Proof dimocrits are fools!


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Despite all we have been through.....from 9/11 till today.......

CBS Poll: Two-Thirds of Democrats Say Islam, Christianity Equal
ly Violent.

Here is a list of muslim violence in America...........A Complete List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks on U.S. Soil Under Obama

Here is a list of muslim violence across the world.............

List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

As the Muslim population increases in the United States, so too will the number of Islamic terror attacks. This is because the pool from which the radicals recruit grows bigger. Studies show that between 5 - 25% of Muslims in America believe that violence in defense of Islam is justified. The number of potential terrorists therefore grows proportionately with the overall number, even if only a small minority actually plot terror.

Immigrants to America have killed and have plotted to kill. However, the real threat comes from successive generations of Muslims living in the West, which have proven to be more radical and more dangerous than their parents. Muslim immigration thus means that more Americans will eventually die by the hand of islamic terrorists.

The Popular Liberal Myth That Right-Wing Extremism Kills More Than Islamic Terrorism in U.S. Since 9/11
It may have all started with the opinion piece “U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists,” which was echoed by journalist Sally Kohn. NPR interviewed the authors of the CNN story under the headline “Right-Wing Extremists More Dangerous Than Islamic Terrorists In U.S.” (though not quite the same claim).

The New America study was the basis for the reported statistic, which is repeatedly widely. The study is hosted by the International Security Program, whose backers include George Soros' Open Society Foundation.

Before proceeding any further, it should be mentioned that Politifact examined the New America statistic and stated that it was “half-true.”

So, is the claim true? A professor at Florida State College at Jacksonville recently dissected the terrorism cases and has shredded the finding that right-wing extremists are deadlier than violent jihadists in the United States.

Professor Andrew Holt lays out why the coding criteria, and thus, the comparisons are apples-to-oranges:

The problem with this source, as I see it, is that the count is wrong.

In International Security’s listing of the 45 deaths due to Islamic extremism, they attribute them to only nine incidents since 9/11. These include the more well-known attacks, such as San Bernardino (14 dead), Chattanooga (5 dead), Fort Hood (13 dead), the Boston Marathon Bombing (4 dead- with 264 additional casualties, I might add), as well as the Washington and New Jersey killing spree (4 dead), but also the Oklahoma beheading of 2014 (1 dead), the Little Rock Shooting of 2009 (1 dead), the Seattle Jewish Federation Shooting of 2006 (1 dead), and the Los Angeles Airport shooting of 2002 (2 dead).

So this is where they stop, but if we are comparing Islamic extremism to right wing extremism, apples to apples (and, to give credit to International Security, they acknowledge this is subjective on their website) then there are several others incidents that should be included in this total.

Professor Holt finds at least six more events that the study did not attribute to violent jihadism.

The professor discovered that when you add in the numbers from several terrorism cases driven by Islamist intent, the scales tip.

In June of 2006 in Denver, a man shot four of his co-workers and a swat team member, killing one. He later claimed he did it because it was “Allah’s choice.” In December of 2009 in Binghamton, a Saudi Arabian graduate student named Abdulsalam S. al-Zahrani killed Richard T. Antoun, a non-Muslim Islamic studies professor who served on al-Zahrani’s dissertation committee, in revenge for “persecuted” Muslims. Prior to the killing one of al-Zahrani’s roommates tried to warn the university administration that he had been acting “like a terrorist.” In 2012 in Houston, in two separate incidents in January and in November, two people were shot to death by a Muslim extremist for their roles in his daughter’s conversion to Christianity. In March of 2013 in Ashtabula (Ohio), a Muslim convert walked into a Christian Church during an Easter service and killed his father, claiming it was “the will of Allah.” In August of 2014 in Richmond (California) killed an Ace Hardware employee by stabbing him seventeen times, claiming he was on a “mission from Allah.”

These six murders are irrelevant, if you take the New America study at face value, yet tilt the balance towards jihadists being deadlier than right-wing terrorists: 50 fatalities to 48, respectively. Why the discrepancy?

The New America study does not count violent jihadist attacks from self-radicalized or “lone wolf” terrorists who swear allegiance to Islam in the same manner as terrorist attacks committed by a card-carrying member of Islamist terror organizations. If a terrorist yells “Allahu Akbar!” before going on a murder spree, you see, that's not enough.

However, when right-wing terrorist attacks are coded by New America, those are attributed in a loose manner to mere statements made by the perpetrators that fit the left-wing's shibboleth that racist or anti-government views define someone as a “right-winger.”

Thus, the conclusions are not only questionable, they are borderline deceptive. The professor concludes:

Right wing terrorism is more deadly for Americans only if you add a number of very limiting parameters (e.g. excluding the victims of 9/11, ignoring “lone wolf” attacks without solid connections to groups like al-Qaeda and their affiliates, etc…). But if you lift those limitations, and apply equal standards, then the raw and unfiltered numbers of deaths of Americans due to Islamic extremism in the United States over the last fifteen years dwarf the numbers attributable to right wing extremism by a ratio of over 62 to 1.

Even if you leave out 9/11 victims and just focus on the ideological statements and goals of the attackers, then the deaths of Americans due to Islamic extremism still outnumber the deaths attributable to right wingers (which reveals an even greater disparity when compared with population groups). If we move beyond America’s borders, then the disparity becomes far greater, with somewhere around 90% of the world’s terrorism related deaths attributable to Islamic extremism, and only a fraction of 1% attributable to right wing extremism.

The professor's findings are consistent with terrorism incidents listed at non-partisan sources like the Global Terrorism Index and the Global Terrorism Database. It is certainly not true that “right wing extremists” kill more Americans than jihadists, or that they are “deadlier.”

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Despite all we have been through.....from 9/11 till today.......

CBS Poll: Two-Thirds of Democrats Say Islam, Christianity Equal
ly Violent.

Here is a list of muslim violence in America...........A Complete List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks on U.S. Soil Under Obama

Here is a list of muslim violence across the world.............

List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

The proof was seen back when Jimmy Carter, became president, but then was confirmed again when Obama was voted in not once but twice. Many saw Obama for he really was, and left for Romney. They were fooled the first time, but those that voted for Obama twice, yep they are very stupid.

Obamacare: Voters, are you stupid? -
Obamacare: Liberal Voters, are you stupid? YES YOU ARE!
Obamacare's Architect Finally Tells The Truth About The Law: "It Wasn't Supposed To Help Everyone."
“This law,” Gruber said, “was never supposed to help everyone.”

That’s right: after selling Obamacare under the false premise that everyone would benefit from the reduced costs, Gruber now admits that this was not the purpose of the law. While the Gruber interview shows the dishonest lengths that supporters of Obamacare went to see their law enacted, it does foreshadow a problem that the GOP now faces as it seeks to replace the law.
Real nice of the Liberals to fuck up something that worked, now the Republicans have to come in as usual and clean up the mess, the spoiled petulant, retarded liberals left them. Always happens when Liberals get elected.

With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
Missing from the OP's rant is this: Why & Who; we know what, when, where and how but not WHO & WHY human beings kill masses of other human beings they do not personally know.

The WHY is the nut we have yet to crack, probably because it is too easy to ignore and lump all Muslims into one. And yet the WHO is also a tough nut to crack since mass murder of innocents is committed by other demographics.

Who or what creates a murderer and why do the two sects of Islam oppose each other but joined forces against the West after the first World War?

Here's a primer on the issue for those who can't answer the seminal questiosn but hold hard and fast opinions:

What Is the Difference Between Sunni and Shiite Muslims--and Why Does It Matter?
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
We know where his BC is. It's sealed in a vault in Hawaii by court order.
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
We know where his BC is. It's sealed in a vault in Hawaii by court order.
You sure that`s not your brain that`s sealed in a vault in Hawaii? There has to be a reason for you to believe the stupid shit you just posted.
Missing from the OP's rant is this: Why & Who; we know what, when, where and how but not WHO & WHY human beings kill masses of other human beings they do not personally know.

The WHY is the nut we have yet to crack, probably because it is too easy to ignore and lump all Muslims into one. And yet the WHO is also a tough nut to crack since mass murder of innocents is committed by other demographics.

Who or what creates a murderer and why do the two sects of Islam oppose each other but joined forces against the West after the first World War?

Here's a primer on the issue for those who can't answer the seminal questiosn but hold hard and fast opinions:

What Is the Difference Between Sunni and Shiite Muslims--and Why Does It Matter?

Your rhetoric has coinfused you....most understand the stupidity that provokes such rhetoric.

The 'why' as you say is not a mystery....if you ever bothered to read some of the Koran you could answer that yourself regarding all the thousands of cases of muslim terrorism.

In a nutshell: Islamic Terrorism is assymetrical warfare.....if you do not know what that means look it up and get back with us.

Check here to clear up any coinfusion you may have about the differences between Shites and Sunnis.....Sunnis vs. Shiites: A Brief Explainer

The oklahoma incident was provoked by the Feds actions at mystery there. The various school shootings were done by psychologically challenged teens...still no mystery.

The real question that we need to confront...well actually ...two big questions we need to confront.......what is the best way to deal with terrorism and why are the democrats in denial regarding islamic terrorism.

Mass Delusion

It’s hard to overcome any problem in your life if you refuse to recognize essential elements of the problem; in fact, one of the first objects of psychotherapists is to get their patients to face the real issues that are disabling them. It’s even harder to win a war if you won’t permit yourself to recognize whom you’re fighting — and not only because, as a practical matter, you have to know your enemy to properly assess his plans and tactics. It’s also because denying reality absorbs a huge amount of energy and attention that ought to be spent actually confronting the real issues.

Read more at: Mass Delusion
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With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
We know where his BC is. It's sealed in a vault in Hawaii by court order.
You sure that`s not your brain that`s sealed in a vault in Hawaii? There has to be a reason for you to believe the stupid shit you just posted.

Hawaii’s Gov. Linda Lingle placed the obama's birth certificate under seal and instructed the state’s Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.
Read more at Obama’s birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
Would you mind putting up some FACTS that prove your argument, which I did to prove mine? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
Would you mind putting up some FACTS that prove your argument, which I did to prove mine? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

Fools never have any logic or facts....when he said the national debt was a gop was obvious he is a lunatic.

The national debt grew the most dollar-wise during President Obama's two terms. He added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase, in seven years. This was the fifth-largest increase percentage-wise. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt in two years.

Obama's budget increased defense spending to between $700 billion and $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis.
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
We know where his BC is. It's sealed in a vault in Hawaii by court order.
You sure that`s not your brain that`s sealed in a vault in Hawaii? There has to be a reason for you to believe the stupid shit you just posted.
Yeah....facts are the reason.
Missing from the OP's rant is this: Why & Who; we know what, when, where and how but not WHO & WHY human beings kill masses of other human beings they do not personally know.

The WHY is the nut we have yet to crack, probably because it is too easy to ignore and lump all Muslims into one. And yet the WHO is also a tough nut to crack since mass murder of innocents is committed by other demographics.

Who or what creates a murderer and why do the two sects of Islam oppose each other but joined forces against the West after the first World War?

Here's a primer on the issue for those who can't answer the seminal questiosn but hold hard and fast opinions:

What Is the Difference Between Sunni and Shiite Muslims--and Why Does It Matter?

Your rhetoric has coinfused you....most understand the stupidity that provokes such rhetoric.

The 'why' as you say is not a mystery....if you ever bothered to read some of the Koran you could answer that yourself regarding all the thousands of cases of muslim terrorism.

In a nutshell: Islamic Terrorism is assymetrical warfare.....if you do not know what that means look it up and get back with us.

Check here to clear up any coinfusion you may have about the differences between Shites and Sunnis.....Sunnis vs. Shiites: A Brief Explainer

The oklahoma incident was provoked by the Feds actions at mystery there. The various school shootings were done by psychologically challenged teens...still no mystery.

The real question that we need to confront...well actually ...two big questions we need to confront.......what is the best way to deal with terrorism and why are the democrats in denial regarding islamic terrorism.

Mass Delusion

It’s hard to overcome any problem in your life if you refuse to recognize essential elements of the problem; in fact, one of the first objects of psychotherapists is to get their patients to face the real issues that are disabling them. It’s even harder to win a war if you won’t permit yourself to recognize whom you’re fighting — and not only because, as a practical matter, you have to know your enemy to properly assess his plans and tactics. It’s also because denying reality absorbs a huge amount of energy and attention that ought to be spent actually confronting the real issues.

Read more at: Mass Delusion

I'm "coinfused"? And you call me stupid? I'm smart enough to proof read by posts and have spell checker.

I don't read apocryphal books and that includes the Koran and the Bibles, I favor annotated histories and not blogs or posts by dogmatists.
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
We know where his BC is. It's sealed in a vault in Hawaii by court order.
You sure that`s not your brain that`s sealed in a vault in Hawaii? There has to be a reason for you to believe the stupid shit you just posted.

Hawaii’s Gov. Linda Lingle placed the obama's birth certificate under seal and instructed the state’s Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.
Read more at Obama’s birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor

Gee, you think Bannon wouldn't show his press credentials and vandalize the document? Or some other critter from the far right? I think keeping it under lock and key is good advice, given the immorality of the alt. Right.
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
We know where his BC is. It's sealed in a vault in Hawaii by court order.
You sure that`s not your brain that`s sealed in a vault in Hawaii? There has to be a reason for you to believe the stupid shit you just posted.

Hawaii’s Gov. Linda Lingle placed the obama's birth certificate under seal and instructed the state’s Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.
Read more at Obama’s birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor

Gee, you think Bannon wouldn't show his press credentials and vandalize the document? Or some other critter from the far right? I think keeping it under lock and key is good advice, given the immorality of the alt. Right.

First Russian this.
I think you really need to remove that tinfoil hat.
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
Would you mind putting up some FACTS that prove your argument, which I did to prove mine? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
Before Obama we were losing 745,000 jobs a month and the DOW was hanging around 7000. Yes, everything was better 8 years later and we weren`t killing our soldiers in a search for wmds. The debt is your baby. Starting 2 wars and putting them on the credit card while cutting taxes is incredibly stupid and any passing 9th grader learns this in their Jr. High Economics class.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
Would you mind putting up some FACTS that prove your argument, which I did to prove mine? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
Before Obama we were losing 745,000 jobs a month and the DOW was hanging around 7000. Yes, everything was better 8 years later and we weren`t killing our soldiers in a search for wmds. The debt is your baby. Starting 2 wars and putting them on the credit card while cutting taxes is incredibly stupid and any passing 9th grader learns this in their Jr. High Economics class.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits

The financial crisis happened because banks were able to create too much money, too quickly, and used it to push up house prices and speculate on financial markets.

The seeds of the mortgage meltdown were planted during Bill Clinton's presidency.

Under Clinton's Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in "credit-deprived" areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting. If banks didn't comply with these rules, regulators reined in their ability to expand lending and deposits.

Thus the real villain of the financial melt-down was ole bubba hisself aka billary clinton.
Bill Clinton’s Little-Told Role In the Great Recession
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Missing from the OP's rant is this: Why & Who; we know what, when, where and how but not WHO & WHY human beings kill masses of other human beings they do not personally know.

The WHY is the nut we have yet to crack, probably because it is too easy to ignore and lump all Muslims into one. And yet the WHO is also a tough nut to crack since mass murder of innocents is committed by other demographics.

Who or what creates a murderer and why do the two sects of Islam oppose each other but joined forces against the West after the first World War?

Here's a primer on the issue for those who can't answer the seminal questiosn but hold hard and fast opinions:

What Is the Difference Between Sunni and Shiite Muslims--and Why Does It Matter?

Your rhetoric has coinfused you....most understand the stupidity that provokes such rhetoric.

The 'why' as you say is not a mystery....if you ever bothered to read some of the Koran you could answer that yourself regarding all the thousands of cases of muslim terrorism.

In a nutshell: Islamic Terrorism is assymetrical warfare.....if you do not know what that means look it up and get back with us.

Check here to clear up any coinfusion you may have about the differences between Shites and Sunnis.....Sunnis vs. Shiites: A Brief Explainer

The oklahoma incident was provoked by the Feds actions at mystery there. The various school shootings were done by psychologically challenged teens...still no mystery.

The real question that we need to confront...well actually ...two big questions we need to confront.......what is the best way to deal with terrorism and why are the democrats in denial regarding islamic terrorism.

Mass Delusion

It’s hard to overcome any problem in your life if you refuse to recognize essential elements of the problem; in fact, one of the first objects of psychotherapists is to get their patients to face the real issues that are disabling them. It’s even harder to win a war if you won’t permit yourself to recognize whom you’re fighting — and not only because, as a practical matter, you have to know your enemy to properly assess his plans and tactics. It’s also because denying reality absorbs a huge amount of energy and attention that ought to be spent actually confronting the real issues.

Read more at: Mass Delusion

I'm "coinfused"? And you call me stupid? I'm smart enough to proof read by posts and have spell checker.

I don't read apocryphal books and that includes the Koran and the Bibles, I favor annotated histories and not blogs or posts by dogmatists.
Missing from the OP's rant is this: Why & Who; we know what, when, where and how but not WHO & WHY human beings kill masses of other human beings they do not personally know.

The WHY is the nut we have yet to crack, probably because it is too easy to ignore and lump all Muslims into one. And yet the WHO is also a tough nut to crack since mass murder of innocents is committed by other demographics.

Who or what creates a murderer and why do the two sects of Islam oppose each other but joined forces against the West after the first World War?

Here's a primer on the issue for those who can't answer the seminal questiosn but hold hard and fast opinions:

What Is the Difference Between Sunni and Shiite Muslims--and Why Does It Matter?

Your rhetoric has coinfused you....most understand the stupidity that provokes such rhetoric.

The 'why' as you say is not a mystery....if you ever bothered to read some of the Koran you could answer that yourself regarding all the thousands of cases of muslim terrorism.

In a nutshell: Islamic Terrorism is assymetrical warfare.....if you do not know what that means look it up and get back with us.

Check here to clear up any coinfusion you may have about the differences between Shites and Sunnis.....Sunnis vs. Shiites: A Brief Explainer

The oklahoma incident was provoked by the Feds actions at mystery there. The various school shootings were done by psychologically challenged teens...still no mystery.

The real question that we need to confront...well actually ...two big questions we need to confront.......what is the best way to deal with terrorism and why are the democrats in denial regarding islamic terrorism.

Mass Delusion

It’s hard to overcome any problem in your life if you refuse to recognize essential elements of the problem; in fact, one of the first objects of psychotherapists is to get their patients to face the real issues that are disabling them. It’s even harder to win a war if you won’t permit yourself to recognize whom you’re fighting — and not only because, as a practical matter, you have to know your enemy to properly assess his plans and tactics. It’s also because denying reality absorbs a huge amount of energy and attention that ought to be spent actually confronting the real issues.

Read more at: Mass Delusion

I'm "coinfused"? And you call me stupid? I'm smart enough to proof read by posts and have spell checker.

I don't read apocryphal books and that includes the Koran and the Bibles, I favor annotated histories and not blogs or posts by dogmatists.

You speel the way you wanna and I will of course do likewise.....even eienstein was a poor speller and who gives anyone the authority to dictate to others how they should spell a woid? I am sure you would not speak out against ebonics..... What is Ebonics (African American English)? | Linguistic Society of America

BTW dictionaries just give the common usage of a woid...not what it really means.

Irregardless............check this out>>>>>800 years of muslim aggression.

Western Civilisation :: Defend Western Civilisation and Reject Islam. Islam and the Western Heritage have nothing in common.
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
We know where his BC is. It's sealed in a vault in Hawaii by court order.
You sure that`s not your brain that`s sealed in a vault in Hawaii? There has to be a reason for you to believe the stupid shit you just posted.

Hawaii’s Gov. Linda Lingle placed the obama's birth certificate under seal and instructed the state’s Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.
Read more at Obama’s birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor
She did no such thing. You freaks are fucking nuts and you're dumbed down by rightard sites like WND which produce nothing but "alternative facts," i.e., lies.

Obama's birth record, according to state law TITLE 19. HEALTH 338. Vital Statistics §338-18 Disclosure of records. was not available to the public.

Savvy? Lingle did not seal anything. What she did do, much to the consternation of the brain-dead birfers -- was to follow the existing law.

§338-18(b) The department shall not permit inspection of public health statistics records, or issue a certified copy of any such record or part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record. The following persons shall be considered to have a direct and tangible interest in a public health statistics record:

And of course, on two separate occasions, Hawaii released a copy of his birth records to Obama, in accordance with the linked Hawaiian statute; which in turn, Obama displayed to the public.
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With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
Would you mind putting up some FACTS that prove your argument, which I did to prove mine? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
Before Obama we were losing 745,000 jobs a month and the DOW was hanging around 7000. Yes, everything was better 8 years later and we weren`t killing our soldiers in a search for wmds. The debt is your baby. Starting 2 wars and putting them on the credit card while cutting taxes is incredibly stupid and any passing 9th grader learns this in their Jr. High Economics class.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits

The financial crisis happened because banks were able to create too much money, too quickly, and used it to push up house prices and speculate on financial markets.

The seeds of the mortgage meltdown were planted during Bill Clinton's presidency.

Under Clinton's Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in "credit-deprived" areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting. If banks didn't comply with these rules, regulators reined in their ability to expand lending and deposits.

Thus the real villain of the financial melt-down was ole bubba hisself aka billary clinton.
Bill Clinton’s Little-Told Role In the Great Recession

WND and now conservativereview.

No wonder you're this stupid. <smh>
With the exception of the GOP`s debt, everything today is 1000X better than it was when Gomer Bush left office. Obama did an excellent job and the evidence is`re still whining about him. Are you people still looking for his birth certificate? :)
We know where his BC is. It's sealed in a vault in Hawaii by court order.
You sure that`s not your brain that`s sealed in a vault in Hawaii? There has to be a reason for you to believe the stupid shit you just posted.

Hawaii’s Gov. Linda Lingle placed the obama's birth certificate under seal and instructed the state’s Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.
Read more at Obama’s birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor

In 2008?

Scraping the barrel?

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