic in this thread...
So you reject Odious's proud mea culpa:
Oh I am an Anti Semite alright. I despise Jews I despise Israel and I wish we could destroy completely BOTH...

LOL. Fucking Nazi MORONS.

Should Israel be destroyed? No of course not, they have a right to exist, I also think the Palestinians have a right to have a Palestinian State and they exist, I support the Two State Solution as the only solution to that situation.
I am not angry no, but you have some deep psychological problems and I recommend you get professional help, you are unable to accept ANY criticism of Israel which is a nation you live TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away from, you seem to expect EVERYONE on this PLANET to suck Israel's buttocks 24/7 and that when confronted with someone who does not do that you have a neurotic meltdown and go into Persecution and Paranoia Default Mode and begin name calling and accusations that EXIST only in your MIND and not in RL.
So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.
Why would she chill … Lucy is among them. Note that the always ignorant NaziGirl believes Israel is "TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away." Clearly she has never been out from under her trailer park rock.
I am not vile or ugly or a troll but you are a Troll and I just KNOW you are ugly, why are you in Boston why are you not living in Tel Aviv if you WORSHIP Israel THAT much? You SQUAT on Internet Forums to cause arguments among the Goyim is that what they PAY you to do? I have friends in Haifa and I have visited and it's great, so WHY is you WORSHIP Israel THAT much is it NOT GREAT enough for you to go and move there?

Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

How does Israel solve Refugees, rather than cause Refugees I.E Palestinians fleeing West??????

Islam has already invaded America and sucking Israel dick did ZERO to PREVENT that and now America is being invaded by Central America and sucking Israel dick is doing ZERO to PREVENT that and ALL the while Israel has not ONE but TWO Walls but the International Globalists FANATICALLY do NOT want The Donald building his Wall to limit the Invading Caravan Army etc

Islam is less than 1% of US pop?

Well as you suck Israel dick 24/7 why is that NOT 0% of the American population Muslim, so how did your nation of Israel allow America to get to 1% of the American population being Muslim? :omg:

Less than 1%. We are a melting pot. What is your obsession with felatio?
...there is ZERO Anti-Semitic in this thread...
So you reject Odious's proud mea culpa:
Oh I am an Anti Semite alright. I despise Jews I despise Israel and I wish we could destroy completely BOTH...

LOL. Fucking Nazi MORONS.

Should Israel be destroyed? No of course not, they have a right to exist, I also think the Palestinians have a right to have a Palestinian State and they exist, I support the Two State Solution as the only solution to that situation.
Don't change the subject. You claimed "there is ZERO Anti-Semitic in this thread." I pointed out just how wrong you are.
Easy Lucy. I dont Want Islam invading America. So I d like to keep Israel as our allies. So if you have friends there why do you hate Jews? Do tell.

Islam has ALREADY invaded America. To respond to your other idiotic question, sorry I decide NOT to feed your Paranoia and Inferiority Complex and Persecution Complex and neurosis.

Enjoy your caliphate. You seem angry.

I repeat Islam has ALREADY invaded America and there is NO Caliphate on my Continent as I now work for an Organisation that because of this I have Diplomatic Immunity then IF there WAS a Caliphate I would KNOW about it and so would my brother who works with me.

I am not angry no, but you have some deep psychological problems and I recommend you get professional help, you are unable to accept ANY criticism of Israel which is a nation you live TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away from, you seem to expect EVERYONE on this PLANET to suck Israel's buttocks 24/7 and that when confronted with someone who does not do that you have a neurotic meltdown and go into Persecution and Paranoia Default Mode and begin name calling and accusations that EXIST only in your MIND and not in RL.

So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.

You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.
I am not angry no, but you have some deep psychological problems and I recommend you get professional help, you are unable to accept ANY criticism of Israel which is a nation you live TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away from, you seem to expect EVERYONE on this PLANET to suck Israel's buttocks 24/7 and that when confronted with someone who does not do that you have a neurotic meltdown and go into Persecution and Paranoia Default Mode and begin name calling and accusations that EXIST only in your MIND and not in RL.
So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.
Why would she chill … Lucy is among them. Note that the always ignorant NaziGirl believes Israel is "TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away." Clearly she has never been out from under her trailer park rock.

Oh yeah I own a house in her head.
I am not angry no, but you have some deep psychological problems and I recommend you get professional help, you are unable to accept ANY criticism of Israel which is a nation you live TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away from, you seem to expect EVERYONE on this PLANET to suck Israel's buttocks 24/7 and that when confronted with someone who does not do that you have a neurotic meltdown and go into Persecution and Paranoia Default Mode and begin name calling and accusations that EXIST only in your MIND and not in RL.
So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.
Why would she chill … Lucy is among them. Note that the always ignorant NaziGirl believes Israel is "TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away." Clearly she has never been out from under her trailer park rock.

Km 10,882 km from America to Israel. Name calling does nothing call me a Nazi who cares I do NOT give a SHIT about names, there is worse than being called a Nazi such as being called a Communist and you ONLY seem to post in that The Trump Administration thread in Badlands UNTIL your nation of Israel needs defending upstairs and you are summoned from under YOUR rock to post.

But Solid Conservatives do NOTICE how the Neo-Conservative filthy vermin like YOU attack Solid Conservatives, you are despite what you might comment Israel First PERIOD and you in America would DESTROY AMERICA if it mean PROTECT Israel and you would slip EVERY AMERICAN THROAT to PROTECT Israel, in your Black Satanic holes where OTHERS have a Blood Red HEART it is FUCK AMERICA, FUCK THE WEST, ISRAEL FIRST AND ALWAYS.
I am not angry no, but you have some deep psychological problems and I recommend you get professional help, you are unable to accept ANY criticism of Israel which is a nation you live TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away from, you seem to expect EVERYONE on this PLANET to suck Israel's buttocks 24/7 and that when confronted with someone who does not do that you have a neurotic meltdown and go into Persecution and Paranoia Default Mode and begin name calling and accusations that EXIST only in your MIND and not in RL.
So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.
Why would she chill … Lucy is among them. Note that the always ignorant NaziGirl believes Israel is "TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away." Clearly she has never been out from under her trailer park rock.

Km 10,882 km from America to Israel. Name calling does nothing call me a Nazi who cares I do NOT give a SHIT about names, there is worse than being called a Nazi such as being called a Communist and you ONLY seem to post in that The Trump Administration thread in Badlands UNTIL your nation of Israel needs defending upstairs and you are summoned from under YOUR rock to post.

But Solid Conservatives do NOTICE how the Neo-Conservative filthy vermin like YOU attack Solid Conservatives, you are despite what you might comment Israel First PERIOD and you in America would DESTROY AMERICA if it mean PROTECT Israel and you would slip EVERY AMERICAN THROAT to PROTECT Israel, in your Black Satanic holes where OTHERS have a Blood Red HEART it is FUCK AMERICA, FUCK THE WEST, ISRAEL FIRST AND ALWAYS.

Triggered!!! LMAO.
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