President Trump surprises white house tour

It takes intelligence to pull it off
Not when he is manipulating morons.
Talk about munipulation
russia russia russia collusion collusion collusion obstruction derp
You're speaking to the wrong person there, bud. I didn't fall for that shit.
I'm not afflicted with TDS.
There is no other reason for you not supporting the president.
Not when he is manipulating morons.
Talk about munipulation
russia russia russia collusion collusion collusion obstruction derp
You're speaking to the wrong person there, bud. I didn't fall for that shit.
I'm not afflicted with TDS.
There is no other reason for you not supporting the president.
You have an emotional attachment to the guy. I don't have an emotional attachment to him, you interpret that as meaning I don't support him. You're offended that I don't feel about him the way you do.

I treat him the same as I have all previous presidents during my lifetime. If he does something good I will acknowledge it. If he doesn't, I will acknowledge that also. Usually it takes a few years after they have been out of office to make determinations on how good or bad their presidency was.
That is so special, just before he flies off to golf with his rich friends, the people who benefited from his tax bill. You Trumpettes are so cute, smiling while being played. Too funny.

That’s right, for 8 years I was ROFLMFAO
at the hope and changers getting played

700 BILLION DOLLARS was the lie
over 23 TRILLION is the truth

and 10 million people lost their homes

75 BILLION earmarked to prevent foreclosures
with 4 million low income minority’s at the forefront

Less than 15 BILLION was actually spent
and of those 4 million at the forefront
only 500 THOUSAND actually were helped

10 million people lost their homes
Africans lost half their wealth
and the banks too big to fail
got bigger and richer

And, how about all those shovel ready jobs
to the tune of 780+ BILLION

Transparency, changing the way business is done in Washington

Tell me, how did that hope and change work out for you
He's getting enough attention this campaign season without having a full time cameraman at his back. You people need to stop whining.

You like the way the media is biased and dishonest? I know you're old enough to remember when it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it is today. (At least I think maybe you are)

I am old enough to remember when the media just reported the facts and allowed people to draw their own conclusions. That has changed and it's no longer a free press, it's a corporate monopolized leftist propaganda machine, and I despise that.
That's ridiculous. What about FOX News (the commentaries which are shared with the local affiliates all over the country)? Limbaugh? Beck? A thousand pundits on You Tube? What about the Wall Street Journal and the Sinclair media group which controls print and televised news in large parts of the country? What about the Proud Boys and Bikers for Trump?

Once again, stop whining. The "world" is not against you; there are plenty of disgusting haters out there. The Republicans made the fatal mistake of electing that piece of shit and by the time they redeem their reputation, the Democrats will have passed reparations legislation and elected a gay President. There will be a Planned Parenthood office in every middle school in America, too.
They make up 1% of the pundits ...
That is what your conservatively biased pundits are whining telling you. Here's an enlightening article on what "media" history really is. We are living in an era of half way "fair" news reporting, according to this.
Media bias in the United States - Wikipedia
I grew up on news, and reading the paper.. local news has slowly transformed in to a bias left wing slanted report that has taken main stream citizens who are pro American and have them thinking what the media is reporting is correct.. it’s propaganda and should be stopped immediately. That have been fooled... I will turn in the local news and be in awe how they report the news.. they make republicans look so anti American, and refuse to report on things that matter.. this is propaganda

I watched a hannity special last night and he literally use the whole hour to show CNN MSNBC left-wing media reporting.. Fox is Eager to show left wing bias
they make republicans look so anti American,
Give me one news report (not an opinion show like Hannity, please) by CBS, ABC or PBS that makes Republicans look anti American. Show me one news article from the NYTimes or WaPo that does that (not an op ed).

Some of the problem, jitss, is that the man in the White House keeps coming up with really lousy ideas that can't hold water, or he makes statements that he reverses a day later. Or he just flaps his gums and adds a lot of static to the airwaves without meaning anything at all. When the media straight up reports the President's ideas or statements and he looks like an idiot, that's not bias. That is news reporting. Sorry for you.
You like the way the media is biased and dishonest? I know you're old enough to remember when it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it is today. (At least I think maybe you are)

I am old enough to remember when the media just reported the facts and allowed people to draw their own conclusions. That has changed and it's no longer a free press, it's a corporate monopolized leftist propaganda machine, and I despise that.
That's ridiculous. What about FOX News (the commentaries which are shared with the local affiliates all over the country)? Limbaugh? Beck? A thousand pundits on You Tube? What about the Wall Street Journal and the Sinclair media group which controls print and televised news in large parts of the country? What about the Proud Boys and Bikers for Trump?

Once again, stop whining. The "world" is not against you; there are plenty of disgusting haters out there. The Republicans made the fatal mistake of electing that piece of shit and by the time they redeem their reputation, the Democrats will have passed reparations legislation and elected a gay President. There will be a Planned Parenthood office in every middle school in America, too.
They make up 1% of the pundits ...
That is what your conservatively biased pundits are whining telling you. Here's an enlightening article on what "media" history really is. We are living in an era of half way "fair" news reporting, according to this.
Media bias in the United States - Wikipedia
I grew up on news, and reading the paper.. local news has slowly transformed in to a bias left wing slanted report that has taken main stream citizens who are pro American and have them thinking what the media is reporting is correct.. it’s propaganda and should be stopped immediately. That have been fooled... I will turn in the local news and be in awe how they report the news.. they make republicans look so anti American, and refuse to report on things that matter.. this is propaganda

I watched a hannity special last night and he literally use the whole hour to show CNN MSNBC left-wing media reporting.. Fox is Eager to show left wing bias
they make republicans look so anti American,
Give me one news report (not an opinion show like Hannity, please) by CBS, ABC or PBS that makes Republicans look anti American. Show me one news article from the NYTimes or WaPo that does that (not an op ed).

Some of the problem, jitss, is that the man in the White House keeps coming up with really lousy ideas that can't hold water, or he makes statements that he reverses a day later. Or he just flaps his gums and adds a lot of static to the airwaves without meaning anything at all. When the media straight up reports the President's ideas or statements and he looks like an idiot, that's not bias. That is news reporting. Sorry for you.

Such as-? Hopefully you've had coffee. :tomato:
Some of the problem, jitss, is that the man in the White House keeps coming up with really lousy ideas
This is an example of a slant that’s untrue.. we live in the greatest economic times in American history , optimism is through the roof , we are atno war we are achieving peace with some of our worst dictators , Trump is desperately trying to protect poor Americans and by stopping the flood of poor illiterate foreigners from coming into poor American neighborhoods ..

You just can’t handle success a. Because you have a low iq
Or b. You’re a female who has strong man PTSD
you are having flash backs of men that refused to sleep with you even thou you probably laid naked drunk behind a dumpster at a frat boy party lol
This is the sign of a selfless man, he went into a crowd that could have done him harm if you believe main lie media. Quick throat punch and he's dead. The President is trying his best to show America he cares
Divisive media is doing everything it can to stop it.
You are joking, right? This is the sign of a man campaigning. Notice how he hones in on the one black family in the crowd and makes a real photo op out of it. This is pure shaking hands and kissing babies campaigning.
And if he ignores the black family he's racist.

Putting ANYONE into a no win situation isn't very objective to me.
You like the way the media is biased and dishonest? I know you're old enough to remember when it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it is today. (At least I think maybe you are)

I am old enough to remember when the media just reported the facts and allowed people to draw their own conclusions. That has changed and it's no longer a free press, it's a corporate monopolized leftist propaganda machine, and I despise that.
That's ridiculous. What about FOX News (the commentaries which are shared with the local affiliates all over the country)? Limbaugh? Beck? A thousand pundits on You Tube? What about the Wall Street Journal and the Sinclair media group which controls print and televised news in large parts of the country? What about the Proud Boys and Bikers for Trump?

Once again, stop whining. The "world" is not against you; there are plenty of disgusting haters out there. The Republicans made the fatal mistake of electing that piece of shit and by the time they redeem their reputation, the Democrats will have passed reparations legislation and elected a gay President. There will be a Planned Parenthood office in every middle school in America, too.
They make up 1% of the pundits ...
That is what your conservatively biased pundits are whining telling you. Here's an enlightening article on what "media" history really is. We are living in an era of half way "fair" news reporting, according to this.
Media bias in the United States - Wikipedia
I grew up on news, and reading the paper.. local news has slowly transformed in to a bias left wing slanted ias

The local news was biased long before you were born.
I remember a time when it wasn't. I also remember a time when 5 corporations did not own 90% of the media.
You like the way the media is biased and dishonest? I know you're old enough to remember when it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it is today. (At least I think maybe you are)

I am old enough to remember when the media just reported the facts and allowed people to draw their own conclusions. That has changed and it's no longer a free press, it's a corporate monopolized leftist propaganda machine, and I despise that.
That's ridiculous. What about FOX News (the commentaries which are shared with the local affiliates all over the country)? Limbaugh? Beck? A thousand pundits on You Tube? What about the Wall Street Journal and the Sinclair media group which controls print and televised news in large parts of the country? What about the Proud Boys and Bikers for Trump?

Once again, stop whining. The "world" is not against you; there are plenty of disgusting haters out there. The Republicans made the fatal mistake of electing that piece of shit and by the time they redeem their reputation, the Democrats will have passed reparations legislation and elected a gay President. There will be a Planned Parenthood office in every middle school in America, too.
They make up 1% of the pundits ...
That is what your conservatively biased pundits are whining telling you. Here's an enlightening article on what "media" history really is. We are living in an era of half way "fair" news reporting, according to this.
Media bias in the United States - Wikipedia
I grew up on news, and reading the paper.. local news has slowly transformed in to a bias left wing slanted ias

The local news was biased long before you were born.

My local news is pretty good, and the best one is even an NBC affiliate. :eek:

I've probably done jobs for at least half the people on the block behind their building, I know some of their staff, too.
This is the sign of a selfless man, he went into a crowd that could have done him harm if you believe main lie media. Quick throat punch and he's dead. The President is trying his best to show America he cares
Divisive media is doing everything it can to stop it.
You are joking, right? This is the sign of a man campaigning. Notice how he hones in on the one black family in the crowd and makes a real photo op out of it. This is pure shaking hands and kissing babies campaigning.

Are you serious? The black family was standing there and clearly wanted to meet the President. I guess according to you he should have ignored them so people like you won't accuse him of a photo op moment. The Left gets more deranged everyday. Despite your attempts to make something out of nothing, this is great that the President finds time to meet with as many people as he can. HE is after all the President of the United States.
Every single person there wanted to meet the President and get a pic with him. Every. Single. One.
Which did he choose to embrace and take many pictures with?
This is the sign of a selfless man, he went into a crowd that could have done him harm if you believe main lie media. Quick throat punch and he's dead. The President is trying his best to show America he cares
Divisive media is doing everything it can to stop it.
You are joking, right? This is the sign of a man campaigning. Notice how he hones in on the one black family in the crowd and makes a real photo op out of it. This is pure shaking hands and kissing babies campaigning.

Are you serious? The black family was standing there and clearly wanted to meet the President. I guess according to you he should have ignored them so people like you won't accuse him of a photo op moment. The Left gets more deranged everyday. Despite your attempts to make something out of nothing, this is great that the President finds time to meet with as many people as he can. HE is after all the President of the United States.
Every single person there wanted to meet the President and get a pic with him. Every. Single. One.
Which did he choose to embrace and take many pictures with?

It's a 'spiracy! :aargh:
Trump is a great President that connects with people and everybody not afflicted with the TDS mental illness disease love him.
Pretty sure the secret service freaked out about this

Sorry, it is all politics, however the people that got to meet him enjoyed the moment.

According to leftist and the TDS BRIGADE Trump isn't smart nor does he listen to people. If he's not smart he wouldn't know to do what he did and use it politically. And if he doesn't listen to others how could he pull that off not being smart?
So which is it either he's smart and planned this or was it spontaneous?

It doesn't take intelligence to be manipulative.

It takes intelligence to pull it off

Not when there's suckers born every minute. Today they're called deplorables.
President Kennedy's motorcade stopped on Euclid Avenue and he got out and autographed the box of cupcakes my mom was bringing home from the bakery. I loved those Hough Bakery cupcakes. .
That is so special, just before he flies off to golf with his rich friends, the people who benefited from his tax bill. You Trumpettes are so cute, smiling while being played. Too funny.

The Emasculated American

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

Trump's toadyism to Saudi Arabia: a new moral low | Richard Wolffe
Off topic completely.
President Kennedy's motorcade stopped on Euclid Avenue and he got out and autographed the box of cupcakes my mom was bringing home from the bakery. I loved those Hough Bakery cupcakes. .
Yep, a number of Presidents have been known through the years to do it. Trump has also done it any number of times in Palm Beach county.
This is the sign of a selfless man, he went into a crowd that could have done him harm if you believe main lie media. Quick throat punch and he's dead. The President is trying his best to show America he cares
Divisive media is doing everything it can to stop it.
You are joking, right? This is the sign of a man campaigning. Notice how he hones in on the one black family in the crowd and makes a real photo op out of it. This is pure shaking hands and kissing babies campaigning.
See 4:49
This is the sign of a selfless man, he went into a crowd that could have done him harm if you believe main lie media. Quick throat punch and he's dead. The President is trying his best to show America he cares
Divisive media is doing everything it can to stop it.
You are joking, right? This is the sign of a man campaigning. Notice how he hones in on the one black family in the crowd and makes a real photo op out of it. This is pure shaking hands and kissing babies campaigning.
Maybe that family asked him to take a pic with them? Thing is this was unexpected and with all the trump hate you leftist say there is that is what you would call a selfless act
Whatever you say, reb. I see a politician campaigning, you see a man reaching out to touch the masses in a gesture of kindness. Only Trump knows for sure.

The President does occasionally surprise the White House guests while they are on tour, but I don't think you have to worry very much about the President's safety. Requests to tour the White House must be submitted through your Congress critter at LEAST 21 days in advance for a thorough vetting.

Just a couple of times

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