President Trump infuriates Israel and India

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I repeat Islam has ALREADY invaded America and there is NO Caliphate on my Continent as I now work for an Organisation that because of this I have Diplomatic Immunity then IF there WAS a Caliphate I would KNOW about it and so would my brother who works with me.

I am not angry no, but you have some deep psychological problems and I recommend you get professional help, you are unable to accept ANY criticism of Israel which is a nation you live TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles away from, you seem to expect EVERYONE on this PLANET to suck Israel's buttocks 24/7 and that when confronted with someone who does not do that you have a neurotic meltdown and go into Persecution and Paranoia Default Mode and begin name calling and accusations that EXIST only in your MIND and not in RL.

So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.

You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.
So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.

You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

This crowd ruin every thread they crap in, we COULD have had a rational and ADULT debate in this thread about a variety of situations that involve Israel and also India and Palestine etc but this was impossible from the moment the first of that crowd crapped in the thread, it then descend into the usual name calling because they do NOT want a debate, they DO want to Shut It Down, to shut down ANY and ALL debate on the topic of Israel as I comment they do NOT tolerate ANYTHING EXCEPT Israel First.

Jonathan Pollard was the Traitor Spy, I mention him last year in another thread and a random Dumb Goyim DEFENDED him because you know Brainwashed Not To Criticise But To Defend And Suck Buttocks 24/7
So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.

You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

This is how America is seen by a MAJORITY of the world and it is very tragic:

You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

This is how America is seen by a MAJORITY of the world and it is very tragic:


Who cares what the majority thinks. They are just jealous of our superiority.
You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

This crowd ruin every thread they crap in, we COULD have had a rational and ADULT debate in this thread about a variety of situations that involve Israel and also India and Palestine etc but this was impossible from the moment the first of that crowd crapped in the thread, it then descend into the usual name calling because they do NOT want a debate, they DO want to Shut It Down, to shut down ANY and ALL debate on the topic of Israel as I comment they do NOT tolerate ANYTHING EXCEPT Israel First.

Jonathan Pollard was the Traitor Spy, I mention him last year in another thread and a random Dumb Goyim DEFENDED him because you know Brainwashed Not To Criticise But To Defend And Suck Buttocks 24/7

Happy to have an adult debate but debating Sobie is like Groundhog Day. He forgets and starts from scratch so either he has dementia or he is trolling. Which do you think it is?
So literal? Wow. You’re really off base. LOL. I do This to get Neo Nazis riled up. Relax Lucy. Chill girl.

You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

Bullshit. Israel provides critical intelligence and tech to the US. They fight for Democracy. You hate America so just leave.
I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

This is how America is seen by a MAJORITY of the world and it is very tragic:


Who cares what the majority thinks. They are just jealous of our superiority.

You are not superior though, you especially are not morally superior you are now the Modern version of Sodom and Gomorrah where EVERY perversion is now considered NORMAL and healthy things are considered ABNORMAL and America is Mystery, Babylon and New York City is The Whore of Babylon and our Bible says that all your crowd should GTFO and go to Israel before it's too late, you are told to GTFO out of Mystery, Babylon.

Of course you will say oh whatever, but you ACCEPT the support of the American Evangelical lunatics who ONLY support Israel because of it's geographic position in End Time Biblical Prophecy ie. Megiddo in the Jezreel Valley where The Battle of Megiddo happens ie. Armageddon and that crowd are very excited because the River Euphrates has started to get dry and that's in the SAME Biblical Prophecy of Revelation 16:16. And with the insanity in Syria that also excites them because the literal Fall of Damascus kicks EVERYTHING off and so THAT is why that American Evangelical crowd do NOT want the War in Syria to end they WANT it to continue AND get worse and that's why they want American troops to remain in Syria.

They WANT the End of THIS World ie. Armageddon because they are deluded and think they will be Raptured Up To Jesus, when actually they are going down below because of their Blasphemy Against Jesus Christ, their bastardisation of our Christian Bible and their OWN interpretation of Our Lord's Word.

We DO NOT want the End of THIS world and the majority of Israeli's do NOT want that either and this is why we work with the Orthodox to prevent the crazy crowd taking over but the crazy ones HATE the Orthodox and think they are weird or whatever and so it's difficult for them. We support the Orthodox, we are not fans of the Secular as they are materialistic and care more about their iPhones and they won't listen to the Orthodox, do the Secular go to Synagogue? No and because of that they are doomed.
You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

Bullshit. Israel provides critical intelligence and tech to the US. They fight for Democracy. You hate America so just leave.

What is your thought about Jonathan Pollard?
I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

This crowd ruin every thread they crap in, we COULD have had a rational and ADULT debate in this thread about a variety of situations that involve Israel and also India and Palestine etc but this was impossible from the moment the first of that crowd crapped in the thread, it then descend into the usual name calling because they do NOT want a debate, they DO want to Shut It Down, to shut down ANY and ALL debate on the topic of Israel as I comment they do NOT tolerate ANYTHING EXCEPT Israel First.

Jonathan Pollard was the Traitor Spy, I mention him last year in another thread and a random Dumb Goyim DEFENDED him because you know Brainwashed Not To Criticise But To Defend And Suck Buttocks 24/7

Happy to have an adult debate but debating Sobie is like Groundhog Day. He forgets and starts from scratch so either he has dementia or he is trolling. Which do you think it is?

I also am capable of having an adult debate that contains zero name calling, I prefer no name calling in general, with any topic about Israel though it is very difficult to have a normal debate when someone who criticises Israel or disagrees with Israel about something is IMMEDIATELY jumped on with the tired old Dittohead comments of - Your Anti-Semitism is noted....Jew Hater....Why do you hate Jews....It's Da Joos again etc these are the responses either of Brainwashed or low educated or just intellectually lazy or Paid To Post Trolls there are no other logical explanations and such stupidness as those tired old Dittohead comments are designed to Shut Down Any Debate it is the epitome of intolerance.
You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

Bullshit. Israel provides critical intelligence and tech to the US. They fight for Democracy. You hate America so just leave.

Here's Israel providing criticial Intelligence & Tech OF THE USA to China.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

If you hate America & love Israel the enemy of the USA, you can go leave.
I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

Bullshit. Israel provides critical intelligence and tech to the US. They fight for Democracy. You hate America so just leave.

What is your thought about Jonathan Pollard?

Well it is before my time but from what I have read I am glad the CIA caught him. You do realize that allies still spy on one another the UK I am certain has spies here and we have our spies there.
I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

Bullshit. Israel provides critical intelligence and tech to the US. They fight for Democracy. You hate America so just leave.

Here's Israel providing criticial Intelligence & Tech OF THE USA to China.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

If you hate America & love Israel the enemy of the USA, you can go leave.

I don't remember what you typed. Please retype everything. Thanks.
If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

Bullshit. Israel provides critical intelligence and tech to the US. They fight for Democracy. You hate America so just leave.

Here's Israel providing criticial Intelligence & Tech OF THE USA to China.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

If you hate America & love Israel the enemy of the USA, you can go leave.

I don't remember what you typed. Please retype everything. Thanks.

The USA because of it's Alliance with Israel has alienated 1.6 billion Muslims for 16 million Jews, it doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

Bullshit. Israel provides critical intelligence and tech to the US. They fight for Democracy. You hate America so just leave.

Here's Israel providing criticial Intelligence & Tech OF THE USA to China.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

If you hate America & love Israel the enemy of the USA, you can go leave.

I don't remember what you typed. Please retype everything. Thanks.

The USA because of it's Alliance with Israel has alienated 1.6 billion Muslims for 16 million Jews, it doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense.

What is Israel? What do you mean? What is a Muslim?
If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

This crowd ruin every thread they crap in, we COULD have had a rational and ADULT debate in this thread about a variety of situations that involve Israel and also India and Palestine etc but this was impossible from the moment the first of that crowd crapped in the thread, it then descend into the usual name calling because they do NOT want a debate, they DO want to Shut It Down, to shut down ANY and ALL debate on the topic of Israel as I comment they do NOT tolerate ANYTHING EXCEPT Israel First.

Jonathan Pollard was the Traitor Spy, I mention him last year in another thread and a random Dumb Goyim DEFENDED him because you know Brainwashed Not To Criticise But To Defend And Suck Buttocks 24/7

Happy to have an adult debate but debating Sobie is like Groundhog Day. He forgets and starts from scratch so either he has dementia or he is trolling. Which do you think it is?

I also am capable of having an adult debate that contains zero name calling, I prefer no name calling in general, with any topic about Israel though it is very difficult to have a normal debate when someone who criticises Israel or disagrees with Israel about something is IMMEDIATELY jumped on with the tired old Dittohead comments of - Your Anti-Semitism is noted....Jew Hater....Why do you hate Jews....It's Da Joos again etc these are the responses either of Brainwashed or low educated or just intellectually lazy or Paid To Post Trolls there are no other logical explanations and such stupidness as those tired old Dittohead comments are designed to Shut Down Any Debate it is the epitome of intolerance.

Lucy, imagine you and I have a year long discussion about what color to paint a room. Then one day I come to you and say "So what color should we paint the room?" How infuriating would that be? That is the point of my attack. I had this debate with Sobie and it was civil but then he goes back to square one ignoring numerous posts. So either he has dementia or he is trolling. Which do you think it is?
It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

Bullshit. Israel provides critical intelligence and tech to the US. They fight for Democracy. You hate America so just leave.

Here's Israel providing criticial Intelligence & Tech OF THE USA to China.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

If you hate America & love Israel the enemy of the USA, you can go leave.

I don't remember what you typed. Please retype everything. Thanks.

The USA because of it's Alliance with Israel has alienated 1.6 billion Muslims for 16 million Jews, it doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense.
The Muslims are animals who treat their women worse than cattle and chops off the heads of infidels, so fuck them. israel is our bastion of sanity in the middle East. once the muslims bring their civilizations up to the 20th centuries then maybe we can care what they think. Till then they are the enemies of us all.
Trump Comments Provoke Shock and Outrage in Israel and India

Am I the only who doesn't give a shit if Israel and India are pissed off? Fuck them! If they are so worried about Syria and Afghanistan then they can do their own damn fighting in those areas! I am tired of seeing American boys and girls die for foreign countries.
Trump just displayed his ignorance of India's actions in trying to alter the Taliban's beliefs about Islam and education. And the notion of India having troops in a Muslim maj nation is rather horrifying, considering how close India and Pak have come to nuclear war ... which Trump appears to also be ignorant about.

Israel and Syria .... where to begin. Mattis resigned because Trump gave in to letting Iran gain more of a foothold. Yet Trump supports a war against civilians in Yemen on the grounds that he opposed Iran's attempts to exert influence. But there's no disputing, imo, that Trump inherited a bad situation and possibly Assad was not the worst of the various players over there. Which says a lot. We've definitely fucked over the Kurds, and there's no excusing that .. whether one is a neocon, an anti-colonialist (like Obama) or a Trumpybear.
You don’t want an adult conversation. What you want is to be agreed with. Your supposed superior education failed to inform you of the real history of the Middle East and Islam. Sadly, you are in the young crowd that has been fed an altered history to bring about hatred for another group of people. Either that, or your own roots are so deep, that you can’t see the forest for the trees.
So many are told, just get rid of Israel, and Islam will leave everyone alone. That is a lie. They will not stop at Israel. Israel is just a step. They have a mission, and one thing I will give them credit for, is they will never be quitters. They have a mission, no matter how long it takes, if generation after generation, to overtake the world, not live in peace in just the Middle East. You will capitulate to Islam, be taxed or be killed, and it matters not whether you are orthodox or not. They are sly and cunning, and will lie straight to your face, as lying to the infidel is permissive within Islam, to reach their goal. Even those that claim a wish for peace believe in this same mission. Their Mohammed commanded it, over 1400 years ago, in their Quran.
Now, if you truly want to have an adult discussion, then let’s have it about the ultimate mission within Islam, even though there are competing factions. Their ultimate goal is all the same.
You have been Mega Triggered from your FIRST post in this thread so it's you that should chill.

I did it to get you and Sobie riled up. Worked like a charm.

If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.

Jewish Zionists never seem to get banned here, no matter how much they flame, go off topic, insult & so forth.

This is truly JEWSMB.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

This crowd ruin every thread they crap in, we COULD have had a rational and ADULT debate in this thread about a variety of situations that involve Israel and also India and Palestine etc but this was impossible from the moment the first of that crowd crapped in the thread, it then descend into the usual name calling because they do NOT want a debate, they DO want to Shut It Down, to shut down ANY and ALL debate on the topic of Israel as I comment they do NOT tolerate ANYTHING EXCEPT Israel First.

Jonathan Pollard was the Traitor Spy, I mention him last year in another thread and a random Dumb Goyim DEFENDED him because you know Brainwashed Not To Criticise But To Defend And Suck Buttocks 24/7
They never will bring it up to 20th century standards, as it goes against every facet of Mohammed’s decree. They may lie, connive, etc., in a public fashion, but they all will continue to be lead by their ultimate task, in private.
Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

Bullshit. Israel provides critical intelligence and tech to the US. They fight for Democracy. You hate America so just leave.

Here's Israel providing criticial Intelligence & Tech OF THE USA to China.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

If you hate America & love Israel the enemy of the USA, you can go leave.

I don't remember what you typed. Please retype everything. Thanks.

The USA because of it's Alliance with Israel has alienated 1.6 billion Muslims for 16 million Jews, it doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense.
The Muslims are animals who treat their women worse than cattle and chops off the heads of infidels, so fuck them. israel is our bastion of sanity in the middle East. once the muslims bring their civilizations up to the 20th centuries then maybe we can care what they think. Till then they are the enemies of us all.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to have a rational or normal discussion with this crowd about Israel or the Palestinian thing, this is why I have never posted in the Israel/Palestine section, I have read threads at random in that section and it is the CESSPIT of this ENTIRE forum where they do NOT want to debate ALL they do is as in this thread name call, some do debate but the majority have no interest in a debate, the majority are Israel First, ZERO criticism of Israel, Israel is GREAT, Israel is PERFECT, Support Israel Crap on Everything Else, this is not normal, this is Brainwashed and unhinged. I at random post in threads like this thread we have here and I do that at random because I ENJOY poking these maniacs.

That crowd say oh well Israel are an ally and THIS is why they react as they do, well the British are an American ally and yet they NEVER invade threads that are criticising the British with the same demented frothing at the mouth and the British have illustrated how much of an American ally they are by sending British troops to fight and die along side American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan unlike Israel who have illustrated what a GREAT American ally they are by NOT sending Israeli troops to fight and die along side British and American troops in the SHIT HOLES of Iraq and Afghanistan and this crowd would be HAPPY for MORE British and American troops to go and fight and die in Iran. I add that the Israel First crowd and The Dumb Goyim would be HAPPY if the Israeli's MURDERED EVERY Palestinian man woman and baby they would be masturbating at that footage if posted to YouTube, they are sick, perverted, unhinged and demented and I am NOT the only person who is tired of their CONSTANT whining and Paranoia Complex.

Israel would be one of the WORST enemies of the U.S.A, rather than one of the BEST friends.

Not a heck of a lot of Governments have such big ordeals against the U.S.A, as the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or Jonathan Pollard.

This crowd ruin every thread they crap in, we COULD have had a rational and ADULT debate in this thread about a variety of situations that involve Israel and also India and Palestine etc but this was impossible from the moment the first of that crowd crapped in the thread, it then descend into the usual name calling because they do NOT want a debate, they DO want to Shut It Down, to shut down ANY and ALL debate on the topic of Israel as I comment they do NOT tolerate ANYTHING EXCEPT Israel First.

Jonathan Pollard was the Traitor Spy, I mention him last year in another thread and a random Dumb Goyim DEFENDED him because you know Brainwashed Not To Criticise But To Defend And Suck Buttocks 24/7

Happy to have an adult debate but debating Sobie is like Groundhog Day. He forgets and starts from scratch so either he has dementia or he is trolling. Which do you think it is?

I also am capable of having an adult debate that contains zero name calling, I prefer no name calling in general, with any topic about Israel though it is very difficult to have a normal debate when someone who criticises Israel or disagrees with Israel about something is IMMEDIATELY jumped on with the tired old Dittohead comments of - Your Anti-Semitism is noted....Jew Hater....Why do you hate Jews....It's Da Joos again etc these are the responses either of Brainwashed or low educated or just intellectually lazy or Paid To Post Trolls there are no other logical explanations and such stupidness as those tired old Dittohead comments are designed to Shut Down Any Debate it is the epitome of intolerance.

Lucy, imagine you and I have a year long discussion about what color to paint a room. Then one day I come to you and say "So what color should we paint the room?" How infuriating would that be? That is the point of my attack. I had this debate with Sobie and it was civil but then he goes back to square one ignoring numerous posts. So either he has dementia or he is trolling. Which do you think it is?

A lot of the same subjects are discussed, over & over again here.

You just don't want me to destroy you & your Zionism, again, now do you?
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