Press Conference: Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven’t The Media Covered It?

Because there is no victim nor witnesses. There is no date on which these crimes occurred. There is a writing where fictitious women make allegations that at some point in the past, dates unknown something bad happened to one of them.

That's fiction. Overt fiction. Bad fiction.
Mr Orange is going to be back screwing c.f. contractors over next week.
There are two big reasons.

If you’ve been anywhere near Facebook or Twitter in the past several months, you’re probably aware that there is a case working its way through the courts that accusesDonald Trump of forcibly raping a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

On Wednesday, the woman, who remains anonymous, will appear at a press conference with her new attorney, Lisa Bloom, the daughter of Gloria Allred. Bloom wrote a column about the case in The Huffington Post last summer.


For months, people have wondered why this case isn’t getting more ― or, really, any ― attention in the press, even now that Trump faces an actual court date: a Dec. 16 status conference with the judge.

The allegations aren’t entirely implausible on their face. The accuser says Trump raped her repeatedly at parties thrown by since-convicted-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who was widely known to throw wild parties with young women and girls. Epstein was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution and served a small portion of an 18-year sentence.

In a New York magazine profile of Epstein before he went to prison, and long before Trump ran for president, Trump acknowledged that he knows Epstein. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,’’ Trump says in the story. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ― Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

The lawsuit against Trump includes affidavits from two anonymous women who say they were witnesses. Yet there’s been little coverage of the case. As one of the media outlets who has not published much about it, I can say there are two main reasons we shied away.

More: Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't The Media Covered It?

Interesting. Especially the part about having two witnesses. Well, today is Wednesday - and I look forward to the press conference.


Accuser To Hold Press Conference At 6 P.M. ET

25 years ago. Comes out 2 weeks before election; legit. Hillary paid her lmfao.
'Cause there's nothing to it. It's another attempt to 'Herman Cain' Trump and distract people from Hillary's 2 on-going FBI investigations.

Yup and only a biased dumbass like Shittingbull would even think it were true.

Trumps a billionaire. He doesn't have to rape anyone. He can pay for sex if wants to and there are some real nice high dollar escorts out there who would love to take his money.

All these supposed raped women coming out of the woodwork is just a "Herman Caine" deal. They are trying to take away from the REAL issue which is Hillary and her damning emails.
There is no witness protection available. The accused has a right to confront all accusers in open court.

There is no plaintiff. There are no witnesses.

Where di you come up with the "witness protection" bullshit??? Of course it is a civil trial....and civil trials....if won....leads to other culpability........I simply love these right wing, wanna-be "lawyers" who must have graduated from trump u.
She received multiple death threats from Trumpettes, so the news conference was canceled. She will be back.
do you have proof of these threats?

Do you have proof that any of the emails on Weiner's computer are damaging to Hillary. No, you lunatics with your "Jail her" t-shirts are as nutty as they come.
at least we do have the police and the FBI indicating that there are problems.
You have nothing to even suggest these women are not lying. And considering what we have seen the democrats doing ON VIDEO, I have reason to doubt anything that comes out from them.
Im sorry you are backing a criminal, I understand how disheartening it can be, but you should not take out your frustration on other simply because they were faster at seeing the truth than you.
She received multiple death threats from Trumpettes, so the news conference was canceled. She will be back.
do you have proof of these threats?

Do you have proof that any of the emails on Weiner's computer are damaging to Hillary. No, you lunatics with your "Jail her" t-shirts are as nutty as they come.
at least we do have the police and the FBI indicating that there are problems.
You have nothing to even suggest these women are not lying. And considering what we have seen the democrats doing ON VIDEO, I have reason to doubt anything that comes out from them.
Im sorry you are backing a criminal, I understand how disheartening it can be, but you should not take out your frustration on other simply because they were faster at seeing the truth than you.

Your Comrade has broken multiple laws and is a Sexual Predator, admittedly on video. I am sorry you are supporting an admitted Sexual Predator. It must make your children proud that you are supporting a man that cannot be trusted alone with young girls, as Ayotte as said.
There are two big reasons.

If you’ve been anywhere near Facebook or Twitter in the past several months, you’re probably aware that there is a case working its way through the courts that accusesDonald Trump of forcibly raping a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

On Wednesday, the woman, who remains anonymous, will appear at a press conference with her new attorney, Lisa Bloom, the daughter of Gloria Allred. Bloom wrote a column about the case in The Huffington Post last summer.


For months, people have wondered why this case isn’t getting more ― or, really, any ― attention in the press, even now that Trump faces an actual court date: a Dec. 16 status conference with the judge.

The allegations aren’t entirely implausible on their face. The accuser says Trump raped her repeatedly at parties thrown by since-convicted-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who was widely known to throw wild parties with young women and girls. Epstein was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution and served a small portion of an 18-year sentence.

In a New York magazine profile of Epstein before he went to prison, and long before Trump ran for president, Trump acknowledged that he knows Epstein. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,’’ Trump says in the story. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ― Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

The lawsuit against Trump includes affidavits from two anonymous women who say they were witnesses. Yet there’s been little coverage of the case. As one of the media outlets who has not published much about it, I can say there are two main reasons we shied away.

More: Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't The Media Covered It?

Interesting. Especially the part about having two witnesses. Well, today is Wednesday - and I look forward to the press conference.


Accuser To Hold Press Conference At 6 P.M. ET

Tonto, you are getting more desperate by the day This so-called event that happened 22 years ago has repeatedly been debunked. Here's but one of them =
Here's How That Wild Lawsuit Accusing Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl Hit The Headlines @

Why don't you go back to currying Silver or something useful?
Tonto full of crap!
There IS however, a court date to hear this case on December16th.....It may get thrown out, but the court date is legitimate.

Now, I cite the Washington Times for you since it is a right wing rag that most conservatives would not dispute(unless they're hypocrites)

Donald Trump rape accuser gets Dec. 16 court date for federal civil suit: Report

Donald Trump rape accuser gets Dec. 16 court date for federal civil suit: Report
Rape is a criminal matter, not civil.

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