Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

/---- A straw man argument. Pres Trump is not destroying our Republic. ( A democracy is mob rule where 51% can take away the rights of the 49%)
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It wasn't a strawman; it was a rhetorical statement requiring no answer.
/---- Either way it was idiotic.
dead horse.png
When a President of the United States calls the American media "the enemy of the people" and constantly says/tweets mocking/negative things about it - well, we don't have to call those "attacks", we can call them "saxophones" if you want. But the media is going to aggressively react, and they are.
They've been "reacting" for decades, where have you been? They tore Bush apart and Reagan as well. Any pretty much any Republican speed bump that got in their way. The msm is the enemy, they are just not used to being called on it. They were after Trump all along so it isn't a reaction but an agenda.
The press is so much in a hurry to report anything negative they can on Trump that they constantly report the first bit of information they get without vetting. Then they find out later that what they reported was completely wrong and instead of correcting it, they accuse Trump of misleading them.

The press claims that this White House isn't communicating it's message effectively. The problem with that is the press isn't listening. They try to badger members in the administration into giving them the answers they want and they really aren't listening to their answers.

A prime example of this lead-in to the Trump interview, accusing the administration of being two-faced to set-up what turned into a heavily interrupted interview. 9 interruptions in 3 mins experts have counted. This isn't asking a question and listening. This is an argument. How can you get to the facts when you refuse to listen?? It takes Obama 3 mins to answer the question "What Time Is It". Do you think Obama would sit there and put up with constant badgering like Trump is???? Heck NO!!!!

The media isn't listening. They're arguing. And when they get it wrong they're blaming Trump.

To top this off the corrupt media floated what turned out to be outright lies. One of them was the rumor that James Comey asked for more funding for the investigation, which led to his firing. This turned out to be a fabrication by the press. The acting FBI director was asked about it and he said he never heard about it and said that they have plenty of funds and manpower to conduct the investigation.

Biased reporting.....and totally made up because they are trying to make Trump look disorganized. They aren't talking about the facts.....they're simply making this shit up as they go. They say they don't know what the truth is, and make up what they think are plausible explanations.
Meanwhile, during this silly discussion they have negative banners posted under all of this to provide a subconscious impression that leads the viewer to the wrong conclusions.

It's nothing but Resistance Propaganda.

Utterly despicable.

One more thing. Guess who was on this panel? Bill Clinton's former adviser....Paul Begala.

WTF is a Hillary Clinton's guy doing on CNN making up lies about Trump????

Does anyone have a problem with this???

Fuck off, asshole! Trump has lied after lie after lie. Arguing he hasn't, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.


Trump doesn't lie 1/10th as much as you do or any Dim member of Congress.
Look, most of us ignore what the press says, and just listen to what the senile old orange clown and his minions say. And we hear constant lies. Really stupid lies. You can deny that all you want, but we see and hear that with our own eyes and ears. It is not the press that has convinced most Americans that the clown is a bit around the bend, it is the clown himself.

How would someone who spews as many lies as you do even know if someone else is lying?
That makes even less sense.
It makes less sense when I take the "directly observed" out of the hypothetical?

The point is, sometimes playing the bias card is a little ridiculous when you infer that because of bias, what is said or seen, should be automatically treated as false. And in regards to this issue, there have been directly observed events.
I never said Romney was sort of Hitler. As for Bush and Cheney, there ARE similarities.

Both scapegoated an entire population of people as the reason for all the problems of the country.
Both started illegal wars of aggression.
Both used a national tragedy to drum up support for those illegal wars.
Both considered their ascension to power was by a higher calling.​

Are Bush and Cheney as bad as Hitler? No. But there ARE similarities.
That makes even less sense.
It makes less sense when I take the "directly observed" out of the hypothetical?

The point is, sometimes playing the bias card is a little ridiculous when you infer that because of bias, what is said or seen, should be automatically treated as false. And in regards to this issue, there have been directly observed events.

Not automatically, just after taking in all the information.
I never said Romney was sort of Hitler. As for Bush and Cheney, there ARE similarities.

Both scapegoated an entire population of people as the reason for all the problems of the country.
Both started illegal wars of aggression.
Both used a national tragedy to drum up support for those illegal wars.
Both considered their ascension to power was by a higher calling.​

Are Bush and Cheney as bad as Hitler? No. But there ARE similarities.

Only Hitler was Hitler.

Having to go the Godwin route is the sign of a weak mind.
I never said Romney was sort of Hitler. As for Bush and Cheney, there ARE similarities.

Both scapegoated an entire population of people as the reason for all the problems of the country.
Both started illegal wars of aggression.
Both used a national tragedy to drum up support for those illegal wars.
Both considered their ascension to power was by a higher calling.​

Are Bush and Cheney as bad as Hitler? No. But there ARE similarities.

Only Hitler was Hitler.

Having to go the Godwin route is the sign of a weak mind.

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