Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

The next 2 1/2 years are going to be mighty hard on leftists, and deservedly so. Liberals will a-distancing themselves. Many will move to the other side.
mudwhistle, have you listened to the full interview?

President Trump is struggling as president, because he can no longer go through life making up one lie after another and get away with it because he is a Star or Billionaire...

He can't talk his way out of it has finally caught up, with the silver spoon.

Prsident Trump basically put a:

''I AM GUILTY of obstructing justice in the Russian investigation '' flag around his body by firing the head over the Russian investigation, to make this investigation go away...

He's in real trouble this time.... his mouth has done him in... his spokespeople have done him in... this is the beginning of the end for him....mark my words.... this is the moment!


Yeah! He's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really done now!

This deserves moar LOL!


Double for the first time ever! Thank you for the laughs!
there is no you're welcome button! so, you're welcome! Glad to make you's good medicine!
The press is so much in a hurry to report anything negative they can on Trump that they constantly report the first bit of information they get without vetting. Then they find out later that what they reported was completely wrong and instead of correcting it, they accuse Trump of misleading them.

The press claims that this White House isn't communicating it's message effectively. The problem with that is the press isn't listening. They try to badger members in the administration into giving them the answers they want and they really aren't listening to their answers.

A prime example of this lead-in to the Trump interview, accusing the administration of being two-faced to set-up what turned into a heavily interrupted interview. 9 interruptions in 3 mins experts have counted. This isn't asking a question and listening. This is an argument. How can you get to the facts when you refuse to listen?? It takes Obama 3 mins to answer the question "What Time Is It". Do you think Obama would sit there and put up with constant badgering like Trump is???? Heck NO!!!!

The media isn't listening. They're arguing. And when they get it wrong they're blaming Trump.

To top this off the corrupt media floated what turned out to be outright lies. One of them was the rumor that James Comey asked for more funding for the investigation, which led to his firing. This turned out to be a fabrication by the press. The acting FBI director was asked about it and he said he never heard about it and said that they have plenty of funds and manpower to conduct the investigation.

Biased reporting.....and totally made up because they are trying to make Trump look disorganized. They aren't talking about the facts.....they're simply making this shit up as they go. They say they don't know what the truth is, and make up what they think are plausible explanations.
Meanwhile, during this silly discussion they have negative banners posted under all of this to provide a subconscious impression that leads the viewer to the wrong conclusions.

It's nothing but Resistance Propaganda.

Utterly despicable.

One more thing. Guess who was on this panel? Bill Clinton's former adviser....Paul Begala.

WTF is a Hillary Clinton's guy doing on CNN making up lies about Trump????

Does anyone have a problem with this???

Yes, what the democrats and media are doing is borderline treason. They continue to sidestep accusations of slander by stating "An anonymous source" told them which should be the first clue to anyone with a brain that nothing following could be trusted and should be discounted as FAKE NEWS. Although most news sources such as ABC and NBC have been compromised, CNN and MSNBC are by far the worst.
It's hilarious to see this thread pop up on the front page only hours after Trump admits to giving the Russians classified information.

And admits to it, btw, after letting his people go out last night and deny that it happened.
I say what i want, bitch tits, feel free to run away if you don't like it.
This liberal don't run from nothin'. Especially from someone like you. You'd be a tossed salad in prison. Hell, you're almost that now claiming Trump incriminating himself on national television is media bias.
I say what i want, bitch tits, feel free to run away if you don't like it.
This liberal don't run from nothin'. Especially from someone like you. You'd be a tossed salad in prison. Hell, you're almost that now claiming Trump incriminating himself on national television is media bias.

You are no liberal. you are a progressive statist asshat.

Incriminating himself for what?

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