Problem With the Black Community

All black neighborhoods are not safe and this is coming from a black man

All white neighborhoods are not safe either but I'm black too and have done the math.

Just because you are black doesn't mean you have done the research. I have so let me show you an example.

Last year over 600 people were shot in Chicago. Over 500 died with something like 471 of them being black. Now that's an ugly number and it should be reduced, but its not Beirut. Here's why. There are 889,000 blacks in Chicago. 471 died by shootings. Overall that is less that 1/5.000th of the overall black community in Chicago.

In America if you are black you are far more likely to die from high blood pressure than a violent crime. Now that's not to say that we should stop trying to reduce crime, but that maybe we erase this racist meme about our communities.

I live in a mixed neighborhood which is very safe and quiet.

Well goodie for you.

Never in my life have I heard of a ALL BLACK NEIGHBORHOOD that is safe

I have.
But you won't name it?
I can handle criticism but you are not criticizing. You are talking out of your ass. I've worked and lived in the black community for at least 48 out of the 56 years I have been alive and yet to you I need your advice for what's going on from the white perspective so I can fully understand the problem. Whites have had opinions about what and how we should do things for most of the 241 years this nation has been legally in existence and they have always been wrong. So then if you do what you always do- listen to the white man-, you will get what you always got- half ass actions that never completely fix the damage or correctly addresses the cause.

I say that black neighborhoods are safe. I do so for a very good reason. I did the math.

All black neighborhoods are not safe and this is coming from a black man

All white neighborhoods are not safe either but I'm black too and have done the math.

Just because you are black doesn't mean you have done the research. I have so let me show you an example.

Last year over 600 people were shot in Chicago. Over 500 died with something like 471 of them being black. Now that's an ugly number and it should be reduced, but its not Beirut. Here's why. There are 889,000 blacks in Chicago. 471 died by shootings. Overall that is less that 1/5.000th of the overall black community in Chicago.

In America if you are black you are far more likely to die from high blood pressure than a violent crime. Now that's not to say that we should stop trying to reduce crime, but that maybe we erase this racist meme about our communities.

I live in a mixed neighborhood which is very safe and quiet.

Well goodie for you.

Never in my life have I heard of a ALL BLACK NEIGHBORHOOD that is safe
He got mad because a white liberal disagreed with him. Now a fellow black disagrees with him. I love it.

He won't admit a lot of ignorance in the hood are holding those people back.

I'm not talking about all black people. I'm talking about the black communities and it's problems. I'm sure lots of blacks do the right things

No you didn;t. It's no such thing

There are thousands of them in this country.

what city you lying motherfucker?

I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
No you didn;t. It's no such thing

There are thousands of them in this country.

what city you lying motherfucker?

I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
No you didn;t. It's no such thing

There are thousands of them in this country.

what city you lying motherfucker?

I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?

I don't personally know everyone in the neighborhood. The people that I do know are people who bought there when the homes were affordable and never left.
There are way too many black communities in his nation that are safe and I don't have to name any because a stupid ass white dude and another equally dumb black one believes a lie. In 2015, 2 million blacks were arrested for crimes, that is 5 percent of the overall black population. Approximately 95 percent of all blacks in this nation are respectable, hard working, law abiding citizens. A fool is free to believe what he wants, but I do not have to agree with his foolishness,
No you didn;t. It's no such thing

There are thousands of them in this country.

what city you lying motherfucker?

I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?
There are thousands of them in this country.

what city you lying motherfucker?

I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?
It sure as hell does. If Ben Carson lives in a neighborhood with a bunch of rich blacks, that's not the typical black community.

We decided to look into which of America’s 52 largest metropolitan areas present African-Americans with the best opportunities. We weighed these metropolitan statistical areas by three critical factors -- homeownership, entrepreneurship, as measured by the self-employment rate, and median household income -- that we believe are indicators of middle-class success. Data for those is from 2013. In addition, we added a fourth category, demographic trends, measuring the change in the African-American population from 2000 to 2013 in these metro areas, to judge how the community is “voting with its feet.” Each factor was given equal weight.

this trend has accelerated, with African-Americans leaving not just the Northeast or Midwest, but the West Coast as well.

Today, Dixie has emerged, in many ways, as the new promised land for African-Americans. In our survey the South accounts for a remarkable 13 of the top 15 metro areas.

Atlanta, Raleigh, Washington DC, Baltimore, Charlotte, Virginia Beach, Orlando, Miami, Richmond, San Antonio,

Maybe I have a bad attitude because I live near Flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The Republicans created NAFTA for the purpose of breaking unions and sending those high paying jobs out of the country. So naturally these black communities were hit hard.

I'm just telling young black people who now don't have access to high paying union jobs that don't require a degree to stop having kids before they can afford them and they might have to move.
There are thousands of them in this country.

what city you lying motherfucker?

I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?

Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
Perfect answer to IM2, and all the other folks that love to excuse black intransigence and blame blacks failure to thrive on white racism. I have posted these same exact words on other threads with the same basic message. those tread have vanished too. Racism is real, but it isn't what holds blacks back. Blacks hold themselves back. racism is excuse.

No it's not the perfect answer. Being black I know the answer. And I'm telling you stupid ass whites that the lack of economic development is the answer.
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.
what city you lying motherfucker?

I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?
It sure as hell does. If Ben Carson lives in a neighborhood with a bunch of rich blacks, that's not the typical black community.

We decided to look into which of America’s 52 largest metropolitan areas present African-Americans with the best opportunities. We weighed these metropolitan statistical areas by three critical factors -- homeownership, entrepreneurship, as measured by the self-employment rate, and median household income -- that we believe are indicators of middle-class success. Data for those is from 2013. In addition, we added a fourth category, demographic trends, measuring the change in the African-American population from 2000 to 2013 in these metro areas, to judge how the community is “voting with its feet.” Each factor was given equal weight.

this trend has accelerated, with African-Americans leaving not just the Northeast or Midwest, but the West Coast as well.

Today, Dixie has emerged, in many ways, as the new promised land for African-Americans. In our survey the South accounts for a remarkable 13 of the top 15 metro areas.

Atlanta, Raleigh, Washington DC, Baltimore, Charlotte, Virginia Beach, Orlando, Miami, Richmond, San Antonio,

Maybe I have a bad attitude because I live near Flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The Republicans created NAFTA for the purpose of breaking unions and sending those high paying jobs out of the country. So naturally these black communities were hit hard.

I'm just telling young black people who now don't have access to high paying union jobs that don't require a degree to stop having kids before they can afford them and they might have to move.
It sure as hell does. If Ben Carson lives in a neighborhood with a bunch of rich blacks, that's not the typical black community.
Gotta admit, I stopped reading right there. You are quite obviously missing my point. I shall attempt to be more clear.

Does it matter what race, gender, ethnicity, or other demographic one identifies with, or is identified as? No. Are we not all Americans? Do we not all, basically, want the same things? Is this group or that group different? of course! That's what make this country great! We all have issues, every community has obstacles in the way of getting to where they want to be.

Does it matter that a "black community" is rich, if they are a safe community? I would bet that if one looked at communities on a crime rate v. Income level one would find that as income goes up, crime goes down (generally). That is the ONLY part of the rich v. poor aspect that matters. However, someone on welfare with no other income in the U.S. is still far better off than a huge portion of the rest of the world, and yet we have one of the highest incarceration rates. So, no rich v. poor is not even a part of the equation for me. It comes down to MORALS, and OPTIONS. When one has them, one tends to not be a criminal. Conversely, when one does not have one or the other, one tends to turn more readily to crime.

Therefore, as stated earlier, the solution lies in getting people to feel as though they have OPTIONS. Those lacking morals... well, there is little we can do but protect society from them.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
Perfect answer to IM2, and all the other folks that love to excuse black intransigence and blame blacks failure to thrive on white racism. I have posted these same exact words on other threads with the same basic message. those tread have vanished too. Racism is real, but it isn't what holds blacks back. Blacks hold themselves back. racism is excuse.

No it's not the perfect answer. Being black I know the answer. And I'm telling you stupid ass whites that the lack of economic development is the answer.
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.

Yea and you don't listen. That's why you are no better off than you were in the 1970's. That's why you make less than us. That's why crime is higher in your communities. It's why your schools suck.

Listen, why don't you go back to your black greatness thread where you can control the conversation. You have victim mentality and you are in denial.

Yesterday you threatened to leave the Democrats and vote Republican. We all know you lazy mother fuckers won't do that. What you will do though is not vote and that's another thing that makes black people bad citizens.

I'm glad a black man was our nominee so we could see how blacks will vote if they are motivated. Put a black man on the ticket and they show up. Don't and they don't.

And you stupid cock suckers say Democrats didn't do nothing for poor blacks? That was your excuse for not showing up? What the fuck was Obamacare dummies???

Please I hope Republicans take away Obamacare. Poor people need to see the difference.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
Perfect answer to IM2, and all the other folks that love to excuse black intransigence and blame blacks failure to thrive on white racism. I have posted these same exact words on other threads with the same basic message. those tread have vanished too. Racism is real, but it isn't what holds blacks back. Blacks hold themselves back. racism is excuse.

No it's not the perfect answer. Being black I know the answer. And I'm telling you stupid ass whites that the lack of economic development is the answer.
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.
I agree with your points and your analysis. I also, hear your frustration, even anger, and it is justified. However, race really has little to do with it at this point. Yes we are talking about the differences between different racial demographics, however, it's (I'm sure you can agree) not about what color your skin is. It's about the fact that some communities have, for lack of a better way of saying it, "fallen through the cracks" and have been largely forgotten. It's not about White v. Black, it's not an us v. them issue. When we fall into that trap and start saying things like "dumb ass white" we are no better than those who have actively oppressed people who are different just because they are different.
what city you lying motherfucker?

I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?

Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.
I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?
It sure as hell does. If Ben Carson lives in a neighborhood with a bunch of rich blacks, that's not the typical black community.

We decided to look into which of America’s 52 largest metropolitan areas present African-Americans with the best opportunities. We weighed these metropolitan statistical areas by three critical factors -- homeownership, entrepreneurship, as measured by the self-employment rate, and median household income -- that we believe are indicators of middle-class success. Data for those is from 2013. In addition, we added a fourth category, demographic trends, measuring the change in the African-American population from 2000 to 2013 in these metro areas, to judge how the community is “voting with its feet.” Each factor was given equal weight.

this trend has accelerated, with African-Americans leaving not just the Northeast or Midwest, but the West Coast as well.

Today, Dixie has emerged, in many ways, as the new promised land for African-Americans. In our survey the South accounts for a remarkable 13 of the top 15 metro areas.

Atlanta, Raleigh, Washington DC, Baltimore, Charlotte, Virginia Beach, Orlando, Miami, Richmond, San Antonio,

Maybe I have a bad attitude because I live near Flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The Republicans created NAFTA for the purpose of breaking unions and sending those high paying jobs out of the country. So naturally these black communities were hit hard.

I'm just telling young black people who now don't have access to high paying union jobs that don't require a degree to stop having kids before they can afford them and they might have to move.
It sure as hell does. If Ben Carson lives in a neighborhood with a bunch of rich blacks, that's not the typical black community.
Gotta admit, I stopped reading right there. You are quite obviously missing my point. I shall attempt to be more clear.

Does it matter what race, gender, ethnicity, or other demographic one identifies with, or is identified as? No. Are we not all Americans? Do we not all, basically, want the same things? Is this group or that group different? of course! That's what make this country great! We all have issues, every community has obstacles in the way of getting to where they want to be.

Does it matter that a "black community" is rich, if they are a safe community? I would bet that if one looked at communities on a crime rate v. Income level one would find that as income goes up, crime goes down (generally). That is the ONLY part of the rich v. poor aspect that matters. However, someone on welfare with no other income in the U.S. is still far better off than a huge portion of the rest of the world, and yet we have one of the highest incarceration rates. So, no rich v. poor is not even a part of the equation for me. It comes down to MORALS, and OPTIONS. When one has them, one tends to not be a criminal. Conversely, when one does not have one or the other, one tends to turn more readily to crime.

Therefore, as stated earlier, the solution lies in getting people to feel as though they have OPTIONS. Those lacking morals... well, there is little we can do but protect society from them.

Good points. You remind me of how my bosses kids are sooo unhappy, lazy, bored, unmotivated. They are spoiled little kids. They want everything but don't want to work for anything.

So I agree. It may suck to be poor but still I'd rather be poor in America than any other country.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
Perfect answer to IM2, and all the other folks that love to excuse black intransigence and blame blacks failure to thrive on white racism. I have posted these same exact words on other threads with the same basic message. those tread have vanished too. Racism is real, but it isn't what holds blacks back. Blacks hold themselves back. racism is excuse.

No it's not the perfect answer. Being black I know the answer. And I'm telling you stupid ass whites that the lack of economic development is the answer.
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.

Yea and you don't listen. That's why you are no better off than you were in the 1970's. That's why you make less than us. That's why crime is higher in your communities. It's why your schools suck.

Listen, why don't you go back to your black greatness thread where you can control the conversation. You have victim mentality and you are in denial.

Yesterday you threatened to leave the Democrats and vote Republican. We all know you lazy mother fuckers won't do that. What you will do though is not vote and that's another thing that makes black people bad citizens.

I'm glad a black man was our nominee so we could see how blacks will vote if they are motivated. Put a black man on the ticket and they show up. Don't and they don't.

And you stupid cock suckers say Democrats didn't do nothing for poor blacks? That was your excuse for not showing up? What the fuck was Obamacare dummies???

Please I hope Republicans take away Obamacare. Poor people need to see the difference.

Based on fact, once again your rant has no merit.

I guess voter suppression doesn't exist in your world.

If republicans take away Obama care, poor whites are hurt the most.
I don't need to post up 10,000 black communities to prove to you that there are black neighborhoods that are safe and with low crime rates. You just keep feeding these white people with lies. I hope you don't have a son.

The "black Beverly Hills" now on National Register of Historic Places

Here is one of several within just a mile of my own neighborhood. The crime rate is 61% below the national average.
Are they all rich?
Does it matter?

Yes it matters. It also matters

Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 62.6%of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 77%.

Blacks make up 13%. So it matters that blacks make up 37% of the prison population.

But you guys will say whites make up 58% of the prison population. But don't you get that blacks should only be 13% of the prison population?

I'm just saying, percentages do matter.

Percentages don't matter when you ignore the well known RACISM in the criminal justice system to make this stupid ass argument.

Now if you wan to argue this arguing based upon percentages of incarcerated blacks as opposed to the percentage of the over all black population is not the most accurate measure. There are approximately 745,000 blacks in prison, there are 40 million black people. The number of incarcerated blacks actually equals 0.018625 percent of the black population. That's how much of the black populations is actually in prison. Not 37 percent. So then if you want to talk about this from a population perspective then measure the number who are incarcerated against the overall population instead of making claims about overall population's based upon percentages of people who are incarcerated. 37 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated! 13 percent of all blacks are not incarcerated either. 0.018625 percent of all blacks are in prison. Again, 0.018625 of al blacks are in prison.

Get it?

Since percentages do matter, remember this one 0.018625.

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
Perfect answer to IM2, and all the other folks that love to excuse black intransigence and blame blacks failure to thrive on white racism. I have posted these same exact words on other threads with the same basic message. those tread have vanished too. Racism is real, but it isn't what holds blacks back. Blacks hold themselves back. racism is excuse.

No it's not the perfect answer. Being black I know the answer. And I'm telling you stupid ass whites that the lack of economic development is the answer.
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.
I agree with your points and your analysis. I also, hear your frustration, even anger, and it is justified. However, race really has little to do with it at this point. Yes we are talking about the differences between different racial demographics, however, it's (I'm sure you can agree) not about what color your skin is. It's about the fact that some communities have, for lack of a better way of saying it, "fallen through the cracks" and have been largely forgotten. It's not about White v. Black, it's not an us v. them issue. When we fall into that trap and start saying things like "dumb ass white" we are no better than those who have actively oppressed people who are different just because they are different.

Look, I am going to all sealybobo what he is. When a white person tells you that you must listen to them because they are white, and that no matter what you have seen it doesn't matter unless you listen to what whites have to tell you, all bets are off.
Perfect answer to IM2, and all the other folks that love to excuse black intransigence and blame blacks failure to thrive on white racism. I have posted these same exact words on other threads with the same basic message. those tread have vanished too. Racism is real, but it isn't what holds blacks back. Blacks hold themselves back. racism is excuse.

No it's not the perfect answer. Being black I know the answer. And I'm telling you stupid ass whites that the lack of economic development is the answer.
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.

Yea and you don't listen. That's why you are no better off than you were in the 1970's. That's why you make less than us. That's why crime is higher in your communities. It's why your schools suck.

Listen, why don't you go back to your black greatness thread where you can control the conversation. You have victim mentality and you are in denial.

Yesterday you threatened to leave the Democrats and vote Republican. We all know you lazy mother fuckers won't do that. What you will do though is not vote and that's another thing that makes black people bad citizens.

I'm glad a black man was our nominee so we could see how blacks will vote if they are motivated. Put a black man on the ticket and they show up. Don't and they don't.

And you stupid cock suckers say Democrats didn't do nothing for poor blacks? That was your excuse for not showing up? What the fuck was Obamacare dummies???

Please I hope Republicans take away Obamacare. Poor people need to see the difference.

Based on fact, once again your rant has no merit.

I guess voter suppression doesn't exist in your world.

If republicans take away Obama care, poor whites are hurt the most.

True and fuck poor whites too.

Lets be honest here. Yall didn't show up to vote. You weren't suppressed. Your vote wasn't supressed. Get a fucking ID and vote. Be a good citizen.

I know what voter suppression is. It's bullshit they don't put enough voting machines in black districts that they know are going to have high turn out and then the whites in neighboring cities are in and out in 20 minutes.
Perfect answer to IM2, and all the other folks that love to excuse black intransigence and blame blacks failure to thrive on white racism. I have posted these same exact words on other threads with the same basic message. those tread have vanished too. Racism is real, but it isn't what holds blacks back. Blacks hold themselves back. racism is excuse.

No it's not the perfect answer. Being black I know the answer. And I'm telling you stupid ass whites that the lack of economic development is the answer.
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.
I agree with your points and your analysis. I also, hear your frustration, even anger, and it is justified. However, race really has little to do with it at this point. Yes we are talking about the differences between different racial demographics, however, it's (I'm sure you can agree) not about what color your skin is. It's about the fact that some communities have, for lack of a better way of saying it, "fallen through the cracks" and have been largely forgotten. It's not about White v. Black, it's not an us v. them issue. When we fall into that trap and start saying things like "dumb ass white" we are no better than those who have actively oppressed people who are different just because they are different.

Look, I am going to all sealybobo what he is. When a white person tells you that you must listen to them because they are white, and that no matter what you have seen it doesn't matter unless you listen to what whites have to tell you, all bets are off.
Oh waaaah fucking waaaah you fucking big ass baby. You just can't handle the truth. I have admitted most everything you say is true but what you refuse to admit is that the black community has to step up big time in the next few years. Really get the teen pregnancy rate down. Really get the crime rate down. Really get the graduation rates up. Start being dads to your kids. This is a problem in the black community big time.

No one is arguing with your points. But YOU are arguing with my points. You sir are a victim and can't take criticism. It's why the black community is stuck on stupid.

It doesn't matter that you are right about white people. White people aint gonna change. So it's up to your kids to change.

And you know we aren't talking about your kids because your kids have a father and know how to speak in an interview, am I right? So people like you aren't not getting hired because you are an ignorant ghetto black. Am I right about that?

Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
Perfect answer to IM2, and all the other folks that love to excuse black intransigence and blame blacks failure to thrive on white racism. I have posted these same exact words on other threads with the same basic message. those tread have vanished too. Racism is real, but it isn't what holds blacks back. Blacks hold themselves back. racism is excuse.

No it's not the perfect answer. Being black I know the answer. And I'm telling you stupid ass whites that the lack of economic development is the answer.
We know that's one reason black society is in the crapper. We already conceed that. We're talking about the things the black community needs to do internally.

And no whites going to develop an economy in unsafe neighborhoods.

Yes we put them in that situation but they're keeping themselves in it

Again you fail t understand that we produce over 1.3 trilliob dollars , most of it spent with whites. If we take that money away, you don't have a job. Since black commubites really are not unsafe it behooves whites to help debelop these communities. You have not educated yourself enough to understand reality. A Kellog foundation paper was written called the 'Business Cost of Racial Equity." In this paper it is shown that because of wite idiots like you, this nation loses 2 trillion dollars per year. Now given that you think you know so much and that we must see things from your side, let me paint your dumb ass a pcture using your side that I have heard from whites like you during 32 years of professional work. Since you think we all are just waiting for the government to give us things, if you dumb asses would help develop black communites, you create jobs and take us black leeches off the government dole. If you create jobs, the baby momma with 5 kids has a job to take care of all those fatherless children and they have a better chance to grow up as productive citizens. Then since we do have mosot of our 1.3 trillion in white owned babks, investing in ideas from black entrepreneurs, and they do exist, also creates jobs in this community, boosts the economy of this nation, produces more tax paying citizens, reduces the deficit along with the debt and eliminate the loss of 2 trillion dollars per year that currently happens.

I've heard your side punk. For 32 years. That's why I don't need to listen to you. It's the same old scratched vinyl record that repeats the same thing over and over.
I agree with your points and your analysis. I also, hear your frustration, even anger, and it is justified. However, race really has little to do with it at this point. Yes we are talking about the differences between different racial demographics, however, it's (I'm sure you can agree) not about what color your skin is. It's about the fact that some communities have, for lack of a better way of saying it, "fallen through the cracks" and have been largely forgotten. It's not about White v. Black, it's not an us v. them issue. When we fall into that trap and start saying things like "dumb ass white" we are no better than those who have actively oppressed people who are different just because they are different.

Good point. If IM2 said to me, "we need to start investing more in poor American communities" I couldn't argue more but what I'm telling him is that black people need to clean up their act before companies are going to do that.

Right now if a company was going to go to Detroit it would not go because the public schools (and parents) produce highly educated workers. If they went it would be to take advantage of the cheap labor and unfortunately the chinese do it cheaper and so do the mexicans.

The place is not safe. Supermarkets can't afford the shoplifting in the ghettos. Gas stations in Detroit need cameras linked to the police because people are getting car jacked every day. No company is going to come to this type of city.

And I want companies to come to Detroit. That's good for all of us.

Blacks did this Us Vs. Them shit back when Mayor Coleman Young was mayor. Kwami did the same shit. Made race an issue. They were race baiters. I agree, color has nothing to do with it but it is interesting that Detroit finally elected a white neighbor and he's doing a good job.

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