President Zelensky Has Had Assassination Attempts On Three Accounts

As far as I'm concerned putin has gone completely psychotic. Remember when Khrushchev took off his shoe at the United Nations and pounded it on the podium as he said, " We will bury you. " ? I do, and putin has that same dead look in his eyes. The future will determine what the truth is, and right now it looks a whole lot worse for the entire world. Another mad man has arrived on the scene to wreak more havoc and destruction on the world.
As far as you're concerned? That's rather irrelevant as you appear to base all of your opinions on emotions and feelz. There is a good chance we'll miss the end of this conflict. People are already losing interest, the end will be a footnote on a newscast, nothing more.
As far as you're concerned? That's rather irrelevant as you appear to base all of your opinions on emotions and feelz. There is a good chance we'll miss the end of this conflict. People are already losing interest, the end will be a footnote on a newscast, nothing more.
My opinion is mine just as yours is yours. You're playing mine is emotional and not based on experience I'm sorry but I do keep careful track of the news and I know what putin's history is, and it isn't good. He's a murdering thug, the KGB is strong in his heart and he thinks he owns the Ukrainian people forever.
It is very much putin's style, plus there was the previous article about putin putting a price on zielinsky's head and sending out a bunch of mercenaries. If it's too well to be a conspiracy theory.
Lot of fake news from Ivan and the Ukraine....proceed with caution.
Where the fuck is Eric Prince, and his mercenary crew? Here’s a chance for them to prove how tough they really are.

Get your punk ass in there Eric and exterminate Putins mercenary crew.

Unless you think they’re better than you.

Who needs Eric when they have the mental Sean Penn?
Lot of fake news from Ivan and the Ukraine....proceed with caution.
As far as I'm concerned it's nothing but lies from putin. I keep hoping the Russian people learn to understand that and take him out. As far as I'm concerned he's completely psychotic. This will be the first of many atrocities / treacheries he will try to commit. Remember what he said he wanted even nations in the Eastern block that are NATO members already, their NATO membership to be revoked. The only reason would be for him to attack them without any retaliation.
I have to say that this is really scary.

The fact that three resident paid shills from Langley likes your post should be enough evidence to you you are wayyyyyyy off. :rofl: And Fox News.? Seriously? That is msm news controlled by the CIA.:rofl:i keep telling you you need to turn off the idiot box in the living room.oh and don’t make the wrong assumption I’m calling you an idiot,not at all,just pointing out you keep listening to the wrong sources,the ones controlled by the corporate controlled media.
So he claims.
:thankusmile: Zelensky is funded by the deep state as you well know.that’s like believing lying biden if you ask him to be honest with you on a question or what Fox News says as well.:abgg2q.jpg: That thread in the conspiracy section called biden and zelensky set this up believe it,tells what is REALLY going on. Like all information that is not politically correct to the mods,it gets put in the conspiracy section just like 9/11 threads do with overwhelming evidence the government lied about those events always do.
As far as you're concerned? That's rather irrelevant as you appear to base all of your opinions on emotions and feelz. There is a good chance we'll miss the end of this conflict. People are already losing interest, the end will be a footnote on a newscast, nothing more.
That's a sad statement coming from an American if you are an American at all.
That's a sad statement coming from an American if you are an American at all.
It's reality, funny thing is that folks like you ensure it will happen that way. You morons flutter and flit to whatever the flavor of the month outrage is. You folks have the attention span of gnats.

I will pay attention to this until the end, I actually doubt you will. By that time we could be facing other conflicts or civil unrest. Whatever the case you will bellow your rage wherever the media tells you to.
I have to say that this is really scary.

What a drama queen and not so good an actor either. He just hides in his bunker and tells people to go and fight what a piece of work.
Of course we can say the same thing about Putin so who cares its none of our bizwax anyway.
Maybe Palin can keep a watch on Russia for us,she can see Russia from her house.
It's reality, funny thing is that folks like you ensure it will happen that way. You morons flutter and flit to whatever the flavor of the month outrage is. You folks have the attention span of gnats.

I will pay attention to this until the end, I actually doubt you will. By that time we could be facing other conflicts or civil unrest. Whatever the case you will bellow your rage wherever the media tells you to.
You already made your judgment about me. You know nothing about me the fact that you could say such thing as " people like you " tells me all I need to know about you. Principles don't change. Putin is totally wrong and there's no way to spend that, I've seen idiots on here trying to spin that and it's sickening. They obviously have lost their principles.
You already made your judgment about me. You know nothing about me the fact that you could say such thing as " people like you " tells me all I need to know about you. Principles don't change. Putin is totally wrong and there's no way to spend that, I've seen idiots on here trying to spin that and it's sickening. They obviously have lost their principles.
We'll see.
As far as I'm concerned it's nothing but lies from putin. I keep hoping the Russian people learn to understand that and take him out. As far as I'm concerned he's completely psychotic. This will be the first of many atrocities / treacheries he will try to commit. Remember what he said he wanted even nations in the Eastern block that are NATO members already, their NATO membership to be revoked. The only reason would be for him to attack them without any retaliation.

The US already gave the green light to Poland sending Mig-29's to the Ukraine.

Trip wire for the Big One, WW3, has been set.
What a drama queen and not so good an actor either. He just hides in his bunker and tells people to go and fight what a piece of work.
Of course we can say the same thing about Putin so who cares its none of our bizwax anyway.
By the CIA?
Naw the CIA loves him,he makes Hitler and Stalin and sleepy joe proud for being the mass murderer he is,so they ain’t going to kill him,only zelensky might kill himself cause trump and the military are taking down the deep states operations excalibur
:thankusmile: Zelensky is funded by the deep state as you well know.that’s like believing lying biden if you ask him to be honest with you on a question or what Fox News says as well.:abgg2q.jpg: That thread in the conspiracy section called biden and zelensky set this up believe it,tells what is REALLY going on. Like all information that is not politically correct to the mods,it gets put in the conspiracy section just like 9/11 threads do with overwhelming evidence the government lied about those events always do.
Something else I want to add on to this post of mine that should have been included is the reality of what is going on in the Ukraine that you will never hear from the cia controlled media like fox as an example of one, is thst the Ukraine government and NATO violated an international agreement with Russia from 1999 to keep missiles off the Ukraine Russia border,not only thst but with the blessing of biden,NATO has gone into the Ukraine murdering their citizens.

Imagine fir a second if Russia a couple decades ago agreed with the United States in an international agreement to keep missiles out of mexico on the Mexican Texas border but they dishonored that agreement and put missiles on the Mexican border and not only thst,started murdering its Mexican citizens,are we suppose to just shrug our shoulders and say okay,no big deal. No,we under trump at least,would invade Mexico and kill all those terrorists the Russians were using to kill its citizens and refusing to get the missiles out,that is what is happening now.

the Cuban missile crisis is happening again only this time it is the states,thanks to lying biden,nato and zelensky who are trying to do the invading and Russia is not taking their crap and fighting back.

people need to stop this garbage of saying putin is starting a war and is Hitler,zelensky is Hitler and NATO is the third reich,turn off the idiot box in the living room and listen to some alternative media from patriotic Americans Thst some posters here at usmb have made in their threads,a really good one I mentioned is in the conspiracy section.

The CIA media is trying to get everybody into panic mode putin is going to start world war three,people here need to relax,it’s not going to happen,there will probably be a big food shortage from this fir a time thanks to lying biden,nato and zelensky,but we will get through thst same as the tide is turning on Covid.

Russia is off the fiat dollar just like kennedy was trying to do which is why the CIA killed him,,thst is WHY NATO is trying to provoke a war with Russia and make putin out to be Hitler,the more and more you fall for the cia controlled medias lies,then they have achieved what they want to achieve from you,mind control incapable of critical thinking unable to think outside the box,DONT let them do this to you or they own you and they have won,they don’t own me,no fucking way.
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