President Trump is Under Attack by the Deep State

I don't think it is this fantasy "deep state" so much as it is the fascist progressives who refuse to accept that the American people have spoken.
Trump just gave state secrets to the Russians in exchange for nothing and you rubes deify him for it
"State secrets" :lmao:

First you fascist nitwits claimed he violated national security. When I proved that wrong, you come back with "but....but....but....he "gave state secrets for nothing".

You're just so desperate to whine about President Trump that you make shit up all day.
"Former FBI Director James Comey said he was never told to stop an investigation due to political reasons during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3, 2017"

Game. Set. Match.
When I proved that wrong,

I don't recall that. Anyways, Trump gave state secrets to an enemy that is occupying the land of one of our allies and being investigated for sabotaging our election process. And you rubes fall to your knees for him.
There is no deep state. It is just a excuse for all of the blunders Trump has committed. Trump has made his bed and must lie in it. Kucinich is just as crazy as Hannity and the rest of the Trump sycophants.
. No deep state eh ? Well then how was Obama going to pull off his "fundemental change", if he didn't create the deep state by placing his gate keepers at every entrance & exit in order to get his radical agenda up and running or worse completed ?
There is no deep state. It is just a excuse for all of the blunders Trump has committed. Trump has made his bed and must lie in it. Kucinich is just as crazy as Hannity and the rest of the Trump sycophants.

Oh really?
So who keeps sabotaging the Trump Presidency?
Ironically, the unelected "deep state" is the thing keeping democracy alive in the USA.
The GOP wants Trump to rule by royal edict
You mean the way Obummer ruled?

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No. Far, far worse.
It would be impossible to get any worse.

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Well, I guess if you try you end up bogged down by scandals until an eventual impeachment happens in the first months of your Presidency. So maybe you're right.
As usual the dems and their media are over doing it and will pay at election time. Not every person that voted for Hillary is a nut job liberal like the fools on TV. They are ashamed of the way their party members are acting and laughing at the media right along with us Trump voters. You nut case libs on this site are the tiniest minority in the nation.
There is no deep state. It is just a excuse for all of the blunders Trump has committed. Trump has made his bed and must lie in it. Kucinich is just as crazy as Hannity and the rest of the Trump sycophants.

Oh really?
So who keeps sabotaging the Trump Presidency?

Donald Trump. He can't stop opening his big fat mouth and he lies. His lies about Comey led to former and current FBI officials leaking the truth. The fact is that Trump has no firm beliefs. He is ignorant and uninterested in finding out the facts. Apparently administration officials briefing Trump for his official visit to the Middle East have to insert Trump's name into the information so he will pay attention. McMaster's job is to babysit Trump so he stays on message in meetings with foreign leaders. McMaster failed miserably in his meeting with the Russian ambassador.
Trump gave state secrets to an enemy that is occupying the land of one of our allies and being investigated for sabotaging our election process. And you rubes fall to your knees for him.
President Trump didn't give "state secrets" to anyone. :lmao:

You literally have no idea what he gave them - do you?
Seems to me he'll give them whatever they want.
Besides - President Trump is achieving exactly what the left deeply desired and cheered Barack Insane Obama for campaigning on (but failing to achieve) - repairing relations with Russia.
There is no deep state. It is just a excuse for all of the blunders Trump has committed. Trump has made his bed and must lie in it. Kucinich is just as crazy as Hannity and the rest of the Trump sycophants.

Oh really?
So who keeps sabotaging the Trump Presidency?

Donald Trump. He can't stop opening his big fat mouth and he lies. His lies about Comey led to former and current FBI officials leaking the truth. The fact is that Trump has no firm beliefs. He is ignorant and uninterested in finding out the facts. Apparently administration officials briefing Trump for his official visit to the Middle East have to insert Trump's name into the information so he will pay attention. McMaster's job is to babysit Trump so he stays on message in meetings with foreign leaders. McMaster failed miserably in his meeting with the Russian ambassador.

Yes and you're an idiot.....
Seems to me he'll give them whatever they want.
Besides - President Trump is achieving exactly what the left deeply desired and cheered Barack Insane Obama for campaigning on (but failing to achieve) - repairing relations with Russia.
Ya that's why Putin said relations are at their worst point ever. Trump will have to deliver on his promises to give them the arctic and Ukraine to fix things.

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