CDZ Programs opposed by Conservatives that were successes

Social Security is the cornerstone of Americans retirement

Bullshit...Social security made retirement for Americans a nightmare...a system in which most of us are forced to contribute for our entire working lives and if we are lucky we may see a 2.5% return on our investment. You think that is a good deal? I have no problem with mandated retirement contributions...but not to the government.
Prior to Socual Security there was no retirement. You worked till you died

In addition to SS there are also tax free 401ks
There has always been retirement for those who save for it.

If you spend all your pay you will work until you die and let's not forget that when SS was enacted most people died before 70

But most workers did not have the luxury of building huge savings back in the 1930s. Hard enough time putting food on the table

SS provided an opportunity to retire and still have an income coming in

And it's outlived its usefulness as it has become nothing more than a money grab
Social Security is the cornerstone of Americans retirement

Bullshit...Social security made retirement for Americans a nightmare...a system in which most of us are forced to contribute for our entire working lives and if we are lucky we may see a 2.5% return on our investment. You think that is a good deal? I have no problem with mandated retirement contributions...but not to the government.
Prior to Socual Security there was no retirement. You worked till you died

In addition to SS there are also tax free 401ks
There has always been retirement for those who save for it.

If you spend all your pay you will work until you die and let's not forget that when SS was enacted most people died before 70

But most workers did not have the luxury of building huge savings back in the 1930s. Hard enough time putting food on the table

SS provided an opportunity to retire and still have an income coming in

And it's outlived its usefulness as it has become nothing more than a money grab

Tens of millions still rely on it to live on
What do you propose to tell someone who contributed their whole life?
Bullshit...Social security made retirement for Americans a nightmare...a system in which most of us are forced to contribute for our entire working lives and if we are lucky we may see a 2.5% return on our investment. You think that is a good deal? I have no problem with mandated retirement contributions...but not to the government.
Prior to Socual Security there was no retirement. You worked till you died

In addition to SS there are also tax free 401ks
There has always been retirement for those who save for it.

If you spend all your pay you will work until you die and let's not forget that when SS was enacted most people died before 70

But most workers did not have the luxury of building huge savings back in the 1930s. Hard enough time putting food on the table

SS provided an opportunity to retire and still have an income coming in

And it's outlived its usefulness as it has become nothing more than a money grab

Tens of millions still rely on it to live on
What do you propose to tell someone who contributed their whole life?

You tell them the truth that the government screwed them out of a much more financially secure retirement
I’m drawing on a 401k now and paying taxes on it. Not having to pay taxes allowed me to build quite a nest egg
If you don’t like paying taxes ...try a Roth

You pay taxes regardless...roth doesn't exempt you from taxes.. like I apparent understanding of what you are talking about..

Doing things to help the People is not Socialism

Making other people pay for the livelihood of people who made bad choices is.
The only government program that is an unqualified success is the GI Bill educational program for must provide service to even become eligible, then you must complete the courses the pay you for taking...pass or fail...if you don't finish, withdraw, or take an incomplete, they will get their money back...There are any number of successes that came from that program...can you point to any success stories from social security?
I can point to hundreds of millions of success stories from Social Security

Really? Lets see one or two...


Ask if they want to give up SS

Ask them if they would have rather made 5 to 15% on all that money that they were forced to pay in...ask them if they would like their account to be paying them 7500 per month rather than 1200 a month...ask them if they would like to leave their children millions after they die rather than the few thousand they may be able to set back on social security...

People living on social security are examples of the failure of the system....those not dependent on social security are examples of success in spite of the system..
Revisionist accounting

Hardly...take the city of Fort Worth, Texas for example...employees of the city can opt out of social security and have their contributions sent to a private retirement fund operated jointly by an investment service and the city...most employees of the city who work to retirement leave and see an immediate pay increase...their retirement check on average is considerably larger than any check they got while working...

You clearly don't have any real experience with money beyond penny -anty...even janitors can retire as millionaires if they make good financial decisions...Social security is a failure as a system...people who depend on it end up living on subsistence wages...the couple you pictured above clearly aren't depending on their social security..
Tens of millions still rely on it to live on
What do you propose to tell someone who contributed their whole life?

Tens of millions barely get by on it...had they been able to put all those mandatory contributions into some plan that would pay them more than 2% on their investment, they would be thriving rather than barely scraping by till the next check...

Social security, like all socialist programs creates dependence rather than freedom...I am glad that I never expected social security to provide me anything more than chump change in my retirement...
Tens of millions still rely on it to live on
What do you propose to tell someone who contributed their whole life?

Tens of millions barely get by on it...had they been able to put all those mandatory contributions into some plan that would pay them more than 2% on their investment, they would be thriving rather than barely scraping by till the next check...

Social security, like all socialist programs creates dependence rather than freedom...I am glad that I never expected social security to provide me anything more than chump change in my retirement...
They barely get by if they never built a 401k and do not own their house

Yes SS is a dependence. A dependence that allows you to live out your life with security
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today
Us constitution, freeing slaves, free speech, gun ownership
cut your crime, drug, and terror wars, first.

Thank you for stating your goal of anarchy. Why?

  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
I’m drawing on a 401k now and paying taxes on it. Not having to pay taxes allowed me to build quite a nest egg
If you don’t like paying taxes ...try a Roth

You pay taxes regardless...roth doesn't exempt you from taxes.. like I apparent understanding of what you are talking about..

Doing things to help the People is not Socialism

Making other people pay for the livelihood of people who made bad choices is.
No shit Sherlock

But it allows you to avoid paying taxes while you build up your nest egg

Or, prepay your taxes and not pay taxes on your profits

Along with SS and Medicare
A solid retirement
But most workers did not have the luxury of building huge savings back in the 1930s. Hard enough time putting food on the table

SS provided an opportunity to retire and still have an income coming in

Not at all true.

Families were able to live comfortably on one income. Income tax was modest and the Social Security tax was 1%. That was true up until 1950. Today, 15.3%
But most workers did not have the luxury of building huge savings back in the 1930s. Hard enough time putting food on the table

SS provided an opportunity to retire and still have an income coming in

Not at all true.

Families were able to live comfortably on one income. Income tax was modest and the Social Security tax was 1%. That was true up until 1950. Today, 15.3%
Very few families could afford to retire. The breadwinner had to work until he died and then the spouse hoped one of the children would take her in
But most workers did not have the luxury of building huge savings back in the 1930s. Hard enough time putting food on the table

SS provided an opportunity to retire and still have an income coming in

Not at all true.

Families were able to live comfortably on one income. Income tax was modest and the Social Security tax was 1%. That was true up until 1950. Today, 15.3%
Very few families could afford to retire. The breadwinner had to work until he died and then the spouse hoped one of the children would take her in

What was the life expectancy of a person back in the 1930's?

At what age did Social Security benefits become available to people?
But most workers did not have the luxury of building huge savings back in the 1930s. Hard enough time putting food on the table

SS provided an opportunity to retire and still have an income coming in

Not at all true.

Families were able to live comfortably on one income. Income tax was modest and the Social Security tax was 1%. That was true up until 1950. Today, 15.3%
Very few families could afford to retire. The breadwinner had to work until he died and then the spouse hoped one of the children would take her in

What was the life expectancy of a person back in the 1930's?

At what age did Social Security benefits become available to people?
I already said we need to raise retirement to 70 for new workers
Rules from 1935 do not need to apply today

If you do not like do you propose ending it without impacting 40 million retirees?
Cutting Medicare or Medicaid is political suicide....voters are watching this like Hawks.

Honestly depends on what you're doing and how well you explain it. But yeah, voters do not take well to the idea of people, especially themselves or Mom and Dad, being left without a way to pay for healthcare.
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

All of those were boondoggles and are going bankrupt....but thanks for playing....and don't drink the water in the river the EPA polluted.....

Affirmative racism? Where people are given special access because of the color of their skin? You approve of racism like that?
The. Perhaps you loons should stop redistributing income to the top 1%.

You’ve never been very bright

Perhaps you not-at-all-bright fools should learn the difference between redistribution and "not taking people's money".
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

All of those were boondoggles and are going bankrupt....but thanks for playing....and don't drink the water in the river the EPA polluted.....

Affirmative racism? Where people are given special access because of the color of their skin? You approve of racism like that?
The. Perhaps you loons should stop redistributing income to the top 1%.

You’ve never been very bright

Perhaps you not-at-all-bright fools should learn the difference between redistribution and "not taking people's money".

Can you explain for us?
Tens of millions still rely on it to live on
What do you propose to tell someone who contributed their whole life?

Tens of millions barely get by on it...had they been able to put all those mandatory contributions into some plan that would pay them more than 2% on their investment, they would be thriving rather than barely scraping by till the next check...

Social security, like all socialist programs creates dependence rather than freedom...I am glad that I never expected social security to provide me anything more than chump change in my retirement...
They barely get by if they never built a 401k and do not own their house

Yes SS is a dependence. A dependence that allows you to live out your life with security

As I already pointed out, there are very good alternatives to the failures of social security. We should be allowed to opt out of social security if we like and put our money in a place where it will actually work for us rather than give it to the government who misses the money then pays about 2% on our investment...

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