Problem With the Black Community

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?

Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?

Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

Oh so now it doesn't matter that the number of blacks being shot by cops is a tiny number compared to how many blacks live in the USA? Boy you are something you know that? You use the argument when it suits you but scoff it off when it doesn't? WOW!

And I'm not telling you to deny what is true. Yes blacks have problems that white people created. I'm simply telling you there are a few things you all need to do in order to better your black communities.

a. Start telling on criminals. Stop treating cops like they are the enemy.
b. Poor parents need to stress education like Ben Carson's mom did. It's your only way out. Tell them.
c. I'll bet you the % of blacks in prison who grew up in two parent households are very low. Much lower than blacks who grew up in single parent homes.
d. Vote
e. Learn to speak. It is real easy for a racist white hiring manager to not hire a black who doesn't know how to talk. Don't give them the excuse.

Remember, I don't disagree white America is racist and needs to change. That half of the debate is settled. But I'm telling you that blacks need to change too. Pull your fucking pants up and stop talking like you are high and uneducated.

CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock

You don't think this is a problem? It is. And until you people fix it, don't expect to be "great".

He didn't say it to be mean. And I'm pretty sure he said it because it's a problem. IM2 is suggesting its not a problem.

Trump: CNN's Lemon 'dumbest person in broadcasting'
President Trump said CNN's Don Lemon is “perhaps the dumbest person in broadcasting,”

“This Don Lemon who’s perhaps the dumbest person in broadcasting,” Trump said. “Don Lemon at night it’s like — sometimes they’ll have a guest who by mistake will say something good [about Trump]. And they’ll start screaming, we’re going to commercial. They cut him off. Remember?”
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Are they all rich?
Does it matter?

Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

See, victim mentality. If there is a moral problem in the black community it comes from whites. How do you argue with that? I mean, he's right but moving forward, that argument doesn't hold weight. That's VICTIM mentality. Let me explain again since you keep ignoring it.

Victim mentality says: White people kept us down and that's why all the poverty and high crime"

Owner mentality says" White people kept us down for years but we went to school, raised our kids right, started our own business' and persevered.

With victim mentality blacks will never persevere.
No it's not the perfect answer. Being black I know the answer. And I'm telling you stupid ass whites that the lack of economic development is the answer.
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.
I agree with your points and your analysis. I also, hear your frustration, even anger, and it is justified. However, race really has little to do with it at this point. Yes we are talking about the differences between different racial demographics, however, it's (I'm sure you can agree) not about what color your skin is. It's about the fact that some communities have, for lack of a better way of saying it, "fallen through the cracks" and have been largely forgotten. It's not about White v. Black, it's not an us v. them issue. When we fall into that trap and start saying things like "dumb ass white" we are no better than those who have actively oppressed people who are different just because they are different.

Look, I am going to all sealybobo what he is. When a white person tells you that you must listen to them because they are white, and that no matter what you have seen it doesn't matter unless you listen to what whites have to tell you, all bets are off.
Oh waaaah fucking waaaah you fucking big ass baby. You just can't handle the truth. I have admitted most everything you say is true but what you refuse to admit is that the black community has to step up big time in the next few years. Really get the teen pregnancy rate down. Really get the crime rate down. Really get the graduation rates up. Start being dads to your kids. This is a problem in the black community big time.

No one is arguing with your points. But YOU are arguing with my points. You sir are a victim and can't take criticism. It's why the black community is stuck on stupid.

It doesn't matter that you are right about white people. White people aint gonna change. So it's up to your kids to change.

And you know we aren't talking about your kids because your kids have a father and know how to speak in an interview, am I right? So people like you aren't not getting hired because you are an ignorant ghetto black. Am I right about that?

I keep saying that you don't know because you fail to understand that blacks have been stepping up and they have stepped up for most of this nations history. For example:

According to the US Department of Justice statistics, at least 80 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.[3]

“Homicide rates for— black children under age 5 declined 36% between 1993 and 2008, dropping from 11.3 homicides per 100,000 in 1993 to 7.2 homicides per 100,000 in 2008. Black children under age 5 have remained substantially higher than rates for white children or children of other races. White children under age 5 remained relatively stable between 1980 and 1990, with an average rate of 2.4 homicides per 100,000. The rate rose to 2.8 homicides per 100,000 by 1996, then dropped down to 2.1 homicides per 100,000 in 2006. Since 2006 the rate has risen slightly to 2.3 homicides per 100,000 in 2008.”

“In 2008, the homicide victimization rate for blacks (19.6 homicides per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (3.3 homicides per 100,000). The victimization rate for blacks peaked in the early 1990s, reaching a high of 39.4 homicides per 100,000 in 1991. After 1991, the victimization rate for blacks fell until 1999, when it stabilized near 20 homicides per 100,000. In 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was 7 times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 off enders per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks showed a similar pattern to the victimization rate, peaking in the early 1990s at a high of 51.1 off enders per 100,000 in 1991. After 1991, the offending rate for blacks declined until it reached 24 per 100,000 in 2004. The rate has since fluctuated, increasing to 28.4 off enders per 100,000 in 2006 before falling again to 24.7 off enders per 100,000 in 2008.

“The offending rate for black male young adults —

Dropped by more than half from 1993 to 2008, when it reached an all-time low of 175.8 off enders per 100,000

Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics November 2011, NCJ 236018, Alexia Cooper and Erica L. Smith, BJS Statisticians

That stepping up son. While we were stepping up, whites were doing nothing about their own crime problem.

Then there is the matter of babies born out of wedlock,''

In 1970 the rate for unmarried black women, 96 per 1,000, was nearly 7 times the rate for unmarried white women, 14. By 1998 this differential was just under 2; the rate for black women fell to 73 whereas the rate for white women rose to 38 per l,000.

The rate for unmarried white women more than doubled from 18 per 1,000 in 1980 to 38 in 1994, and has since changed little (38 in 1998). (The rate for non-Hispanic white women has also changed little since 1994; it was 28 in 1998.) In contrast, the rate for unmarried black
women increased about 12 percent from 81 in 1980 to 91 in 1989, and has declined steadily since, by 19 percent, to 73 per 1,000 in 1998 (figure 8 and table 3).

The math on Black out of wedlock births

The math on Black out of wedlock births

This was written 8 years ago. That's how far behind you are. I argue and disagree with you because what you say is wrong. If what you said was actually the cause I would agree. But it's not.

So let me end this with a final quote from this article.

"To summarize--there is no data to show that the black "illegitimacy" figure of 70 percent has been caused by unmarried black women having more kids than they did in the past. In fact, the trend is the exact opposite. What is clear is that the behavior of married black women has changed, to the point that married black women are actually having less kids than married white women.

This is why stigmatizing lifestyles is a strategy for neanderthals, why it's always sinful to look past the weeds in your lawn in order to lecture your neighbor. I'll live for the day when all these social conservatives who think that the 70 percent figure is the cause of all that's wrong in black America, start hectoring married black people to have more kids."
Does it matter?

Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

See, victim mentality. If there is a moral problem in the black community it comes from whites. How do you argue with that? I mean, he's right but moving forward, that argument doesn't hold weight. That's VICTIM mentality. Let me explain again since you keep ignoring it.

Victim mentality says: White people kept us down and that's why all the poverty and high crime"

Owner mentality says" White people kept us down for years but we went to school, raised our kids right, started our own business' and persevered.

With victim mentality blacks will never persevere.[/QUOTE

There is no such thing as a victim mentality. Not in blacks anyway.
Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

This is black history month. It is also the month that the Emergency Manager who took political power and control from the mostly African American residents of Detroit has presented his plan to bring the city out of the bankruptcy he steered it into. This is black history in the making, and I hope the nation will pay attention to who wins and who loses from the Emergency Manager’s plan.

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s bankruptcy plan calls for the near-elimination of the retiree health benefits that city workers earned over the years, as well as drastic cuts in the pensions that retired and current workers have earned and counted on. It is telling, I think, that for the first time since the Michigan constitution was adopted 50 years ago, the governor chose in this case to ignore the Michigan constitution’s guarantee that public employee pension benefits will be paid in full, given that Detroit’s public workforce is majority black and represented by unions that opposed the governor’s election.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.
I agree with your points and your analysis. I also, hear your frustration, even anger, and it is justified. However, race really has little to do with it at this point. Yes we are talking about the differences between different racial demographics, however, it's (I'm sure you can agree) not about what color your skin is. It's about the fact that some communities have, for lack of a better way of saying it, "fallen through the cracks" and have been largely forgotten. It's not about White v. Black, it's not an us v. them issue. When we fall into that trap and start saying things like "dumb ass white" we are no better than those who have actively oppressed people who are different just because they are different.

Look, I am going to all sealybobo what he is. When a white person tells you that you must listen to them because they are white, and that no matter what you have seen it doesn't matter unless you listen to what whites have to tell you, all bets are off.
Oh waaaah fucking waaaah you fucking big ass baby. You just can't handle the truth. I have admitted most everything you say is true but what you refuse to admit is that the black community has to step up big time in the next few years. Really get the teen pregnancy rate down. Really get the crime rate down. Really get the graduation rates up. Start being dads to your kids. This is a problem in the black community big time.

No one is arguing with your points. But YOU are arguing with my points. You sir are a victim and can't take criticism. It's why the black community is stuck on stupid.

It doesn't matter that you are right about white people. White people aint gonna change. So it's up to your kids to change.

And you know we aren't talking about your kids because your kids have a father and know how to speak in an interview, am I right? So people like you aren't not getting hired because you are an ignorant ghetto black. Am I right about that?

I keep saying that you don't know because you fail to understand that blacks have been stepping up and they have stepped up for most of this nations history. For example:

According to the US Department of Justice statistics, at least 80 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.[3]

“Homicide rates for— black children under age 5 declined 36% between 1993 and 2008, dropping from 11.3 homicides per 100,000 in 1993 to 7.2 homicides per 100,000 in 2008. Black children under age 5 have remained substantially higher than rates for white children or children of other races. White children under age 5 remained relatively stable between 1980 and 1990, with an average rate of 2.4 homicides per 100,000. The rate rose to 2.8 homicides per 100,000 by 1996, then dropped down to 2.1 homicides per 100,000 in 2006. Since 2006 the rate has risen slightly to 2.3 homicides per 100,000 in 2008.”

“In 2008, the homicide victimization rate for blacks (19.6 homicides per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (3.3 homicides per 100,000). The victimization rate for blacks peaked in the early 1990s, reaching a high of 39.4 homicides per 100,000 in 1991. After 1991, the victimization rate for blacks fell until 1999, when it stabilized near 20 homicides per 100,000. In 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was 7 times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 off enders per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks showed a similar pattern to the victimization rate, peaking in the early 1990s at a high of 51.1 off enders per 100,000 in 1991. After 1991, the offending rate for blacks declined until it reached 24 per 100,000 in 2004. The rate has since fluctuated, increasing to 28.4 off enders per 100,000 in 2006 before falling again to 24.7 off enders per 100,000 in 2008.

“The offending rate for black male young adults —

Dropped by more than half from 1993 to 2008, when it reached an all-time low of 175.8 off enders per 100,000

Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics November 2011, NCJ 236018, Alexia Cooper and Erica L. Smith, BJS Statisticians

That stepping up son. While we were stepping up, whites were doing nothing about their own crime problem.

Then there is the matter of babies born out of wedlock,''

In 1970 the rate for unmarried black women, 96 per 1,000, was nearly 7 times the rate for unmarried white women, 14. By 1998 this differential was just under 2; the rate for black women fell to 73 whereas the rate for white women rose to 38 per l,000.

The rate for unmarried white women more than doubled from 18 per 1,000 in 1980 to 38 in 1994, and has since changed little (38 in 1998). (The rate for non-Hispanic white women has also changed little since 1994; it was 28 in 1998.) In contrast, the rate for unmarried black
women increased about 12 percent from 81 in 1980 to 91 in 1989, and has declined steadily since, by 19 percent, to 73 per 1,000 in 1998 (figure 8 and table 3).

The math on Black out of wedlock births

The math on Black out of wedlock births

This was written 8 years ago. That's how far behind you are. I argue and disagree with you because what you say is wrong. If what you said was actually the cause I would agree. But it's not.

So let me end this with a final quote from this article.

"To summarize--there is no data to show that the black "illegitimacy" figure of 70 percent has been caused by unmarried black women having more kids than they did in the past. In fact, the trend is the exact opposite. What is clear is that the behavior of married black women has changed, to the point that married black women are actually having less kids than married white women.

This is why stigmatizing lifestyles is a strategy for neanderthals, why it's always sinful to look past the weeds in your lawn in order to lecture your neighbor. I'll live for the day when all these social conservatives who think that the 70 percent figure is the cause of all that's wrong in black America, start hectoring married black people to have more kids."

So 20% of us are killed by 13% of the population? That's scary.

Yes, unmarried poor white women are ruining America too.

Fatherless children is the problem. Or one of them. You denying it doesn't make it not true.
Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.
I agree with your points and your analysis. I also, hear your frustration, even anger, and it is justified. However, race really has little to do with it at this point. Yes we are talking about the differences between different racial demographics, however, it's (I'm sure you can agree) not about what color your skin is. It's about the fact that some communities have, for lack of a better way of saying it, "fallen through the cracks" and have been largely forgotten. It's not about White v. Black, it's not an us v. them issue. When we fall into that trap and start saying things like "dumb ass white" we are no better than those who have actively oppressed people who are different just because they are different.

Look, I am going to all sealybobo what he is. When a white person tells you that you must listen to them because they are white, and that no matter what you have seen it doesn't matter unless you listen to what whites have to tell you, all bets are off.
Oh waaaah fucking waaaah you fucking big ass baby. You just can't handle the truth. I have admitted most everything you say is true but what you refuse to admit is that the black community has to step up big time in the next few years. Really get the teen pregnancy rate down. Really get the crime rate down. Really get the graduation rates up. Start being dads to your kids. This is a problem in the black community big time.

No one is arguing with your points. But YOU are arguing with my points. You sir are a victim and can't take criticism. It's why the black community is stuck on stupid.

It doesn't matter that you are right about white people. White people aint gonna change. So it's up to your kids to change.

And you know we aren't talking about your kids because your kids have a father and know how to speak in an interview, am I right? So people like you aren't not getting hired because you are an ignorant ghetto black. Am I right about that?

I keep saying that you don't know because you fail to understand that blacks have been stepping up and they have stepped up for most of this nations history. For example:

According to the US Department of Justice statistics, at least 80 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.[3]

“Homicide rates for— black children under age 5 declined 36% between 1993 and 2008, dropping from 11.3 homicides per 100,000 in 1993 to 7.2 homicides per 100,000 in 2008. Black children under age 5 have remained substantially higher than rates for white children or children of other races. White children under age 5 remained relatively stable between 1980 and 1990, with an average rate of 2.4 homicides per 100,000. The rate rose to 2.8 homicides per 100,000 by 1996, then dropped down to 2.1 homicides per 100,000 in 2006. Since 2006 the rate has risen slightly to 2.3 homicides per 100,000 in 2008.”

“In 2008, the homicide victimization rate for blacks (19.6 homicides per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (3.3 homicides per 100,000). The victimization rate for blacks peaked in the early 1990s, reaching a high of 39.4 homicides per 100,000 in 1991. After 1991, the victimization rate for blacks fell until 1999, when it stabilized near 20 homicides per 100,000. In 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was 7 times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 off enders per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks showed a similar pattern to the victimization rate, peaking in the early 1990s at a high of 51.1 off enders per 100,000 in 1991. After 1991, the offending rate for blacks declined until it reached 24 per 100,000 in 2004. The rate has since fluctuated, increasing to 28.4 off enders per 100,000 in 2006 before falling again to 24.7 off enders per 100,000 in 2008.

“The offending rate for black male young adults —

Dropped by more than half from 1993 to 2008, when it reached an all-time low of 175.8 off enders per 100,000

Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics November 2011, NCJ 236018, Alexia Cooper and Erica L. Smith, BJS Statisticians

That stepping up son. While we were stepping up, whites were doing nothing about their own crime problem.

Then there is the matter of babies born out of wedlock,''

In 1970 the rate for unmarried black women, 96 per 1,000, was nearly 7 times the rate for unmarried white women, 14. By 1998 this differential was just under 2; the rate for black women fell to 73 whereas the rate for white women rose to 38 per l,000.

The rate for unmarried white women more than doubled from 18 per 1,000 in 1980 to 38 in 1994, and has since changed little (38 in 1998). (The rate for non-Hispanic white women has also changed little since 1994; it was 28 in 1998.) In contrast, the rate for unmarried black
women increased about 12 percent from 81 in 1980 to 91 in 1989, and has declined steadily since, by 19 percent, to 73 per 1,000 in 1998 (figure 8 and table 3).

The math on Black out of wedlock births

The math on Black out of wedlock births

This was written 8 years ago. That's how far behind you are. I argue and disagree with you because what you say is wrong. If what you said was actually the cause I would agree. But it's not.

So let me end this with a final quote from this article.

"To summarize--there is no data to show that the black "illegitimacy" figure of 70 percent has been caused by unmarried black women having more kids than they did in the past. In fact, the trend is the exact opposite. What is clear is that the behavior of married black women has changed, to the point that married black women are actually having less kids than married white women.

This is why stigmatizing lifestyles is a strategy for neanderthals, why it's always sinful to look past the weeds in your lawn in order to lecture your neighbor. I'll live for the day when all these social conservatives who think that the 70 percent figure is the cause of all that's wrong in black America, start hectoring married black people to have more kids."

So 20% of us are killed by 13% of the population? That's scary.

Yes, unmarried poor white women are ruining America too.

Fatherless children is the problem. Or one of them. You denying it doesn't make it not true.

20 percent of us aren't killed by 13 percent of anything idiot.

Fatherless children are not THE problem. I'm black and I'm black with 32 years of working in the black community. I know better than you what the problem is no matter how many times you repeat what you think.
There Are 2 Million Black-Owned Businesses In The U.S. — 10 Little Known Facts About Black Entrepreneurs

According to the United States Census Bureau, there are more than 2 million businesses in the country that are owned by African Americans. That statistic dispels a lot of rumors that African Americans are not successful in business. On the contrary, Black-owned businesses are a huge asset to the U.S. economy. But wait there’s more!

Here are 10 more little-known facts about Black businesses:

There Are 2 Million Black-Owned Businesses In The U.S. — 10 Facts
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?

Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

13.5% of the nation is black, yet they account for over 50% of the crimes committed, sup?

Criminal problem going on there or what?
Does it matter?

Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

13.5% of the nation is black, yet they account for over 50% of the crimes committed, sup?

Criminal problem going on there or what?

Sup is that what you said isn't the case.
Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

13.5% of the nation is black, yet they account for over 50% of the crimes committed, sup?

Criminal problem going on there or what?

Sup is that what you said isn't the case.
I'm taking a black girl to cedar point this weekend. Do you think I should tell her my theory on what's wrong with the black community??

She's a single mom too. Has two grown daughters. I'm curious how her daughters are doing? I know she's struggling. In her 40s and said she couldn't afford to go because she just had to pay her car registration and insurance.

I am so glad I went to college. They say people who go to college will make a million dollars more than someone who doesn't and that includes blacks. So maybe her mother should have emphasized education more than she did.

I wonder if her daughters are single mothers.

If she had a husband, no kids or a degree she wouldn't be so broke, correct? Yet you claim these things aren't the problem? Instead you think their problem is white people? You're delusional.

Give me any one person as an example and I can look at their life and tell you what they did wrong. Probably white people have nothing to do with the situation they are in
Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

13.5% of the nation is black, yet they account for over 50% of the crimes committed, sup?

Criminal problem going on there or what?

Sup is that what you said isn't the case.

Let me give you an example of how it's their fault not whiteys.

I was born in the hood, to two parents. The person I am referring to was not. They had 1 mom and dad every other weekend. My parents didn't go to college either but they pushed us to "do something, anything". I can't say they thought I would go to college but because a lot of my peers were going, and because I got a wrestling scholarship, I went to college. But even if I didn't my parents would have asked, "what are you going to do with your life?" It seems a lot of poor black people aren't asking this. I lived in an all black neighborhood. High poverty, crime, etc. Lots of good people too but we aren't knocking them. They're just good black people who happen to live in a poor black community. Most people are this but again, we aren't talking about them.

Anyways, take the girl I'm seeing. She's a single mom. When she was a kid, did she have 2 parents? I'll find out and get back to you after our date. Long ride to Cedar Point so I'll get to know her. And did she take school seriously? To be honest I didn't but then decided to go to college and figured it out, even though I was a horrible student, I got through it. And does she have a particular talent? Not everyone has to go to school. I know a black guy who makes more than I do selling furnature at Art Van.

I lost my train of thought. Point is, she or they are born in a shitty situation true but still there is a public school and books and the internet available and it is not white people's fault if ignorant parents have kids and can't help them study. Successful kids usually have 2 parents who help them with their homework.

And I didn't have kids to hold me down. She can't afford her car payment and insurance and go to cedar point? Who's fault is that? Come on man! Everyone has to take responsibility for their own situation. What advice would you give her daughters? Would you tell them to be single moms and not go to college? Well that's what they are doing. Who's fault is that? If she didn't have 2 kids by herself she wouldn't have had to buy baby food and diapers 20 years ago. She could have put that money in the bank. LOL
Here is what you do not get. This is a WHITE WORLD. When you grow up white, you are growing up looking like the people who run the world. You get the benefit of white history.....from Greeks to the Romans to Europeans.....all of Western civilization is in your image and all the things accomplished are said to be accomplished by people who look like you. Hence, you are conditioned to believe, consciously and subconsciously, that you should achieve more than others. High expectations comes with being white. There is nothing worse than a failed white person because of those high expectations placed on those who are conditioned to believe that their group is SUPERIOR. Therefore, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Contrast that with the world the black person sees. Mind you.....this is a world we are looking at post racial enslavement, colonization and European imperialism, that impacted all parts of the world. Thus, the black person does not see their history of achievement and are told they have no such history. There is no black greatness in history. When you look at Africa, the cradle and roots of black people (actually all people) the imagery is always that of poverty, hunger, famine, war, lack of modernization etc. When you look at the images on the news you see the negative social aspects looking more like you than others. In other words, the conditioning a black person gets living in this world is radically different from the conditioning white people get in this world because the images of those that look like them are starkly different. Society conditions blacks to believe that they are nothing and have contributed nothing to this world we live. Whites are conditioned to believe that the greatness of the world IS THEIR CREATION....meaning that they are GREAT. Hence, growing up poor and white still comes with advantages of growing up poor and black because of the images.

We are all programed subliminally. Whites are being subliminally programmed that they are great and should achieve great things. Blacks are subliminally programmed that they are inferior and do negative things. I am not saying that this programming is all intentional either. A lot of it is simply the way things look after centuries of racial oppression, colonization and imperialism by whites.

That having been said.....why are you calling a 40 year old or more black women......a "girl"? You sound more like you are going on a social experiment than a date. Maybe I am missing something because I only read your last post.....but after reading that it just does not sound like you respect her......and if you do not respect her....what is your agenda for dating her?
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Here is what you do not get. This is a WHITE WORLD. When you grow up white, you are growing up looking like the people who run the world. You get the benefit of white history.....from Greeks to the Romans to Europeans.....all of Western civilization is in your image and all the things accomplished are said to be accomplished by people who look like you. Hence, you are conditioned to believe, consciously and subconsciously, that you should achieve more than others. High expectations comes with being white. There is nothing worse than a failed white person because of those high expectations placed on those who are conditioned to believe that their group is SUPERIOR. Therefore, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Contrast that with the world the black person sees. Mind you.....this is a world we are looking at post racial enslavement, colonization and European imperialism, that impacted all parts of the world. Thus, the black person does not see their history of achievement and are told they have no such history. There is no black greatness in history. When you look at Africa, the cradle and roots of black people (actually all people) the imagery is always that of poverty, hunger, famine, war, lack of modernization etc. When you look at the images on the news you see the negative social aspects looking more like you than others. In other words, the conditioning a black person gets living in this world is radically different from the conditioning white people get in this world because the images of those that look like them are starkly different. Society conditions blacks to believe that they are nothing and have contributed nothing to this world we live. Whites are conditioned to believe that the greatness of the world IS THEIR CREATION....meaning that they are GREAT. Hence, growing up poor and white still comes with advantages of growing up poor and black because of the images.

We are all programed subliminally. Whites are being subliminally programmed that they are great and should achieve great things. Blacks are subliminally programmed that they are inferior and do negative things. I am not saying that this programming is all intentional either. A lot of it is simply the way things look after centuries of racial oppression, colonization and imperialism by whites.

That having been said.....why are you calling a 40 year old or more black women......a "girl"? You sound more like you are going on a social experiment than a date. Maybe I am missing something because I only read your last post.....but after reading that it just does not sound like you respect her......and if you do not respect her....what is your agenda for dating her?

Do black people believe they have no chance at a good life? Then they have victim mentality. They need to stop thinking this way. Half of it's not even true. Sure there are racists out there and yes this is a white run country that treats "the black community" as a second class community no doubt, but that doesn't mean people living in that community can't be good citizens. In fact you all admit most of them are, right? So I'm only criticizing the black community because it has victim mentality. They have been victimized for sure but that doesn't mean they have to have victim mentality.

I've told people before, I don't discriminate or have negative feelings towards any individual no matter the race, creed, color or sexual orientation. Most black people I have met are wonderful people. I bitch about the black community, the Jewish community, the arab or muslim community. I knock their communities.

Interesting that my black buddy who introduced me to her has the same criticisms of the black community. It's why he moved from Detroit to Metro Detroit. He works hard and is a good man.

No I didn't mean anything by it when I called her a girl. Don't be so sensitive.

P.S. My aunt was a single mom. Her daughter was a single mom. And her grandkid is being raised by a single mom because my cousin is a piece of shit. Anyways, we are trying to get his daughter to not repeat the same mistakes her dad, grandmother and great grandmother did. So we are giving her all the same advice I'm giving to the poor black community. Don't have kids until you are married. Go to school or take school seriously. Why is this good advice for her but not poor black people? She's poor white trash and we are trying to tell her she has to end the cycle herself. And don't blame anyone but your parents. Is the government and corporations partially to blame because they sent all our blue collar jobs overseas? Yes sure. But what do you expect the government to do about it? I too got fucked by Bushanomics. I struggled too to get out of the mess Bush put me in. I don't disagree with most everything you guys say but what I'm telling you is that the black community is half doing it to themselves. They need to change their behavior and you guys get offended and suggest they don't? Wrong! Just like my cousins kid needs to make sure she doesn't get knocked up before she can afford to have a kid. If she does then she's the reason her kid will grow up to be a loser.

If you are poor and want to have kids of course it's going to be harder for you than it is for a middle class or rich person. Too fucking bad. Has nothing to do with being black. And this is why middle class women stop after having 1 or 2 kids. Poor people don't give a fuck because they are already poor. They forget if they have too many kids they can't possibly raise any of them right.

And my parents had me when they were poor too. What did they do? They got out of poverty. They should have got out of poverty first then had kids but they didn't. But still they did the right things, stayed together, saved, they were strict with us, etc....
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.
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Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

13.5% of the nation is black, yet they account for over 50% of the crimes committed, sup?

Criminal problem going on there or what?

Sup is that what you said isn't the case.
I'm taking a black girl to cedar point this weekend. Do you think I should tell her my theory on what's wrong with the black community??

She's a single mom too. Has two grown daughters. I'm curious how her daughters are doing? I know she's struggling. In her 40s and said she couldn't afford to go because she just had to pay her car registration and insurance.

I am so glad I went to college. They say people who go to college will make a million dollars more than someone who doesn't and that includes blacks. So maybe her mother should have emphasized education more than she did.

I wonder if her daughters are single mothers.

If she had a husband, no kids or a degree she wouldn't be so broke, correct? Yet you claim these things aren't the problem? Instead you think their problem is white people? You're delusional.

Give me any one person as an example and I can look at their life and tell you what they did wrong. Probably white people have nothing to do with the situation they are in

So why are you "taking this black girl" anywhere?

Is the psychology of this that she is a novelty and you are curious?
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I know victim mentality is normal and justified when someone is victimized. Doesn't matter. We learned this when I was an enrollment counselor at University of Phoenix. Victims are going to say, "I can't go back to school because...." They are right. All those excuses are reasons why they don't go back to school. But the OWNER mentality person had all that shit going on in their life too. The difference is they say, "boy it was tough going back to school but I did it regardless".

I'm sorry if it's offensive to tell black people they have victim mentality. I'm not denying they've been victimized I'm just saying they are using that as an excuse and they are defining themselves by that abuse.

Yes, a rape victim is a great example. No doubt they've been traumatized. But some rape victims have victim mentality and some don't. Some refuse to let that ruin their lives. If they continue to let that ruin their lives then the rapist is raping them every day.

Honestly, the time for arguing about it is done. It's not a question of if what I'm saying is true, it is. And all the things you guys are saying, I'm not denying it.

Show me one black person who's a victim and I will tell you what that person needs to do to get over it. Seriously. If you know of a person who is stuck in victim mentality please tell me that situation you think is so impossible that they can't get out. And I bet you I can show you how they are probably more responsible for the situation they are in than white people are. Their parents too. Their parents want to blame whites because they don't want to blame themselves.
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

I'm sorry but we can't help but to look at Detroit, Saginaw and Flint and think that blacks are not good citizens. I would think that is more the reason to show us whites that isn't true. I'm not denying that the poverty and crime comes from lack of opportunities in those areas. So either develop those opportunities yourselves or get out. Many Detroiters took my advice after the 2007 crash. They left. About 750,000 of them left for better opportunities elsewhere.

I'm sorry us whites created the ghettos and I'm sorry a lot of hiring managers are racist. Not denying it. I'm just telling you what I think black communities have to do in order to overcome on their own, before whitey starts doing the right thing. I wouldn't hold my breath. For example I told someone yesterday a company is not going to open up a factory in a high crime area. No way. You have to get the crime down and THEN companies will come.

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