Problem With the Black Community

And the problem is NEVER people like you who think and ACT based upon such thoughts. Just think if you are a police officer, loan officer, judge, jury member, teacher, doctor, hiring manager...etc. Such never thought about blacks never plays a role in the interaction with blacks
What I mean is that when blacks are left to themselves, their neighbourhoods are a mess. It's up to blacks to fix their own problems in their own neighbourhoods, and then the rest of us won't constantly move away, or look badly on blacks moving into our neighbourhoods. Get that chip off of your shoulder and get to work fixing your own communities.

The "chip" is on my credit card....not my shoulders. That having been said, its obvious you see black people as inferior in some way......otherwise you would not create a distinction with a difference about blacks. Noting this view of blacks that you have, whether it is based on statistical facts or your imagination....the fact remains that you would likely discriminate against blacks if you were in a position of authority or influence over blacks, like the occupations that I mentioned. One cannot hold negative beliefs about blacks overall.....yet still treat blacks equally (as equals). Hence, the fact that I can read negative views of blacks coming from people daily on forums such as this and others.......its clear to me that race and racism is STILL a big influence on the lives of black people. Again, one cannot hold negative beliefs about a group of people.....and treat the people fairly.....unless you try to over compensate for your known bias by attempting to favor blacks. If you don't know you have the you probably do not....then you obviously are not over compensating and hence would, in general, treat blacks worse.
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.
And the problem is NEVER people like you who think and ACT based upon such thoughts. Just think if you are a police officer, loan officer, judge, jury member, teacher, doctor, hiring manager...etc. Such never thought about blacks never plays a role in the interaction with blacks
What I mean is that when blacks are left to themselves, their neighbourhoods are a mess. It's up to blacks to fix their own problems in their own neighbourhoods, and then the rest of us won't constantly move away, or look badly on blacks moving into our neighbourhoods. Get that chip off of your shoulder and get to work fixing your own communities.

The "chip" is on my credit card....not my shoulders. That having been said, its obvious you see black people as inferior in some way......otherwise you would not create a distinction with a difference about blacks. Noting this view of blacks that you have, whether it is based on statistical facts or your imagination....the fact remains that you would likely discriminate against blacks if you were in a position of authority or influence over blacks, like the occupations that I mentioned. One cannot hold negative beliefs about blacks overall.....yet still treat blacks equally (as equals). Hence, the fact that I can read negative views of blacks coming from people daily on forums such as this and others.......its clear to me that race and racism is STILL a big influence on the lives of black people. Again, one cannot hold negative beliefs about a group of people.....and treat the people fairly.....unless you try to over compensate for your known bias by attempting to favor blacks. If you don't know you have the you probably do not....then you obviously are not over compensating and hence would, in general, treat blacks worse.
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.

Why don't you try to take ownership of the consequences of your and others negative views of blacks? Here is the problem. To judge me by the content of my character and not the color of my skin.....takes TIME to get to know ME and my character. Hence, when I go for a job interview, stopped by the police....etc....they cannot witness the content of my character in that short of time frame. Hence, subconsciously if not consciously, their views of blacks in general may be defaulted upon me....until such time has passed that I can prove otherwise. However, most times you don't get the time to prove otherwise before you are discriminated against born from negative views of black people.....such as your own.

Thoughts have consequences and you are the one refusing to take ownership of the consequence of negative thoughts about blacks from people like you.
What happens to you isn't the fault of whitey, it's the fault of how your community has acted over time. If you want to change people's perception of your community, you need to step up and show us that you can take ownership of your own problems, and then fix them. Others are willing to help, but you need to let go of the attitude that my perception of your community needs to change before you do any actual changing. Only by being better will people have a better impression of you. Not before.

This is what I'm trying to say. Well put.

But what happened to them is the fault of whites. And to this day there are a lot of white hiring managers that won't hire blacks no matter how polished, educated and experienced they are. That's got to change. It's because of stuff like this that I agree with them that maybe we do need to change before we ask them to change. Why bother when the hiring managers won't even hire them? This is why I liked AA.

But it is true they aren't taking ownership of their problems or fixing them.
What I mean is that when blacks are left to themselves, their neighbourhoods are a mess. It's up to blacks to fix their own problems in their own neighbourhoods, and then the rest of us won't constantly move away, or look badly on blacks moving into our neighbourhoods. Get that chip off of your shoulder and get to work fixing your own communities.

The "chip" is on my credit card....not my shoulders. That having been said, its obvious you see black people as inferior in some way......otherwise you would not create a distinction with a difference about blacks. Noting this view of blacks that you have, whether it is based on statistical facts or your imagination....the fact remains that you would likely discriminate against blacks if you were in a position of authority or influence over blacks, like the occupations that I mentioned. One cannot hold negative beliefs about blacks overall.....yet still treat blacks equally (as equals). Hence, the fact that I can read negative views of blacks coming from people daily on forums such as this and others.......its clear to me that race and racism is STILL a big influence on the lives of black people. Again, one cannot hold negative beliefs about a group of people.....and treat the people fairly.....unless you try to over compensate for your known bias by attempting to favor blacks. If you don't know you have the you probably do not....then you obviously are not over compensating and hence would, in general, treat blacks worse.
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!
The "chip" is on my credit card....not my shoulders. That having been said, its obvious you see black people as inferior in some way......otherwise you would not create a distinction with a difference about blacks. Noting this view of blacks that you have, whether it is based on statistical facts or your imagination....the fact remains that you would likely discriminate against blacks if you were in a position of authority or influence over blacks, like the occupations that I mentioned. One cannot hold negative beliefs about blacks overall.....yet still treat blacks equally (as equals). Hence, the fact that I can read negative views of blacks coming from people daily on forums such as this and others.......its clear to me that race and racism is STILL a big influence on the lives of black people. Again, one cannot hold negative beliefs about a group of people.....and treat the people fairly.....unless you try to over compensate for your known bias by attempting to favor blacks. If you don't know you have the you probably do not....then you obviously are not over compensating and hence would, in general, treat blacks worse.
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!

I'll address your first point before I read the rest. First of all, good point. But, what I'm saying is Ben Carson's mom didn't ask him to dunk a ball. She insisted he study and speak the queens english so he would be prepared to succeed in a white world. And don't have kids before you can afford to have kids.

Is asking someone to take school serious, not get pregnant until they can afford it and speak english as hard as asking someone to run a fast 100 yard dash or dunk a basketball?

Am I asking for the impossible?
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.

Why don't you try to take ownership of the consequences of your and others negative views of blacks? Here is the problem. To judge me by the content of my character and not the color of my skin.....takes TIME to get to know ME and my character. Hence, when I go for a job interview, stopped by the police....etc....they cannot witness the content of my character in that short of time frame. Hence, subconsciously if not consciously, their views of blacks in general may be defaulted upon me....until such time has passed that I can prove otherwise. However, most times you don't get the time to prove otherwise before you are discriminated against born from negative views of black people.....such as your own.

Thoughts have consequences and you are the one refusing to take ownership of the consequence of negative thoughts about blacks from people like you.
What happens to you isn't the fault of whitey, it's the fault of how your community has acted over time. If you want to change people's perception of your community, you need to step up and show us that you can take ownership of your own problems, and then fix them. Others are willing to help, but you need to let go of the attitude that my perception of your community needs to change before you do any actual changing. Only by being better will people have a better impression of you. Not before.

And "whitey" has not acted over time? The record shows that over the last 300 years YT has been constantly discriminating against blacks. When is YT going to take responsibility for that? Every action creates a reaction and all those years YT has been discriminating against blacks has created a reaction in blacks.....then YT uses the reaction in blacks, born from YT actions, to rationalize further discrimination against blacks.
Stop living in the past. You need to get better as a community for people to see you better. It's not a question of how you got here, but what you folks will do to better the situation of your communities and how people perceive you going forward.

Lol....YOU are the one who brought up the history of the black community being why the black community is seen negatively. Now when I bring up the history of whites behaving badly towards want me to now stop living in the You can't make this stuff up. "its gold Jerry"

Truth just don't want to account for 3 plus centuries of white racism and its REACTION upon the black condition. Thus, you want to deflect and make it seem like there was nothing influencing the black condition....other than black people.
I don't have 3 centuries of anything to account for, as I had nothing to do with that. You seem to think that people today should apologize for things they didn't even do! I didn't say nothing but black people influenced black history, but I do say that you should stop looking to give out blame to people who had nothing to do with it, and start using your energy to fix your communities' problems. Anyways, let's say I accept blame for everything that ever happened to blacks, how does that help fix the problems?
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!

I'll address your first point before I read the rest. First of all, good point. But, what I'm saying is Ben Carson's mom didn't ask him to dunk a ball. She insisted he study and speak the queens english so he would be prepared to succeed in a white world. And don't have kids before you can afford to have kids.

Is asking someone to take school serious, not get pregnant until they can afford it and speak english as hard as asking someone to run a fast 100 yard dash or dunk a basketball?

Am I asking for the impossible?
The problem with the black community, malaka, is that you would be of average intelligence in it.
The "chip" is on my credit card....not my shoulders. That having been said, its obvious you see black people as inferior in some way......otherwise you would not create a distinction with a difference about blacks. Noting this view of blacks that you have, whether it is based on statistical facts or your imagination....the fact remains that you would likely discriminate against blacks if you were in a position of authority or influence over blacks, like the occupations that I mentioned. One cannot hold negative beliefs about blacks overall.....yet still treat blacks equally (as equals). Hence, the fact that I can read negative views of blacks coming from people daily on forums such as this and others.......its clear to me that race and racism is STILL a big influence on the lives of black people. Again, one cannot hold negative beliefs about a group of people.....and treat the people fairly.....unless you try to over compensate for your known bias by attempting to favor blacks. If you don't know you have the you probably do not....then you obviously are not over compensating and hence would, in general, treat blacks worse.
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!

Point 2. I NEVER said Ben Carson is proof racism doesn't exist. I said he's proof you can succeed despite that racism. And three ways to go about doing that are study, don't have kids you can afford and learn to speak english.
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!

I'll address your first point before I read the rest. First of all, good point. But, what I'm saying is Ben Carson's mom didn't ask him to dunk a ball. She insisted he study and speak the queens english so he would be prepared to succeed in a white world. And don't have kids before you can afford to have kids.

Is asking someone to take school serious, not get pregnant until they can afford it and speak english as hard as asking someone to run a fast 100 yard dash or dunk a basketball?

Am I asking for the impossible?

What you do not see is what I see and have seen. I know plenty of well spoken black folks who did not make it. I am the only one in my family to have graduated from college.....out of 4 siblings. I am the only one who did not have kids out of wedlock. Did my Parents tell me something that they did not tell the others?

Hey....its a lot easier to not have kids out of wedlock when you are not that popular with the Sometimes it might seem like some are making good choices and having a vision for their future when the truth is sometimes others just do not have opportunities as some. I was NOT a ladies man when I was young. I could hardly buy some poom poom....let alone a female give it to me free of Consequently, that worked out to me not having kids out of wedlock....being able to finish college etc. From the outside looking in some fool might say that I made the right choices by not having kids out of If I could have had the women that my brothers had falling all over fate would be more like theirs and their mine if they could not even buy some poom poom.

White folks just be looking from the outside in.....assuming slit they don't know nothing about.
The "chip" is on my credit card....not my shoulders. That having been said, its obvious you see black people as inferior in some way......otherwise you would not create a distinction with a difference about blacks. Noting this view of blacks that you have, whether it is based on statistical facts or your imagination....the fact remains that you would likely discriminate against blacks if you were in a position of authority or influence over blacks, like the occupations that I mentioned. One cannot hold negative beliefs about blacks overall.....yet still treat blacks equally (as equals). Hence, the fact that I can read negative views of blacks coming from people daily on forums such as this and others.......its clear to me that race and racism is STILL a big influence on the lives of black people. Again, one cannot hold negative beliefs about a group of people.....and treat the people fairly.....unless you try to over compensate for your known bias by attempting to favor blacks. If you don't know you have the you probably do not....then you obviously are not over compensating and hence would, in general, treat blacks worse.
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!
Point 3. Good to hear. Means you are working on it. That's what I'm hoping. I'll work on the racist white devils, you work on slacker blacks. LOL.
Why don't you try to take ownership of the consequences of your and others negative views of blacks? Here is the problem. To judge me by the content of my character and not the color of my skin.....takes TIME to get to know ME and my character. Hence, when I go for a job interview, stopped by the police....etc....they cannot witness the content of my character in that short of time frame. Hence, subconsciously if not consciously, their views of blacks in general may be defaulted upon me....until such time has passed that I can prove otherwise. However, most times you don't get the time to prove otherwise before you are discriminated against born from negative views of black people.....such as your own.

Thoughts have consequences and you are the one refusing to take ownership of the consequence of negative thoughts about blacks from people like you.
What happens to you isn't the fault of whitey, it's the fault of how your community has acted over time. If you want to change people's perception of your community, you need to step up and show us that you can take ownership of your own problems, and then fix them. Others are willing to help, but you need to let go of the attitude that my perception of your community needs to change before you do any actual changing. Only by being better will people have a better impression of you. Not before.

And "whitey" has not acted over time? The record shows that over the last 300 years YT has been constantly discriminating against blacks. When is YT going to take responsibility for that? Every action creates a reaction and all those years YT has been discriminating against blacks has created a reaction in blacks.....then YT uses the reaction in blacks, born from YT actions, to rationalize further discrimination against blacks.
Stop living in the past. You need to get better as a community for people to see you better. It's not a question of how you got here, but what you folks will do to better the situation of your communities and how people perceive you going forward.

Lol....YOU are the one who brought up the history of the black community being why the black community is seen negatively. Now when I bring up the history of whites behaving badly towards want me to now stop living in the You can't make this stuff up. "its gold Jerry"

Truth just don't want to account for 3 plus centuries of white racism and its REACTION upon the black condition. Thus, you want to deflect and make it seem like there was nothing influencing the black condition....other than black people.
I don't have 3 centuries of anything to account for, as I had nothing to do with that. You seem to think that people today should apologize for things they didn't even do! I didn't say nothing but black people influenced black history, but I do say that you should stop looking to give out blame to people who had nothing to do with it, and start using your energy to fix your communities' problems. Anyways, let's say I accept blame for everything that ever happened to blacks, how does that help fix the problems? do not have 3 centuries of things to account for.....but you do currently have a negative view of black people, which, when in contact with black people, is likely to work against them. However, you REFUSE to account for this and the role that such negative thoughts have that serve to hinder black progress.
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!
Point 3. Good to hear. Means you are working on it. That's what I'm hoping. I'll work on the racist white devils, you work on slacker blacks. LOL.

We have always been working on it! Its only others who assume that blacks cannot look outward and work inward at the same time. We have always been focuses on our improvement. The concepts are not mutually exclusive.
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That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!
Point 3. Good to hear. Means you are working on it. That's what I'm hoping. I'll work on the racist white devils, you work on slacker blacks. LOL.

We have always been working on it! Its only others who assume that blacks cannot look outward and work inward at the same time. We have always been focuses on our improvement. The concepts are not mutually exclusive.

Sometimes I see blacks in Detroit doing things to try and reach out to the kids, to lower crime, to beatify the neighborhood, to confront the drug dealers and to reach out to the police. Makes me have hope.
So anyone who has a bad impression of blacks is a racist because blacks never do anything wrong and aren't the reason for their fucked up communities? :cuckoo:
Try taking some ownership of your problems, only when you can see what the problem actually is will you be able to fix it as a community. Blaming it on whitey while you all do nothing won't get the job done.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!

I'll address your first point before I read the rest. First of all, good point. But, what I'm saying is Ben Carson's mom didn't ask him to dunk a ball. She insisted he study and speak the queens english so he would be prepared to succeed in a white world. And don't have kids before you can afford to have kids.

Is asking someone to take school serious, not get pregnant until they can afford it and speak english as hard as asking someone to run a fast 100 yard dash or dunk a basketball?

Am I asking for the impossible?
Black peeps think that Ben Carson is an Uncle Tom because they're jealous.
What happens to you isn't the fault of whitey, it's the fault of how your community has acted over time. If you want to change people's perception of your community, you need to step up and show us that you can take ownership of your own problems, and then fix them. Others are willing to help, but you need to let go of the attitude that my perception of your community needs to change before you do any actual changing. Only by being better will people have a better impression of you. Not before.

And "whitey" has not acted over time? The record shows that over the last 300 years YT has been constantly discriminating against blacks. When is YT going to take responsibility for that? Every action creates a reaction and all those years YT has been discriminating against blacks has created a reaction in blacks.....then YT uses the reaction in blacks, born from YT actions, to rationalize further discrimination against blacks.
Stop living in the past. You need to get better as a community for people to see you better. It's not a question of how you got here, but what you folks will do to better the situation of your communities and how people perceive you going forward.

Lol....YOU are the one who brought up the history of the black community being why the black community is seen negatively. Now when I bring up the history of whites behaving badly towards want me to now stop living in the You can't make this stuff up. "its gold Jerry"

Truth just don't want to account for 3 plus centuries of white racism and its REACTION upon the black condition. Thus, you want to deflect and make it seem like there was nothing influencing the black condition....other than black people.
I don't have 3 centuries of anything to account for, as I had nothing to do with that. You seem to think that people today should apologize for things they didn't even do! I didn't say nothing but black people influenced black history, but I do say that you should stop looking to give out blame to people who had nothing to do with it, and start using your energy to fix your communities' problems. Anyways, let's say I accept blame for everything that ever happened to blacks, how does that help fix the problems? do not have 3 centuries of things to account for.....but you do currently have a negative view of black people, which, when in contact with black people, is likely to work against them. However, you REFUSE to account for this and the role that such negative thoughts have that serve to hinder black progress.
I don't have anything to account for, my ancestors were serfs back in the old country and were treated like shit. I don't think there even were any black people where they come from. I treat black people how they deserve to be treated, the ones that are cool, Stevie Wonder comes to mind, I think are fantastic. But most of you? Meh. Just look at your communities. A total mess.
That's what I'm saying. They are correct in their complaints but you are correct that they use racism as an excuse to why "the black community" has given up trying to be good citizens.

That's bullshit. Our side is changing. How many hiring managers in 1970 wouldn't hire a black? Probably not as many racist hiring managers today, although they do exist.

But one reason is black stereotypes seem to exist all too often. We've worked with blacks who weren't good and sued when let go or quit after a couple months. Or they are lazy or have drama in their lives that distracts them from work. Anyways, I'm of the belief we need to give blacks the chance.

At least bad white employees don't sue when you fire them.

It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!

I'll address your first point before I read the rest. First of all, good point. But, what I'm saying is Ben Carson's mom didn't ask him to dunk a ball. She insisted he study and speak the queens english so he would be prepared to succeed in a white world. And don't have kids before you can afford to have kids.

Is asking someone to take school serious, not get pregnant until they can afford it and speak english as hard as asking someone to run a fast 100 yard dash or dunk a basketball?

Am I asking for the impossible?
Black peeps think that Ben Carson is an Uncle Tom because they're jealous.

Wow....obviously you have black people all figured Just like you probably once thought we were all followers of Jesse Jackson and Al
And "whitey" has not acted over time? The record shows that over the last 300 years YT has been constantly discriminating against blacks. When is YT going to take responsibility for that? Every action creates a reaction and all those years YT has been discriminating against blacks has created a reaction in blacks.....then YT uses the reaction in blacks, born from YT actions, to rationalize further discrimination against blacks.
Stop living in the past. You need to get better as a community for people to see you better. It's not a question of how you got here, but what you folks will do to better the situation of your communities and how people perceive you going forward.

Lol....YOU are the one who brought up the history of the black community being why the black community is seen negatively. Now when I bring up the history of whites behaving badly towards want me to now stop living in the You can't make this stuff up. "its gold Jerry"

Truth just don't want to account for 3 plus centuries of white racism and its REACTION upon the black condition. Thus, you want to deflect and make it seem like there was nothing influencing the black condition....other than black people.
I don't have 3 centuries of anything to account for, as I had nothing to do with that. You seem to think that people today should apologize for things they didn't even do! I didn't say nothing but black people influenced black history, but I do say that you should stop looking to give out blame to people who had nothing to do with it, and start using your energy to fix your communities' problems. Anyways, let's say I accept blame for everything that ever happened to blacks, how does that help fix the problems? do not have 3 centuries of things to account for.....but you do currently have a negative view of black people, which, when in contact with black people, is likely to work against them. However, you REFUSE to account for this and the role that such negative thoughts have that serve to hinder black progress.
I don't have anything to account for, my ancestors were serfs back in the old country and were treated like shit. I don't think there even were any black people where they come from. I treat black people how they deserve to be treated, the ones that are cool, Stevie Wonder comes to mind, I think are fantastic. But most of you? Meh. Just look at your communities. A total mess. and Stevie cool like that? Obviously you have imaginary friends.
It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!

I'll address your first point before I read the rest. First of all, good point. But, what I'm saying is Ben Carson's mom didn't ask him to dunk a ball. She insisted he study and speak the queens english so he would be prepared to succeed in a white world. And don't have kids before you can afford to have kids.

Is asking someone to take school serious, not get pregnant until they can afford it and speak english as hard as asking someone to run a fast 100 yard dash or dunk a basketball?

Am I asking for the impossible?
Black peeps think that Ben Carson is an Uncle Tom because they're jealous.

Wow....obviously you have black people all figured Just like you probably once thought we were all followers of Jesse Jackson and Al

Good one!
It does not work both ways like you suggest. The black condition is like a disease like diabetes, analogously. If you fail to treat the issue of insulin production in the body.......after a prolonged period of time your circulation, Kidneys, vision and other organs get damaged. If and when that happens, you can say that the person is suffering from poor Kidneys or say that their problem is poor circulation.....and be correct superficially. The real truth is that those complications developed from not treating the diabetes. Racism is the same went for so many centuries.....poorly treated by society......the other complications developed among black people born from the effects of racism. Hence, its superficially true that blacks suffer other complications....but those other complications are born from racism. For example, higher rates of poverty in the black community was a complication of racism. The black family deterioration is a complication of racism because this society emasculated the role of the black male as provider by societies fear and discrimination against the black male. Males tend to marry less and stick around to take care of kids less.....the lower their ability to provide is.

Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!
Point 3. Good to hear. Means you are working on it. That's what I'm hoping. I'll work on the racist white devils, you work on slacker blacks. LOL.

We have always been working on it! Its only others who assume that blacks cannot look outward and work inward at the same time. We have always been focuses on our improvement. The concepts are not mutually exclusive.

Sometimes I see blacks in Detroit doing things to try and reach out to the kids, to lower crime, to beatify the neighborhood, to confront the drug dealers and to reach out to the police. Makes me have hope.

You miss a whole lot of what goes on in Detroit. You need to end you fakeness. You are a racist, and what's worse is that you think we need your paternalism. That paternalism is the main problem that helped create the situation in Detroit and you have been shown that.

We black folks don't need to hear your opinion of what we need to do in order to "improve". Your opinion of how blacks aren't doing what we need to do is wrong, but you won't put it down no matter how much you get shown how wrong it is. Because of that you would be told that you take your ass to the white community and work to end the racism.
Stop living in the past. You need to get better as a community for people to see you better. It's not a question of how you got here, but what you folks will do to better the situation of your communities and how people perceive you going forward.

Lol....YOU are the one who brought up the history of the black community being why the black community is seen negatively. Now when I bring up the history of whites behaving badly towards want me to now stop living in the You can't make this stuff up. "its gold Jerry"

Truth just don't want to account for 3 plus centuries of white racism and its REACTION upon the black condition. Thus, you want to deflect and make it seem like there was nothing influencing the black condition....other than black people.
I don't have 3 centuries of anything to account for, as I had nothing to do with that. You seem to think that people today should apologize for things they didn't even do! I didn't say nothing but black people influenced black history, but I do say that you should stop looking to give out blame to people who had nothing to do with it, and start using your energy to fix your communities' problems. Anyways, let's say I accept blame for everything that ever happened to blacks, how does that help fix the problems? do not have 3 centuries of things to account for.....but you do currently have a negative view of black people, which, when in contact with black people, is likely to work against them. However, you REFUSE to account for this and the role that such negative thoughts have that serve to hinder black progress.
I don't have anything to account for, my ancestors were serfs back in the old country and were treated like shit. I don't think there even were any black people where they come from. I treat black people how they deserve to be treated, the ones that are cool, Stevie Wonder comes to mind, I think are fantastic. But most of you? Meh. Just look at your communities. A total mess. and Stevie cool like that? Obviously you have imaginary friends.
Never said we are friends, you made that up because you have nothing.
Stevie is amazing, and with exceptions, the rest of you aren't.
Can't argue with 99% of that. But what are you suggesting? There's nothing that black communities can do about it if whites don't change? I think a guy like Ben Carson proves that wrong. He succeeded despite. And my advice is sound. If you are poor, don't have 4 kids. If you do then you did it to yourself. And if you have a kid make sure they are focused on school and/or "what are you going to do with your life?" That's what my parents always pushed. They said, "what are you going to do when you graduate highschool". Do you suggest that poor black parents shouldn't bother doing this with their kids?

The difference between me and Ben Carson is that Ben doesn't admit that white people need to change too. That would go against his right wing brainwashed brain. People who are conservative tend to agree with every right wing talking point, just like you aren't able to talk against your left wing talking points. I agree with most everything you say but you admit that if black people are dysfunctional it's because of racism. So you admit there is some dysfunction in the black community. We agree it's not their fault. But you won't discuss what black people need to do themselves to fix the situation they are in, regardless of who put them there. Stop pushing eubonics for one.

I heard a black radio political talk show host say once that black men wear their pants baggy because black women allow it. If black women didn't like it black men would pull their pants up tomorrow.

And I agree things still aren't fair or equal, but they are probably about as fair and equal as you are going to get. Don't hold your breath. So poor black parents have to do an even better job than poor white parents have to do because white hiring managers will hire whites over you just because they are white. That would discourage me too. You know, they discriminate against short and fat people too? That's why black parents probably should be stressing education even more than poor whites. Same way short fat whites have to be smarter than pretty whites. But ugly fat whites still get jobs even though lots of people discriminate against them. Should fat ugly people give up? I hate to compare blacks with fat and ugly people but you get my point, right? People are prejudice.

Not to mention poor whites aren't blaming whites for their woes. If they are smart they would blame the rich because they are the ones who fuck all poor people. Just so happens the rich are white.

Poor white people should be on your side but rich whites use racism to divide them.

You can't use exceptional people to define the possibilities of average people. Hey....Usain Bolt ran a 9.58 hundred......"what's your excuse"? Hey....Micheal Jordan could dunk a ball starting from the free throw line....what's everyone else excuse"? Hey....look what Ben Carson did......what is your excuse. does not work that way. There are plenty of people who did all the right things......but failed. Their are parents who do all the right things.....but their children go astray.

You rarely here people disparage those who go to war and die or come back maimed and use the fact that others were in the same war and were able to come back fully functioning....against those that fell because of the war. There were many people in the Twin Towers on 911. Many more people got out of those buildings than those who died in the building. Does the fact that some made it out caste aspersion upon those who succumbed? No. However, when it comes to racism, white folks LOVE to throw out successful blacks to try to discredit racism as being the root cause of so much failure in the black community. Look at BEN CARSON....looky looky looky.....see....its not racism...he made it. was not the planes hitting the building causing the fire why those people died on 911....because look at the people who made it out. was not the wars fault that these soldiers came back maimed.....look at so and so....he is fine and he was in the same war...etc.

You are not telling black people to do anything that black people don't know or have not been telling each other for centuries. Thus.....what are you suggesting? You asked me what am I suggesting by pointing out the role of racism......well....what are you suggesting by pointing out that people who cannot afford kids should not have them? How is the "suggestion" working out thus far? Simply saying what people should be doing does not get anything changed either. What you think black people are not hearing or not being told by other blacks......YOU ARE WRONG!!!
Point 3. Good to hear. Means you are working on it. That's what I'm hoping. I'll work on the racist white devils, you work on slacker blacks. LOL.

We have always been working on it! Its only others who assume that blacks cannot look outward and work inward at the same time. We have always been focuses on our improvement. The concepts are not mutually exclusive.

Sometimes I see blacks in Detroit doing things to try and reach out to the kids, to lower crime, to beatify the neighborhood, to confront the drug dealers and to reach out to the police. Makes me have hope.

You miss a whole lot of what goes on in Detroit. You need to end you fakeness. You are a racist, and what's worse is that you think we need your paternalism. That paternalism is the main problem that helped create the situation in Detroit and you have been shown that.

We black folks don't need to hear your opinion of what we need to do in order to "improve". Your opinion of how blacks aren't doing what we need to do is wrong, but you won't put it down no matter how much you get shown how wrong it is. Because of that you would be told that you take your ass to the white community and work to end the racism.
OMG I came here to be nice, explain how I realize I'm wrong, and give props to AKIP for explaining it so well. And to tell you that all I wanted was an explanation. Not that you owe me one but if you want white liberals to continue to agree and defend the black community when whites say the things I was thinking, I'll know how to defend them. You cock sucker! You're part of the problem! AKIP did a great job helping me wrap my brain around it. You don't need me? Fuck you. I still don't agree with reverse racists like you because you aren't able to articulate your position. You aren't able to admit "they" are part of the problem.

Well the simple answer was "don't you think we are trying?" That's all I would have needed to hear and I would have stopped arguing with you.

This my reverse racist chip on the shoulder victim mentality friend, is why we don't have an honest discussion about racism in America. Even anonymously it's hard. Not enough AKIP's and Sealybobo's out there who just want to have an honest discussion. And I love it here because I can't be offended and I don't care if I've offended you.

I am not a racist, you stupid prick. Look up the definition. Do I think I'm better than all blacks? No. Obama is a much better man than I'll ever be. So I'm just a prejudice bastard. We all are. Even you. So quit being a little bitch and realize I'm just trying to figure out my arguments because that Trump bullshit, "black people, what do you have to lose?" is pissing me off. And blacks saying that the Democrats let them down. Fuck you. You didn't show up to midterms and gave Republicans more seats. YOU let you down bro.

And I especially get pissed when Republicans here put the black community on us liberals. So I feel obligated to look at the problem of Chicago and Detroit and us white liberals/democrats have to be honest, your communities are embarrassing. Even to the rest of the world. Do a little better and clean it up a little faster please. AKIP said you're trying. Well try harder! From our conversations I see you are resistant to changing a few thing.

A. Fathering your kids
B. Taking school more seriously
C. Dropping Eubonics
D. Make up with the cops
E. Pull your pants up
F. Stop having kids you can't afford

If you do this maybe racists whites will take you more seriously.

Oh I almost forgot,


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