President Trump is Under Attack by the Deep State

Seems to me he'll give them whatever they want.
Besides - President Trump is achieving exactly what the left deeply desired and cheered Barack Insane Obama for campaigning on (but failing to achieve) - repairing relations with Russia.
Ya that's why Putin said relations are at their worst point ever. Trump will have to deliver on his promises to give them the arctic and Ukraine to fix things.
Well now you just contradicted yourself. You think Vladimir Putin would help a party in the U.S. win an election despite declaring that relations are worse than ever? :uhh:

You can't have it both ways.
Seems to me he'll give them whatever they want.
Key word there. You're dealing in your own partisan, slanted views. I'm dealing in facts.
You've spent all this time denying facts
You haven't posted a single fact to deny. You literally don't know what President Trump told them. But if you did - you'd feel really stupid calling it "state secrets".
Post what he said then. Trump and McMaster are already on record saying they're proud of giving the Russians classified info.
Seems to me he'll give them whatever they want.
Besides - President Trump is achieving exactly what the left deeply desired and cheered Barack Insane Obama for campaigning on (but failing to achieve) - repairing relations with Russia.
Ya that's why Putin said relations are at their worst point ever. Trump will have to deliver on his promises to give them the arctic and Ukraine to fix things.
Well now you just contradicted yourself. You think Vladimir Putin would help a party in the U.S. win an election despite declaring that relations are worse than ever? :uhh:

You can't have it both ways.
Trump is an incompetent moron. Getting him elected is a win for Russia no matter what his positions on Russia are.
No, it is the thing slowly marching us towards an authoritarian dictatorship.

You poor thing.

Your dream of a one-party dictatorship, gone.

Your dream of all liberals being sent to the camps, gone.

Your dream of all civil liberties removed and your brownshirts freely bringing down the truncheons, gone.

And you were so close. If you all hadn't been such proud sociopaths, like your DearLeader, you might have pulled it off. Alas, your pathological narcissism lead to stupid arrogance on your part. Your assumed that since you'd gotten away with all your corruption before, you were untouchable.

Oops. Sucks to be you. Our democratic institutions -- what the treasonous crowd here maligns as "the deep state" -- run strong, stronger than any single election.

Don't worry. There's a way out of the humiliation of being thought of as a traitor. You can just pretend to have always hated Trump and the Republicans. Just brazenly revise history, like you've always done.
You poor thing.

Your dream of a one-party dictatorship, gone.

Your dream of all liberals being sent to the camps, gone.

Your dream of all civil liberties removed and your brownshirts freely bringing down the truncheons, gone.

And you were so close. If you all hadn't been such proud sociopaths, like your DearLeader, you might have pulled it off. Alas, your pathological narcissism lead to stupid arrogance on your part. Your assumed that since you'd gotten away with all your corruption before, you were untouchable.

Oops. Sucks to be you. Our democratic institutions -- what the treasonous crowd here maligns as "the deep state" -- run strong, stronger than any single election.

Don't worry. There's a way out of the humiliation of being thought of as a traitor. You can just pretend to have always hated Trump and the Republicans. Just brazenly revise history, like you've always done.

That is almost the stupidest post I have ever read here. The dictatorial party is LIBERAL DIMSHITS, The Sociopaths are the LIBERAL DIMSHITS, YOU are the rioters, YOU are the extortionist, YOU are the thieves, YOU are the liars, YOU are the NAZIS by DEFINITION, YOU are the most vile and disgusting group of thugs and criminals to ever take a breath. IT is PROVEN BY IRREFUTABLE FACTS and it is not surprising liberal shit are proud of being the vile vomit spewing trash they are.
Another leaker ID'd....Dina Habib Powell and maybe McMaster as the feeder to her.......known as Republican Huma and member of an org founded and co-chaired by Hilly called Vital voices.
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Post what he said then. Trump and McMaster are already on record saying they're proud of giving the Russians classified info.
He told Russia that ISIS is planning on taking down planes with laptops (presumably with bombs in laptops). The information came from Israel.

Oh my! What great "state secret"! Oh the horrors of working with other nations to stop terrorism. As if that's even a "secret". Show me anyone who doesn't know that. Every time I travel, the TSA makes me boot up my laptop in front of them. That's been going on for at least a decade.

President Trump was an absolute idiot for bombing Syria. He should have helped them defeat the uprising and then we would have a tremendous coalition around the world (which would have then included Syria and Russia) committed to wiping out ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, etc.
As usual the dems and their media are over doing it and will pay at election time. Not every person that voted for Hillary is a nut job liberal like the fools on TV. They are ashamed of the way their party members are acting and laughing at the media right along with us Trump voters. You nut case libs on this site are the tiniest minority in the nation.

It is not just liberals. Among the heroes who have stepped up are conservative Senators like Ben Sasse who has not been afraid to stand up to Trump when he is wrong. The fact is that even Rasmussen shows that Trump's approvals are falling.
Post what he said then. Trump and McMaster are already on record saying they're proud of giving the Russians classified info.
He told Russia that ISIS is planning on taking down planes with laptops (presumably with bombs in laptops). The information came from Israel.

Oh my! What great "state secret"! Oh the horrors of working with other nations to stop terrorism. As if that's even a "secret". Show me anyone who doesn't know that. Every time I travel, the TSA makes me boot up my laptop in front of them. That's been going on for at least a decade.

President Trump was an absolute idiot for bombing Syria. He should have helped them defeat the uprising and then we would have a tremendous coalition around the world (which would have then included Syria and Russia) committed to wiping out ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, etc.

Syria and Iran are propping up Assad to build a new Persian Empire in the Middle East. Also the US commander in Afghanistan reports that Iran and Russia are aiding the Taliban in Afghanistan. You are so ignorant. Go find the facts before you spout stupid statements.
It is not just liberals. Among the heroes who have stepped up are conservative Senators like Ben Sasse who has not been afraid to stand up to Trump when he is wrong. The fact is that even Rasmussen shows that Trump's approvals are falling
Just a scared swamps last gasps
Seems to me he'll give them whatever they want.
Besides - President Trump is achieving exactly what the left deeply desired and cheered Barack Insane Obama for campaigning on (but failing to achieve) - repairing relations with Russia.
Ya that's why Putin said relations are at their worst point ever. Trump will have to deliver on his promises to give them the arctic and Ukraine to fix things.
Well now you just contradicted yourself. You think Vladimir Putin would help a party in the U.S. win an election despite declaring that relations are worse than ever? :uhh:

You can't have it both ways.
Trump is an incompetent moron. Getting him elected is a win for Russia no matter what his positions on Russia are. can't have it both ways. If Russia hates the U.S. so much - there is no way they are interceding to help one party win an election. If they love President Trump and/or the Republican Party so much that they would risk an international crisis (possibly even war) to interfere in an election, then relations are better than ever with Russia right now. Which is it?

As usual, the facts show that you are spreading misinformation and buying into the propaganda. Just stop and think about the narrative first - you'd be surprised how much you'll stop falling for if you do that.
It is not just liberals. Among the heroes who have stepped up are conservative Senators like Ben Sasse who has not been afraid to stand up to Trump when he is wrong. The fact is that even Rasmussen shows that Trump's approvals are falling.
Would that be the same Rasmussen that had Hitlery Clinton winning in a landslide? :lmao:
Kucinish is telling the truth. The occupied government "deep state" is trying to perform a coup d'état.
And the senile old orange clown is giving them all the help that he can. It is the President himself that is the biggest threat to the President.

You know, you're not the first Trump-thug to have lost his marbles after seeing his dreams of an authoritarian state die, and you won't be the last.

Here's a thought. Instead of jackbooted authoritarianism, why not take up another hobby, like bird-watching?
Syria and Iran are propping up Assad to build a new Persian Empire in the Middle East.
Syria is "propping up Assad", uh dimwit? You're literally too stupid to even know that Assad is the President of Syria. :lmao:
Syria and Iran are propping up Assad to build a new Persian Empire in the Middle East. Also the US commander in Afghanistan reports that Iran and Russia are aiding the Taliban in Afghanistan. You are so ignorant. Go find the facts before you spout stupid statements.
You're so fuck'n ignorant that you left out the biggest supporter of Assad - Russia. They are doing more to prop him up than Iran, dimwit. And Russia is not aiding the Taliban, you buffoon. Russia vehemently opposes radical islam. They could have been a great ally in the war on terror had President Trump not bombed Syria.

Nobody spread misinformation like busybee01. What an appropriate screen name. :laugh:
Syria and Iran are propping up Assad to build a new Persian Empire in the Middle East. Also the US commander in Afghanistan reports that Iran and Russia are aiding the Taliban in Afghanistan. You are so ignorant. Go find the facts before you spout stupid statements
Russia is aiding the Taliban in their fight against the Isis invaders. What you libs don't get is Russia and the United States have a common enemy. That enemy like it or not is Muslim extremism, It comes from many different parts of the world and from many different nations.
In the second world war we allied with Russia to defeat the Nazis. To shun Russia and treat them as an enemy at this point in time is foolish. That is why I'm not a democrat, they are fools.
Kucinish is telling the truth. The occupied government "deep state" is trying to perform a coup d'état.
There is no "deep state". It's just a bunch of progressive fascists who refuse to accept that the American people elected Donald Trump as president.

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