Problem With the Black Community

I don't care about black people. But in saying that, I'm not saying anything racist or controversial. Follow me for a second, if you have a brain and an attention span higher than a 6 year old.

Think about it. Who do you really care about in this life? Who is really meaningful to you? I'm guessing...yourself, your close family members (wife/husbands, kids, parents, siblings), maybe a few cousins, and maybe a close circle of friends and some acquaintances and co-workers maybe but that's it.

Even for the people who are very any one time I'm guessing there are 100 or less people that you care about. And for most of us, it's much less. This, out of a human population on this planet of more than 7 billion.

I just don't care! I've given up caring about black people, or people in general. Not my problem. My problem is my immediate life and those close to me.

And if you attack me, read the post again. Not a single one of you can claim to care about the whole of humanity. If you do, you are just being a righteous douchebag, like all of these liberals, or billionaires who give a little money to a pet cause and claim holiness, or the Christians who "serve" others by going on a photo-op trip. You don't really care. None of you are Jesus.
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This is what the leftist planned for, hoped for, and now have.

this isn't a problem, since dem already have the solution
I think the solution is a little democrat but also tough love Republicans. Like loving mom and tough dad. Welfare and food stamps and safety nets if absolutely necessary but dad will cut you off if you're a slacker
A reasonable position.
I don't care about black people. But in saying that, I'm not saying anything racist or controversial. Follow me for a second, if you have a brain and an attention span higher than a 6 year old.

Think about it. Who do you really care about in this life? Who is really meaningful to you? I'm guessing...yourself, your close family members (wife/husbands, kids, parents, siblings), maybe a few cousins, and maybe a close circle of friends and some acquaintances and co-workers maybe but that's it.

Even for the people who are very any one time I'm guessing there are 100 or less people that you care about. And for most of us, it's much less. This, out of a human population on this planet of more than 7 billion.

I just don't care! I've given up caring about black people, or people in general. Not my problem. My problem is my immediate life and those close to me.

And if you attack me, read the post again. Not a single one of you can claim to care about the whole of humanity. If you do, you are just being a righteous douchebag, like all of these liberals, or billionaires who give a little money to a pet cause and claim holiness, or the Christians who "serve" others by going on a photo-op trip. You don't really care. None of you are Jesus.
Yea but I have to live among these people and send my family out among them. We go to lions tigers red wings and now the pistons are moving to Detroit. So while I might not personally care I do have a stake in how our society becomes so I do care.

Cop was shot at Wayne state today. The criminals are getting bolder. Sometimes I worry they might turn into terrorists. Or technically they already are.

But I know what you mean. Today I was hearing about how bad things are in Aleppo and will I lose one minute of sleep tonight? No. Then I thought, "do those people even like me?" So why do I care about them? I don't know, humanity?
It's not about caring about people or whether or not they like you. Asking such a question is just confirmation bias used to defend your lack of care.

The difference is that black people know that if something is done to one group it won't be long before those rules start to slowly seep into other groups and before you know it everyone is affected. Preventing tragedies or recognizing hardships within a community show's that you care about mankind AND self preservation.
It's not about caring about people or whether or not they like you. Asking such a question is just confirmation bias used to defend your lack of care.

The difference is that black people know that if something is done to one group it won't be long before those rules start to slowly seep into other groups and before you know it everyone is affected. Preventing tragedies or recognizing hardships within a community show's that you care about mankind AND self preservation.

"Something done"?

Like they might get sent HOME, to where they belong? Out of our nation, where they have never been welcome or invited?

Oh, the HORROR!
It's not about caring about people or whether or not they like you. Asking such a question is just confirmation bias used to defend your lack of care.

The difference is that black people know that if something is done to one group it won't be long before those rules start to slowly seep into other groups and before you know it everyone is affected. Preventing tragedies or recognizing hardships within a community show's that you care about mankind AND self preservation.

"Something done"?

Like they might get sent HOME, to where they belong? Out of our nation, where they have never been welcome or invited?

Oh, the HORROR!

No, not like that
It's not about caring about people or whether or not they like you. Asking such a question is just confirmation bias used to defend your lack of care.

The difference is that black people know that if something is done to one group it won't be long before those rules start to slowly seep into other groups and before you know it everyone is affected. Preventing tragedies or recognizing hardships within a community show's that you care about mankind AND self preservation.

"Something done"?

Like they might get sent HOME, to where they belong? Out of our nation, where they have never been welcome or invited?

Oh, the HORROR!

No, not like that

That is what is being suggested that would be "done" to any "one group".

Unless you are just making shit up?
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?
Tonight on Blackish the mom was upset the store only had two black dolls. Does the mom understand business? Because if black dolls don't sell then a company isn't obligated to keep the shelves stocked with shit that don't sell.

The other thing that made me come back to this thread is I want to ask black people a question. Why don't one of you design or invent a doll and sell it in the black community? Open a factory, pay the bills, hire workers, pay them well and let them unionize on you. Why isn't Oprah buying and changing oldsmobile to opramobile?

Anyways, it is wrong for the mom to complain that a white business doesn't offer more than two black dolls
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?
Tonight on Blackish the mom was upset the store only had two black dolls. Does the mom understand business? Because if black dolls don't sell then a company isn't obligated to keep the shelves stocked with shit that don't sell.

The other thing that made me come back to this thread is I want to ask black people a question. Why don't one of you design or invent a doll and sell it in the black community? Open a factory, pay the bills, hire workers, pay them well and let them unionize on you. Why isn't Oprah buying and changing oldsmobile to opramobile?

Anyways, it is wrong for the mom to complain that a white business doesn't offer more than two black dolls

I want ABC to cancel Blackish. The show is DOG SHIT
Remember the Disney animated movie called Ants? A black mom bitched because the ants are dark brown and that is racist. Disney pulled the movie and changed the ants to blue and re-released it.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?
Tonight on Blackish the mom was upset the store only had two black dolls. Does the mom understand business? Because if black dolls don't sell then a company isn't obligated to keep the shelves stocked with shit that don't sell.

The other thing that made me come back to this thread is I want to ask black people a question. Why don't one of you design or invent a doll and sell it in the black community? Open a factory, pay the bills, hire workers, pay them well and let them unionize on you. Why isn't Oprah buying and changing oldsmobile to opramobile?

Anyways, it is wrong for the mom to complain that a white business doesn't offer more than two black dolls

I want ABC to cancel Blackish. The show is DOG SHIT

Part of me says I would hit this

But then I realize she doesn't always look like this. When I introduce her to my friends she will probably look more like this

Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?
Tonight on Blackish the mom was upset the store only had two black dolls. Does the mom understand business? Because if black dolls don't sell then a company isn't obligated to keep the shelves stocked with shit that don't sell.

The other thing that made me come back to this thread is I want to ask black people a question. Why don't one of you design or invent a doll and sell it in the black community? Open a factory, pay the bills, hire workers, pay them well and let them unionize on you. Why isn't Oprah buying and changing oldsmobile to opramobile?

Anyways, it is wrong for the mom to complain that a white business doesn't offer more than two black dolls

I want ABC to cancel Blackish. The show is DOG SHIT
I remember this ghetto hooker approached me. Even though she was nasty I hit it anyways. It was only $40. Here is what she looked like:
More band camp bullshit stories from chronic lying POS bobomengele.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?
Tonight on Blackish the mom was upset the store only had two black dolls. Does the mom understand business? Because if black dolls don't sell then a company isn't obligated to keep the shelves stocked with shit that don't sell.

The other thing that made me come back to this thread is I want to ask black people a question. Why don't one of you design or invent a doll and sell it in the black community? Open a factory, pay the bills, hire workers, pay them well and let them unionize on you. Why isn't Oprah buying and changing oldsmobile to opramobile?

Anyways, it is wrong for the mom to complain that a white business doesn't offer more than two black dolls

I want ABC to cancel Blackish. The show is DOG SHIT
Maybe they should replace it with a show called "Whitish". That should go over pretty well, right?
Remember the Disney animated movie called Ants? A black mom bitched because the ants are dark brown and that is racist. Disney pulled the movie and changed the ants to blue and re-released it.
But that's the color of ants!!!! What a bunch of sniveling fools!!!!
Don't make the Black kids angry!
Unkotare got banned? There is a god.

Anyways, the other problem with the black community is that they are like Israel. There is no give and take. You can't tell the Jews that the Palestinians have a point. Not one. The Jews are stubborn and impossible to talk to. So are blacks.

So blacks ask when is this nation going to have an honest discussion about racism. Well why don't you try educating and fathering your children and see if that doesn't make a difference. Maybe whites would want to invest in black neighborhoods if they weren't so dangerous.

Poor single women need to stop having babies they can't afford and won't raise properly. Don't blame racism for how your kid turns out

Im2 can't handle any criticism. No blacks can.

I'm on your side that white racists need to go away. But stop giving them justification for their prejudice.
Don't make the Black kids angry!
Unkotare got banned? There is a god.

Anyways, the other problem with the black community is that they are like Israel. There is no give and take. You can't tell the Jews that the Palestinians have a point. Not one. The Jews are stubborn and impossible to talk to. So are blacks.

So blacks ask when is this nation going to have an honest discussion about racism. Well why don't you try educating and fathering your children and see if that doesn't make a difference. Maybe whites would want to invest in black neighborhoods if they weren't so dangerous.

Poor single women need to stop having babies they can't afford and won't raise properly. Don't blame racism for how your kid turns out

Im2 can't handle any criticism. No blacks can.

I'm on your side that white racists need to go away. But stop giving them justification for their prejudice.

I found out a lot of black guys take the condom OFF during sex which is why so many black women have kids over and over
Don't make the Black kids angry!
Unkotare got banned? There is a god.

Anyways, the other problem with the black community is that they are like Israel. There is no give and take. You can't tell the Jews that the Palestinians have a point. Not one. The Jews are stubborn and impossible to talk to. So are blacks.

So blacks ask when is this nation going to have an honest discussion about racism. Well why don't you try educating and fathering your children and see if that doesn't make a difference. Maybe whites would want to invest in black neighborhoods if they weren't so dangerous.

Poor single women need to stop having babies they can't afford and won't raise properly. Don't blame racism for how your kid turns out

Im2 can't handle any criticism. No blacks can.

I'm on your side that white racists need to go away. But stop giving them justification for their prejudice.

I can handle criticism but you are not criticizing. You are talking out of your ass. I've worked and lived in the black community for at least 48 out of the 56 years I have been alive and yet to you I need your advice for what's going on from the white perspective so I can fully understand the problem. Whites have had opinions about what and how we should do things for most of the 241 years this nation has been legally in existence and they have always been wrong. So then if you do what you always do- listen to the white man-, you will get what you always got- half ass actions that never completely fix the damage or correctly addresses the cause.

I say that black neighborhoods are safe. I do so for a very good reason. I did the math.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
Perfect answer to IM2, and all the other folks that love to excuse black intransigence and blame blacks failure to thrive on white racism. I have posted these same exact words on other threads with the same basic message. those tread have vanished too. Racism is real, but it isn't what holds blacks back. Blacks hold themselves back. racism is excuse.

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