President Trump: “We are at the brink of World War 3 in Ukraine. And we need a peace deal right now. I would have a peace deal within 24hrs"

It's not ony President Trump the one who says we are on the brink of WW3

Head of NATO Military Committee Admiral Rob Bauer: NATO Is Ready for a Direct Confrontation with Russia (VIDEO)​

January 28, 2023

Putin is responsible for it.
yeah remember when putin invaded ukraine during the trump admin or when the UK held him in contempt like they did xiden? oh wait…no none of that ever happened
Why do you think Putin makes his decisions based on who is the US president? Ukraine has put the lie to he being some kind of tactical genius.
During his first month in office ,Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia. These punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.
The invasion happened right after he left office. What was he punishing these Russians for, in his first month of office? It sure wasn't about Ukraine.
You can trust that he would not invade Ukraine if Trump were president. How do we know ? Trump WAS president (for 4 years). Putin didn't invade.

When did he invade ? Right after meeting in person with Joe Biden, and seeing what a dum dum pushover he is.

Because Trump was doing Putin's dirty work. Now Putin has to do it himself.
Trump led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the nerve agent attack in the UK. Expelled 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil.
The fact that you actually think that this was a punitive action that Putin didn't expect or account for is laughable. Any U.S. president would have expelled these diplomats, just as President Obama (praise be unto Him!) did during his term.
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A peace deal? Probably next century. War is a racket & such a big business. That's why. :)
He could get it done because the current usurper isn't doing a damn think to broker a peaceful deal. Hell, he's escalated everything.

While I totally blame Biden for Russia invading Ukraine and bringing us closer to a nuclear WWIII than we have ever been, Trump is full of shit.
Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year
You'll have to back this bullshit up with a link. Trump never had a single harsh word for Putin.
Why do you think Putin makes his decisions based on who is the US president? Ukraine has put the lie to he being some kind of tactical genius.
yes foreign leaders certainly make decisions based on who’s in the white house
I already have this peace plan. Roughly, the Korean scenario. The battle stops on the current frontline. Some armistice can be signed between the warring sides (a peace agreement is impossible because Russia won't give back the occupied lands, and Ukraine won't recognize them as part of Russia).

Ukraine isn't becoming a NATO member, but signs a security agreement with the Western powers that formalizes military cooperation between them without foreign bases and troops on the ground (though some training missions should be allowed).

Ukraine becoming a member of the European Free Trade Association on a fast-track procedure.

Yeah, it is not perfect. But something similar works for South Korea for 70 years now.
By ramping up US oil production, Trump made America #1 in the world in energy production, and our exports to Europe relieved them of being dependent on Russian oil.
This is a complete lie, from a known liar. Europe has only become independent on Russian oil in the past 3 months.

First hit of a google search for europe is independent of russian oil


I've once again proven that you're a stooge for Putin and Trump, and a fucking liar.
yes foreign leaders certainly make decisions based on who’s in the white house
If Putin does it indicates indicates he is a terrible judge of character. He has underestimated everyone who stands against him.
If Putin does it indicates indicates he is a terrible judge of character. He has underestimated everyone who stands against him.
oh he played xiden perfectly. He even got xiden to freeze aid right before he invaded. He got obama to do absolutely nothing when he first invaded
By surrendering to the bad guys.
Trump surrendered to no bad guys.
Trump could have stopped Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Trump was indeed very tough on Russia when he was President.
He sent massive shiploads of HighTech weaponry to Ukraine to help it defend itself against Russia. Obama had refused to do that!

Also, Trump ordered a massacre of hundreds of Russian Wagner troops in Syria. Only a couple of Russians survived.

So yes, Trump would scare the Russians enough to at least make them show up at the negotiation table.
No Red line in Syria..........they were actually hit by Trump
Trump abandoned our own troops in Syria when he abandoned the Kurds. Then, after Russian troops engaged American troops, he demonstrated his weakness and subservience to Putin by not doing a fucking thing about it, choosing to "deescalate".

Military Times:

Vehicle collision with Russians injures 4 US troops in Syria​

Aug 26, 2020

WASHINGTON — In the most violent skirmish in months between U.S. and Russian forces in Syria, a vehicle collision in the eastern part of the war-torn country left American troops with concussions, two U.S. officials said Wednesday.

One official said Russian vehicles sideswiped a light-armored U.S. military vehicle, injuring four Americans. The official said two Russian helicopters flew above the Americans, and one of the aircraft was within about 70 feet the vehicle.

National Security Council spokesman John Ullyot said in a statement that a Russian vehicle struck the American vehicle near Dayrick, in northeast Syria.

“To deescalate the situation, the coalition patrol departed the area,” Ullyot said. “Unsafe and unprofessional actions like this represent a breach of deconfliction protocols, committed to by the United States and Russia in December 2019.”


Pompeo was 1st in his class at West Point, Directed the CIA, was Sec of State. He is the real deal.
Nikki scares the crap out of the dems, she would win the women's vote. She was a great governor
Pence is no RINO, duh.
Pompeo is a real piece of shit. In bed with the Saudis.
Nimrata is a joke, and can't stop blowing Trump.
Pence is a Christian Nationalist and a weak man. Just ask "Mother". I think he's also deeply closeted.

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