President Trump selects school choice advocate Betsy DeVos of Michigan for Education Secretary

So you think she is going to end the American principle of a basic education being available to every child in America, regardless of one's ability to pay for it.
No, she is going to make basic education a choice for every child in America....

This is typical's obvious to anyone paying attention public education is a mess and needs serious reform, this is not a political issue it's a child issue, put the damn politics aside and focus on fixing the damn problems. Look at schools that are turning out successful students and yes there are public schools in the inner city that are, examine why they are able to do what other's are failing to do.. The left's answer is throwing money down a shit hole and thinking that will fix everything

The public schools we have in upstate NY are excellent.
The people will soon decide that instead of you.....

Oh, so the Right's plan is to ruin the great public schools in NY.

See, there you go proving my point. It's political to you while it's a child issue with me. New York is under the US Dept of Education and will conform to the changes they deem necessary. Getting rid of common core should be priority one

You just admitted that if government didn't force you to pay, then you wouldn't contribute a dime to get some poor child an education.

Government is the only entity that can provide us with a military. On the other hand, private firms are quite capable of providing our children with an education. They do it far better and far cheaper than the government. The only reason to maintain the government school system is to protect the jobs and incomes of those who benefit from the corrupt government schools. If you want government to pay for it, there's still no justification for having government run it.

These Moon Bats are always afraid of freedom unless it the freedom to chose to kill a child on demand. Then they are for it.

Liberty and free choice have never been the friend of the Left.

You just admitted that if government didn't force you to pay, then you wouldn't contribute a dime to get some poor child an education.

Government is the only entity that can provide us with a military. On the other hand, private firms are quite capable of providing our children with an education. They do it far better and far cheaper than the government. The only reason to maintain the government school system is to protect the jobs and incomes of those who benefit from the corrupt government schools. If you want government to pay for it, there's still no justification for having government run it.

These Moon Bats are always afraid of freedom unless it the freedom to chose to kill a child on demand. Then they are for it.

Liberty and free choice have never been the friend of the Left.
The LWNJs will hate the freedom and Liberty POTUS Trump spreads across America....

The LWNJs will hate the freedom and Liberty POTUS Trump spreads across America....

The thing that Liberals hate the most is not having the government tell what we have to do and what we have to accept. They think that stupid corrupt politicians, elected by greedy special interest groups are better at running our lives than we are ourselves.

They also hate the concept of personal responsibility.

The government now has a monopoly on terrible education. We need to break that.

We sent our children to private schools. Fortunately we were able to afford it but many poorer people were not. Our sons got a much better education than they would have got in the public schools.

Our public schools have failed this country. It is time to change that paradigm.
welcome Betsy to our journey to make america great again!

Trump Taps Michigan Republican DeVos for Education Secretary
She's going to defend public schools. If you are rich she'll save you money sending your kid to private school but public school kids will suffer.
No, she is going to make public schools defend themselves....subtle difference...

May the strongest survive....

So you think she is going to end the American principle of a basic education being available to every child in America, regardless of one's ability to pay for it.
Maybe poor people won't have more kids than they/we can afford?

You just admitted that if government didn't force you to pay, then you wouldn't contribute a dime to get some poor child an education.

Government is the only entity that can provide us with a military. On the other hand, private firms are quite capable of providing our children with an education. They do it far better and far cheaper than the government. The only reason to maintain the government school system is to protect the jobs and incomes of those who benefit from the corrupt government schools. If you want government to pay for it, there's still no justification for having government run it.

These Moon Bats are always afraid of freedom unless it the freedom to chose to kill a child on demand. Then they are for it.

Liberty and free choice have never been the friend of the Left.
The LWNJs will hate the freedom and Liberty POTUS Trump spreads across America....
Free to sink or swim huh? People like riding bikes without helmets too until they crash

You just admitted that if government didn't force you to pay, then you wouldn't contribute a dime to get some poor child an education.

Government is the only entity that can provide us with a military. On the other hand, private firms are quite capable of providing our children with an education. They do it far better and far cheaper than the government. The only reason to maintain the government school system is to protect the jobs and incomes of those who benefit from the corrupt government schools. If you want government to pay for it, there's still no justification for having government run it.

These Moon Bats are always afraid of freedom unless it the freedom to chose to kill a child on demand. Then they are for it.

Liberty and free choice have never been the friend of the Left.
The LWNJs will hate the freedom and Liberty POTUS Trump spreads across America....
Free to sink or swim huh? People like riding bikes without helmets too until they crash
Freedom of choice....we know you hate it.....
Free to sink or swim huh? People like riding bikes without helmets too until they crash
The question is - why does that bother you progressives so much?!? It's not your head that hits the pavement so why do you care? Let people be free to make their own mistakes. We all have or own mothers - we don't need you to be an extra one for us.
Where is Hillary? I want to send her a thanksgiving shit sandwich...
Being a shithead I guess that kinda stuff is right up your alley, but in polite company you may be out of place since you smell so badly. Hillary isn't interested by the way, she is enjoying the peace and quiet of life away from the republican morons in congress who are now lost as their only reason for existence is gone. Too funny huh. Carry on shithead.
Hitlery's disturbing desire for power won't allow her to enjoy peace and quiet. The only thing she cares about is power and money.
The disaster called common core needs to go. ASAP

And replaced with what?

These people don't even know what common core is. They just heard some rightwinger in the media say oppose it and now that's what they do.

It is obvious they don't have a clue about common core. Being against common core is just another republican talking point for them. I haven't heard one valid argument in this thread for why common core should be eliminated. Only the recycled statements from Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh. No alternative has been suggested.

I'm familiar with Common Core - and I oppose Common Core.

When I sat on the local school board, we were actively involved in discussions about Common Core.

In theory, Common Core makes sense. The original concept was to accomplsh two things:

1) Ensure standardization of the quality of education in all areas of the country. Kids in Nevada should get the same level of education as kids in Georgia, or Connecticut.

2) Provide a blueprint for local school authorities to measure the quality of the performance of their schools and their teachers.

Noble goals, to be sure ... but, as usual, they were quickly polluted by government interference.

Instead of providing local school boards and school administrations with the tools to do their job better, Common Core became a power grab attempt by the federal government to take over control of local schools. Using the "federal grants" club, the federal government tried to take control of the content of local education.

All this nonsense about poorly worded questions, or questionable content, is simply a smokescreen to try to stop the federal government from using Common Core as leverage to wrest control over education. Local boards of education realize that, as currently configured, they cannot survive without federal monies. So, the only way to avoid the federal power grab is to demean and block Common Core.

Common Core, conceptually, is a great idea. However, once the federal government realized they could use it to take over local school districts, the whole thing went to hell and local resistance grew. If CC were to simply create standards for education, it would be a good thing. But, using it as a tool to gain power must be resisted.
Nice job Trump! Government-run schooling is failing American children miserably. American parents need more options. Time to put the 'old school' Communist/Progressive model behind us. It isn't working. Time for change.
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She's going to defend public schools. If you are rich she'll save you money sending your kid to private school but public school kids will suffer.
No, she is going to make public schools defend themselves....subtle difference...

May the strongest survive....

So you think she is going to end the American principle of a basic education being available to every child in America, regardless of one's ability to pay for it.
No, she is going to make basic education a choice for every child in America....

This is typical's obvious to anyone paying attention public education is a mess and needs serious reform, this is not a political issue it's a child issue, put the damn politics aside and focus on fixing the damn problems. Look at schools that are turning out successful students and yes there are public schools in the inner city that are, examine why they are able to do what other's are failing to do.. The left's answer is throwing money down a shit hole and thinking that will fix everything

The public schools we have in upstate NY are excellent.

Try downstate NY
Nice job Trump! Government-run schooling is failing American children miserably. American parents need more options. Time to put the 'old school' Communist/Progressive model behind us. It isn't working. Time for change.

Getting rid of government run schools isn't the answer. In top performing countries majority of children attend government run schools.

  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Singapore
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Finland
  6. UK
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Ireland
  10. Poland
Children in these countries attend government run schools.

How about a push to make public schools better in America.
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Nice job Trump! Government-run schooling is failing American children miserably. American parents need more options. Time to put the 'old school' Communist/Progressive model behind us. It isn't working. Time for change.

Getting rid of government run schools isn't the answer. In top performing countries majority of children attend government run schools.

  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Singapore
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Finland
  6. UK
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Ireland
  10. Poland
Children in these countries attend government run schools.

How about a push to make public schools better in America.

Trump's gonna try to make them better. But changes have to be made. American Parents need more flexibility and control. The 'old school' Communist/Progressive model is failing. It's time for change.
Nice job Trump! Government-run schooling is failing American children miserably. American parents need more options. Time to put the 'old school' Communist/Progressive model behind us. It isn't working. Time for change.

Getting rid of government run schools isn't the answer. In top performing countries majority of children attend government run schools.

  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Singapore
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Finland
  6. UK
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Ireland
  10. Poland
Children in these countries attend government run schools.

How about a push to make public schools better in America.
In a lot of those countries have the option of sending their kids to private schools.
The disaster called common core needs to go. ASAP

And replaced with what?

These people don't even know what common core is. They just heard some rightwinger in the media say oppose it and now that's what they do.

It is obvious they don't have a clue about common core. Being against common core is just another republican talking point for them. I haven't heard one valid argument in this thread for why common core should be eliminated. Only the recycled statements from Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh. No alternative has been suggested.

I'm familiar with Common Core - and I oppose Common Core.

When I sat on the local school board, we were actively involved in discussions about Common Core.

In theory, Common Core makes sense. The original concept was to accomplsh two things:

1) Ensure standardization of the quality of education in all areas of the country. Kids in Nevada should get the same level of education as kids in Georgia, or Connecticut.

2) Provide a blueprint for local school authorities to measure the quality of the performance of their schools and their teachers.

Noble goals, to be sure ... but, as usual, they were quickly polluted by government interference.

Instead of providing local school boards and school administrations with the tools to do their job better, Common Core became a power grab attempt by the federal government to take over control of local schools. Using the "federal grants" club, the federal government tried to take control of the content of local education.

All this nonsense about poorly worded questions, or questionable content, is simply a smokescreen to try to stop the federal government from using Common Core as leverage to wrest control over education. Local boards of education realize that, as currently configured, they cannot survive without federal monies. So, the only way to avoid the federal power grab is to demean and block Common Core.

Common Core, conceptually, is a great idea. However, once the federal government realized they could use it to take over local school districts, the whole thing went to hell and local resistance grew. If CC were to simply create standards for education, it would be a good thing. But, using it as a tool to gain power must be resisted.

And that is the essence of centralized government since time began.......
Jerry Falwell Jr. of all people says he turned down Trump's offer to be Education secretary!

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