Proof from NPR reporter... the MSM BIAS is REAL!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
For those of you that believe NPR is an unbiased MSM entity... read what a 25 year veteran has to say!
For further proof of the BIASED MSM that in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary and Biden 90%...see the attached also.
All the while ABC,CBS,NBC proof of the biased MSM, donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!
Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20)
What they found was, "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."

Now for you Trump haters, consider this: I personally dislike Trump's braggadocio, Narcissism, his style... I also knew executives like him that like them Trump GOT THINGS done! See this PARTIAL list of 121 executive actions by Trump.
Trump Administration Accomplishments


Let's hope they beat the living daylights out of them.

Saves on Psychiatric bills and obtains an instant full recovery .
For those of you that believe NPR is an unbiased MSM entity... read what a 25 year veteran has to say!
For further proof of the BIASED MSM that in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary and Biden 90%...see the attached also.
All the while ABC,CBS,NBC proof of the biased MSM, donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!
Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20)
What they found was, "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."

Now for you Trump haters, consider this: I personally dislike Trump's braggadocio, Narcissism, his style... I also knew executives like him that like them Trump GOT THINGS done! See this PARTIAL list of 121 executive actions by Trump.
Trump Administration Accomplishments

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How is this proof . . . of ANYTHING? :laugh:
File this one under 'disgruntled wingnut, angry that facts don't go his way'.

How my NPR colleague failed at “viewpoint diversity”
Uri Berliner gave a perfect example of the kind of journalism he says he’s against.

APR 16, 2024


If Uri wanted to start a discussion about journalism at NPR, he succeeded, though maybe not in the way he intended. His colleagues have had a rich dialogue about his mistakes. The errors do make NPR look bad, because it’s embarrassing that an NPR journalist would make so many. NPR correspondent Eyder Peralta wrote on Facebook, “There are a few bits of truth in this… but it mostly suffers from the same thing it accuses NPR of doing. It is myopic and uses a selective reading to serve the author’s world views.”

The errors are so numerous that his defenders—and he has some!—have taken to admitting them, then adding words to the effect of: I hope this doesn’t obscure his “larger point”!

If Uri’s “larger point” is that journalists should seek wider perspectives, and not just write stories that confirm their prior opinions, his article is useful as an example of what to avoid.

This article needed a better editor. I don’t know who, if anyone, edited Uri’s story, but they let him publish an article that discredited itself.

I discussed one example on stage in San Antonio. The article made headlines for Uri’s claim that he “looked at voter registration for our newsroom” in Washington, D.C., and found his “editorial” colleagues were unanimously registered Democrats—87 Democrats, 0 Republicans.

I am a prominent member of the newsroom in Washington. If Uri told the truth, then I could only be a registered Democrat. I held up a screenshot of my voter registration showing I am registered with “no party.” Some in the crowd gasped. Uri had misled them.

NPR says its content division has 662 people around the world, including far more than 87 in Washington. The article never disclosed this context. (NPR doesn’t ask employees about their voter registration; I don’t know how Uri learned the 87 registrations he says he found.)

When I asked Uri, he said he “couldn’t care less” that I am not a Democrat. He said the important thing was the “aggregate”—exactly what his 87-0 misrepresented by leaving out people like me. While it’s widely believed that most mainstream journalists are Democrats, I’ve had colleagues that I was pretty sure were conservative (I don’t ask), and I’ve learned just since Uri’s article that I am one of several NPR hosts of “no party” registration.

For those of you that believe NPR is an unbiased MSM entity... read what a 25 year veteran has to say!
For further proof of the BIASED MSM that in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary and Biden 90%...see the attached also.
All the while ABC,CBS,NBC proof of the biased MSM, donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!
Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20)
What they found was, "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."

Now for you Trump haters, consider this: I personally dislike Trump's braggadocio, Narcissism, his style... I also knew executives like him that like them Trump GOT THINGS done! See this PARTIAL list of 121 executive actions by Trump.
Trump Administration Accomplishments

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You weren't supposed to notice that.
File this one under 'disgruntled wingnut, angry that facts don't go his way'.

How my NPR colleague failed at “viewpoint diversity”
Uri Berliner gave a perfect example of the kind of journalism he says he’s against.

APR 16, 2024


If Uri wanted to start a discussion about journalism at NPR, he succeeded, though maybe not in the way he intended. His colleagues have had a rich dialogue about his mistakes. The errors do make NPR look bad, because it’s embarrassing that an NPR journalist would make so many. NPR correspondent Eyder Peralta wrote on Facebook, “There are a few bits of truth in this… but it mostly suffers from the same thing it accuses NPR of doing. It is myopic and uses a selective reading to serve the author’s world views.”

The errors are so numerous that his defenders—and he has some!—have taken to admitting them, then adding words to the effect of: I hope this doesn’t obscure his “larger point”!

If Uri’s “larger point” is that journalists should seek wider perspectives, and not just write stories that confirm their prior opinions, his article is useful as an example of what to avoid.

This article needed a better editor. I don’t know who, if anyone, edited Uri’s story, but they let him publish an article that discredited itself.

I discussed one example on stage in San Antonio. The article made headlines for Uri’s claim that he “looked at voter registration for our newsroom” in Washington, D.C., and found his “editorial” colleagues were unanimously registered Democrats—87 Democrats, 0 Republicans.

I am a prominent member of the newsroom in Washington. If Uri told the truth, then I could only be a registered Democrat. I held up a screenshot of my voter registration showing I am registered with “no party.” Some in the crowd gasped. Uri had misled them.

NPR says its content division has 662 people around the world, including far more than 87 in Washington. The article never disclosed this context. (NPR doesn’t ask employees about their voter registration; I don’t know how Uri learned the 87 registrations he says he found.)

When I asked Uri, he said he “couldn’t care less” that I am not a Democrat. He said the important thing was the “aggregate”—exactly what his 87-0 misrepresented by leaving out people like me. While it’s widely believed that most mainstream journalists are Democrats, I’ve had colleagues that I was pretty sure were conservative (I don’t ask), and I’ve learned just since Uri’s article that I am one of several NPR hosts of “no party” registration.

Coming from an NPR liberal.
For further proof of the BIASED MSM that in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary and Biden 90%...see the attached also.
All the while ABC,CBS,NBC proof of the biased MSM, donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!
Brings to mind something I read about George Soros and son's donations. Sixty Million to the Biden pac after maxxing out their personal contributions to Biden. Gee, I want to be influenced by the democrat version of Trump. No thanks, I'll take the original.
For those of you that believe NPR is an unbiased MSM entity... read what a 25 year veteran has to say!
For further proof of the BIASED MSM that in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary and Biden 90%...see the attached also.
All the while ABC,CBS,NBC proof of the biased MSM, donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!
Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20)
What they found was, "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."

Now for you Trump haters, consider this: I personally dislike Trump's braggadocio, Narcissism, his style... I also knew executives like him that like them Trump GOT THINGS done! See this PARTIAL list of 121 executive actions by Trump.
Trump Administration Accomplishments

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I have dunned the MSM often. This report shows the nuts and bolts of how it has happened. We do not trust the Media. They worked hard to obtain our mistrust.
Coming from an NPR liberal.
You know, we did not name them liberal. It is a name they bestowed on themselves. Why did they want this title? To FOOL all who trust the left. If they say Liberal it is a phrase designed to make them seem helpful, to love liberty and so on. But in truth the Democrats represent your loss of freedom. They pride themselves on massive creation annually of brand new laws. They are authoritarians and not remotely liberal.
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For those of you that believe NPR is an unbiased MSM entity... read what a 25 year veteran has to say!
For further proof of the BIASED MSM that in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary and Biden 90%...see the attached also.
All the while ABC,CBS,NBC proof of the biased MSM, donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!
Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20)
What they found was, "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."

Now for you Trump haters, consider this: I personally dislike Trump's braggadocio, Narcissism, his style... I also knew executives like him that like them Trump GOT THINGS done! See this PARTIAL list of 121 executive actions by Trump.
Trump Administration Accomplishments

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If trump doesn't like negative things being reported about him, he should quit doing so many negative things
If trump doesn't like negative things being reported about him, he should quit doing so many negative things
That comment also applies to Biden. In fact the klan of Bidens gets really angry when stories similar to the stories told about Trump are told on the Biden crime family.

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