Proof How Your Religion Could Be Made Up

That's defensive. Why do you feel you need to defend yourself against a non believer?

I just had another thought and want to run it by you. The other day I reminded Christian men that wacking off to their married neighbors wife is committing adultery
Can you prove Homer even existed? You seem to believe he did.

No reason to doubt he didn't exist. They didn't say he performed miracles or that he was a god.

If I tell you I'm short fat and ugly, do you believe me? You have no reason to doubt that. But if I tell you I'm tall slim and pretty and I am a god, do you believe me still? See the difference?

So you choose to believe he exists because someone told you he did, and you don't care whether he did or not?

I remain open to the possibility a man named Homer existed and wrote the Odyssey and Iliad but its debatable. I'm not skeptical nor do I care. Some think a young Sicilian woman wrote the Odyssey.

But it really doesn't matter. I'm not going to hell on my final answer, am I?

Right, you believe stuff because people tell you stuff, yet you get very upset when someone believes things you don't believe. As for going to hell, that's between you and God.

I believe some stuff based on evidence.

And I don't get upset.

And there is no god and hell. Unless you believe god came in the form of Jesus and then that makes you a little dumb in my opinion.

You can't prove the negative. That's the bottom line, and it's kind of amusing to watch you insist on it.
We're trying to help wake you up. We don't think it is good for people. Same way you tell people about god because you do think it is good for people. Because you think it is good for you. Is ignorant bliss good? We think "they" use it to control us, keep us down, justify their bad deeds. Ever hear the saying?

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg

And we really only argue with people who think we're going to hell because we don't believe in their god. We have fun going inside the mind of a wackado theist. Its annoying in person so we come here to hear what you guys really think, try to explain to you how it got in our heads and why you choose to believe the supernatural. Its all in your heads.

And it is sad you are wasting this life waiting for the next. Make this one count because when its over it is over. You are just another animal on this planet. You just happen to be the top of the food chain at this moment in history. The end could come for mammals and crocs and sharks will rule this planet. No god or heaven for them either. The solar system does not care about humans. There are probably millions of other planets with life on them. Billions. Maybe even an infinite number if that's comprehendable.

Put the universe on a 12 month calendar and we've only been here for 40 seconds. Did god care about the Trilobites the millions of years they ruled before the dinosaurs? Is there a Trilobite heaven? How about a dinosaur heaven? No god that cares about you is watching. Don't kill yourself over it. Just make the most of this life. You are extremely lucky you didn't up on the bed sheets like all your potential brothers and sisters that were never born were. And thank whatever monkey ancestor that came 1 million years before you for surviving and passing on their genes to the next generation all the way until you were born. It is amazing. We are so lucky we live as long as we do. Imagine if you were a Mosquito.

Bloodsucking mosquitoes, depending on species, gender, and weather conditions, have potential adult lifespans ranging from as short as a week to as long as several months.

Do you seriously believe man is descended from monkeys? I'll take that as an example of the things you believe because you were told that are not supported by fact.

Evolution is a fact. Not only are you related to monkeys we are related to all living things including trees. Welcome to the 20th century.

No evolutionary biologist is going to tell you we were descended from monkeys. They will tell you man and monkeys have a common ancestor. I think you need to do a little research into what you believe.
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
I just had another thought and want to run it by you. The other day I reminded Christian men that wacking off to their married neighbors wife is committing adultery
No reason to doubt he didn't exist. They didn't say he performed miracles or that he was a god.

If I tell you I'm short fat and ugly, do you believe me? You have no reason to doubt that. But if I tell you I'm tall slim and pretty and I am a god, do you believe me still? See the difference?

So you choose to believe he exists because someone told you he did, and you don't care whether he did or not?

I remain open to the possibility a man named Homer existed and wrote the Odyssey and Iliad but its debatable. I'm not skeptical nor do I care. Some think a young Sicilian woman wrote the Odyssey.

But it really doesn't matter. I'm not going to hell on my final answer, am I?

Right, you believe stuff because people tell you stuff, yet you get very upset when someone believes things you don't believe. As for going to hell, that's between you and God.

I believe some stuff based on evidence.

And I don't get upset.

And there is no god and hell. Unless you believe god came in the form of Jesus and then that makes you a little dumb in my opinion.

You can't prove the negative. That's the bottom line, and it's kind of amusing to watch you insist on it.
That's a bad argument theists often make. I don't need to prove someone 2000 years ago didn't perform miracles. I just have to think to know that's most likely a lie men made up dummy.
Holy ghost, 28 pages and not an ounce of proof God exists or does not exist. Well, it's been a lot longer that such an argument has continued with no answer, and will continue until the sun burns out.

That said, the only rational response to the question of God is Agnosticism. If God exists, or does not exist, should it impact the moral judgments we make? Either God gave us a brain capable of wondrous things, or our brain evolved from a single cell life form once living in the sea.

Ask yourself, do you act morally because you fear hell, or want to go to heaven? Or do you do so because it is the right thing to do?

I can't help but laugh every time I read a post from a Christian who wears their religion on their sleeve, and is so filled with hate for others, hate for those who in their mind must have been created by the God they profess to love and obey.

I can't help but wonder how a terrorist, who is supposedly a believer in God, can so easily take the life of other of Gods creations.
Do you seriously believe man is descended from monkeys? I'll take that as an example of the things you believe because you were told that are not supported by fact.

Evolution is a fact. Not only are you related to monkeys we are related to all living things including trees. Welcome to the 20th century.

No evolutionary biologist is going to tell you we were descended from monkeys. They will tell you man and monkeys have a common ancestor. I think you need to do a little research into what you believe.
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
Without just completely abusing you for that post you do know the difference between a monkey and an ape, don't you?
Evolution is a fact. Not only are you related to monkeys we are related to all living things including trees. Welcome to the 20th century.

No evolutionary biologist is going to tell you we were descended from monkeys. They will tell you man and monkeys have a common ancestor. I think you need to do a little research into what you believe.
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
Without just completely abusing you for that post you do know the difference between a monkey and an ape, don't you?

Nit pick, nit pick. Do you or don't you believe in evolution? Do you understand that every living thing is related? That's all that matters. Are you a Darwin fan or fan of the Catholic Church? Can't have it both ways.

I don't mention the Jews but I should. They are even more proof god is made up. I think a lot of them know there is no god. In fact the Jews are the ones who told the original lie. And they've been telling that lie for so long the Hasidic Jews actually still believe it. Faithfully I might add. But the rest of them I think to them it is just a custom. A culture they are born into. Like I was born and raised Greek Orthodox, they were born into the Jewish faith and there is a lot of ceremony that goes into it. Very cult like. They love the traditions and being a part of the club so they raise their kids Jewish but do they really believe any of the stuff in the Old Testament? Could they possibly? We know the Hasidics do but the modern day Jewish Americans don't seem to me to be very religioius. They cut out all the stuff they don't like from the Old Testament that's for sure. We know there was a split between the moderate Jews in America and the Hasidics. Hasidics to this day look down on moderate Jews especially women who dress improperly or if they eat lobster or do anything that goes against the Old Testament. Any Jew who isn't Hasidic to me isn't really truly religious. It's just a club they are in. I get it.

The point should be their religion is ridiculous and it is where your religion came from.

What does it say about your god that after 2000 years you can't convince Israel to convert to christianity? Or why can't Muslims see the truth? Or how did Mormonism get started? It should tell you god is a cultural phenomenon.
I'd still like to hear a coherent explanation as to why a serious Roman historian like Tacitus would risk his reputation by making up the "Nero fed Christians to the Lions" narrative
Do you seriously believe man is descended from monkeys? I'll take that as an example of the things you believe because you were told that are not supported by fact.

Evolution is a fact. Not only are you related to monkeys we are related to all living things including trees. Welcome to the 20th century.

No evolutionary biologist is going to tell you we were descended from monkeys. They will tell you man and monkeys have a common ancestor. I think you need to do a little research into what you believe.
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.

Okay, here is where we part ways. You think I'm a little dumb because I believe in God, yet you also think that man descended from monkeys. Dude, that's a little dumb. Here, I'll let the experts at the Smithsonian educate you. It would behoove you to make sure you know your facts before you accuse others of being dumb.

How are humans and monkeys related The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program

Humans and monkeys are both primates. But humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today.
So you choose to believe he exists because someone told you he did, and you don't care whether he did or not?

I remain open to the possibility a man named Homer existed and wrote the Odyssey and Iliad but its debatable. I'm not skeptical nor do I care. Some think a young Sicilian woman wrote the Odyssey.

But it really doesn't matter. I'm not going to hell on my final answer, am I?

Right, you believe stuff because people tell you stuff, yet you get very upset when someone believes things you don't believe. As for going to hell, that's between you and God.

I believe some stuff based on evidence.

And I don't get upset.

And there is no god and hell. Unless you believe god came in the form of Jesus and then that makes you a little dumb in my opinion.

You can't prove the negative. That's the bottom line, and it's kind of amusing to watch you insist on it.
That's a bad argument theists often make. I don't need to prove someone 2000 years ago didn't perform miracles. I just have to think to know that's most likely a lie men made up dummy.

Yet you continue to make absolute statements that are impossible to support. I know that you cannot be accurate because it would dilute what you are trying to say, and you cannot allow for the existence of God, period. Now, why is someone who believes man descended from monkeys calling anyone else a dummy?
Evolution is a fact. Not only are you related to monkeys we are related to all living things including trees. Welcome to the 20th century.

No evolutionary biologist is going to tell you we were descended from monkeys. They will tell you man and monkeys have a common ancestor. I think you need to do a little research into what you believe.
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.

Okay, here is where we part ways. You think I'm a little dumb because I believe in God, yet you also think that man descended from monkeys. Dude, that's a little dumb. Here, I'll let the experts at the Smithsonian educate you. It would behoove you to make sure you know your facts before you accuse others of being dumb.

How are humans and monkeys related The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program

Humans and monkeys are both primates. But humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today.

I remain open to the possibility a man named Homer existed and wrote the Odyssey and Iliad but its debatable. I'm not skeptical nor do I care. Some think a young Sicilian woman wrote the Odyssey.

But it really doesn't matter. I'm not going to hell on my final answer, am I?

Right, you believe stuff because people tell you stuff, yet you get very upset when someone believes things you don't believe. As for going to hell, that's between you and God.

I believe some stuff based on evidence.

And I don't get upset.

And there is no god and hell. Unless you believe god came in the form of Jesus and then that makes you a little dumb in my opinion.

You can't prove the negative. That's the bottom line, and it's kind of amusing to watch you insist on it.
That's a bad argument theists often make. I don't need to prove someone 2000 years ago didn't perform miracles. I just have to think to know that's most likely a lie men made up dummy.

Yet you continue to make absolute statements that are impossible to support. I know that you cannot be accurate because it would dilute what you are trying to say, and you cannot allow for the existence of God, period. Now, why is someone who believes man descended from monkeys calling anyone else a dummy?

There could be something that created our universe. I just very seriously doubt it cares about you or ever visited.

40 second video shows you evolution. Don't try to argue with me. Argue with the scientific consensus.
No evolutionary biologist is going to tell you we were descended from monkeys. They will tell you man and monkeys have a common ancestor. I think you need to do a little research into what you believe.
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.

Okay, here is where we part ways. You think I'm a little dumb because I believe in God, yet you also think that man descended from monkeys. Dude, that's a little dumb. Here, I'll let the experts at the Smithsonian educate you. It would behoove you to make sure you know your facts before you accuse others of being dumb.

How are humans and monkeys related The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program

Humans and monkeys are both primates. But humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today.

Adorable. Now, take it up with every evolutionary biologist out there who say man did not descend from monkeys.
Right, you believe stuff because people tell you stuff, yet you get very upset when someone believes things you don't believe. As for going to hell, that's between you and God.

I believe some stuff based on evidence.

And I don't get upset.

And there is no god and hell. Unless you believe god came in the form of Jesus and then that makes you a little dumb in my opinion.

You can't prove the negative. That's the bottom line, and it's kind of amusing to watch you insist on it.
That's a bad argument theists often make. I don't need to prove someone 2000 years ago didn't perform miracles. I just have to think to know that's most likely a lie men made up dummy.

Yet you continue to make absolute statements that are impossible to support. I know that you cannot be accurate because it would dilute what you are trying to say, and you cannot allow for the existence of God, period. Now, why is someone who believes man descended from monkeys calling anyone else a dummy?

There could be something that created our universe. I just very seriously doubt it cares about you or ever visited.

40 second video shows you evolution. Don't try to argue with me. Argue with the scientific consensus.

Like I said, argue with the evolutionary biologists. Man didn't descend from monkeys. Unless, of course, you're going to say you have superior knowledge?
No evolutionary biologist is going to tell you we were descended from monkeys. They will tell you man and monkeys have a common ancestor. I think you need to do a little research into what you believe.
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
Without just completely abusing you for that post you do know the difference between a monkey and an ape, don't you?

Nit pick, nit pick. Do you or don't you believe in evolution? Do you understand that every living thing is related? That's all that matters. Are you a Darwin fan or fan of the Catholic Church? Can't have it both ways.

I don't mention the Jews but I should. They are even more proof god is made up. I think a lot of them know there is no god. In fact the Jews are the ones who told the original lie. And they've been telling that lie for so long the Hasidic Jews actually still believe it. Faithfully I might add. But the rest of them I think to them it is just a custom. A culture they are born into. Like I was born and raised Greek Orthodox, they were born into the Jewish faith and there is a lot of ceremony that goes into it. Very cult like. They love the traditions and being a part of the club so they raise their kids Jewish but do they really believe any of the stuff in the Old Testament? Could they possibly? We know the Hasidics do but the modern day Jewish Americans don't seem to me to be very religioius. They cut out all the stuff they don't like from the Old Testament that's for sure. We know there was a split between the moderate Jews in America and the Hasidics. Hasidics to this day look down on moderate Jews especially women who dress improperly or if they eat lobster or do anything that goes against the Old Testament. Any Jew who isn't Hasidic to me isn't really truly religious. It's just a club they are in. I get it.

The point should be their religion is ridiculous and it is where your religion came from.

What does it say about your god that after 2000 years you can't convince Israel to convert to christianity? Or why can't Muslims see the truth? Or how did Mormonism get started? It should tell you god is a cultural phenomenon.
I will believe in evolution when you give me some real evidence. I only believe in things I can see and touch.
Theists often fail to adequately apportion blame when claims of their particular god’s ‘infinite mercy’ or ‘omnibenevolence’ involve sparing a few lives in a disaster, or recovery from a debilitating disease – all of which their god would ultimately be responsible for inflicting if it existed.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” – Epicurus

  • An omniscient god would see through feigned belief as a result of coercion.
If Jesus is God then presumably he is omniscient. If this is true, then when he allowed himself to be sacrificed, didn’t he do this with the knowledge that he was immortal? If so, then how exactly was it a sacrifice for him? What did he sacrifice?

“If Jesus is the son of god, but also god himself, then he supposedly sacrificed himself to himself to save what he created from himself. He also, therefore, prayed to himself and begged himself not to require himself be crucified in order to appease himself and save the world from the wrath of himself.”

Theists often fail to adequately apportion blame when claims of their particular god’s ‘infinite mercy’ or ‘omnibenevolence’ involve sparing a few lives in a disaster, or recovery from a debilitating disease – all of which their god would ultimately be responsible for inflicting if it existed.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
– Epicurus

  • An omniscient god would see through feigned belief as a result of coercion.
If Jesus is God then presumably he is omniscient. If this is true, then when he allowed himself to be sacrificed, didn’t he do this with the knowledge that he was immortal? If so, then how exactly was it a sacrifice for him? What did he sacrifice?

“If Jesus is the son of god, but also god himself, then he supposedly sacrificed himself to himself to save what he created from himself. He also, therefore, prayed to himself and begged himself not to require himself be crucified in order to appease himself and save the world from the wrath of himself.”

Oh, yes, the old "bad things prove that God doesn't exist" conjecture. That one's possibly the easiest of all to deal with, but if you can't figure it out, I'll be glad to help you.
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
Without just completely abusing you for that post you do know the difference between a monkey and an ape, don't you?

Nit pick, nit pick. Do you or don't you believe in evolution? Do you understand that every living thing is related? That's all that matters. Are you a Darwin fan or fan of the Catholic Church? Can't have it both ways.

I don't mention the Jews but I should. They are even more proof god is made up. I think a lot of them know there is no god. In fact the Jews are the ones who told the original lie. And they've been telling that lie for so long the Hasidic Jews actually still believe it. Faithfully I might add. But the rest of them I think to them it is just a custom. A culture they are born into. Like I was born and raised Greek Orthodox, they were born into the Jewish faith and there is a lot of ceremony that goes into it. Very cult like. They love the traditions and being a part of the club so they raise their kids Jewish but do they really believe any of the stuff in the Old Testament? Could they possibly? We know the Hasidics do but the modern day Jewish Americans don't seem to me to be very religioius. They cut out all the stuff they don't like from the Old Testament that's for sure. We know there was a split between the moderate Jews in America and the Hasidics. Hasidics to this day look down on moderate Jews especially women who dress improperly or if they eat lobster or do anything that goes against the Old Testament. Any Jew who isn't Hasidic to me isn't really truly religious. It's just a club they are in. I get it.

The point should be their religion is ridiculous and it is where your religion came from.

What does it say about your god that after 2000 years you can't convince Israel to convert to christianity? Or why can't Muslims see the truth? Or how did Mormonism get started? It should tell you god is a cultural phenomenon.
I will believe in evolution when you give me some real evidence. I only believe in things I can see and touch.

Current scientific theories are able to clearly explain how complexity and order arise in physical systems. Any lack of understanding does not immediately imply ‘god’.

Simply because you or the scientific community lack a complete understanding of something does not imply a theistic explanation carries any value. Even if there exists some topic on which science can never speak, any understanding could potentially evade us forever – supernatural or metaphysical speculation would not automatically be correct. Uncertainty is the most legitimate position.

There are many as yet unexplained phenomena and anomalies in nature. The scientific approach to these is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

This claim often represents a deep discomfort with uncertainty or ambiguity, demonstrating a lack of critical thinking or poor understanding of a topic. It usually coincides with credulity, which is the tendency to believe in propositions unsupported by evidence. See also: gullibility.

Science observes the physical universe, makes models of how it works and then refines those models through further observation. When something interacts with the physical universe, such as through light, motion, sound, heat, mass or gravity, it becomes a natural phenomena and thus open to scientific inquiry. If it does not interact with the physical universe then it cannot be said to exist in any meaningful or perceivable way.

Relying on supernatural explanations is a cop-out or a dead-end to deepening our understanding of reality. If a natural cause for something is not known, the scientific approach is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

“Science adjusts it’s understanding based on what’s observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved.” – Tim Minchin
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
Without just completely abusing you for that post you do know the difference between a monkey and an ape, don't you?

Nit pick, nit pick. Do you or don't you believe in evolution? Do you understand that every living thing is related? That's all that matters. Are you a Darwin fan or fan of the Catholic Church? Can't have it both ways.

I don't mention the Jews but I should. They are even more proof god is made up. I think a lot of them know there is no god. In fact the Jews are the ones who told the original lie. And they've been telling that lie for so long the Hasidic Jews actually still believe it. Faithfully I might add. But the rest of them I think to them it is just a custom. A culture they are born into. Like I was born and raised Greek Orthodox, they were born into the Jewish faith and there is a lot of ceremony that goes into it. Very cult like. They love the traditions and being a part of the club so they raise their kids Jewish but do they really believe any of the stuff in the Old Testament? Could they possibly? We know the Hasidics do but the modern day Jewish Americans don't seem to me to be very religioius. They cut out all the stuff they don't like from the Old Testament that's for sure. We know there was a split between the moderate Jews in America and the Hasidics. Hasidics to this day look down on moderate Jews especially women who dress improperly or if they eat lobster or do anything that goes against the Old Testament. Any Jew who isn't Hasidic to me isn't really truly religious. It's just a club they are in. I get it.

The point should be their religion is ridiculous and it is where your religion came from.

What does it say about your god that after 2000 years you can't convince Israel to convert to christianity? Or why can't Muslims see the truth? Or how did Mormonism get started? It should tell you god is a cultural phenomenon.
I will believe in evolution when you give me some real evidence. I only believe in things I can see and touch.

The basic theory of evolution is the best that man can come up with as long as he completely rejects the idea of a creator before he even starts to investigate.
What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
Without just completely abusing you for that post you do know the difference between a monkey and an ape, don't you?

Nit pick, nit pick. Do you or don't you believe in evolution? Do you understand that every living thing is related? That's all that matters. Are you a Darwin fan or fan of the Catholic Church? Can't have it both ways.

I don't mention the Jews but I should. They are even more proof god is made up. I think a lot of them know there is no god. In fact the Jews are the ones who told the original lie. And they've been telling that lie for so long the Hasidic Jews actually still believe it. Faithfully I might add. But the rest of them I think to them it is just a custom. A culture they are born into. Like I was born and raised Greek Orthodox, they were born into the Jewish faith and there is a lot of ceremony that goes into it. Very cult like. They love the traditions and being a part of the club so they raise their kids Jewish but do they really believe any of the stuff in the Old Testament? Could they possibly? We know the Hasidics do but the modern day Jewish Americans don't seem to me to be very religioius. They cut out all the stuff they don't like from the Old Testament that's for sure. We know there was a split between the moderate Jews in America and the Hasidics. Hasidics to this day look down on moderate Jews especially women who dress improperly or if they eat lobster or do anything that goes against the Old Testament. Any Jew who isn't Hasidic to me isn't really truly religious. It's just a club they are in. I get it.

The point should be their religion is ridiculous and it is where your religion came from.

What does it say about your god that after 2000 years you can't convince Israel to convert to christianity? Or why can't Muslims see the truth? Or how did Mormonism get started? It should tell you god is a cultural phenomenon.
I will believe in evolution when you give me some real evidence. I only believe in things I can see and touch.

Science keeps changing because the tools used to perform science keep improving. When the universe of available evidence changes, scientific theories must be re-evaluated. There are no absolute truths in science; all laws, theories and conclusions can become obsolete if they are found in contradiction with new evidence.

However, a scientific theory is the highest honor any scientific principle can obtain, for they comprise all the evidence, laws and models relevant to an observed phenomena. Theories are rarely proven incorrect.

The scientific method is not a single recipe: it requires intelligence, intuition, and creativity. It is an ongoing cycle, constantly developing more useful, accurate and comprehensive models and methods, but not necessarily discarding old ones.

Science is an exercise in falsifiability. Unlike religious dogma, which presumes the truth, the scientific method is a self correcting process, an ever sharpening blade. The models used by science to explain observations and make predictions are simply the ‘most correct’ at the time. The greatest skepticism should always be reserved for inflexible positions whose proponents insist that they and their assertions are above question and examination.

“Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense.” – Chapman Cohen
Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
Without just completely abusing you for that post you do know the difference between a monkey and an ape, don't you?

Nit pick, nit pick. Do you or don't you believe in evolution? Do you understand that every living thing is related? That's all that matters. Are you a Darwin fan or fan of the Catholic Church? Can't have it both ways.

I don't mention the Jews but I should. They are even more proof god is made up. I think a lot of them know there is no god. In fact the Jews are the ones who told the original lie. And they've been telling that lie for so long the Hasidic Jews actually still believe it. Faithfully I might add. But the rest of them I think to them it is just a custom. A culture they are born into. Like I was born and raised Greek Orthodox, they were born into the Jewish faith and there is a lot of ceremony that goes into it. Very cult like. They love the traditions and being a part of the club so they raise their kids Jewish but do they really believe any of the stuff in the Old Testament? Could they possibly? We know the Hasidics do but the modern day Jewish Americans don't seem to me to be very religioius. They cut out all the stuff they don't like from the Old Testament that's for sure. We know there was a split between the moderate Jews in America and the Hasidics. Hasidics to this day look down on moderate Jews especially women who dress improperly or if they eat lobster or do anything that goes against the Old Testament. Any Jew who isn't Hasidic to me isn't really truly religious. It's just a club they are in. I get it.

The point should be their religion is ridiculous and it is where your religion came from.

What does it say about your god that after 2000 years you can't convince Israel to convert to christianity? Or why can't Muslims see the truth? Or how did Mormonism get started? It should tell you god is a cultural phenomenon.
I will believe in evolution when you give me some real evidence. I only believe in things I can see and touch.

The basic theory of evolution is the best that man can come up with as long as he completely rejects the idea of a creator before he even starts to investigate.

Not really. A lot of theists believe god planted a seed and all life grew from that one seed. You can believe in evolution and god.

Not your god of course. Not your organized religion. Evolution proves your religion is a man made up thing nothing more. Men wondered about god(s) for dozens of thousands of years before the Jews, Christians, Muslims then Mormons made up their stories.

You have to know the history of man to understand. Part of our history is religion and how, when and why we made it up. And at what point did priests start popping up to make it a business. You guys are still stuck in midevil times.

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