Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

You SERIOUSLY think Trump, 7 months after the election, 4 months after getting into office, after having known everything that is in that memo for months, after having had requested loyalty from Comey, honestly believes that Comey mistreated Clinton and should be fired for that?

Give me a direct answer.

I keep asking you same thing and you keep dodging. I think it's because you don't like the OBVIOUS answer, I think it's because you know your position is based on PREPOSTEROUS allowances.

What do you think? :rolleyes:
I don't let libtards jerk me around. It doesn't work that way. You can't go from one allegation to the next, you all tend to do that. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"

lol BECAUSE THEY DID and Trump even admits that were misleading the public as he is trying to damage control:

As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....

- Trump in a Tweet today.

It is of course not credible in the slightest that his admin simply made the causation up without his direction.
Saying the same stupid shit over and over isn't evidence. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"


Here, watch Vice President lie and repeat the talking points Trump admitted to be false, admitted that his decision to remove Comey was NOT based on the memo:

Watch REPUBLICANS, on FOX, not buying this bullshit in the slightest:

Fox hires liberals too.....or didn't you know that?

That's your response? Unbelievable.

LOL I just did, in the very post you are replying to.

Assertion that Trump agreed that Comney mistreated Clinton and fired him on that basis, while having spent considerable time on the campaign talking about how wonderful of a job Comey is doing when he announced the re-opening of investigation is COMPLETE NONSENSE no sane person would belive.
Whether you agree or grant anyone permission to change their mind after campaigning isn't relevant. He may know more now, you don't know. Or care. But you said:
"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing," I asked you to back it up. Obviously you cant. Another swingandamiss!

You SERIOUSLY think Trump, 7 months after the election, 4 months after getting into office, after having known everything that is in that memo for months, after having had requested loyalty from Comey, honestly believes that Comey mistreated Clinton and should be fired for that?

Give me a direct answer.

I keep asking you same thing and you keep dodging. I think it's because you don't like the OBVIOUS answer, I think it's because you know your position is based on PREPOSTEROUS allowances.

What do you think? :rolleyes:
I don't let libtards jerk me around. It doesn't work that way. You can't go from one allegation to the next, you all tend to do that. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"

lol BECAUSE THEY DID and Trump even admits that were misleading the public as he is trying to damage control:

As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....

- Trump in a Tweet today.

It is of course not credible in the slightest that his admin simply made the causation up without his direction.

They changed their story because the Author of the MEMO threatened to quit if they didn't stop lying about the memo.
Turns out that was a lie by the media as well. He was asked if this ever happened and he said no.

Quote him saying no.

You can't, he didn't say that


When asked by a Sinclair Broadcast Group reporter if he made such a threat, Rosenstein responded, "No, I'm not quitting."

This maneuver is known as misdirection to avoid answering the question. He didn't ACTUALLY say he didn't make the threat, only that he is not quitting...and why would he quit now that Trump changed the story and admited that memo had nothing to do with his decision to fire Comey.
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I don't let libtards jerk me around. It doesn't work that way. You can't go from one allegation to the next, you all tend to do that. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"

lol BECAUSE THEY DID and Trump even admits that were misleading the public as he is trying to damage control:

As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....

- Trump in a Tweet today.

It is of course not credible in the slightest that his admin simply made the causation up without his direction.
Saying the same stupid shit over and over isn't evidence. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"


Here, watch Vice President lie and repeat the talking points Trump admitted to be false, admitted that his decision to remove Comey was NOT based on the memo:

Watch REPUBLICANS, on FOX, not buying this bullshit in the slightest:

Fox hires liberals too.....or didn't you know that?

That's your response? Unbelievable.


Well you"re a fucking idiot if you think Krauthammer isn't a liberal. He claims to be a moderate, but they all do. His parents are both from foreign countries. He was born and raised in NYC. He went to Harvard Medical School. He worked for the Carter Administration and was a speech writer for Walter Mondale.
He's tapped in, bro.

Bret Baier is a liberal journalist as well. Born in New Jersey.

These people are all in the same club. Bret was one of the 3 Fox assholes that moderated a bushwacking on Trump in the first debate. Bret, Megyn Kelly, and Chris Wallace, tried to destroy the Trump candidacy early on. It didn't work of course.

The press is so much in a hurry to report anything negative they can on Trump that they constantly report the first bit of information they get without vetting. Then they find out later that what they reported was completely wrong and instead of correcting it, they accuse Trump of misleading them.

The press claims that this White House isn't communicating it's message effectively. The problem with that is the press isn't listening. They try to badger members in the administration into giving them the answers they want and they really aren't listening to their answers.

A prime example of this lead-in to the Trump interview, accusing the administration of being two-faced to set-up what turned into a heavily interrupted interview. 9 interruptions in 3 mins experts have counted. This isn't asking a question and listening. This is an argument. How can you get to the facts when you refuse to listen?? It takes Obama 3 mins to answer the question "What Time Is It". Do you think Obama would sit there and put up with constant badgering like Trump is???? Heck NO!!!!

The media isn't listening. They're arguing. And when they get it wrong they're blaming Trump.

To top this off the corrupt media floated what turned out to be outright lies. One of them was the rumor that James Comey asked for more funding for the investigation, which led to his firing. This turned out to be a fabrication by the press. The acting FBI director was asked about it and he said he never heard about it and said that they have plenty of funds and manpower to conduct the investigation.

Biased reporting.....and totally made up because they are trying to make Trump look disorganized. They aren't talking about the facts.....they're simply making this shit up as they go. They say they don't know what the truth is, and make up what they think are plausible explanations.
Meanwhile, during this silly discussion they have negative banners posted under all of this to provide a subconscious impression that leads the viewer to the wrong conclusions.

It's nothing but Resistance Propaganda.

Utterly despicable.

One more thing. Guess who was on this panel? Bill Clinton's former adviser....Paul Begala.

WTF is a Hillary Clinton's guy doing on CNN making up lies about Trump????

Does anyone have a problem with this???

Why is reporting Trump's own words- lies?
lol BECAUSE THEY DID and Trump even admits that were misleading the public as he is trying to damage control:

As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....

- Trump in a Tweet today.

It is of course not credible in the slightest that his admin simply made the causation up without his direction.
Saying the same stupid shit over and over isn't evidence. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"


Here, watch Vice President lie and repeat the talking points Trump admitted to be false, admitted that his decision to remove Comey was NOT based on the memo:

Watch REPUBLICANS, on FOX, not buying this bullshit in the slightest:

Fox hires liberals too.....or didn't you know that?

That's your response? Unbelievable.


Well you"re a fucking idiot if you think Krauthammer isn't a liberal. He claims to be a moderate, but they all do.

lol yea, I'M the idiot here. :rolleyes:

Tell you what not-idiot, how about you actually respond to the SUBSTANCE instead of discussing PEOPLE.
The press is so much in a hurry to report anything negative they can on Trump that they constantly report the first bit of information they get without vetting. Then they find out later that what they reported was completely wrong and instead of correcting it, they accuse Trump of misleading them.

The press claims that this White House isn't communicating it's message effectively. The problem with that is the press isn't listening. They try to badger members in the administration into giving them the answers they want and they really aren't listening to their answers.

A prime example of this lead-in to the Trump interview, accusing the administration of being two-faced to set-up what turned into a heavily interrupted interview. 9 interruptions in 3 mins experts have counted. This isn't asking a question and listening. This is an argument. How can you get to the facts when you refuse to listen?? It takes Obama 3 mins to answer the question "What Time Is It". Do you think Obama would sit there and put up with constant badgering like Trump is???? Heck NO!!!!

The media isn't listening. They're arguing. And when they get it wrong they're blaming Trump.

To top this off the corrupt media floated what turned out to be outright lies. One of them was the rumor that James Comey asked for more funding for the investigation, which led to his firing. This turned out to be a fabrication by the press. The acting FBI director was asked about it and he said he never heard about it and said that they have plenty of funds and manpower to conduct the investigation.

Biased reporting.....and totally made up because they are trying to make Trump look disorganized. They aren't talking about the facts.....they're simply making this shit up as they go. They say they don't know what the truth is, and make up what they think are plausible explanations.
Meanwhile, during this silly discussion they have negative banners posted under all of this to provide a subconscious impression that leads the viewer to the wrong conclusions.

It's nothing but Resistance Propaganda.

Utterly despicable.

One more thing. Guess who was on this panel? Bill Clinton's former adviser....Paul Begala.

WTF is a Hillary Clinton's guy doing on CNN making up lies about Trump????

Does anyone have a problem with this???

Why is reporting Trump's own words- lies?

Misreporting them are lies. Most of what they report aren't even his words. They are comments from un-named sources.

I think we can all agree the the press is biased and dishonest. Once we establish that, why in the fuck would you trust anything they report???
Saying the same stupid shit over and over isn't evidence. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"


Here, watch Vice President lie and repeat the talking points Trump admitted to be false, admitted that his decision to remove Comey was NOT based on the memo:

Watch REPUBLICANS, on FOX, not buying this bullshit in the slightest:

Fox hires liberals too.....or didn't you know that?

That's your response? Unbelievable.


Well you"re a fucking idiot if you think Krauthammer isn't a liberal. He claims to be a moderate, but they all do.

lol yea, I'M the idiot here. :rolleyes:

Tell you what not-idiot, how about you actually respond to the SUBSTANCE instead of discussing PEOPLE.

The SUBSTANCE is suspect once you take into account the motivations of the people involved. Krauthammer is no friend of Trump. Never has been.

Have you ever heard the phrase consider the source?

I'm sure you have. Fox is just there to help give legitimacy to all of the lies in MSNBC & CNN. They swap journalists on a regular basis.

Right now the only difference between Fox reporting and everyone else is they aren't always so obvious about their hatred of Trump. But they are part of the establishment media.

Wise the fuck up, FOOL!!!

Here, watch Vice President lie and repeat the talking points Trump admitted to be false, admitted that his decision to remove Comey was NOT based on the memo:

Watch REPUBLICANS, on FOX, not buying this bullshit in the slightest:

Fox hires liberals too.....or didn't you know that?

That's your response? Unbelievable.


Well you"re a fucking idiot if you think Krauthammer isn't a liberal. He claims to be a moderate, but they all do.

lol yea, I'M the idiot here. :rolleyes:

Tell you what not-idiot, how about you actually respond to the SUBSTANCE instead of discussing PEOPLE.

The SUBSTANCE is suspect once you take into account the motivations of the people involved. Krauthammer is no friend of Trump. Never has been.

Have you ever heard the phrase consider the source?

I'm sure you have. Fox is just there to help give legitimacy to all of the lies in MSNBC & CNN. They swap journalists on a regular basis.

Right now the only difference between Fox reporting and everyone else is they aren't always so obvious about their hatred of Trump. But they are part of the establishment media.

Wise the fuck up, FOOL!!!

No dumbass, the substance IS NOT HINGED ON PERSONALITIES.

The substance that VP was spreading bullshit talking points like Trump himself and the rest of administration is not hinged on that "liberal" Krauthammer.

You are a total tool.
Fox hires liberals too.....or didn't you know that?

That's your response? Unbelievable.

Well you"re a fucking idiot if you think Krauthammer isn't a liberal. He claims to be a moderate, but they all do.

lol yea, I'M the idiot here. :rolleyes:

Tell you what not-idiot, how about you actually respond to the SUBSTANCE instead of discussing PEOPLE.
The SUBSTANCE is suspect once you take into account the motivations of the people involved. Krauthammer is no friend of Trump. Never has been.

Have you ever heard the phrase consider the source?

I'm sure you have. Fox is just there to help give legitimacy to all of the lies in MSNBC & CNN. They swap journalists on a regular basis.

Right now the only difference between Fox reporting and everyone else is they aren't always so obvious about their hatred of Trump. But they are part of the establishment media.

Wise the fuck up, FOOL!!!

No dumbass, the substance IS NOT HINGED ON PERSONALITIES.

The substance that VP was spreading bullshit talking points like Trump himself and the rest of administration is not hinged on that "liberal" Krauthammer.

You are a total tool.
You need to stop saying he said/ she said and start posting some quotes with references, you fucking tool, or you're gonna lose this.

Post direct quotes with the links that this information can be clicked to or STFU, DICKHEAD!!!!
That's your response? Unbelievable.

Well you"re a fucking idiot if you think Krauthammer isn't a liberal. He claims to be a moderate, but they all do.

lol yea, I'M the idiot here. :rolleyes:

Tell you what not-idiot, how about you actually respond to the SUBSTANCE instead of discussing PEOPLE.
The SUBSTANCE is suspect once you take into account the motivations of the people involved. Krauthammer is no friend of Trump. Never has been.

Have you ever heard the phrase consider the source?

I'm sure you have. Fox is just there to help give legitimacy to all of the lies in MSNBC & CNN. They swap journalists on a regular basis.

Right now the only difference between Fox reporting and everyone else is they aren't always so obvious about their hatred of Trump. But they are part of the establishment media.

Wise the fuck up, FOOL!!!

No dumbass, the substance IS NOT HINGED ON PERSONALITIES.

The substance that VP was spreading bullshit talking points like Trump himself and the rest of administration is not hinged on that "liberal" Krauthammer.

You are a total tool.
You need to stop saying he said/ she said and start posting some quotes with references, you fucking tool, or you're gonna lose this.

Post direct quotes with the links that this information can be clicked to or STFU, DICKHEAD!!!!

You fucking moron, I put up the VIDEO of him talking to the press, in the very post with FOX video.

Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies
Well you"re a fucking idiot if you think Krauthammer isn't a liberal. He claims to be a moderate, but they all do.

lol yea, I'M the idiot here. :rolleyes:

Tell you what not-idiot, how about you actually respond to the SUBSTANCE instead of discussing PEOPLE.
The SUBSTANCE is suspect once you take into account the motivations of the people involved. Krauthammer is no friend of Trump. Never has been.

Have you ever heard the phrase consider the source?

I'm sure you have. Fox is just there to help give legitimacy to all of the lies in MSNBC & CNN. They swap journalists on a regular basis.

Right now the only difference between Fox reporting and everyone else is they aren't always so obvious about their hatred of Trump. But they are part of the establishment media.

Wise the fuck up, FOOL!!!

No dumbass, the substance IS NOT HINGED ON PERSONALITIES.

The substance that VP was spreading bullshit talking points like Trump himself and the rest of administration is not hinged on that "liberal" Krauthammer.

You are a total tool.
You need to stop saying he said/ she said and start posting some quotes with references, you fucking tool, or you're gonna lose this.

Post direct quotes with the links that this information can be clicked to or STFU, DICKHEAD!!!!

You fucking moron, I put up the VIDEO of him talking to the press, in the very post with FOX video.

Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

Where's your proof?????
Whether you agree or grant anyone permission to change their mind after campaigning isn't relevant. He may know more now, you don't know. Or care. But you said:
"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing," I asked you to back it up. Obviously you cant. Another swingandamiss!

You SERIOUSLY think Trump, 7 months after the election, 4 months after getting into office, after having known everything that is in that memo for months, after having had requested loyalty from Comey, honestly believes that Comey mistreated Clinton and should be fired for that?

Give me a direct answer.

I keep asking you same thing and you keep dodging. I think it's because you don't like the OBVIOUS answer, I think it's because you know your position is based on PREPOSTEROUS allowances.

What do you think? :rolleyes:
I don't let libtards jerk me around. It doesn't work that way. You can't go from one allegation to the next, you all tend to do that. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"

lol BECAUSE THEY DID and Trump even admits that were misleading the public as he is trying to damage control:

As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....

- Trump in a Tweet today.

It is of course not credible in the slightest that his admin simply made the causation up without his direction.

They changed their story because the Author of the MEMO threatened to quit if they didn't stop lying about the memo.
Turns out that was a lie by the media as well. He was asked if this ever happened and he said no.

Quote him saying no.

You can't, he didn't say that


When asked by a Sinclair Broadcast Group reporter if he made such a threat, Rosenstein responded, "No, I'm not quitting."

This maneuver is known as misdirection to avoid answering the question. He didn't ACTUALLY say he didn't make the threat, only that he is not quitting...and why would he quit now that Trump changed the story and admited that memo had nothing to do with his decision to fire Comey.
What does the word "no" mean to you??

Does it mean yes???
lol yea, I'M the idiot here. :rolleyes:

Tell you what not-idiot, how about you actually respond to the SUBSTANCE instead of discussing PEOPLE.
The SUBSTANCE is suspect once you take into account the motivations of the people involved. Krauthammer is no friend of Trump. Never has been.

Have you ever heard the phrase consider the source?

I'm sure you have. Fox is just there to help give legitimacy to all of the lies in MSNBC & CNN. They swap journalists on a regular basis.

Right now the only difference between Fox reporting and everyone else is they aren't always so obvious about their hatred of Trump. But they are part of the establishment media.

Wise the fuck up, FOOL!!!

No dumbass, the substance IS NOT HINGED ON PERSONALITIES.

The substance that VP was spreading bullshit talking points like Trump himself and the rest of administration is not hinged on that "liberal" Krauthammer.

You are a total tool.
You need to stop saying he said/ she said and start posting some quotes with references, you fucking tool, or you're gonna lose this.

Post direct quotes with the links that this information can be clicked to or STFU, DICKHEAD!!!!

You fucking moron, I put up the VIDEO of him talking to the press, in the very post with FOX video.

Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

Where's your proof?????

...proof of what retard? What don't you get?
You SERIOUSLY think Trump, 7 months after the election, 4 months after getting into office, after having known everything that is in that memo for months, after having had requested loyalty from Comey, honestly believes that Comey mistreated Clinton and should be fired for that?

Give me a direct answer.

I keep asking you same thing and you keep dodging. I think it's because you don't like the OBVIOUS answer, I think it's because you know your position is based on PREPOSTEROUS allowances.

What do you think? :rolleyes:
I don't let libtards jerk me around. It doesn't work that way. You can't go from one allegation to the next, you all tend to do that. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"

lol BECAUSE THEY DID and Trump even admits that were misleading the public as he is trying to damage control:

As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....

- Trump in a Tweet today.

It is of course not credible in the slightest that his admin simply made the causation up without his direction.

They changed their story because the Author of the MEMO threatened to quit if they didn't stop lying about the memo.
Turns out that was a lie by the media as well. He was asked if this ever happened and he said no.

Quote him saying no.

You can't, he didn't say that


When asked by a Sinclair Broadcast Group reporter if he made such a threat, Rosenstein responded, "No, I'm not quitting."

This maneuver is known as misdirection to avoid answering the question. He didn't ACTUALLY say he didn't make the threat, only that he is not quitting...and why would he quit now that Trump changed the story and admited that memo had nothing to do with his decision to fire Comey.
What does the word "no" mean to you??

Does it mean yes???

Do you know how to read?

His language clearly married the no to the present tense of him not quitting. That is why they are in the same sentence.

If he said no to THREATENING to quit, the sentence should have been "no, I never made such threat" or "no, the story is false and baseless".

Now you can say that MAYBE he (a lawyer well versed in the matters of language no less) was just sloppy with his language, but you CAN'T say that he actually denied the threat.
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The SUBSTANCE is suspect once you take into account the motivations of the people involved. Krauthammer is no friend of Trump. Never has been.

Have you ever heard the phrase consider the source?

I'm sure you have. Fox is just there to help give legitimacy to all of the lies in MSNBC & CNN. They swap journalists on a regular basis.

Right now the only difference between Fox reporting and everyone else is they aren't always so obvious about their hatred of Trump. But they are part of the establishment media.

Wise the fuck up, FOOL!!!

No dumbass, the substance IS NOT HINGED ON PERSONALITIES.

The substance that VP was spreading bullshit talking points like Trump himself and the rest of administration is not hinged on that "liberal" Krauthammer.

You are a total tool.
You need to stop saying he said/ she said and start posting some quotes with references, you fucking tool, or you're gonna lose this.

Post direct quotes with the links that this information can be clicked to or STFU, DICKHEAD!!!!

You fucking moron, I put up the VIDEO of him talking to the press, in the very post with FOX video.

Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

Where's your proof?????

...proof of what retard? What don't you get?
I went back and watched the VP's interview. I see no inconsistency with what Trump said other than he was commenting on what he knew at the time. Trump said he wanted to fire Comey regardless. The VP may not have known that. I don't give a flying fuck whether Krauthammer believes him or not.

Now where's your proof the the VP was being dishonest?
No dumbass, the substance IS NOT HINGED ON PERSONALITIES.

The substance that VP was spreading bullshit talking points like Trump himself and the rest of administration is not hinged on that "liberal" Krauthammer.

You are a total tool.
You need to stop saying he said/ she said and start posting some quotes with references, you fucking tool, or you're gonna lose this.

Post direct quotes with the links that this information can be clicked to or STFU, DICKHEAD!!!!

You fucking moron, I put up the VIDEO of him talking to the press, in the very post with FOX video.

Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

Where's your proof?????

...proof of what retard? What don't you get?
I went back and watched the VP's interview. I see no inconsistency with what Trump said other than he was commenting on what he knew at the time. Trump said he wanted to fire Comey regardless. The VP may not have known that. I don't give a flying fuck whether Krauthammer believes him or not.

Now where's your proof the the VP was being dishonest?


VP is repeating exactly what is in the Trump's letter, which was a bullshit talking point as Trump implicitly now admits.

Further, I believe that Pence is not a total idiot and because I believe that, I also believe that he knew better than to believe that bullshit talking point. He was a willing participant in the spin machine.
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I don't let libtards jerk me around. It doesn't work that way. You can't go from one allegation to the next, you all tend to do that. You said:

"Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing,"

lol BECAUSE THEY DID and Trump even admits that were misleading the public as he is trying to damage control:

As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....

- Trump in a Tweet today.

It is of course not credible in the slightest that his admin simply made the causation up without his direction.

They changed their story because the Author of the MEMO threatened to quit if they didn't stop lying about the memo.
Turns out that was a lie by the media as well. He was asked if this ever happened and he said no.

Quote him saying no.

You can't, he didn't say that


When asked by a Sinclair Broadcast Group reporter if he made such a threat, Rosenstein responded, "No, I'm not quitting."

This maneuver is known as misdirection to avoid answering the question. He didn't ACTUALLY say he didn't make the threat, only that he is not quitting...and why would he quit now that Trump changed the story and admited that memo had nothing to do with his decision to fire Comey.
What does the word "no" mean to you??

Does it mean yes???

Do you know how to read?

His language clearly married the no to the present tense of him not quitting. That is why they are in the same sentence.

If he said no to THREATENING to quit, the sentence should have been "no, I never made such threat" or "no, the story is false and baseless".

Now you can say that MAYBE he (a lawyer well versed in the matters of language no less) was just sloppy with his language, but you CAN'T say that he actually denied the threat.
Not really. That could easily be a misquote.
He could have meant "No. I'm not quitting". Whoever wrote it apparently got the answer he wanted and didn't ask for clarification.
You need to stop saying he said/ she said and start posting some quotes with references, you fucking tool, or you're gonna lose this.

Post direct quotes with the links that this information can be clicked to or STFU, DICKHEAD!!!!

You fucking moron, I put up the VIDEO of him talking to the press, in the very post with FOX video.

Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

Where's your proof?????

...proof of what retard? What don't you get?
I went back and watched the VP's interview. I see no inconsistency with what Trump said other than he was commenting on what he knew at the time. Trump said he wanted to fire Comey regardless. The VP may not have known that. I don't give a flying fuck whether Krauthammer believes him or not.

Now where's your proof the the VP was being dishonest?


VP is repeating exactly what is in the Trump's letter, which was a bullshit talking point as Trump implicitly now admits.
So you assume that the VP was lying or Trump was lying?

It appears to me you're parsing words.

Would you do the same with Obama?
No......I doubt it.

Trump said that he wanted to fire Comey months ago. He just waited on the recommendations from the new acting boss over Comey.

Where's the lie, BITCH!!!
You fucking moron, I put up the VIDEO of him talking to the press, in the very post with FOX video.

Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

Where's your proof?????

...proof of what retard? What don't you get?
I went back and watched the VP's interview. I see no inconsistency with what Trump said other than he was commenting on what he knew at the time. Trump said he wanted to fire Comey regardless. The VP may not have known that. I don't give a flying fuck whether Krauthammer believes him or not.

Now where's your proof the the VP was being dishonest?


VP is repeating exactly what is in the Trump's letter, which was a bullshit talking point as Trump implicitly now admits.
So you assume that the VP was lying or Trump was lying?

It appears to me you're parsing words.

Would you do the same with Obama?
No......I doubt it.

Trump said that he wanted to fire Comey months ago. He just waited on the recommendations from the new acting boss over Comey.

Where's the lie, BITCH!!!

They were clearly both lying, see more added in edit.

No way in hell Pence belived for even a split second that Trump thought that mistreating Clinton is grounds for firing.

For fucks sakes Flynn made Pence look like a total idiot when he went out to defend him and STILL Trump wouldn't fire Flynn for 2 weeks, until it was leaked. Still called Flynn a "good man" after that.
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