Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

Trump is fabulous.

Don't listen to the mentally ill liars like billo, they're just making commie noise. It's what they do. They'll either die off or be locked up in mental institutions and prisons soon.
bit of a stretch there, bildo

Copy of his letter.

FBI Director James B. Comey's termination: Letters from the White House, Attorney General

PROVE the recusal had anything to do with the Russian investigation.
Sessions stated he would recuse himself from "anything" that had to do with the investigation. The "memo" he signed, contained the statement from Trump, "...I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation..."

That one statement has to do with the investigation Sessions said he would recuse himself from. He did not. He did not recuse himself. He lied.
bit of a stretch there, bildo

Copy of his letter.

FBI Director James B. Comey's termination: Letters from the White House, Attorney General

PROVE the recusal had anything to do with the Russian investigation.
Sessions stated he would recuse himself from "anything" that had to do with the investigation. The "memo" he signed, contained the statement from Trump, "...I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation..."

That one statement has to do with the investigation Sessions said he would recuse himself from. He did not. He did not recuse himself. He lied.
Sessions stated he would recuse himself from "anything" that had to do with the investigation.
So far, he has.

Comey was not the investigation

"...I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation..."

and you follow up by proving it.

Thank you
If he had committed murder,
if he had been caught selling Classified Information
if he had done any of a hundred other illegal things,

Would Sessions still have had to recuse himself?

That is a completely different issue. That is someone committing a crime, not leading an investigation. Comey did not commit any crime. The "memo" Sessions signed, did not claim Comey committed any crime. Therefore, neither should your hypothetical.
If he had committed murder,
if he had been caught selling Classified Information
if he had done any of a hundred other illegal things,

Would Sessions still have had to recuse himself?

That is a completely different issue. That is someone committing a crime, not leading an investigation. Comey did not commit any crime. The "memo" Sessions signed, did not claim Comey committed any crime. Therefore, neither should your hypothetical.

you miss the point, as usual.

He recused himself from the Russian collusion investigation, not from doing his job
it didn't

or, do you have proof it did?
Of coarse he did.

He played a role in the firing of the leader of that investigation.

Did he fire him BECAUSE of that investigation?

Was the INVESTIGATION, the only thing Comey was involved with?

Could Sessions have been upset with Comey lying to Congress about the number of emails Huma had on her computer have had anything to do with his firing?

Did the emails have anything to do with the investigation?
Does anyone have a problem with this???
I don't watch trash media. Nor do I post about them. I occasionally flip through the channels but that's it.
I don't like Trump, but I can't watch much of it either. It's literally non-stop now, and the press is making zero (0) effort to hide its agenda.

To be fair, Trump has been triggering them non-stop. But I think his miscalculation has been that his attacks on them would get them to change. No, not even close. His attacks have only animated and energized them. I can tell you from experience that the one (1) thing that angers them more than conservatives is when their professional "objectivity" is challenged. And when it's a conservative doing it, holy shit, World War III.

I have no doubt that the more casual consumers of news and politics are being swayed by the 24/7 attacks on him, and that should worry the Republicans.
Does anyone have a problem with this???
I don't watch trash media. Nor do I post about them. I occasionally flip through the channels but that's it.
I don't like Trump, but I can't watch much of it either. It's literally non-stop now, and the press is making zero (0) effort to hide its agenda.

To be fair, Trump has been triggering them non-stop. But I think his miscalculation has been that his attacks on them would get them to change. No, not even close. His attacks have only animated and energized them.

I have no doubt that the more casual consumers of news and politics are being swayed by the 24/7 attacks on him, and that should worry the Republicans.
I don't think Trump is attacking them. They just can't handle criticism. Trump just wants to do his job without having to deal with a violently disruptive press. The best thing for the country would be to shut them down for 90 days for a cooling off period. They are becoming more of a problem than Islamic Terrorists.
Does anyone have a problem with this???
I don't watch trash media. Nor do I post about them. I occasionally flip through the channels but that's it.
I don't like Trump, but I can't watch much of it either. It's literally non-stop now, and the press is making zero (0) effort to hide its agenda.

To be fair, Trump has been triggering them non-stop. But I think his miscalculation has been that his attacks on them would get them to change. No, not even close. His attacks have only animated and energized them.

I have no doubt that the more casual consumers of news and politics are being swayed by the 24/7 attacks on him, and that should worry the Republicans.
I don't think Trump is attacking them. They just can't handle criticism. Trump just wants to do his job without having to deal with a violently disruptive press. The best thing for the country would be to shut them down for 90 days for a cooling off period. They are becoming more of a problem than Islamic Terrorists.
When a President of the United States calls the American media "the enemy of the people" and constantly says/tweets mocking/negative things about it - well, we don't have to call those "attacks", we can call them "saxophones" if you want. But the media is going to aggressively react, and they are.
Does anyone have a problem with this???
I don't watch trash media. Nor do I post about them. I occasionally flip through the channels but that's it.
I don't like Trump, but I can't watch much of it either. It's literally non-stop now, and the press is making zero (0) effort to hide its agenda.

To be fair, Trump has been triggering them non-stop. But I think his miscalculation has been that his attacks on them would get them to change. No, not even close. His attacks have only animated and energized them.

I have no doubt that the more casual consumers of news and politics are being swayed by the 24/7 attacks on him, and that should worry the Republicans.
I don't think Trump is attacking them. They just can't handle criticism. Trump just wants to do his job without having to deal with a violently disruptive press. The best thing for the country would be to shut them down for 90 days for a cooling off period. They are becoming more of a problem than Islamic Terrorists.
The press is livid that they didn't get to install their candidate. I've said for decades they are the fourth branch of government, deciding the course of the country.

They will not stop trying to destroy Trump. They are nothing but propaganda outlets and people need to vote by turning the assholes off.

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