Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I dunno if there's a thread about this. Didn't see one, oddly enough. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens

From the White House....
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Kudos to President Trump for that proclamation.

How horrible that an American should be harmed or killed by someone who is in this country illegally.

I wish that he would also issue a proclamation that remembers all the victims of robbery, sucker punching, looting, rape, and murder committed by bad people born (unfortunately) in this country.
I dunno if there's a thread about this. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens
Trump is singling out illegal aliens because he wants to make sure we don't forget they are all rapists, drug dealers, and gang members. You know, the ones you hire cheap to mow your lawn and clean your house, milk the cows, pick the produce--when they're not busy out murdering and raping, of course. It's the Elevator Speech. He is using the Angel families' grief and misfortune to fuel hatred against poor Hispanics who sure as hell don't dare stick their neck out and dispute his scapegoating. But we can.
I dunno if there's a thread about this. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens
Trump is singling out illegal aliens because he wants to make sure we don't forget they are all rapists, drug dealers, and gang members. You know, the ones you hire cheap to mow your lawn and clean your house, milk the cows, pick the produce--when they're not busy out murdering and raping, of course. It's the Elevator Speech. He is using the Angel families' grief and misfortune to fuel hatred against poor Hispanics who sure as hell don't dare stick their neck out and dispute his scapegoating. But we can.
So it's OK to have your son killed or your daughter raped since some of them mow your lawn cheap? Fuck that!
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How about the millions of illegal immigrants who pick our crops and cut our lawns and make our beds.

Can we remember them too
If we were serious about not getting rich off them by hiring them, I'd support that. But that is not what's happening here.
Remember when Obama was gracious enough to fly them in by the planeload? Stupid Trump. As for the veggie pickers that's all we've heard for yrs ,,, we don't need them, plenty of covid unemployed
Triggered ?
How about I post link after link, of all the Latino votes that are coming in, for support of Trump ?
You mean those poor souls ?
Even the Hispanics are tired of these liberal lies.
Trump is singling out illegal aliens because he wants to make sure we don't forget they are all rapists, drug dealers, and gang members. You know, the ones you hire cheap to mow your lawn and clean your house, milk the cows, pick the produce--when they're not busy out murdering and raping, of course. It's the Elevator Speech. He is using the Angel families' grief and misfortune to fuel hatred against poor Hispanics who sure as hell don't dare stick their neck out and dispute his scapegoating. But we can.

I don't let anybody touch my lawn. Pft. No way, Jose.

My view on border policy is likely different than most here. But my view also demands a free society. And we simply do not live in a free society.

My best neighbors are Mexican, though. They keep to themselves, their yard is always nice, they're very family oriented, go to work every day. Normal people. My Spanish is pretty good once I get rolling and back into the swing of it, so I sit out on the porch and shoot the breeze with the husband in the evenings. Sometimes we kick back some good tequila and talk about the state of the world. Just a shot or two, neither one of us are drinkers.

My white neighbors are the ones who usually have to cops on the street, ironically.

But, the violent crime coming across the border is a trending problem, there's simply no argument against that reality. And there's no logical reason why we'd want to encourage illegal entry into the country. It's a matter of national security more than anything. We have a legal process that many have gone through without issue.
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How about the millions of illegal immigrants who pick our crops and cut our lawns and make our beds.

Can we remember them too
I'm 69 and I do all my own gardening (3 gardens), wine making, landscaping, house repairs, pool maintainence, grass cutting and I even make my own bed sometime. Americans can do all the stuff you mentioned and we would be much better off if we did. We need people who will come here legally and improve America, not people who will make America lazier and poorer. Maybe we should make it manditory for our school kids to take summer jobs. Maybe that would teach them to be self sufficient and productive instead of being helpless victims as we are currently doing. Illegal aliens are no solution for anything that is legal. We don't need or want them. Stick with Trumpy
How about the millions of illegal immigrants who pick our crops and cut our lawns and make our beds.

Can we remember them too
I'm 69 and I do all my own gardening (3 gardens), wine making, landscaping, house repairs, pool maintainence, grass cutting and I even make my own bed sometime. Americans can do all the stuff you mentioned and we would be much better off if we did. We need people who will come here legally and improve America, not people who will make America lazier and poorer. Maybe we should make it manditory for our school kids to take summer jobs. Maybe that would teach them to be self sufficient and productive instead of being helpless victims as we are currently doing. Illegal aliens are no solution for anything that is legal. We don't need or want them. Stick with Trumpy

Trump hires illegals at his golf courses
Did you get your free big screen TV before you torched the store????
To demonstrate how little you know, let me set you straight.
I have no need for a television.
You guys need a new schtick.
There has never been a race riot in my state.
I have never travelled to another state to attend a protest.
The only protests we have had were peaceful.
No looting or violence.

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