President Trump selects school choice advocate Betsy DeVos of Michigan for Education Secretary

Nice job Trump! Government-run schooling is failing American children miserably. American parents need more options. Time to put the 'old school' Communist/Progressive model behind us. It isn't working. Time for change.

Getting rid of government run schools isn't the answer. In top performing countries majority of children attend government run schools.

  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Singapore
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Finland
  6. UK
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Ireland
  10. Poland
Children in these countries attend government run schools.

How about a push to make public schools better in America.

Hardly an apt correlation.

All the ones you listed are either low population/low area countries (sometimes both) ----- in a relatively small country, federal control amounts to local control.
Watching interviews of electorate protesters & it's obvious they're products of an education system that's failed our nation & children! BETSY WILL FIX!
i challenge you to see the faces of the children who are the victims of this strangling bureaucracy known as the Department of Education, and not be moved and angered.

i have and i am!
i believe silicon valley is ready to lead an education REVOLUTION.

for example: some dude called Salman Khan built an educational platform that offers free courses in math, science, engineering, and technology that reaches 10 million students around the world. Bill Gates is an investor in it, it's called "The Khan Academy".

there's also an online course that teaches the history of the world in 18 minutes by some dude from Australia. in 2016, it was offered free to 1,200 schools across America.

basically the idea is: if you have 1 dude who is the best at explaining calculus, that dude should teach every calculus class in the country. JUST IMAGINE!
CNN: Goofy Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren writes scathing 16-page letter to Trump's education pick highlighting her 'lack of experience'
Secretary Betsy is an A+ selection to bring new energy, leadership and reform to American public education.
I love the way Betsy handled the Democrats. Just as though they have no power, bc they don't.
Crooked Betsy punted when asked about guns in schools She should've said: "I want our kids safe. So yes I support arming adults in schools."
welcome Betsy to our journey to make america great again!

Trump Taps Michigan Republican DeVos for Education Secretary
How come her husband got his ass kicked by Jennifer Granholm?

And one more question. Do you think she'd be nominated if she wasn't a billionaire who has given billions to Republican lawmakers? Now this is what I call pay to play. She's not just paying off the government to do what she wants. She's having the government appoint her so she can do it herself.

Betsy DeVos, a billionaire from one of Michigan’s most powerful Republican families, has spent years funding “school choice” efforts in her home state and around the country. Public education advocates and teacher unions have described her as a radical choice to be the face of federal education policy.

DeVos’ vast wealth figured prominently in the hearing. Her family, which made its fortune through Amway and is worth an estimated $5 billion, has been a major funder of charter school expansion, Republican candidacies and efforts to weaken labor unions. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) asked DeVos if she would have found herself there Tuesday if she wasn’t so rich.

“If you were not a multibillionaire … do you think that you would be sitting here today?” Sanders asked.

“I do think there would be that possibility,” DeVos responded. “I’ve worked very hard on behalf of parents and children.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) questioned DeVos about her qualifications to oversee student loans and distribute Pell grants. She asked DeVos if she or any of her children had ever had to take out a student loan to help pay for college.

“They have been fortunate not to,” DeVos noted.
welcome Betsy to our journey to make america great again!

Trump Taps Michigan Republican DeVos for Education Secretary
How come her husband got his ass kicked by Jennifer Granholm?

And one more question. Do you think she'd be nominated if she wasn't a billionaire who has given billions to Republican lawmakers? Now this is what I call pay to play. She's not just paying off the government to do what she wants. She's having the government appoint her so she can do it herself.

Betsy DeVos, a billionaire from one of Michigan’s most powerful Republican families, has spent years funding “school choice” efforts in her home state and around the country. Public education advocates and teacher unions have described her as a radical choice to be the face of federal education policy.

DeVos’ vast wealth figured prominently in the hearing. Her family, which made its fortune through Amway and is worth an estimated $5 billion, has been a major funder of charter school expansion, Republican candidacies and efforts to weaken labor unions. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) asked DeVos if she would have found herself there Tuesday if she wasn’t so rich.

“If you were not a multibillionaire … do you think that you would be sitting here today?” Sanders asked.

“I do think there would be that possibility,” DeVos responded. “I’ve worked very hard on behalf of parents and children.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) questioned DeVos about her qualifications to oversee student loans and distribute Pell grants. She asked DeVos if she or any of her children had ever had to take out a student loan to help pay for college.

“They have been fortunate not to,” DeVos noted.

Her job is to dismantle YOUR phony baloney public sector, teachers unions.......and she will-) Enjoy political Siberia, and all your whining isn't going to talk us into giving you a heater, lol!
welcome Betsy to our journey to make america great again!

Trump Taps Michigan Republican DeVos for Education Secretary
How come her husband got his ass kicked by Jennifer Granholm?

And one more question. Do you think she'd be nominated if she wasn't a billionaire who has given billions to Republican lawmakers? Now this is what I call pay to play. She's not just paying off the government to do what she wants. She's having the government appoint her so she can do it herself.

Betsy DeVos, a billionaire from one of Michigan’s most powerful Republican families, has spent years funding “school choice” efforts in her home state and around the country. Public education advocates and teacher unions have described her as a radical choice to be the face of federal education policy.

DeVos’ vast wealth figured prominently in the hearing. Her family, which made its fortune through Amway and is worth an estimated $5 billion, has been a major funder of charter school expansion, Republican candidacies and efforts to weaken labor unions. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) asked DeVos if she would have found herself there Tuesday if she wasn’t so rich.

“If you were not a multibillionaire … do you think that you would be sitting here today?” Sanders asked.

“I do think there would be that possibility,” DeVos responded. “I’ve worked very hard on behalf of parents and children.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) questioned DeVos about her qualifications to oversee student loans and distribute Pell grants. She asked DeVos if she or any of her children had ever had to take out a student loan to help pay for college.

“They have been fortunate not to,” DeVos noted.

Her job is to dismantle YOUR phony baloney public sector, teachers unions.......and she will-) Enjoy political Siberia, and all your whining isn't going to talk us into giving you a heater, lol!

I love it! Too many teachers voted for Trump. Take away their unions, pensions, summers off with pay and job security. I hope you do. They deserve what they get for voting GOP or not voting at all. I pray you do. Please!

I'm not a teacher or in a union. I can't wait for the GOP to fuck over the middle class. I shouldn't be affected too much being a white college educated middle class middle age guy who's debt free and lives 7 minutes from work. I hope gas goes up too on you stupid sons of bitches.
welcome Betsy to our journey to make america great again!

Trump Taps Michigan Republican DeVos for Education Secretary
How come her husband got his ass kicked by Jennifer Granholm?

And one more question. Do you think she'd be nominated if she wasn't a billionaire who has given billions to Republican lawmakers? Now this is what I call pay to play. She's not just paying off the government to do what she wants. She's having the government appoint her so she can do it herself.

Betsy DeVos, a billionaire from one of Michigan’s most powerful Republican families, has spent years funding “school choice” efforts in her home state and around the country. Public education advocates and teacher unions have described her as a radical choice to be the face of federal education policy.

DeVos’ vast wealth figured prominently in the hearing. Her family, which made its fortune through Amway and is worth an estimated $5 billion, has been a major funder of charter school expansion, Republican candidacies and efforts to weaken labor unions. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) asked DeVos if she would have found herself there Tuesday if she wasn’t so rich.

“If you were not a multibillionaire … do you think that you would be sitting here today?” Sanders asked.

“I do think there would be that possibility,” DeVos responded. “I’ve worked very hard on behalf of parents and children.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) questioned DeVos about her qualifications to oversee student loans and distribute Pell grants. She asked DeVos if she or any of her children had ever had to take out a student loan to help pay for college.

“They have been fortunate not to,” DeVos noted.

Her job is to dismantle YOUR phony baloney public sector, teachers unions.......and she will-) Enjoy political Siberia, and all your whining isn't going to talk us into giving you a heater, lol!

I love it! Too many teachers voted for Trump. Take away their unions, pensions, summers off with pay and job security. I hope you do. They deserve what they get for voting GOP or not voting at all. I pray you do. Please!

I'm not a teacher or in a union. I can't wait for the GOP to fuck over the middle class. I shouldn't be affected too much being a white college educated middle class middle age guy who's debt free and lives 7 minutes from work. I hope gas goes up too on you stupid sons of bitches.

LOL, you think your phony crap is going to change minds? Let me tell you something-------->if it was a bunch of auto or steel plants, maybe. But teachers, not gonna happen!


Because GOOD teachers are about the students, and NOT about the union...........or are you suggesting I am wrong, and even GOOD teachers who I say cared about the students who were getting the shaft, are really just worried about themselves, and screw the students.

Go ahead there BOSEPHUS, tell all of us YOUR take on the good teachers. I am sure they would love to know what the left thinks-)

And oh, by the way---------> we seen how your theory worked out in Wisconsin, lolollolol-) Same rhetoric from you people, all phony proven in Wisconsin, and you people, let me help you in case you do not know a teacher, so let me spell it for you-----> D-O-N-E, lololol. Come back and threaten when you have some power, snowflakes!
welcome Betsy to our journey to make america great again!

Trump Taps Michigan Republican DeVos for Education Secretary
How come her husband got his ass kicked by Jennifer Granholm?

And one more question. Do you think she'd be nominated if she wasn't a billionaire who has given billions to Republican lawmakers? Now this is what I call pay to play. She's not just paying off the government to do what she wants. She's having the government appoint her so she can do it herself.

Betsy DeVos, a billionaire from one of Michigan’s most powerful Republican families, has spent years funding “school choice” efforts in her home state and around the country. Public education advocates and teacher unions have described her as a radical choice to be the face of federal education policy.

DeVos’ vast wealth figured prominently in the hearing. Her family, which made its fortune through Amway and is worth an estimated $5 billion, has been a major funder of charter school expansion, Republican candidacies and efforts to weaken labor unions. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) asked DeVos if she would have found herself there Tuesday if she wasn’t so rich.

“If you were not a multibillionaire … do you think that you would be sitting here today?” Sanders asked.

“I do think there would be that possibility,” DeVos responded. “I’ve worked very hard on behalf of parents and children.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) questioned DeVos about her qualifications to oversee student loans and distribute Pell grants. She asked DeVos if she or any of her children had ever had to take out a student loan to help pay for college.

“They have been fortunate not to,” DeVos noted.

Her job is to dismantle YOUR phony baloney public sector, teachers unions.......and she will-) Enjoy political Siberia, and all your whining isn't going to talk us into giving you a heater, lol!

I love it! Too many teachers voted for Trump. Take away their unions, pensions, summers off with pay and job security. I hope you do. They deserve what they get for voting GOP or not voting at all. I pray you do. Please!

I'm not a teacher or in a union. I can't wait for the GOP to fuck over the middle class. I shouldn't be affected too much being a white college educated middle class middle age guy who's debt free and lives 7 minutes from work. I hope gas goes up too on you stupid sons of bitches.

LOL, you think your phony crap is going to change minds? Let me tell you something-------->if it was a bunch of auto or steel plants, maybe. But teachers, not gonna happen!


Because GOOD teachers are about the students, and NOT about the union...........or are you suggesting I am wrong, and even GOOD teachers who I say cared about the students who were getting the shaft, are really just worried about themselves, and screw the students.

Go ahead there BOSEPHUS, tell all of us YOUR take on the good teachers. I am sure they would love to know what the left thinks-)

And oh, by the way---------> we seen how your theory worked out in Wisconsin, lolollolol-) Same rhetoric from you people, all phony proven in Wisconsin, and you people, let me help you in case you do not know a teacher, so let me spell it for you-----> D-O-N-E, lololol. Come back and threaten when you have some power, snowflakes!
I don't have kids and my nephews go to the most expensive private school in Michigan. Think I give a fuck? I'm laughing at all the public school teachers and parents who use public schools. They just fucked themselves voting GOP.

You'll prove me right.

1/5 teachers voted trump. Then their husbands did too. America deserves Betsy.

In Michigan we said fuck no to her ideas but she's back.

Do you want to sign up for Amway? She made billions on a pyramid scheme. Oh I forgot you love dirtbag billionaires.

The middle class is going to take a huge step backward watch
Imawhosure I am calling you out as a failure who couldn't cut it in school so you take the easy way out and generalize lime a trailer park director. The very fact you do not believe in the kids or parents having any accountability exposes you as a fake. I stake my life on it.

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