
The risk of attacking someone who is armed is exponentially greater than the risk of attacking someone who is not armed.

I would like to see someone rebut that. And, in the unlikely event that someone can rebut the above fact, please tell our military to surrender all their guns and weapons.
That’s why we have a huge population of shitty people who are armed. Need to be armed to commit crime.

Just what point are you trying to make here? I don't think you intended to prove my point, but you just did.

The risk of attacking someone who is armed is exponentially greater than the risk of attacking someone who is not armed.

I would like to see someone rebut that. And, in the unlikely event that someone can rebut the above fact, please tell our military to surrender all their guns and weapons.
That’s why we have a huge population of shitty people who are armed. Need to be armed to commit crime.

Just what point are you trying to make here? I don't think you intended to prove my point, but you just did.
That high lawful ownership rates guarantee high unlawful ownership and high homicide rates?
more of the false equivalency.

One cares about gun rights that must automatically mean that he does not care for or has less care for the lives of children.

Idiot care more about keeping guns hidden or confiscated than having them readyTo defend children.

The problem of having easy access to firearms in the home is that it's also easy access to children as well. One of the big pushes right now is to try and educate gun owners to secure their weapons in the home. If the gun is there to grab in a seconds notice in case of an invader then it's also there in a seconds notice the a child to play with it. We have WAY too many accidental child gun deaths in American today. Even one is too many but there are hundreds each year. You can yell Cite, Cite but we both know that statement is true. It's like a dance, a very deadly dance, where you have to draw the line between a child's life and feeling completely secure in your home due to having a firearm.
Compare how often we have them to the UK.

The U.K. averaged one mass public shooting every ten years before they banned guns, and they had one each 10 years so far after they banned guns....gun control didn't change their mass public shooting events...in fact, they almost had 4 in the last few years that were stopped by dumb luck, and not one of their gun control laws stopped them....4...in the last few years vs. 1 every 10 years before they banned guns.... their gun control is not working....
Ownership has always been low, hence few mass shootings and low homicide rates.

Nope, their culture is different..... one mass public shooting every 10 years when they had guns.....now they almost had 4 in the last few years, which were only stopped because of dumb luck......that is what you call an escalation....after they banned and confiscated guns....their violent crime rates are going up.....and they are handicapping their police.

You keep using the term, "Violent Crime Rate". Now, look at the Gun Crime Rate in order to come up with a comparison. The Brits idea of a Violent Crime Rate is a punch in the nose. Apples and Oranges. Take a gander at this chart.


Sorry, your chart has no link as to it's origin.....and as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%.....that is a fact...you guys keep mixing criminals who use illegal guns they can't buy, own or carry, with normal, law abiding gun owners....and think you are making a valid point...you aren't...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Violent crime is down but Firearm crime is up. You keep lumping in all violent crime and then attributing it to just the firearms. Violent Crimes also includes severe beatings, beatings with baseball bats, knifings, rape and firearms. it also includes both lethal and non lethal. Severe Beatings, beatings with baseball bats, knifing and rape rarely result in death if medical help is obtained in a timely manner. But Firearms, most of the time, result in deaths unless medical help is immediate and even then, it may not be enough. If you are going to use the number of Firearms owned then you should only use the firearms reports without the other violent crimes.

BTW, we have had a reduction in violent beatings, beatings with clubs, baseball bats, 2by4s, etc. and even Rape so the figures you keep quoting will go down. But what they don't show is that the number of violent deaths by firearms have been affected at all. That's a different list. Now, how about providing us with that list.
more of the false equivalency.

One cares about gun rights that must automatically mean that he does not care for or has less care for the lives of children.

Idiot care more about keeping guns hidden or confiscated than having them readyTo defend children.

The problem of having easy access to firearms in the home is that it's also easy access to children as well. One of the big pushes right now is to try and educate gun owners to secure their weapons in the home. If the gun is there to grab in a seconds notice in case of an invader then it's also there in a seconds notice the a child to play with it. We have WAY too many accidental child gun deaths in American today. Even one is too many but there are hundreds each year. You can yell Cite, Cite but we both know that statement is true. It's like a dance, a very deadly dance, where you have to draw the line between a child's life and feeling completely secure in your home due to having a firearm.
Safety is always, and always should be, the number one priority of all gun owners. With rights comes responsibilities.

Do you have the accidental child gun death statistics?

I tried to look at a statistic for accidental gun deaths of children, but all I could get the global statistic (which included all the gang banger murders of children).
If guns make us safe and secure, why so many gun deaths compared to other civilized nations?
Because idiot progressives illegally ban firearms where they can - creating victim zones. Such as schools.

The fact is, crime has been plummeting over the past 30 years as firearm sales have been skyrocketing. Game over.

Yes the BIG LIE, the grist of right wingers who use unrelated facts and unprincipled opinions. 'The fact is correlation does not prove causation.

No that is your mistake, thinking that gun ownership causes gun violence.....the fact is that democrats letting violent criminals out of jail repeatedly leads to gun crime....not law abiding people who own and carry guns for self defense

I've seen those "Law Abiding Citizens" that open carry. They are more scary than a criminal with a gun. I am against open carry except for law enforcement and qualified security. But I do support CCW with proper training and I don't mean that stupid 4 hour course where you sit in a classroom and get to dry fire blank ammo. I support the 16 hour course where you not only spend time in the classroom but spend time on the range going through 100 rounds of ammo and have to qualify and not all pass that course. The ones that fail should be required to have a license to carry a toaster on the street. The people I know that went though the long course are very conservative about ever pulling that weapon out no matter what. And if they do, they are going to have the law running through their heads while they are doing it. These people won't be stress trained so they won't operate like a Combat trained person. But I don't expect you to EVER understand that. But they do.

You are nothing but a fricking Rexall Ranger.
more of the false equivalency.

One cares about gun rights that must automatically mean that he does not care for or has less care for the lives of children.

Idiot care more about keeping guns hidden or confiscated than having them readyTo defend children.

The problem of having easy access to firearms in the home is that it's also easy access to children as well. One of the big pushes right now is to try and educate gun owners to secure their weapons in the home. If the gun is there to grab in a seconds notice in case of an invader then it's also there in a seconds notice the a child to play with it. We have WAY too many accidental child gun deaths in American today. Even one is too many but there are hundreds each year. You can yell Cite, Cite but we both know that statement is true. It's like a dance, a very deadly dance, where you have to draw the line between a child's life and feeling completely secure in your home due to having a firearm.
Safety is always, and always should be, the number one priority of all gun owners. With rights comes responsibilities.

Do you have the accidental child gun death statistics?

I tried to look at a statistic for accidental gun deaths of children, but all I could get the global statistic (which included all the gang banger murders of children).

The only thing I can find is an ad someone is running as a Public Service right now covering this. I can't find the stats either. But they have to be out there somewhere one would think. And with the homes in the US having the highest firearm numbers in the world short of Yemen it wouldn't be hard to understand we would either rate number one or number two just behind Yemen.
more of the false equivalency.

One cares about gun rights that must automatically mean that he does not care for or has less care for the lives of children.

Idiot care more about keeping guns hidden or confiscated than having them readyTo defend children.

The problem of having easy access to firearms in the home is that it's also easy access to children as well. One of the big pushes right now is to try and educate gun owners to secure their weapons in the home. If the gun is there to grab in a seconds notice in case of an invader then it's also there in a seconds notice the a child to play with it. We have WAY too many accidental child gun deaths in American today. Even one is too many but there are hundreds each year. You can yell Cite, Cite but we both know that statement is true. It's like a dance, a very deadly dance, where you have to draw the line between a child's life and feeling completely secure in your home due to having a firearm.
Safety is always, and always should be, the number one priority of all gun owners. With rights comes responsibilities.

Do you have the accidental child gun death statistics?

I tried to look at a statistic for accidental gun deaths of children, but all I could get the global statistic (which included all the gang banger murders of children).

The reason for a lack of gun statistics is because the Dept. of Health is not allowed to collect these stats.

Do you know why?
more of the false equivalency.

One cares about gun rights that must automatically mean that he does not care for or has less care for the lives of children.

Idiot care more about keeping guns hidden or confiscated than having them readyTo defend children.

The problem of having easy access to firearms in the home is that it's also easy access to children as well. One of the big pushes right now is to try and educate gun owners to secure their weapons in the home. If the gun is there to grab in a seconds notice in case of an invader then it's also there in a seconds notice the a child to play with it. We have WAY too many accidental child gun deaths in American today. Even one is too many but there are hundreds each year. You can yell Cite, Cite but we both know that statement is true. It's like a dance, a very deadly dance, where you have to draw the line between a child's life and feeling completely secure in your home due to having a firearm.
Safety is always, and always should be, the number one priority of all gun owners. With rights comes responsibilities.

Do you have the accidental child gun death statistics?

I tried to look at a statistic for accidental gun deaths of children, but all I could get the global statistic (which included all the gang banger murders of children).

The reason for a lack of gun statistics is because the Dept. of Health is not allowed to collect these stats.

Do you know why?

The last time I heard, they were doing those studies and reports and it was deemed they weren't being quite partisan so they were ordered to stop. The studies were shifted to the ATF and FBI.

The risk of attacking someone who is armed is exponentially greater than the risk of attacking someone who is not armed.

I would like to see someone rebut that. And, in the unlikely event that someone can rebut the above fact, please tell our military to surrender all their guns and weapons.
That’s why we have a huge population of shitty people who are armed. Need to be armed to commit crime.

Just what point are you trying to make here? I don't think you intended to prove my point, but you just did.
That high lawful ownership rates guarantee high unlawful ownership and high homicide rates?
But it doesn't

Rural areas with high gun ownership have lower murder rates than inner cities with low gun ownership
more of the false equivalency.

One cares about gun rights that must automatically mean that he does not care for or has less care for the lives of children.

Idiot care more about keeping guns hidden or confiscated than having them readyTo defend children.

The problem of having easy access to firearms in the home is that it's also easy access to children as well. One of the big pushes right now is to try and educate gun owners to secure their weapons in the home. If the gun is there to grab in a seconds notice in case of an invader then it's also there in a seconds notice the a child to play with it. We have WAY too many accidental child gun deaths in American today. Even one is too many but there are hundreds each year. You can yell Cite, Cite but we both know that statement is true. It's like a dance, a very deadly dance, where you have to draw the line between a child's life and feeling completely secure in your home due to having a firearm.
Safety is always, and always should be, the number one priority of all gun owners. With rights comes responsibilities.

Do you have the accidental child gun death statistics?

I tried to look at a statistic for accidental gun deaths of children, but all I could get the global statistic (which included all the gang banger murders of children).

The reason for a lack of gun statistics is because the Dept. of Health is not allowed to collect these stats.

Do you know why?

Why don't you tell us

And FYI the CDC was NEVER prohibited from doing research on gun crimes as it relates to public health they were only barred from using government money to promote gun legislation

The risk of attacking someone who is armed is exponentially greater than the risk of attacking someone who is not armed.

I would like to see someone rebut that. And, in the unlikely event that someone can rebut the above fact, please tell our military to surrender all their guns and weapons.
That’s why we have a huge population of shitty people who are armed. Need to be armed to commit crime.

Just what point are you trying to make here? I don't think you intended to prove my point, but you just did.
That high lawful ownership rates guarantee high unlawful ownership and high homicide rates?
But it doesn't

Rural areas with high gun ownership have lower murder rates than inner cities with low gun ownership

I have already covered why that is. But you gun nutters don't understand it. You just try and use it to explain everything. Unless you can understand the phenomena then you are just taking up the bandwidth.
more of the false equivalency.

One cares about gun rights that must automatically mean that he does not care for or has less care for the lives of children.

Idiot care more about keeping guns hidden or confiscated than having them readyTo defend children.

The problem of having easy access to firearms in the home is that it's also easy access to children as well. One of the big pushes right now is to try and educate gun owners to secure their weapons in the home. If the gun is there to grab in a seconds notice in case of an invader then it's also there in a seconds notice the a child to play with it. We have WAY too many accidental child gun deaths in American today. Even one is too many but there are hundreds each year. You can yell Cite, Cite but we both know that statement is true. It's like a dance, a very deadly dance, where you have to draw the line between a child's life and feeling completely secure in your home due to having a firearm.
Safety is always, and always should be, the number one priority of all gun owners. With rights comes responsibilities.

Do you have the accidental child gun death statistics?

I tried to look at a statistic for accidental gun deaths of children, but all I could get the global statistic (which included all the gang banger murders of children).

The reason for a lack of gun statistics is because the Dept. of Health is not allowed to collect these stats.

Do you know why?

Why don't you tell us

And FYI the CDC was NEVER prohibited from doing research on gun crimes as it relates to public health they were only barred from using government money to promote gun legislation

You know, that's about the first thing in a very long time that you have said I agree with. That's one in a row.

The risk of attacking someone who is armed is exponentially greater than the risk of attacking someone who is not armed.

I would like to see someone rebut that. And, in the unlikely event that someone can rebut the above fact, please tell our military to surrender all their guns and weapons.
That’s why we have a huge population of shitty people who are armed. Need to be armed to commit crime.

Just what point are you trying to make here? I don't think you intended to prove my point, but you just did.
That high lawful ownership rates guarantee high unlawful ownership and high homicide rates?
But it doesn't

Rural areas with high gun ownership have lower murder rates than inner cities with low gun ownership

I have already covered why that is. But you gun nutters don't understand it. You just try and use it to explain everything. Unless you can understand the phenomena then you are just taking up the bandwidth.

No it's you morons who keep chanting

And I have told you many times that 70% of all murders occur in very small very concentrated areas of 2% of all counties in the US

BUt you ignore that because it doesn't fit your narrative
more of the false equivalency.

One cares about gun rights that must automatically mean that he does not care for or has less care for the lives of children.

Idiot care more about keeping guns hidden or confiscated than having them readyTo defend children.

The problem of having easy access to firearms in the home is that it's also easy access to children as well. One of the big pushes right now is to try and educate gun owners to secure their weapons in the home. If the gun is there to grab in a seconds notice in case of an invader then it's also there in a seconds notice the a child to play with it. We have WAY too many accidental child gun deaths in American today. Even one is too many but there are hundreds each year. You can yell Cite, Cite but we both know that statement is true. It's like a dance, a very deadly dance, where you have to draw the line between a child's life and feeling completely secure in your home due to having a firearm.
Safety is always, and always should be, the number one priority of all gun owners. With rights comes responsibilities.

Do you have the accidental child gun death statistics?

I tried to look at a statistic for accidental gun deaths of children, but all I could get the global statistic (which included all the gang banger murders of children).

The reason for a lack of gun statistics is because the Dept. of Health is not allowed to collect these stats.

Do you know why?

Why don't you tell us

And FYI the CDC was NEVER prohibited from doing research on gun crimes as it relates to public health they were only barred from using government money to promote gun legislation

You know, that's about the first thing in a very long time that you have said I agree with. That's one in a row.

Like I give a flying or any other kind of FUCK about you agreeing with me

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