Progressives are the real Americans and aligned with our Founders, Republicans are inert bystanders


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Progressives are the real Americans and aligned with our Founders. It's counterintuitive and you think I'm wrong, I know, but give me a minute.

Our Founder were willing to fight against an oppressive government. They took action! Progressives would NEVER have tolerated a government that: spied on their candidates, locked up their dissents without a trial for 2 years, and orchestrated the greatest voter fraud in American history. The response to any one of these would have been to petition the Government for a redress of grievances; but all three? Blood in the streets! Like Progressives, American Founders risked life and Liberty to fight for what they wanted.

Republicans and Conservatives have not been faithful guardians of the rights bestowed to us. Accordingly, we've lost our Liberties.

Protestors remained locked up waiting for a trial

Blatant cheating in GA, PA and AZ is rewarded with Senate seats. All the while Republicans - do NOTHING!

Who's to blame? What's the cause? Did the schools and Church teach us to be passive, docile? I'm just coming back from a Catholic service and I forgot how depth and completeness of the training to be docile. I've got news for you, Zappa was right: The Meek shall inherit NOTHING! The county is gone, your freedoms are gone!

The government closed your churches! And you let them! You don't deserve to be free! How do you let that happen???? You think Adams, Jefferson and Franklin would have been OK with that?


Here's a Hasidic wedding in Brooklyn, NY Nov 2020. They didn't let government dictate to them - they answer to a Higher Authority. They stood up and stood together because they believe in their relation with The Lord. There's no government on Earth that's ever going to dictate to them. And they're absolutely right

Progressives, the WEF, the Deep State whatever you want to call them, they defeated the USA without firing a shot. Much like Stalin running the USA war effort through his sock puppet FDR, you have to give then credit.

Republicans sit around, disorganized, unaware, clueless; our Republican "Leaders" don't give a single fuck about the loss of sovereignty or Freedom. They send billions to the most corrupt regime in the Western hemisphere to defend Ukraine border and sit quietly while drug and human traffickers are in full control of the Southern border. It's not an American border any longer, you can't call it that.

The Victims of the J6 Reichstag Fire still sit in prison. Nancy, Chris Wray, Ray Epps all have no need to worry over their role in planning and executing the False Flag; Republicans will NEVER hold them to account and worse yet - the Republican base won't say or do a thing about it!

Who fights for what they believe? Not Republicans!

The score board

Progressives 81,000,000 - Republicans 0

Well done!
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Progressives are the real Americans and aligned with our Founders. It's counterintuitive and you think I'm wrong, I know, but give me a minute.

Our Founder were willing to fight against an oppressive government. They took action! Progressives would NEVER have tolerated a government that: spied on their candidates, locked up their dissents without a trial for 2 years, and orchestrated the greatest voter fraud in American history. The response to any one of these would have been to petition the Government for a redress of grievances; but all three? Blood in the streets! Like Progressives, American Founders risked life and Liberty to fight for what they wanted.

Republicans and Conservatives have not been faithful guardians of the rights bestowed to us. Accordingly, we've lost our Liberties.

Protestors remained locked up waiting for a trial

Blatant cheating in GA, PA and AZ is rewarded with Senate seats. All the while Republicans - do NOTHING!

Who's to blame? What's the cause? Did the schools and Church teach us to be passive, docile? I'm just coming back from a Catholic service and I forgot how depth and completeness of the training to be docile. I've got news for you, Zappa was right: The Meek shall inherit NOTHING! The county is gone, your freedoms are gone!

The government closed your churches! And you let them! You don't deserve to be free! How do you let that happen???? You think Adams, Jefferson and Franklin would have been OK with that?


Here's a Hasidic wedding in Brooklyn, NY Nov 2020. They didn't let government dictate to them - they answer to a Higher Authority. They stood up and stood together because they believe in their relation with The Lord. There's no government on Earth that's ever going to dictate to them. And they're absolutely right

Progressives, the WEF, the Deep State whatever you want to call them, they defeated the USA without firing a shot. Much like Stalin running the USA war effort through his sock puppet FDR, you have to give then credit.

Republicans sit around, disorganized, unaware, clueless; our Republican "Leaders" don't give a single fuck about the loss of sovereignty or Freedom. They send billions to the most corrupt regime in the Western hemisphere to defend Ukraine border and sit quietly while drug and human traffickers are in full control of the Southern border. It's not an American border any longer, you can't call it that.

The Victims of the J6 Reichstag Fire still sit in prison. Nancy, Chris Wray, Ray Epps all have no need to worry over their role in planning and executing the False Flag; Republicans will NEVER hold them to account and worse yet - the Republican base won't say or do a thing about it!

Who fights for what they believe? Not Republicans!

The score board

Progressives 81,000,000 - Republicans 0

Well done!

modern progressive are the oppressive government,,

youre trying to look at history with modern sunglass's,, its a common problem with authoritarian people since they cant find modern examples to back up their points,,
Progressives are the real Americans and aligned with our Founders. It's counterintuitive and you think I'm wrong, I know, but give me a minute.

Our Founder were willing to fight against an oppressive government. They took action! Progressives would NEVER have tolerated a government that: spied on their candidates, locked up their dissents without a trial for 2 years, and orchestrated the greatest voter fraud in American history. The response to any one of these would have been to petition the Government for a redress of grievances; but all three? Blood in the streets! Like Progressives, American Founders risked life and Liberty to fight for what they wanted.

Republicans and Conservatives have not been faithful guardians of the rights bestowed to us. Accordingly, we've lost our Liberties.

Protestors remained locked up waiting for a trial

Blatant cheating in GA, PA and AZ is rewarded with Senate seats. All the while Republicans - do NOTHING!

Who's to blame? What's the cause? Did the schools and Church teach us to be passive, docile? I'm just coming back from a Catholic service and I forgot how depth and completeness of the training to be docile. I've got news for you, Zappa was right: The Meek shall inherit NOTHING! The county is gone, your freedoms are gone!

The government closed your churches! And you let them! You don't deserve to be free! How do you let that happen???? You think Adams, Jefferson and Franklin would have been OK with that?


Here's a Hasidic wedding in Brooklyn, NY Nov 2020. They didn't let government dictate to them - they answer to a Higher Authority. They stood up and stood together because they believe in their relation with The Lord. There's no government on Earth that's ever going to dictate to them. And they're absolutely right

Progressives, the WEF, the Deep State whatever you want to call them, they defeated the USA without firing a shot. Much like Stalin running the USA war effort through his sock puppet FDR, you have to give then credit.

Republicans sit around, disorganized, unaware, clueless; our Republican "Leaders" don't give a single fuck about the loss of sovereignty or Freedom. They send billions to the most corrupt regime in the Western hemisphere to defend Ukraine border and sit quietly while drug and human traffickers are in full control of the Southern border. It's not an American border any longer, you can't call it that.

The Victims of the J6 Reichstag Fire still sit in prison. Nancy, Chris Wray, Ray Epps all have no need to worry over their role in planning and executing the False Flag; Republicans will NEVER hold them to account and worse yet - the Republican base won't say or do a thing about it!

Who fights for what they believe? Not Republicans!

The score board

Progressives 81,000,000 - Republicans 0

Well done!

Exactly. Republicans are whinners and losers.
Wisconsin is a "progressive" state; however, Republicans control the State Assembly and State Senate, and have for years. Conservatism is alive and well here. :)
Welcome to my world Crusader.
I've been saying this for what...years now?
There shall be no freedom with a fight. Everyone looks left and right and asks....."ok, so who's gonna fight for me" ???

Absolutely ZERO plans.....ZERO organization. In fact most who do the whining fully indulge themselves in the lefts entertainment and brag about it here.
Welcome to my world Crusader.
I've been saying this for what...years now?
There shall be no freedom with a fight. Everyone looks left and right and asks....."ok, so who's gonna fight for me" ???

Absolutely ZERO plans.....ZERO organization. In fact most who do the whining fully indulge themselves in the lefts entertainment and brag about it here.
when did americans become so pathetic they needed others to decide for them how to live their lives and fight for them??
Too close to the truth for comfort for most.

What you got wrong is the part about the Dems willing to fight & bleed for their dogma.
This is all a gaslight illusion since the cops are told to stand down when the burn loot murder & I'mtafa loons go full Purge mode. This is because they are the brownshirts for the authorities pulling the strings.
The cops may not want to stand down but they aren't breaking ranks to stop them either.

The right side, the anti-collectivist individualists just wanting to be left alone, do not get the same disinterested kid glove treatment from the authorities & we are well aware of this when choosing our battles.
It's our mentality that makes it harder to band together precisely because we don't have the lefty collectivist mentality the progbots promote & enable.

Make no mistake though, when push comes to shove, the useful idiots who make up the majority of lefty minions crumble when faced with real opposition from an opposing force ready to stand their ground.
Progponces & fembots are only brave when they think there is no cost to themselves.
when did americans become so pathetic they needed others to decide for them how to live their lives and fight for them??

My opinion......

America is a very materialistic society.
We've mostly turned away from God and worship our financial and material gains.
We're more afraid of losing our investments and home than our connection to God.
That seems to be a recipe for disaster.

Everyone is afraid to fight for their freedom because they could lose their pensions, savings, SSI etc.
I also believe that for too many people the reality of the situation has not become clear yet.
Most still do not believe our society could actually turn into a full blown police state.

We're in a State of Denial even though we see it all around us.
That’s some crazy shit in the OP. Maybe crazy can’t be organized?
My opinion......

America is a very materialistic society.
We've mostly turned away from God and worship our financial and material gains.
We're more afraid of losing our investments and home than our connection to God.
That seems to be a recipe for disaster.

Everyone is afraid to fight for their freedom because they could lose their pensions, savings, SSI etc.
I also believe that for too many people the reality of the situation has not become clear yet.
Most still do not believe our society could actually turn into a full blown police state.

We're in a State of Denial even though we see it all around us.
Too close to the truth for comfort for most.

What you got wrong is the part about the Dems willing to fight & bleed for their dogma.
This is all a gaslight illusion since the cops are told to stand down when the burn loot murder & I'mtafa loons go full Purge mode. This is because they are the brownshirts for the authorities pulling the strings.
The cops may not want to stand down but they aren't breaking ranks to stop them either.

The right side, the anti-collectivist individualists just wanting to be left alone, do not get the same disinterested kid glove treatment from the authorities & we are well aware of this when choosing our battles.
It's our mentality that makes it harder to band together precisely because we don't have the lefty collectivist mentality the progbots promote & enable.

Make no mistake though, when push comes to shove, the useful idiots who make up the majority of lefty minions crumble when faced with real opposition from an opposing force ready to stand their ground.
Progponces & fembots are only brave when they think there is no cost to themselves.
That's why Joe Biden is still president and Chauvin and the McMichaels are still in prison.... because we crumble... 😄
Abigail Adams was unique for her time. She was an independent, forward-thinking woman who established a reputation in her own right as a strong, early advocate for women’s rights before it was fashionable. She served as a valued adviser to her husband, John Adams, the second president of the United States, on matters of government and politics. Adams also wrote a number of letters that provide contemporary readers with a firsthand account of the Revolutionary War. As First Lady, she was the first to serve as an attack dog for a president, never hesitating to come to her husband’s defense regardless of who was criticizing him. She set a precedent for women seeking a contributory role in American society, which separated her from the majority of her female contemporaries and established her own role in history as a women’s rights pioneer.

Hillary Clinton is the modern day Abigail Adams
My opinion......

America is a very materialistic society.
We've mostly turned away from God and worship our financial and material gains.
We're more afraid of losing our investments and home than our connection to God.
That seems to be a recipe for disaster.

Everyone is afraid to fight for their freedom because they could lose their pensions, savings, SSI etc.
I also believe that for too many people the reality of the situation has not become clear yet.
Most still do not believe our society could actually turn into a full blown police state.

We're in a State of Denial even though we see it all around us.
I think if you had time to ask you would find out that number is very low and most people just want to live their lives free of government dictates,,

as for fighting it just hasnt got to the point where good men are willing to sacrifice their lives as they know them to turn killer,,
at some point talking will be over and progressives wont know what hit them,,


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