Problem With the Black Community

Then clearly America is not a racist country when only 0.018625% of blacks are in prison.

Sounds like "they" are just using this as a wedge issue to divide us. They're telling us that black people are getting unfairly shot by cops when if you look at the % it's only 0.000615% of blacks that get shot by cops.

And they're telling us whites how dangerous black neighborhoods are to get us to vote Republican when in reality black neighborhoods are more safe than white neighborhoods.

America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

13.5% of the nation is black, yet they account for over 50% of the crimes committed, sup?

Criminal problem going on there or what?

Sup is that what you said isn't the case.
I'm taking a black girl to cedar point this weekend. Do you think I should tell her my theory on what's wrong with the black community??

She's a single mom too. Has two grown daughters. I'm curious how her daughters are doing? I know she's struggling. In her 40s and said she couldn't afford to go because she just had to pay her car registration and insurance.

I am so glad I went to college. They say people who go to college will make a million dollars more than someone who doesn't and that includes blacks. So maybe her mother should have emphasized education more than she did.

I wonder if her daughters are single mothers.

If she had a husband, no kids or a degree she wouldn't be so broke, correct? Yet you claim these things aren't the problem? Instead you think their problem is white people? You're delusional.

Give me any one person as an example and I can look at their life and tell you what they did wrong. Probably white people have nothing to do with the situation they are in

So why are you "taking this black girl" anywhere?

Is the psychology of this that she is a novelty and you are curious?

No I've dated black women before. She might be a nice person. BUT, I'm getting the sense she might be like all the other black girls I've dated. "buy me this and buy me that" None of them have had money.

I'm watching the bachelorette

Only one black guy left out of 4 guys. She's got the jungle fever. And every time she dumps a black guy it's because she can tell they aren't interested in a commitment. They just want to be her future baby daddy.
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.
America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

13.5% of the nation is black, yet they account for over 50% of the crimes committed, sup?

Criminal problem going on there or what?

Sup is that what you said isn't the case.
I'm taking a black girl to cedar point this weekend. Do you think I should tell her my theory on what's wrong with the black community??

She's a single mom too. Has two grown daughters. I'm curious how her daughters are doing? I know she's struggling. In her 40s and said she couldn't afford to go because she just had to pay her car registration and insurance.

I am so glad I went to college. They say people who go to college will make a million dollars more than someone who doesn't and that includes blacks. So maybe her mother should have emphasized education more than she did.

I wonder if her daughters are single mothers.

If she had a husband, no kids or a degree she wouldn't be so broke, correct? Yet you claim these things aren't the problem? Instead you think their problem is white people? You're delusional.

Give me any one person as an example and I can look at their life and tell you what they did wrong. Probably white people have nothing to do with the situation they are in

So why are you "taking this black girl" anywhere?

Is the psychology of this that she is a novelty and you are curious?

No I've dated black women before. She might be a nice person. BUT, I'm getting the sense she might be like all the other black girls I've dated. "buy me this and buy me that" None of them have had money.

I'm watching the bachelorette

Only one black guy left out of 4 guys. She's got the jungle fever. And every time she dumps a black guy it's because she can tell they aren't interested in a commitment. They just want to be her future baby daddy.

A lot of people feel comfortable that they are not racist because they fool themselves with "black friends" and dating blacks. Well.....take a look of one of Dylann Roofs good friends.

Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.
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America is a racist nation. The 13 percent argument is proof of that.

They are telling YOU these things. What we see are unarmed blacks getting shot up by police for no reason, and it doesn't matter who small that number is, unless it's zero, its a problem. They are not using anything, you do not have to believe what you do, but you choose to do so to such an extent that you feel this is the message you must peach to blacks that's so important we must deny all of what we have seen to follow your message. We blacks have known these were lies since the lie of how we were inferior led to slavery. Whites have been the ones with the mental issues which allow them to actually believe they were superior just because of their skin color. And because of this disorder, opportunities for blacks have been denied and damages caused by years of racist laws and policies have not been fixed.

So if there is a moral problem that has caused problems for blacks it comes from whites. It is not illegitimacy and fatherless homes, it is whites who make up policy and continue doing so to create a disadvantage for people of color on purpose and to the advantage of whites such as what's happening in Detroit right now whereby whites are getting tax incentives and other economic help to move back into the city while the blacks who live there are not.

13.5% of the nation is black, yet they account for over 50% of the crimes committed, sup?

Criminal problem going on there or what?

Sup is that what you said isn't the case.
I'm taking a black girl to cedar point this weekend. Do you think I should tell her my theory on what's wrong with the black community??

She's a single mom too. Has two grown daughters. I'm curious how her daughters are doing? I know she's struggling. In her 40s and said she couldn't afford to go because she just had to pay her car registration and insurance.

I am so glad I went to college. They say people who go to college will make a million dollars more than someone who doesn't and that includes blacks. So maybe her mother should have emphasized education more than she did.

I wonder if her daughters are single mothers.

If she had a husband, no kids or a degree she wouldn't be so broke, correct? Yet you claim these things aren't the problem? Instead you think their problem is white people? You're delusional.

Give me any one person as an example and I can look at their life and tell you what they did wrong. Probably white people have nothing to do with the situation they are in

So why are you "taking this black girl" anywhere?

Is the psychology of this that she is a novelty and you are curious?

No I've dated black women before. She might be a nice person. BUT, I'm getting the sense she might be like all the other black girls I've dated. "buy me this and buy me that" None of them have had money.

I'm watching the bachelorette

Only one black guy left out of 4 guys. She's got the jungle fever. And every time she dumps a black guy it's because she can tell they aren't interested in a commitment. They just want to be her future baby daddy.

So if the common denominator is them asking you to buy them things, maybe you are sending an unconscious message that you are ok with them asking.
There Are 2 Million Black-Owned Businesses In The U.S. — 10 Little Known Facts About Black Entrepreneurs

According to the United States Census Bureau, there are more than 2 million businesses in the country that are owned by African Americans. That statistic dispels a lot of rumors that African Americans are not successful in business. On the contrary, Black-owned businesses are a huge asset to the U.S. economy. But wait there’s more!

Here are 10 more little-known facts about Black businesses:

There Are 2 Million Black-Owned Businesses In The U.S. — 10 Facts
How can this be. As you said, This IS a RACIST nation....
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

Well I sometimes do wonder how Asians or Indians or Jews would have handled it. Would they have developed the ubonics? Actually, there are asian gangs so that blows my theory.

You made a lot of great points. Do I think I would handle it better if I went through what black people went through? I would be wrong to say I would handle it better. How do I know I would handle it better? I don't.

All I am saying is poor black people need to stop having kids they can't afford and won't raise. Poor white people need to do this too if they want to get out of poverty. It's a winning formula. But from what I see the black communities are saying "whites are keeping us down" and poor white communities seem to believe that the rich are keeping them down. I tend to agree that the rich are keeping all poor people down.

Anyways, you made a lot of good points and I know in order for things to be right whites need to change. I'm just telling black people what they need to do in the meantime. Do you disagree? Do you deny too that fatherlessness is a problem in poor communities? Do you think lack of education is a problem in poor communities? I do.
Maybe I'll stop saying "the problem with the black community" and say "the problem with poor people of all colors" Better?
13.5% of the nation is black, yet they account for over 50% of the crimes committed, sup?

Criminal problem going on there or what?

Sup is that what you said isn't the case.
I'm taking a black girl to cedar point this weekend. Do you think I should tell her my theory on what's wrong with the black community??

She's a single mom too. Has two grown daughters. I'm curious how her daughters are doing? I know she's struggling. In her 40s and said she couldn't afford to go because she just had to pay her car registration and insurance.

I am so glad I went to college. They say people who go to college will make a million dollars more than someone who doesn't and that includes blacks. So maybe her mother should have emphasized education more than she did.

I wonder if her daughters are single mothers.

If she had a husband, no kids or a degree she wouldn't be so broke, correct? Yet you claim these things aren't the problem? Instead you think their problem is white people? You're delusional.

Give me any one person as an example and I can look at their life and tell you what they did wrong. Probably white people have nothing to do with the situation they are in

So why are you "taking this black girl" anywhere?

Is the psychology of this that she is a novelty and you are curious?

No I've dated black women before. She might be a nice person. BUT, I'm getting the sense she might be like all the other black girls I've dated. "buy me this and buy me that" None of them have had money.

I'm watching the bachelorette

Only one black guy left out of 4 guys. She's got the jungle fever. And every time she dumps a black guy it's because she can tell they aren't interested in a commitment. They just want to be her future baby daddy.

So if the common denominator is them asking you to buy them things, maybe you are sending an unconscious message that you are ok with them asking.

Nope. I usually dump them after they start asking. She told me right up front that she didn't have money to go to Cedar Point. I was going to treat anyways so not a big deal but red flag raised. Last girl asked for something small first and then all of the sudden she needed her car note paid. I paid it, but it was December and that was her xmas present.

I worked with a bunch of black girls years ago. It's not just me they are asking to "buy them things". It seems to be the black woman's MO.
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

Seriously, I don't think asians or mexicans or jews would have responded the exact same way that blacks did. That's like saying if we did to Greeks what America did to Native American indians, we'd all be a bunch of drunk greeks living on the reservation.

And I'm not suggesting they be on par with other cultures who weren't treated like second class citizens. I'm simply offering suggestions based on what I see coming from the black community. Lets assume everything that has happened to blacks is whites fault. Ok, so what? Are you suggesting black people can't do anything themselves to improve their situation? They can't raise their kids better? They can't fix their relationship with the police? They can't vote? They can't drop the Eubonics? They can't clean up their streets?

That's one thing right there. We see some blocks in Detroit have good neighbors and they do crime watch and they beautified their neighborhoods. They have men standing on the streets shaming the drug dealers.

I know I'm not wrong. Black people just don't want to admit it to us white people. If I was wrong, this march wouldn't happen.

The Black Star Project - Million Father March

This was a way to get more men into our school and to participate in the [Parent Teacher Organization]. We now have 75 active men in our organization, last year we had 3 to 5.”

So don't tell me you didn't have a problem when only 3 showed up and now 75 are showing up. Things are getting better. Looks like black men are taking my advice.

It all began in a humble church basement, on the south side of Chicago. Nine men, eight of them Black and one Latino, got together and wondered how they could help their children. They combined two ideas. The Million Man March and a tradition in many South American villages. Traditionally, in many South American villages, the fathers take their children to school on the last day, to thank the teachers, the principals, the janitors, and anyone else who had a role in teaching their children. Those nine men in that church basement in 2004 combined those two ideas and the Million Father March was born.

The Million Father March has grown out of recognition of the power of male involvement in the education of Black students. A father who actively participates in the educational and social development life of a child is invaluable and irreplaceable.

And you guys say fatherless black kids is not a problem? Or you suggest that because the baby daddy comes visits once a week or once a month that this is being a father? Fuck no it isn't. Better than nothing but not much.

The Black Star Project - History of the Million Father March

The reason the Million Father March got started was to get black men to have a more active role in their childs life. I'm not making this shit up.
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

Well I sometimes do wonder how Asians or Indians or Jews would have handled it. Would they have developed the ubonics? Actually, there are asian gangs so that blows my theory.

You made a lot of great points. Do I think I would handle it better if I went through what black people went through? I would be wrong to say I would handle it better. How do I know I would handle it better? I don't.

All I am saying is poor black people need to stop having kids they can't afford and won't raise. Poor white people need to do this too if they want to get out of poverty. It's a winning formula. But from what I see the black communities are saying "whites are keeping us down" and poor white communities seem to believe that the rich are keeping them down. I tend to agree that the rich are keeping all poor people down.

Anyways, you made a lot of good points and I know in order for things to be right whites need to change. I'm just telling black people what they need to do in the meantime. Do you disagree? Do you deny too that fatherlessness is a problem in poor communities? Do you think lack of education is a problem in poor communities? I do. may seem counter intuitive....but poor having more children is actually the strategy nature and life uses to promote continuation of the blood line and species. Its no accident that the birth rate in poor countries is much higher than the birth rate in wealthy nations. Its all governed by evolutionary biology and makes perfect sense when one understands that our main purpose in propagation of the species and our blood lines. Actually, the wealthy (including wealthy nations) and their low rates of fertility means they are winning the battle....but losing the war. Its all about the numbers game in nature. Success is measured in reproduction.....not dollars. Its not the gene pool of the rich that will be around 500 years from now....but rather....the gene pool of the poor.
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

March organizers believed that politicians were blaming urban blacks for their own domestic economic woes.

At the time of the march, African Americans faced unemployment rates nearly twice that of white Americans, a poverty rate of more than 40%, and a median family income that was about 58% of the median for white households. More than 11% of all black males were unemployed and for those aged 16 to 19, the number of unemployed had climbed to over 50%[8] Further, according to Reverend Jesse Jackson’s speech at the March, the United States House of Representatives had reduced funding to some of the programs that played an integral role in urban Americans’ lives. “The House of Representatives cut $1.1 billion from the nation’s poorest public schools,” and “cut $137 million from Head Start” effectively subtracting $5,000 from each classroom’s budget and cutting 45,000 preschoolers from a crucial early education program.

So did black people vote in 2016? No they did not. So they did it again!!! They got lazy and convinced themselves that there was no difference between Hillary/Democrats and Trump/Republicans.

Did the same number of blacks vote for Hillary that voted for Obama? So they chose not to vote because a black person wasn't on the ticket and now Republicans are back in charge and we know how Republicans feel about programs that help poor people. It's not about black and white. They hate all poor people.

So this right here is another thing black people did to cause the mess they are in now. When they lose their Obamacare, don't blame Trump. Blame yourselves for not showing up to vote. The GOP told you they don't like paying for poor people's healthcare. They don't care if you are white or black. You'll see one day if you are rich they are not racist. They are just greedy bastards.
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

March organizers believed that politicians were blaming urban blacks for their own domestic economic woes.

At the time of the march, African Americans faced unemployment rates nearly twice that of white Americans, a poverty rate of more than 40%, and a median family income that was about 58% of the median for white households. More than 11% of all black males were unemployed and for those aged 16 to 19, the number of unemployed had climbed to over 50%[8] Further, according to Reverend Jesse Jackson’s speech at the March, the United States House of Representatives had reduced funding to some of the programs that played an integral role in urban Americans’ lives. “The House of Representatives cut $1.1 billion from the nation’s poorest public schools,” and “cut $137 million from Head Start” effectively subtracting $5,000 from each classroom’s budget and cutting 45,000 preschoolers from a crucial early education program.

So did black people vote in 2016? No they did not. So they did it again!!! They got lazy and convinced themselves that there was no difference between Hillary/Democrats and Trump/Republicans.

Did the same number of blacks vote for Hillary that voted for Obama? So they chose not to vote because a black person wasn't on the ticket and now Republicans are back in charge and we know how Republicans feel about programs that help poor people. It's not about black and white. They hate all poor people.

So this right here is another thing black people did to cause the mess they are in now. When they lose their Obamacare, don't blame Trump. Blame yourselves for not showing up to vote. The GOP told you they don't like paying for poor people's healthcare. They don't care if you are white or black. You'll see one day if you are rich they are not racist. They are just greedy bastards.

FYI, Headstart has been found to be useless.
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

March organizers believed that politicians were blaming urban blacks for their own domestic economic woes.

At the time of the march, African Americans faced unemployment rates nearly twice that of white Americans, a poverty rate of more than 40%, and a median family income that was about 58% of the median for white households. More than 11% of all black males were unemployed and for those aged 16 to 19, the number of unemployed had climbed to over 50%[8] Further, according to Reverend Jesse Jackson’s speech at the March, the United States House of Representatives had reduced funding to some of the programs that played an integral role in urban Americans’ lives. “The House of Representatives cut $1.1 billion from the nation’s poorest public schools,” and “cut $137 million from Head Start” effectively subtracting $5,000 from each classroom’s budget and cutting 45,000 preschoolers from a crucial early education program.

So did black people vote in 2016? No they did not. So they did it again!!! They got lazy and convinced themselves that there was no difference between Hillary/Democrats and Trump/Republicans.

Did the same number of blacks vote for Hillary that voted for Obama? So they chose not to vote because a black person wasn't on the ticket and now Republicans are back in charge and we know how Republicans feel about programs that help poor people. It's not about black and white. They hate all poor people.

So this right here is another thing black people did to cause the mess they are in now. When they lose their Obamacare, don't blame Trump. Blame yourselves for not showing up to vote. The GOP told you they don't like paying for poor people's healthcare. They don't care if you are white or black. You'll see one day if you are rich they are not racist. They are just greedy bastards.

Maybe blacks did not show up because......things actually got worse for blacks during the Obama Presidency. Now, that is not the same as saying that the Obama Presidency made things worse for presidents actually have little control over the economy. The FACTS are that many statistics worsened for blacks during most of the Obama administration. Now.....many blacks likely held out hope that a black president would finally represent US, in this representative republic, TOO. However, things got worse and thus if a Black president did not deliver....a liberal black president at that......then it seems to me that there is little hope that the solution we look for will come politically. I mean.....blacks came out in record numbers for Obama......and did not get the economic return on investment, even though they did get a powerful psychological return on the investment by seeing an articulate and educated black man, with his articulate and educated black wife and their the White House for 8 years. That was a powerful imagery for the black masses.....if for no one else.

In short....blacks have good reason to be disillusioned politically. In fact, if anyone is really paying attention.....we all should be disillusioned by it.
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Q: Problem with the black community?

A: Too many blacks.

And the problem is NEVER people like you who think and ACT based upon such thoughts. Just think if you are a police officer, loan officer, judge, jury member, teacher, doctor, hiring manager...etc. Such never thought about blacks never plays a role in the interaction with blacks
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

March organizers believed that politicians were blaming urban blacks for their own domestic economic woes.

At the time of the march, African Americans faced unemployment rates nearly twice that of white Americans, a poverty rate of more than 40%, and a median family income that was about 58% of the median for white households. More than 11% of all black males were unemployed and for those aged 16 to 19, the number of unemployed had climbed to over 50%[8] Further, according to Reverend Jesse Jackson’s speech at the March, the United States House of Representatives had reduced funding to some of the programs that played an integral role in urban Americans’ lives. “The House of Representatives cut $1.1 billion from the nation’s poorest public schools,” and “cut $137 million from Head Start” effectively subtracting $5,000 from each classroom’s budget and cutting 45,000 preschoolers from a crucial early education program.

So did black people vote in 2016? No they did not. So they did it again!!! They got lazy and convinced themselves that there was no difference between Hillary/Democrats and Trump/Republicans.

Did the same number of blacks vote for Hillary that voted for Obama? So they chose not to vote because a black person wasn't on the ticket and now Republicans are back in charge and we know how Republicans feel about programs that help poor people. It's not about black and white. They hate all poor people.

So this right here is another thing black people did to cause the mess they are in now. When they lose their Obamacare, don't blame Trump. Blame yourselves for not showing up to vote. The GOP told you they don't like paying for poor people's healthcare. They don't care if you are white or black. You'll see one day if you are rich they are not racist. They are just greedy bastards.

Maybe blacks did not show up because......things actually got worse for blacks during the Obama Presidency. Now, that is not the same as saying that the Obama Presidency made things worse for presidents actually have little control over the economy. The FACTS are that many statistics worsened for blacks during most of the Obama administration. Now.....many blacks likely held out hope that a black president would finally represent US, in this representative republic, TOO. However, things got worse and thus if a Black president did not deliver....a liberal black president at that......then it seems to me that there is little hope that the solution we look for will come politically. I mean.....blacks came out in record numbers for Obama......and did not get the economic return on investment, even though they did get a powerful psychological return on the investment by seeing an articulate and educated black man, with his articulate and educated black wife and their the White House for 8 years. That was a powerful imagery for the black masses.....if for no one else.

In short....blacks have good reason to be disillusioned politically. In fact, if anyone is really paying attention.....we all should be disillusioned by it.

Yes things got worse during the Obama years. Don't you remember the Bush recession? You guys fell for the same illogical argument dumb middle class and poor white people fell for. The Republicans said, "are you better off than you were 8 years ago?" No
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

March organizers believed that politicians were blaming urban blacks for their own domestic economic woes.

At the time of the march, African Americans faced unemployment rates nearly twice that of white Americans, a poverty rate of more than 40%, and a median family income that was about 58% of the median for white households. More than 11% of all black males were unemployed and for those aged 16 to 19, the number of unemployed had climbed to over 50%[8] Further, according to Reverend Jesse Jackson’s speech at the March, the United States House of Representatives had reduced funding to some of the programs that played an integral role in urban Americans’ lives. “The House of Representatives cut $1.1 billion from the nation’s poorest public schools,” and “cut $137 million from Head Start” effectively subtracting $5,000 from each classroom’s budget and cutting 45,000 preschoolers from a crucial early education program.

So did black people vote in 2016? No they did not. So they did it again!!! They got lazy and convinced themselves that there was no difference between Hillary/Democrats and Trump/Republicans.

Did the same number of blacks vote for Hillary that voted for Obama? So they chose not to vote because a black person wasn't on the ticket and now Republicans are back in charge and we know how Republicans feel about programs that help poor people. It's not about black and white. They hate all poor people.

So this right here is another thing black people did to cause the mess they are in now. When they lose their Obamacare, don't blame Trump. Blame yourselves for not showing up to vote. The GOP told you they don't like paying for poor people's healthcare. They don't care if you are white or black. You'll see one day if you are rich they are not racist. They are just greedy bastards.

Maybe blacks did not show up because......things actually got worse for blacks during the Obama Presidency. Now, that is not the same as saying that the Obama Presidency made things worse for presidents actually have little control over the economy. The FACTS are that many statistics worsened for blacks during most of the Obama administration. Now.....many blacks likely held out hope that a black president would finally represent US, in this representative republic, TOO. However, things got worse and thus if a Black president did not deliver....a liberal black president at that......then it seems to me that there is little hope that the solution we look for will come politically. I mean.....blacks came out in record numbers for Obama......and did not get the economic return on investment, even though they did get a powerful psychological return on the investment by seeing an articulate and educated black man, with his articulate and educated black wife and their the White House for 8 years. That was a powerful imagery for the black masses.....if for no one else.

In short....blacks have good reason to be disillusioned politically. In fact, if anyone is really paying attention.....we all should be disillusioned by it.

The poor blacks are going to get punished for their ignorance just like poor whites are. You fell for the Republicans bullshit that the Democrats let you down. You got Obamacare right?

You fell for "are you better off than you were 8 years ago?"? You actually fell for that? Sure we're worse off, after the BUSH recession.

And you/we let ourselves down by not showing up in 2010. Obama and Pelosi didn't let us down. We let them down by giving the house back to the GOP, then later the Senate, then the White House.

And bullshit blacks felt like they were let down. Proof that's a lie is the fact they showed up in 2008, not in 2010 but then showed up again in 2012? So they showed up to vote for a black man, no other reason. Bad citizens, no excuse. But your excuse is they feel like the Democrats let them down. Well now they can deal with the Republicans.

I also think that the white corporate media pushed this blacks getting shot by cops narrative and BLM shit to get whites riled up. It worked. Notice how it's not happening every week because the election is over? It may be happening but it's not being put on tv every other day a black getting shot and a cop getting let out. You see on USMB how whites will defend the worst cops? That shit drove white people to the polls.

And you are saying that news got blacks to stay home? You're doing exactly what they want you to do.
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

March organizers believed that politicians were blaming urban blacks for their own domestic economic woes.

At the time of the march, African Americans faced unemployment rates nearly twice that of white Americans, a poverty rate of more than 40%, and a median family income that was about 58% of the median for white households. More than 11% of all black males were unemployed and for those aged 16 to 19, the number of unemployed had climbed to over 50%[8] Further, according to Reverend Jesse Jackson’s speech at the March, the United States House of Representatives had reduced funding to some of the programs that played an integral role in urban Americans’ lives. “The House of Representatives cut $1.1 billion from the nation’s poorest public schools,” and “cut $137 million from Head Start” effectively subtracting $5,000 from each classroom’s budget and cutting 45,000 preschoolers from a crucial early education program.

So did black people vote in 2016? No they did not. So they did it again!!! They got lazy and convinced themselves that there was no difference between Hillary/Democrats and Trump/Republicans.

Did the same number of blacks vote for Hillary that voted for Obama? So they chose not to vote because a black person wasn't on the ticket and now Republicans are back in charge and we know how Republicans feel about programs that help poor people. It's not about black and white. They hate all poor people.

So this right here is another thing black people did to cause the mess they are in now. When they lose their Obamacare, don't blame Trump. Blame yourselves for not showing up to vote. The GOP told you they don't like paying for poor people's healthcare. They don't care if you are white or black. You'll see one day if you are rich they are not racist. They are just greedy bastards.

Maybe blacks did not show up because......things actually got worse for blacks during the Obama Presidency. Now, that is not the same as saying that the Obama Presidency made things worse for presidents actually have little control over the economy. The FACTS are that many statistics worsened for blacks during most of the Obama administration. Now.....many blacks likely held out hope that a black president would finally represent US, in this representative republic, TOO. However, things got worse and thus if a Black president did not deliver....a liberal black president at that......then it seems to me that there is little hope that the solution we look for will come politically. I mean.....blacks came out in record numbers for Obama......and did not get the economic return on investment, even though they did get a powerful psychological return on the investment by seeing an articulate and educated black man, with his articulate and educated black wife and their the White House for 8 years. That was a powerful imagery for the black masses.....if for no one else.

In short....blacks have good reason to be disillusioned politically. In fact, if anyone is really paying attention.....we all should be disillusioned by it.

Remember this. It isn't enough to show up ever 4 years and for only 2 elections. Sorry, not good enough. Excuses.
Saying that black people have a victim mentality is like saying that people who have been to war have a post-traumatic stress mentality. Duh….when you are HUMAN and are exposed to certain stimuli a certain percentage of people will manifest psychological mutations and if a good number of them manifest this psychological mutation then it can become a cultural mutation as well. News flash: Actions ALWAYS create reactions! The “victim mentality”, as you see it, is par for the human course when exposed to a certain history, just like post-traumatic stress mentality is par for the course of exposure to war. Again, actions create reaction and its disparaging and offensive to talk of things like a “victim mentality” among blacks as if it is abnormal for a group of victimized people (for over 300 year)….to feel like they are victims. If you knew anything about human nature…….you would understand that such is NORMAL…and not “Black”. It’s as normal as the “flight or fight” response of humans. Action…..reaction. There is no “black reaction”….only “human reaction”. Thus, if black people are different in their mentality and behavior, it’s not their blackness that is the root of the issue, but what has acted upon black people more than others (in degree or kind) that manifested a distinction with a difference between blacks and others.

What I am saying to you is that black people in America do not live in a world where the optics show them in a positive light relative to the optics of those who are white in this world. When you look at the world…..everything black is labeled as poor and dysfunctional. Black nations and people are seen as poor, incompetent and corrupt. Black run cities (majority black) are seen as poor incompetent and corrupt. We are said to not have any history of achievement or greatness. Images are subliminal and powerful. It really does not matter if there is opportunity to reach the mountain top if you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot. White people are conditioned to believe that they are a people who not only reach mountaintops……but go even further. You do that by making everything that is good in your image and then casting aspersion upon others for NOT contributing. That is why it is imperative that black people affirm their blackness and greatness. Why do you think IM2 spends so much time doing that? Black people who don’t teach their kids the greatness of being black……..are the problem demographic., because their kids succumb to the subliminal programming that makes blacks feel that are naturally dysfunctional and thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note the video I posted of kids and how they see things. Black is just seen as inferior and bad.....regardless of what race of people is seeing it. The fact that you know of some black people who say that blacks have a negative mentality is only more proof. We, as black people, are not exempt from the conditioning that says we are inferior. We buy into as much as others do...which is double problematic and again why black people need to affirm, love, educate and embrace black people in unity to break free of that mentality.

No. PTSD for someone who went to war is not the same thing as all the poor black people living in the ghetto. Someone who lives in the ghetto that has been taught by their friends family and peers that they aint nothing and will never be nothing is not the same thing. Half of that shit they are doing to themselves. But when someone goes to war and is traumatized, they sort of have an excuse.

I don't completely disagree with you all but I'm just saying you need to stop making excuses. Or, everytime you say, "life isn't fair because....." always finish the sentence with BUT, what I did to overcome it was.....

Otherwise you are just being a victim.

Who taught the people who are telling their kids that they will not be nothing? Who taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents? Who taught the great grand parents, who then taught the grand parents, who then taught the parents, who then taught the kids growing up in the ghetto today that they could never be anything? What was the condition of the antecedents in this nation and what impact on their views did it have and what did they pass on to their kids? Where did it go wrong in that chain? When did the chain get poisoned?

We live in a continuum of actions begetting reactions. That continuum manifest over time. Hence, the past has great influence on the present from this continuum. There is no EXCUSES. There is only human actions and human reactions. There are no "black reactions, but only "human reaction".

Implicit in the criticism of black people is the assumption that other races going through the exact same thing as our history, would not now have a victim mentality, make excuses and would be socioeconomically on par with everyone else. Every time you call out black people, by making a distinction, without given credit to the actions that created the are making black seem naturally dysfunctional relative to others.

March organizers believed that politicians were blaming urban blacks for their own domestic economic woes.

At the time of the march, African Americans faced unemployment rates nearly twice that of white Americans, a poverty rate of more than 40%, and a median family income that was about 58% of the median for white households. More than 11% of all black males were unemployed and for those aged 16 to 19, the number of unemployed had climbed to over 50%[8] Further, according to Reverend Jesse Jackson’s speech at the March, the United States House of Representatives had reduced funding to some of the programs that played an integral role in urban Americans’ lives. “The House of Representatives cut $1.1 billion from the nation’s poorest public schools,” and “cut $137 million from Head Start” effectively subtracting $5,000 from each classroom’s budget and cutting 45,000 preschoolers from a crucial early education program.

So did black people vote in 2016? No they did not. So they did it again!!! They got lazy and convinced themselves that there was no difference between Hillary/Democrats and Trump/Republicans.

Did the same number of blacks vote for Hillary that voted for Obama? So they chose not to vote because a black person wasn't on the ticket and now Republicans are back in charge and we know how Republicans feel about programs that help poor people. It's not about black and white. They hate all poor people.

So this right here is another thing black people did to cause the mess they are in now. When they lose their Obamacare, don't blame Trump. Blame yourselves for not showing up to vote. The GOP told you they don't like paying for poor people's healthcare. They don't care if you are white or black. You'll see one day if you are rich they are not racist. They are just greedy bastards.

Maybe blacks did not show up because......things actually got worse for blacks during the Obama Presidency. Now, that is not the same as saying that the Obama Presidency made things worse for presidents actually have little control over the economy. The FACTS are that many statistics worsened for blacks during most of the Obama administration. Now.....many blacks likely held out hope that a black president would finally represent US, in this representative republic, TOO. However, things got worse and thus if a Black president did not deliver....a liberal black president at that......then it seems to me that there is little hope that the solution we look for will come politically. I mean.....blacks came out in record numbers for Obama......and did not get the economic return on investment, even though they did get a powerful psychological return on the investment by seeing an articulate and educated black man, with his articulate and educated black wife and their the White House for 8 years. That was a powerful imagery for the black masses.....if for no one else.

In short....blacks have good reason to be disillusioned politically. In fact, if anyone is really paying attention.....we all should be disillusioned by it.

Democrats sure let your people down

Even as the leading GOP presidential candidates continue to pledge to obliterate Obamacare, and even as Congressional Republicans continue to promise an alternative to the law that may never, ever materialize, Gallup finds that the uninsured rate has plummeted yet again, to six points below where it was when Obamacare first took effect:

Crucially, two of the groups who have experienced the largest drop in the uninsured rate are blacks and Hispanics:

Opinion | For blacks and Hispanics, a huge drop in the uninsured rate

Interestingly Hillary fucking voted for Obamacare!!!!!
Voter Suppression Analysis by Civis Analytics

Our analysis demonstrates that voter ID laws had a suppressive effect on voter turnout in the 2016 election. We found that turnout decreased significantly more in states where voter identification laws changed to strict, and that these strict laws disproportionately affected African-American counties. If states where voter ID laws became stricter between 2012 and 2016 had increased turnout by the same rate as that of states where there were no voter ID law changes, we estimate that over 400,000 more voters in the six states (AL, MS, NH, RI, VA, WI) would have cast their ballots in the 2016 election. Moreover, we estimate that at 200,000, nearly half of the national lost voters are from Wisconsin, where Hillary Clinton lost by only 20,000 votes. Finally, we find that lost voters tend to skew more African- American and more Democrat. These findings suggest that voter identification laws not only have a suppressive effect on voter turnout, but on specifically African-American turnout and on Democratic vote share.

Voter Suppression Analysis by Civis Analytics | Demos

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