Professor wants to reduce human population by ‘controlling human fertility’

40 years ago I was being taught that the world population was too large to support, and the world population has about doubled since then.
I wonder if it is the same idiot professor or just one of his idiot progeny?
Just for kicks and grins, we had global cooling and an impending ice age back then also. :)

No kidding? What makes you think scientists changed their minds so fast? I can't believe some still think that helps the anti-AGW argument? Not only did only a few say we were heading for an Ice Age, most of those who did stopped when evidence showed the exact opposite is true. But thanks for making the case anyway. :clap2:
Professor wants to reduce human population by ‘controlling human fertility’
Campus Reform ^

Professor wants to reduce human population by

A professor at the University of California recently gave a middle school presentation in which he claimed the earth has “too many people” and proposed a reduction of the population through “vegetarianism” and “controlling human fertility.”

Professor Richard Cardullo, a professor of biology at the University of California – Riverside (UCR), told a group of seventh grade students that the environment’s well-being was in jeopardy “if we don’t do anything about population.”

“If we want to decrease our population, we can do it through any number of ways,” he said.

Most of the energy needs to be focused on areas that have a population rate of 4-7 children per family. Middle east, Africa and central Asia.

We need to do this by giving these people books and education. Making them not want to have 10 children apiece. Right? It really doesn't make sense to focus on area's that are having 1-2 children a piece as you're just destroying the educated area's anyways.

You can reduce the population by making the Catholic Church support birth control.
We can reduce population by giving strellizion and birth control by the ton to Africa and central Asia.
We can reduce population by giving strellizion and birth control by the ton to Africa and central Asia.

Then eventually there would be no Africans. Or Asians. I guess the conservatives would like that, though.
The NATIVE BORN population of the USA achieved ZERO POPULATION GROWTH back in the late 60's.

So its not AMERICANS who are causing the world's population explosion.
There are not "too many people," and in about 50 years the global population will begin to decline anyway.

Yes, there are too many people. The chief cause of the intensive pollution of our environment is the sheer number of people. A few more weather related disasters in the bread baskets of the world, and there are going to be hundreds of millions of people starving. In a world of 7 billion people with some unstable nations possessing nukes, that is most definately not a good thing.

We can reduce population by giving strellizion and birth control by the ton to Africa and central Asia.

Then eventually there would be no Africans. Or Asians. I guess the conservatives would like that, though.

Actually, it's a liberal objective, and the liberals are there now, with PP, doing their bit to hasten the genocides taking place as we speak.
Professor wants to reduce human population by ‘controlling human fertility’
Campus Reform ^

Professor wants to reduce human population by

A professor at the University of California recently gave a middle school presentation in which he claimed the earth has “too many people” and proposed a reduction of the population through “vegetarianism” and “controlling human fertility.”

Professor Richard Cardullo, a professor of biology at the University of California – Riverside (UCR), told a group of seventh grade students that the environment’s well-being was in jeopardy “if we don’t do anything about population.”

“If we want to decrease our population, we can do it through any number of ways,” he said.
Most of the energy needs to be focused on areas that have a population rate of 4-7 children per family. Middle east, Africa and central Asia.

We need to do this by giving these people books and education. Making them not want to have 10 children apiece. Right? It really doesn't make sense to focus on area's that are having 1-2 children a piece as you're just destroying the educated area's anyways.

You can reduce the population by making the Catholic Church support birth control.

Not in this country, bitch.
Population reduction will either happen by intelligence and reason or by pure nature.

Given human history, it will surely be the latter, sudden and nasty.

And, I should add, not far in the future.
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40 years ago I was being taught that the world population was too large to support, and the world population has about doubled since then.
I wonder if it is the same idiot professor or just one of his idiot progeny?
Just for kicks and grins, we had global cooling and an impending ice age back then also. :)

[ame=]Single Grain of Rice - YouTube[/ame]

I would rather not see other countries being forced to adopt the draconian population reduction methods that China used. I hate what they've done, but I do understand that they had to do it - there were far too many people and far too few resources.

Religious fundamentalism plays a big part in overpopulation. There's nothing in the Bible against birth control, in fact it was practiced by the ancients. They used some pretty crude stuff. The whole idea of being fruitful and multiplying is all about increasing the size of the cult.
Available healthcare and education also play a big part. The most effective birth control, the Pill, is too expensive for women in the poorest countries.
And then there's all those men too chickenshit to get vasectomies...

Just remember, everyone: IT'S A VAGINA, NOT A CLOWN CAR!!
Been to India lately?

We're at the point where it's getting very hard to provide food, water, shelter, and jobs to everyone.
Been to India lately?

We're at the point where it's getting very hard to provide food, water, shelter, and jobs to everyone.

He isn't the person to care about the poor. Kill off the undesirables and there would be plenty to go around.
It is really hard to see how these people cannot fail to see that problems that are facing us concerning population and food. We have seen a 3 to 5 fold increase in extreme weather events from 40 years ago. In the last 3 years we have seen the some of the major breadbaskets lose a significant amount of food production because of droughts or floods.

Scientists like Dr. Jennifer Francis have shown us how the very rapid decline in the Arctic Sea Ice is affecting the North-South extant of the Rossby waves in the Jett Stream, and the speed at which the systems move.

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]
It is a healthy idea to do the math on human population statistics.

Look at it and draw your own conclusions.

CAN the earth's population of humans double again?
It is really hard to see how these people cannot fail to see that problems that are facing us concerning population and food. We have seen a 3 to 5 fold increase in extreme weather events from 40 years ago. In the last 3 years we have seen the some of the major breadbaskets lose a significant amount of food production because of droughts or floods.

Scientists like Dr. Jennifer Francis have shown us how the very rapid decline in the Arctic Sea Ice is affecting the North-South extant of the Rossby waves in the Jett Stream, and the speed at which the systems move.

Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube

Someone should put this thread in the conspiracy forum.
Been to India lately?

We're at the point where it's getting very hard to provide food, water, shelter, and jobs to everyone.

Population density in certain areas makes it difficult to manage resources (as it always has), but the world is NOT overpopulated.

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