President Trump is Under Attack by the Deep State

Dennis Kucinich is an independent who leans liberal, who, while I don't agree with everything, he is a man I've always respected. He's an honest politician.

Don't want to be attacked by the Deep State?

Don't do stupid $hit, time and again, that require it to act for the good of The People and The Republic.

When you violate our laws, and endanger the Republic, then lie about it, you aren't going to last long.

Hurrah for the Deep State.

Enjoy the Special Prosecutor, kiddies.
The deep state is illegal, and it should be rooted out, and dismantled. The very fact that something like that exist speaks volumes to the corruption of this underground movement that exist to undermine this republic. Draining the swamp needs to include dismantling any illegal underground power structure that has been put in place to control our elections and the outcomes of our elections.
The day after President Trump won the election in November, the snowflakes on the left started screaming "impeach" (because they have no idea what that is or how it works). Since then, anything they didn't like they declared an "impeachable" offense. But now, the entire narrative has come crumbling down around them and they are left looking like the dumbest little monkeys ever.

First Nancy Pelosi stated there was nothing to impeach President Trump over. Then Maxine Waters admitted that there was absolutely no evidence. And now, Allen Dershowitz himself has come and declared that even if all of the accusations were true, there is no crime as it is not against the law.
“Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated [by the Trump-Russia collusion],” Dershowitz said. “And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime.”
Some of the most prominent progressives are now waving the white-flag and acknowledging that there is absolutely nothing here but left-wing hyperbole and propaganda. No evidence exists whatsoever and even if it had - there is no law against President Trump's team speaking with Russia.

Alan Dershowitz pulverizes liberal anti-Trump Russia theories — and nearly leaves Carlson speechless
Dennis Kucinich is an independent who leans liberal, who, while I don't agree with everything, he is a man I've always respected. He's an honest politician.

President Trump is under attack from the deep state indeed

but the deep state has to fight against the power who is praying against it

the deep state will lose!!!

nobody on earth want the scum secret deep state hiding from the people

...Was the prosecutor triggered because of possible wrong doing or was it triggered to shut the mouths of politically motivated liberal hacks abusing their offices for political gains against another party ?...
Don't know.

Let's see what Robert Mueller discovers.

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