President Trump savages Mexico at immigration roundtable

If you’re actually upset that Trump called MS-13 “animals,” here’s a reminder on what they do: • Child prostitution • Machete attacks • Recruiting of middle schoolers • Gang rape • Kidnapping • Home invasions • Brutal beatings • Murder where body parts are torn apart
It seems to me he included more than just MS-13 in that description.

MS-13 is Trump's excuse for deporting non violent non criminal people. rump lied about deporting thousands of MS-13 members. The number since his taking office is around 600.

Trump, being the douchebag he his, is taking credit for a program that started in 2005.

Hey moron, federal immigration law is LAW. The president doesn't need to give an excuse to deport illegal immigrants.
Then why is he lying about it? As for illegal, so is colluding with a foreign government in a federal election.

You are an idiot. Colluding with a foreign government in a federal election? Yeah? Like the DNC paying millions of dollars for a fictitious dossier?

You are the same moron that went on and on in 2012 about how stupid Romney was for saying that Russia is America's #1 geopolitical foe. How's this for colluding with Putin?

That is not collusion
It is a sitting president negotiating with a foreign government

At no time does he ask for help in winning the election
And yet you still have no idea why Putin sized Obama up for the wimp that he was/is.
Sanctuary cities is about undocumented people not living in fear of the local government checking their immigration status. These people can now step forward to help solve crimes & being witnesses. To assume they are not working & supporting those communities is naive.
I never did. But they aren't paying taxes, which means they're not paying for the schooling they receive, the medical care they receive at a hospital or doctor that they don't directly pay for with cash. They're not paying for law enforcement, emergency services, road construction, public parks and buildings, etc. Considering nothing is ever "free", the services they consume have to be paid for by either incurring debt or charging tax payers more.
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It is so refreshing to see an American tell the truth about Mexico. Trump makes me proud.
Now, we hear from the local white supremacist. That has to be it because the people I know & work with in Mexico are good people. The only animals are you racist, bigoted white supremacist assholes.

Mexico supplies us with oil. You asshats love oil.

They buy a shitload of US products from grain to heavy machinery.

I export hundreds of thousands of dollars with of US made products into Mexico every year.

So fuck you & your asshole orange buddy too.

You aren't a hero, nor is your transparent attempts at moral superiority through virtue signaling helping the thousands of Mexicans being slaughtered by murderous drug cartels that profit billions off America's broken borders. Who is benefiting from simplistic social warriors like yourself? Corporations that have successfully lobbied the GOP for immigration amnesty, murderous drug cartels committing little-reported genocide in Mexico, the Democrat party gets cheap votes to pander to--actual Mexicans live in fear in their own country and come to the US to work menial jobs for incredibly low pay.

But like so many other feel-good leftist bullshit, they are continuing cycles of poverty that they themselves benefit from.

The Mexican drug trade is there solely because of the US thirst for drugs. We created this problem for Mexico.

The bullshit is yours. Blaming Mexico & the "borders" for a problem the USA created. You probably think that wall is the answer. If the drugs don't come through Mexico, they will come in by other means.

I am not a drug user, I do not support the drug trade.

Agriculture & manufacturing depends on labor from Mexico.

US jobs end up in Mexico because of US corporations send them there. Tell me one Mexican brand that is being imported that takes jobs of US manufacturers? There aren't any.

SO instead of blaming Mexico, Mexicans, and Democrats, blame Corporate America & which party does corporate America own? The Republicans.

What a simplistic worldview you have. America is solely responsible for all the ills of Mexico. America is the one that is racist for enforcing immigration laws, never mind Mexico and Canada respectively have much harsher and stricter immigration laws and enforcement. America is the only one that has no right to stop the flow of illegals entering the country.

You aren't interested in the crimes or, more accurately, the victims of illegal immigrants. You aren't concerned with the young girls smuggled to America and abused. You aren't concerned with US corporations using cheap labor to depress wages. You aren't concerned with the thousands being murdered in Mexico. To you it is solely because of America and Trump is a vile idiot for enforcing federal laws.
Oh go fuck yourself. I never said solely.

If no one in the US bought drugs, there would be no huge drug cartels in Mexico.

Illegals have a lower crime rate than US citizens.

And the US has a right to stop illegals. Another dishonest point from you. " OMG OMG the liberals want open cborders OMG OMG OMG" Well that is stupid.

You weren't concerned with the women abused by Trump so save that crap.

I said US corporations were the blame for taking jobs into Mexico, not Mexico.

I never said I was for illegal immigration. I stated a fact about our dependence on that labor.

Trump is LYING. Why do't you care about that.
It seems to me he included more than just MS-13 in that description.

MS-13 is Trump's excuse for deporting non violent non criminal people. rump lied about deporting thousands of MS-13 members. The number since his taking office is around 600.

Trump, being the douchebag he his, is taking credit for a program that started in 2005.

Hey moron, federal immigration law is LAW. The president doesn't need to give an excuse to deport illegal immigrants.
Then why is he lying about it? As for illegal, so is colluding with a foreign government in a federal election.

You are an idiot. Colluding with a foreign government in a federal election? Yeah? Like the DNC paying millions of dollars for a fictitious dossier?

You are the same moron that went on and on in 2012 about how stupid Romney was for saying that Russia is America's #1 geopolitical foe. How's this for colluding with Putin?

That is not collusion
It is a sitting president negotiating with a foreign government

At no time does he ask for help in winning the election
And yet you still have no idea why Putin sized Obama up for the wimp that he was/is.

So what did Obama give to Putin?
Hey moron, federal immigration law is LAW. The president doesn't need to give an excuse to deport illegal immigrants.
Then why is he lying about it? As for illegal, so is colluding with a foreign government in a federal election.

You are an idiot. Colluding with a foreign government in a federal election? Yeah? Like the DNC paying millions of dollars for a fictitious dossier?

You are the same moron that went on and on in 2012 about how stupid Romney was for saying that Russia is America's #1 geopolitical foe. How's this for colluding with Putin?

That is not collusion
It is a sitting president negotiating with a foreign government

At no time does he ask for help in winning the election
And yet you still have no idea why Putin sized Obama up for the wimp that he was/is.

So what did Obama give to Putin?
Putin took whatever he wanted. Obama was weak, very weak.
"Mexico does nothing for us, they do nothing for us. Mexico talks, but they do nothing for us, especially at the border." Then, with NAFTA talks at critical juncture, throws in: "Certainly don’t help us much on trade."

also "We're taking people out of the country — you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals." He says the U.S. has "the dumbest laws on immigration in the world."

HAHA this guy lies......he misquoted like his leftwin media....
people stop listening to these leftwing commies...they will twist anything
The Media Straight-Up Lied About Trump's Immigration Comments Yesterday

this is the actual quote

CNN Politics‏Verified account @CNNPolitics 19h19 hours ago

“These aren’t people. These are animals,” Trump says in response to a question about the MS-13 gang during his roundtable on sanctuary cities. “... because of the weak laws, they come in fast”

so to the OP you are a fucking dishonest douche bag......please go to Oregon and end it for all of us.
The President of the United States has no regard for human lives, families, or people. If you had ANY hope that decency still lived in this Administration, then shred it. Shred it right now. There is no decency.

No you have no're a liar and a piece of shit......
you don't care about babies let alone any other people
"Mexico does nothing for us, they do nothing for us. Mexico talks, but they do nothing for us, especially at the border." Then, with NAFTA talks at critical juncture, throws in: "Certainly don’t help us much on trade."

also "We're taking people out of the country — you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals." He says the U.S. has "the dumbest laws on immigration in the world."
What part do you disagree with?
All of it.

We currently have a trade surplus with Mexico you stupid shit.
In fact, we currently have a $71 billion trade deficit with Mexico which means you have no idea why you are ranting about the President.
Mexico fails its own citizens by providing economic opportunity in a country rich in resources. They are more than willing to send their underclass here while those folks send cash back to Mexico. Then we provide millions in aid all while the corrupted cartel Mexican government has balanced its budget.

We are the fools and Trump is correct to call out the parasitic regime of Mexico.

Fuck Mexico.
"Mexico does nothing for us, they do nothing for us. Mexico talks, but they do nothing for us, especially at the border." Then, with NAFTA talks at critical juncture, throws in: "Certainly don’t help us much on trade."

also "We're taking people out of the country — you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals." He says the U.S. has "the dumbest laws on immigration in the world."

He said MS13 members who rape and pillage are animals, not illegal immigrants.

Notice how immediately upon checking the source, it's discovered that leftists are lying. Never believe a word they say, they don't give a shit about the truth. Remember, according to these people Americans are deplorable. They don't have a problem with tough words, all just the usual feign outrage.
"Mexico does nothing for us, they do nothing for us. Mexico talks, but they do nothing for us, especially at the border." Then, with NAFTA talks at critical juncture, throws in: "Certainly don’t help us much on trade."

also "We're taking people out of the country — you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals." He says the U.S. has "the dumbest laws on immigration in the world."

He said MS13 members who rape and pillage are animals, not illegal immigrants.

Notice how immediately upon checking the source, it's discovered that leftists are lying. Never believe a word they say, they don't give a shit about the truth. Remember, according to these people Americans are deplorable. They don't have a problem with tough words, all just the usual feign outrage.
there's no such thing as an illegal immigrant. it's illegal alien.
"Mexico does nothing for us, they do nothing for us. Mexico talks, but they do nothing for us, especially at the border." Then, with NAFTA talks at critical juncture, throws in: "Certainly don’t help us much on trade."

also "We're taking people out of the country — you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals." He says the U.S. has "the dumbest laws on immigration in the world."
Holy Jesus. What are we gonna do with this guy?
Put Him on Mt. Rushmore my dear - that's what we're gonna do :>
It is so refreshing to see an American tell the truth about Mexico. Trump makes me proud.
Now, we hear from the local white supremacist. That has to be it because the people I know & work with in Mexico are good people. The only animals are you racist, bigoted white supremacist assholes.

Mexico supplies us with oil. You asshats love oil.

They buy a shitload of US products from grain to heavy machinery.

I export hundreds of thousands of dollars with of US made products into Mexico every year.

So fuck you & your asshole orange buddy too.

You aren't a hero, nor is your transparent attempts at moral superiority through virtue signaling helping the thousands of Mexicans being slaughtered by murderous drug cartels that profit billions off America's broken borders. Who is benefiting from simplistic social warriors like yourself? Corporations that have successfully lobbied the GOP for immigration amnesty, murderous drug cartels committing little-reported genocide in Mexico, the Democrat party gets cheap votes to pander to--actual Mexicans live in fear in their own country and come to the US to work menial jobs for incredibly low pay.

But like so many other feel-good leftist bullshit, they are continuing cycles of poverty that they themselves benefit from.

The Mexican drug trade is there solely because of the US thirst for drugs. We created this problem for Mexico.

The bullshit is yours. Blaming Mexico & the "borders" for a problem the USA created. You probably think that wall is the answer. If the drugs don't come through Mexico, they will come in by other means.

I am not a drug user, I do not support the drug trade.

Agriculture & manufacturing depends on labor from Mexico.

US jobs end up in Mexico because of US corporations send them there. Tell me one Mexican brand that is being imported that takes jobs of US manufacturers? There aren't any.

SO instead of blaming Mexico, Mexicans, and Democrats, blame Corporate America & which party does corporate America own? The Republicans.

What a simplistic worldview you have. America is solely responsible for all the ills of Mexico. America is the one that is racist for enforcing immigration laws, never mind Mexico and Canada respectively have much harsher and stricter immigration laws and enforcement. America is the only one that has no right to stop the flow of illegals entering the country.

You aren't interested in the crimes or, more accurately, the victims of illegal immigrants. You aren't concerned with the young girls smuggled to America and abused. You aren't concerned with US corporations using cheap labor to depress wages. You aren't concerned with the thousands being murdered in Mexico. To you it is solely because of America and Trump is a vile idiot for enforcing federal laws.
Oh go fuck yourself. I never said solely.

If no one in the US bought drugs, there would be no huge drug cartels in Mexico.

Illegals have a lower crime rate than US citizens.

And the US has a right to stop illegals. Another dishonest point from you. " OMG OMG the liberals want open cborders OMG OMG OMG" Well that is stupid.

You weren't concerned with the women abused by Trump so save that crap.

I said US corporations were the blame for taking jobs into Mexico, not Mexico.

I never said I was for illegal immigration. I stated a fact about our dependence on that labor.

Trump is LYING. Why do't you care about that.
any illegal in this country has committed a crime being here. so 100% of illegals are criminals. and, not 100% of citizens are criminal. so again, you're factually wrong.
And thanks for showing us your a hypocrite. you don't want to be taken out of context, yet you take the things the president says out of context constantly. but hey. who cares. You should learn to control your emotions.
The President of the United States has no regard for human lives, families, or people. If you had ANY hope that decency still lived in this Administration, then shred it. Shred it right now. There is no decency.
Trump: Undocumented Americans are animals but totally trust Kim Jong Un who guts his family members
He never said he totally trusts little Rocket Man - who do you think gave him the moniker "Little Rocket Man" ..... Strategically timed diplomacy and antagonism are cornerstones of manipulating negotiations in your favor which is exactly what Trump is doing. If its not too deep for your miniscule intellect you might want to delve into the art of the deal [ ] allthough I doubt a "Special" person such as yourself would have much of a chance at comprehending it without your handler slanting it for you.
The President of the United States has no regard for human lives, families, or people. If you had ANY hope that decency still lived in this Administration, then shred it. Shred it right now. There is no decency.
Trump: Undocumented Americans are animals but totally trust Kim Jong Un who guts his family members
He never said he totally trusts little Rocket Man - who do you think gave him the moniker "Little Rocket Man" ..... Strategically timed diplomacy and antagonism are cornerstones of manipulating negotiaons in your favor which is exactly what Trump is doing. If its not too deep for your miniscule intelect you might want to delve into the art of the deal [ ] allthough I doubt a "Special" person such as yourself would have much of a chance at comprehending most of it without your handler slanting it for you.
trump is truly far too smart for the left. it's hilarious watching them misread his moves. truly fascinating.
Holy Jesus. What are we gonna do with this guy?
A good place to start might be to listen to what he is saying and deciding point by point if he is right.
You want to link me to more of his words, I'll read them. I don't take any opinion too seriously, though, when it is couched in terms like "animals." That's kind of a dead give away that the speaker is not being fair minded. I honestly worry about Trump sometimes, lately. He's getting a little unhinged if you ask me.
In other words, you are so distracted by his style you are unable to consider what he is saying. Perhaps you should try harder.
That's not "style." That whole rant today was counterproductive, as well as embarrassing. I don't like illegal immigration either and it should be stopped. We don't have to be feral about it. Trump is foaming at the mouth over Mexico because they aren't as easy to run over as he thought they would be.
Style aside, what the President said was in the vein as what the opponents of illegal immigration say. They consistently portray the illegals as peaceful industrious people who just want to work have and have what natural born Americans have, but never mention the gangs and drug trade or the very high crime rates in neighborhoods in which they live. The truth lies somewhere in between. Calling drug dealers and gang members animals is hardly feral, but calling the President on the US feral for saying they are animals perhaps is.
I said "We don't need to be feral about it," as in the many posts I read here that are hateful and vicious about not only illegals but all "beaners." The President's rhetoric and his ideas for handling illegals has gotten more and more punitive and negative as time has gone on. It is ridiculous to separate young children from parents while they are in detention. There are family detention centers and if more are needed, they can be built just as easily as regular detention centers. That is simply punitive with no consideration at all for what that will be like for the kids. They aren't to blame for their parents' poor decisions; why are they being punished? Because Trump is being unnecessarily nasty about what to do with these people.
I agree with you that drug dealers and gang members are not a group we want here, but for the US President to call Mexicans animals, without even specifying that he is talking about gangs, is wholly out of line.
"Mexico does nothing for us, they do nothing for us. Mexico talks, but they do nothing for us, especially at the border." Then, with NAFTA talks at critical juncture, throws in: "Certainly don’t help us much on trade."

also "We're taking people out of the country — you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals." He says the U.S. has "the dumbest laws on immigration in the world."

Trump is correct.
The racist Aztlan Nationalist do not accept that America is a sovereign country with a border.
Mexico dumps their poor people on the backs of the American taxpayers, and then they call us racist for complaining about it.
The Corrupt Democratic Party blocks Voter ID Laws so that illegal aliens can cancel-out the votes of American citizens.
The most violent MS-13 crimes of 2017 so far

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