President Trump: “We are at the brink of World War 3 in Ukraine. And we need a peace deal right now. I would have a peace deal within 24hrs"

Not insane, Just sick of the right being so such gullible suckers for Russian bullshit.
I doubt if anybody here has any idea what you're talking about. Nobody was tougher on Putin and Russia than Trump, and when he was president, there was no war. It only came aout when the weakling Biden took over.

I suspect you've been drinking some Trump-Russia fake news Kool Aid.
Peace with Putin means giving him everything he wants. Everyone knows this so Trump is saying he would cave in to Putin.
Putin didn't move until Trump was out of office. President Trump told Putin if he invaded Ukraine that Moscow would be bombed. You're full of shit.
I doubt if anybody here has any idea what you're talking about. Nobody was tougher on Putin and Russia than Trump, and when he was president, there was no war. It only came aout when the weakling Biden took over.

I suspect you've been drinking some Trump-Russia fake news Kool Aid.
Trump was the weakest president ever when it comes to our adversaries. No one was scared of that ridiculous dumbass except perhaps our allies.
Trump was the weakest president ever when it comes to our adversaries. No one was scared of that ridiculous dumbass except perhaps our allies.
Well that just shows your IGNORANCE. Which is to be expected of an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media. Get away from your CNN/MSNBC/PBS BS programming, and you might just find out what's going on.

Putin allegedly being a friend of Trump, is nothing but a propaganda BS line, pushed by Democrats, and a pretty ridiculous one. Trump was tough on Putin, and a lot tougher than weakling Biden, who doesn't know how to be tough.

1. the Trump administration imposed sanctions on Russia — including on 7 of Russia’s richest individuals, and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.
2. The sanctions directly penalized Putin’s inner circle, by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.
3. During his first month in office ,Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia. These punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.
4. Mnuchin stated that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.
5. Trump closed off Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City, that appeared to be a threat to American security
6. Trump led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the nerve agent attack in the UK. Expelled 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil.
7. Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year
8. By ramping up US oil production, Trump made America #1 in the world in energy production, and our exports to Europe relieved them of being dependent on Russian oil.
9. Trump sold Patriot missle defense system to Poland. Obama capitulated to Russia in 2010 by removing missile launchers in Poland
10. No Red line in Syria..........they were actually hit by Trump
11. Trump pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016
12. Trump sanctioned Nord Stream 2
13. Trump sold anti-tank weapons to Ukraine (Obama gave them blankets)
14. Trump withdrew from INF treaty
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All true!
All those people are RINO'S. They're all Deep State elites who don't have the American citizens best interests in their agendas.

Pompeo was 1st in his class at West Point, Directed the CIA, was Sec of State. He is the real deal.
Nikki scares the crap out of the dems, she would win the women's vote. She was a great governor
Pence is no RINO, duh.
Forgetting about the landmark M.E. deal, the Abraham Accords? Or maybe just ignoring the fact that Israeli peace deals are the most difficult of all and Orange Man Bad must not get credit for it?

Though, I have to admit that that deal was effectively made possible by the Tan Messiah's support for Iranian nukes. The Arab countries are as panicked about the nukes as Israel.
There isn’t yet an Israeli peace deal.
And if your media gods are wrong and he gets another term? Do you think that an insurrection by the Left to keep him from governing is acceptable?
Unlike rightists, we do not consider insurrections as acceptable.
Apparently some of the people are not NFL football fans - NFC Championship game is going on right now - back to the game.
No. No seccond term for Trump. We and the world will all get along just fine - better, to be sure - without him.... scare-tactics aside.

Americans don't scare easy and will always help those friendly nations under attack by tyrannical regimes like the corrupt Russian regime.

Really? Trump was the only president in the last 30 years to not start a war. You fuckers called him a war monger yet he was by far the most peaceful president in the last 50 years.
Trump was the weakest president ever when it comes to our adversaries. No one was scared of that ridiculous dumbass except perhaps our allies.
yeah remember when putin invaded ukraine during the trump admin or when the UK held him in contempt like they did xiden? oh wait…no none of that ever happened
He could get it done because the current usurper isn't doing a damn think to broker a peaceful deal. Hell, he's escalated everything.

Donald Trump would sign another surrender document. Trump is a Putin puppet. Putin started this and has escalated it. Biden has done the right thing.
Forgetting about the landmark M.E. deal, the Abraham Accords? Or maybe just ignoring the fact that Israeli peace deals are the most difficult of all and Orange Man Bad must not get credit for it?
Though, I have to admit that that deal was effectively made possible by the Tan Messiah's support for Iranian nukes. The Arab countries are as panicked about the nukes as Israel.
Trump's bullshit that I was referring to was his his healthcare plan that was better than Obamacare
Trump promises things he can't deliver. Like 5% GDP growth after his disastrous tax cut.
Trump should have won re-election, except his 1st debate shit-show cost him women voters. He had his chance and blew it.

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