Proof How Your Religion Could Be Made Up

What's the diff?

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.

Okay, here is where we part ways. You think I'm a little dumb because I believe in God, yet you also think that man descended from monkeys. Dude, that's a little dumb. Here, I'll let the experts at the Smithsonian educate you. It would behoove you to make sure you know your facts before you accuse others of being dumb.

How are humans and monkeys related The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program

Humans and monkeys are both primates. But humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today.

Adorable. Now, take it up with every evolutionary biologist out there who say man did not descend from monkeys.

So you use science as a resource to back up your claims when I make a mistake about monkeys vs apes, a typical mistake people make, but you don't believe we all came from the same place? In other words at one time a monkey, ape and human were all the same species. That species split up to eventually become every living thing you see on this planet.

Are you saying we aren't on the same branch as monkeys and apes? Because we are actually related to spiders, frogs, fish, birds, dinosaurs. Everything that ever lived on earth came from the first living microbes or single cell organisms that started the first life on this planet. God didn't come up with all the living things individually.

There are currently 14 million species of life on the Earth. 99% of all species have gone extinct. What is 14 million times 100? So you think god made 14,000,000,000 and 99% of them were a mistake? That doesn't jive with your story about this perfect god who created you and cares about you. The facts suggest you are dumb.
Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
Without just completely abusing you for that post you do know the difference between a monkey and an ape, don't you?

Nit pick, nit pick. Do you or don't you believe in evolution? Do you understand that every living thing is related? That's all that matters. Are you a Darwin fan or fan of the Catholic Church? Can't have it both ways.

I don't mention the Jews but I should. They are even more proof god is made up. I think a lot of them know there is no god. In fact the Jews are the ones who told the original lie. And they've been telling that lie for so long the Hasidic Jews actually still believe it. Faithfully I might add. But the rest of them I think to them it is just a custom. A culture they are born into. Like I was born and raised Greek Orthodox, they were born into the Jewish faith and there is a lot of ceremony that goes into it. Very cult like. They love the traditions and being a part of the club so they raise their kids Jewish but do they really believe any of the stuff in the Old Testament? Could they possibly? We know the Hasidics do but the modern day Jewish Americans don't seem to me to be very religioius. They cut out all the stuff they don't like from the Old Testament that's for sure. We know there was a split between the moderate Jews in America and the Hasidics. Hasidics to this day look down on moderate Jews especially women who dress improperly or if they eat lobster or do anything that goes against the Old Testament. Any Jew who isn't Hasidic to me isn't really truly religious. It's just a club they are in. I get it.

The point should be their religion is ridiculous and it is where your religion came from.

What does it say about your god that after 2000 years you can't convince Israel to convert to christianity? Or why can't Muslims see the truth? Or how did Mormonism get started? It should tell you god is a cultural phenomenon.
I will believe in evolution when you give me some real evidence. I only believe in things I can see and touch.

Current scientific theories are able to clearly explain how complexity and order arise in physical systems. Any lack of understanding does not immediately imply ‘god’.

Simply because you or the scientific community lack a complete understanding of something does not imply a theistic explanation carries any value. Even if there exists some topic on which science can never speak, any understanding could potentially evade us forever – supernatural or metaphysical speculation would not automatically be correct. Uncertainty is the most legitimate position.

There are many as yet unexplained phenomena and anomalies in nature. The scientific approach to these is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

This claim often represents a deep discomfort with uncertainty or ambiguity, demonstrating a lack of critical thinking or poor understanding of a topic. It usually coincides with credulity, which is the tendency to believe in propositions unsupported by evidence. See also: gullibility.

Science observes the physical universe, makes models of how it works and then refines those models through further observation. When something interacts with the physical universe, such as through light, motion, sound, heat, mass or gravity, it becomes a natural phenomena and thus open to scientific inquiry. If it does not interact with the physical universe then it cannot be said to exist in any meaningful or perceivable way.

Relying on supernatural explanations is a cop-out or a dead-end to deepening our understanding of reality. If a natural cause for something is not known, the scientific approach is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

“Science adjusts it’s understanding based on what’s observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved.” – Tim Minchin
So you don't believe in evolution either?
A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.
Without just completely abusing you for that post you do know the difference between a monkey and an ape, don't you?

Nit pick, nit pick. Do you or don't you believe in evolution? Do you understand that every living thing is related? That's all that matters. Are you a Darwin fan or fan of the Catholic Church? Can't have it both ways.

I don't mention the Jews but I should. They are even more proof god is made up. I think a lot of them know there is no god. In fact the Jews are the ones who told the original lie. And they've been telling that lie for so long the Hasidic Jews actually still believe it. Faithfully I might add. But the rest of them I think to them it is just a custom. A culture they are born into. Like I was born and raised Greek Orthodox, they were born into the Jewish faith and there is a lot of ceremony that goes into it. Very cult like. They love the traditions and being a part of the club so they raise their kids Jewish but do they really believe any of the stuff in the Old Testament? Could they possibly? We know the Hasidics do but the modern day Jewish Americans don't seem to me to be very religioius. They cut out all the stuff they don't like from the Old Testament that's for sure. We know there was a split between the moderate Jews in America and the Hasidics. Hasidics to this day look down on moderate Jews especially women who dress improperly or if they eat lobster or do anything that goes against the Old Testament. Any Jew who isn't Hasidic to me isn't really truly religious. It's just a club they are in. I get it.

The point should be their religion is ridiculous and it is where your religion came from.

What does it say about your god that after 2000 years you can't convince Israel to convert to christianity? Or why can't Muslims see the truth? Or how did Mormonism get started? It should tell you god is a cultural phenomenon.
I will believe in evolution when you give me some real evidence. I only believe in things I can see and touch.

The basic theory of evolution is the best that man can come up with as long as he completely rejects the idea of a creator before he even starts to investigate.

Not really. A lot of theists believe god planted a seed and all life grew from that one seed. You can believe in evolution and god.

Not your god of course. Not your organized religion. Evolution proves your religion is a man made up thing nothing more. Men wondered about god(s) for dozens of thousands of years before the Jews, Christians, Muslims then Mormons made up their stories.

You have to know the history of man to understand. Part of our history is religion and how, when and why we made it up. And at what point did priests start popping up to make it a business. You guys are still stuck in midevil times.

No, evolution does no such thing. And we did not descend from monkeys.
Are you really so intellectually lazy that you don't want to be accurate? I thought that's what you accused people of faith as being.

A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.

Okay, here is where we part ways. You think I'm a little dumb because I believe in God, yet you also think that man descended from monkeys. Dude, that's a little dumb. Here, I'll let the experts at the Smithsonian educate you. It would behoove you to make sure you know your facts before you accuse others of being dumb.

How are humans and monkeys related The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program

Humans and monkeys are both primates. But humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today.

Adorable. Now, take it up with every evolutionary biologist out there who say man did not descend from monkeys.

So you use science as a resource to back up your claims when I make a mistake about monkeys vs apes, a typical mistake people make, but you don't believe we all came from the same place? In other words at one time a monkey, ape and human were all the same species. That species split up to eventually become every living thing you see on this planet.

Are you saying we aren't on the same branch as monkeys and apes? Because we are actually related to spiders, frogs, fish, birds, dinosaurs. Everything that ever lived on earth came from the first living microbes or single cell organisms that started the first life on this planet. God didn't come up with all the living things individually.

There are currently 14 million species of life on the Earth. 99% of all species have gone extinct. What is 14 million times 100? So you think god made 14,000,000,000 and 99% of them were a mistake? That doesn't jive with your story about this perfect god who created you and cares about you. The facts suggest you are dumb.

Why would a species going extinct mean it was a mistake? Are you saying that the carrier pigeon, the dodo bird for example, were mistakes? Of course they were not. Nor were the species that vanished prior to the Cambrian explosion, which turns the idea of slow, miniscule changes over long periods of time resulting in new life forms on its head. And I notice that you continue to spout juvenile insults in your posts. Why is that? Are you so insecure in your own beliefs that you cannot be mature?
A monkeys DNA mutated and the human species was born. Just like polar bears were once brown bears and poodles were once wolves.

Okay, here is where we part ways. You think I'm a little dumb because I believe in God, yet you also think that man descended from monkeys. Dude, that's a little dumb. Here, I'll let the experts at the Smithsonian educate you. It would behoove you to make sure you know your facts before you accuse others of being dumb.

How are humans and monkeys related The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program

Humans and monkeys are both primates. But humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today.

Adorable. Now, take it up with every evolutionary biologist out there who say man did not descend from monkeys.

So you use science as a resource to back up your claims when I make a mistake about monkeys vs apes, a typical mistake people make, but you don't believe we all came from the same place? In other words at one time a monkey, ape and human were all the same species. That species split up to eventually become every living thing you see on this planet.

Are you saying we aren't on the same branch as monkeys and apes? Because we are actually related to spiders, frogs, fish, birds, dinosaurs. Everything that ever lived on earth came from the first living microbes or single cell organisms that started the first life on this planet. God didn't come up with all the living things individually.

There are currently 14 million species of life on the Earth. 99% of all species have gone extinct. What is 14 million times 100? So you think god made 14,000,000,000 and 99% of them were a mistake? That doesn't jive with your story about this perfect god who created you and cares about you. The facts suggest you are dumb.

Why would a species going extinct mean it was a mistake? Are you saying that the carrier pigeon, the dodo bird for example, were mistakes? Of course they were not. Nor were the species that vanished prior to the Cambrian explosion, which turns the idea of slow, miniscule changes over long periods of time resulting in new life forms on its head. And I notice that you continue to spout juvenile insults in your posts. Why is that? Are you so insecure in your own beliefs that you cannot be mature?

The Crimea debunks evolution? Not so
Did Moses write that 1600 years before Christ like you guys once claimed or now I learned it was written 500 bce. Big difference. And the oldest bible is only 1600 years old 400 years after Christ. Yea I believe that.
I'm do realize that there is a difference between "the oldest Bible" and "the first Bible", right? old is your oldest pair of underwear?......

I find it hard to believe you threw away Paul uke and juhns first underwear. My parents saved my baby shoes.

Didn't you guys save the shroud of turan? The rag Jesus wiped his bloody face with? You saved that but not the original scripts? Bullshit
looking twice and not finding an answer to my question.....your premise is wrong.....the oldest books of the NT date back to the mid-50s AD, around twenty years after Christ's resurrection....the oldest written copies of the OT books may date from 500-700 BC with oral tradition going back untold generations before that.....
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Did Moses write that 1600 years before Christ like you guys once claimed or now I learned it was written 500 bce. Big difference. And the oldest bible is only 1600 years old 400 years after Christ. Yea I believe that.
I'm do realize that there is a difference between "the oldest Bible" and "the first Bible", right? old is your oldest pair of underwear?......

I find it hard to believe you threw away Paul uke and juhns first underwear. My parents saved my baby shoes.

Didn't you guys save the shroud of turan? The rag Jesus wiped his bloody face with? You saved that but not the original scripts? Bullshit
looking twice and not finding an answer to my question.....your premise is wrong.....the oldest books of the NT date back to the mid-50s AD, around twenty years after Christ's resurrection....the oldest written copies of the OT books may date from 500-700 BC with oral tradition going back untold generations before that.....

Sure it was written in 50AD. SURE it was. How old is the oldest known bible? 1600 years old? Tha's when it was written. They would at least have the the original bible powder papyra paper in a urn or vase so we could carbon date it but nope.

First Moses supposedly happened 1600 bce then 500? Pretty big error. Some would say a flat out lie when they were claiming 1600 years before Christ. I know I do.
Holy ghost, 28 pages and not an ounce of proof God exists or does not exist. Well, it's been a lot longer that such an argument has continued with no answer, and will continue until the sun burns out.

That said, the only rational response to the question of God is Agnosticism. If God exists, or does not exist, should it impact the moral judgments we make? Either God gave us a brain capable of wondrous things, or our brain evolved from a single cell life form once living in the sea.

Ask yourself, do you act morally because you fear hell, or want to go to heaven? Or do you do so because it is the right thing to do?

I can't help but laugh every time I read a post from a Christian who wears their religion on their sleeve, and is so filled with hate for others, hate for those who in their mind must have been created by the God they profess to love and obey.

I can't help but wonder how a terrorist, who is supposedly a believer in God, can so easily take the life of other of Gods creations.

God hates agnostics because agnostics slander God and call Him a liar. Agnostics will go to Hell.
This thread topic doesn't make sense. Sealybobo, what cause to to think that if one lies, then all must lie?

What if the devil tells many falsehood and misinformation, millions upon million lies, all because he doesn't want people to know the one truth?
This thread topic doesn't make sense. Sealybobo, what cause to to think that if one lies, then all must lie?

What if the devil tells many falsehood and misinformation, millions upon million lies, all because he doesn't want people to know the one truth?
Keep posting you're my proof.
This thread topic doesn't make sense. Sealybobo, what cause to to think that if one lies, then all must lie?

What if the devil tells many falsehood and misinformation, millions upon million lies, all because he doesn't want people to know the one truth?
Keep posting you're my proof.

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18
This thread topic doesn't make sense. Sealybobo, what cause to to think that if one lies, then all must lie?

What if the devil tells many falsehood and misinformation, millions upon million lies, all because he doesn't want people to know the one truth?
Keep posting you're my proof.

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18
That's what a cult would say.
We are all perishing. No buggy. Enjoy the time you have. Remember I love you.
Holy ghost, 28 pages and not an ounce of proof God exists or does not exist. Well, it's been a lot longer that such an argument has continued with no answer, and will continue until the sun burns out.

That said, the only rational response to the question of God is Agnosticism. If God exists, or does not exist, should it impact the moral judgments we make? Either God gave us a brain capable of wondrous things, or our brain evolved from a single cell life form once living in the sea.

Ask yourself, do you act morally because you fear hell, or want to go to heaven? Or do you do so because it is the right thing to do?

I can't help but laugh every time I read a post from a Christian who wears their religion on their sleeve, and is so filled with hate for others, hate for those who in their mind must have been created by the God they profess to love and obey.

I can't help but wonder how a terrorist, who is supposedly a believer in God, can so easily take the life of other of Gods creations.

God hates agnostics because agnostics slander God and call Him a liar. Agnostics will go to Hell.

One of the seven deadly sins is pride, pride is speaking for God. Knowing this, your sin is mortal, and yet you choose to do so. Thus, you should worry about your passport to the Kingdom of God and let others do the same.
Holy ghost, 28 pages and not an ounce of proof God exists or does not exist. Well, it's been a lot longer that such an argument has continued with no answer, and will continue until the sun burns out.

That said, the only rational response to the question of God is Agnosticism. If God exists, or does not exist, should it impact the moral judgments we make? Either God gave us a brain capable of wondrous things, or our brain evolved from a single cell life form once living in the sea.

Ask yourself, do you act morally because you fear hell, or want to go to heaven? Or do you do so because it is the right thing to do?

I can't help but laugh every time I read a post from a Christian who wears their religion on their sleeve, and is so filled with hate for others, hate for those who in their mind must have been created by the God they profess to love and obey.

I can't help but wonder how a terrorist, who is supposedly a believer in God, can so easily take the life of other of Gods creations.

God hates agnostics because agnostics slander God and call Him a liar. Agnostics will go to Hell.

One of the seven deadly sins is pride, pride is speaking for God. Knowing this, your sin is mortal, and yet you choose to do so. Thus, you should worry about your passport to the Kingdom of God and let others do the same.

Do they pull that I love you crap because it ever works? I think they are taught to reply that way so the church keeps them under control. Maybe so instead of saying anything unkind like they want to the right thing is to respond with love as you tell them they're going to hell. Fuck them. I know that love. No thanks. Just so they know their love makes me feel as dirty as a little boy after a date with a priest.
The founders of this cult even wrote how to respond to doubters because no doubt there would be many. So scare them with hell. Brilliant really. And if that doesn't work the king insists all citizens are christians and eventually it sinks in to the culture. But in free societies people don't buy it as much. No coincidence.
Okay, here is where we part ways. You think I'm a little dumb because I believe in God, yet you also think that man descended from monkeys. Dude, that's a little dumb. Here, I'll let the experts at the Smithsonian educate you. It would behoove you to make sure you know your facts before you accuse others of being dumb.

How are humans and monkeys related The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program

Adorable. Now, take it up with every evolutionary biologist out there who say man did not descend from monkeys.

So you use science as a resource to back up your claims when I make a mistake about monkeys vs apes, a typical mistake people make, but you don't believe we all came from the same place? In other words at one time a monkey, ape and human were all the same species. That species split up to eventually become every living thing you see on this planet.

Are you saying we aren't on the same branch as monkeys and apes? Because we are actually related to spiders, frogs, fish, birds, dinosaurs. Everything that ever lived on earth came from the first living microbes or single cell organisms that started the first life on this planet. God didn't come up with all the living things individually.

There are currently 14 million species of life on the Earth. 99% of all species have gone extinct. What is 14 million times 100? So you think god made 14,000,000,000 and 99% of them were a mistake? That doesn't jive with your story about this perfect god who created you and cares about you. The facts suggest you are dumb.

Why would a species going extinct mean it was a mistake? Are you saying that the carrier pigeon, the dodo bird for example, were mistakes? Of course they were not. Nor were the species that vanished prior to the Cambrian explosion, which turns the idea of slow, miniscule changes over long periods of time resulting in new life forms on its head. And I notice that you continue to spout juvenile insults in your posts. Why is that? Are you so insecure in your own beliefs that you cannot be mature?

The Crimea debunks evolution? Not so

The massive explosion of brand new life forms in such a short period of time in a constantly changing (and frequently hostile) environment certainly make the idea of very small changes happening over very long periods of time a LOT more problematic.
Did Moses write that 1600 years before Christ like you guys once claimed or now I learned it was written 500 bce. Big difference. And the oldest bible is only 1600 years old 400 years after Christ. Yea I believe that.
I'm do realize that there is a difference between "the oldest Bible" and "the first Bible", right? old is your oldest pair of underwear?......

I find it hard to believe you threw away Paul uke and juhns first underwear. My parents saved my baby shoes.

Didn't you guys save the shroud of turan? The rag Jesus wiped his bloody face with? You saved that but not the original scripts? Bullshit
looking twice and not finding an answer to my question.....your premise is wrong.....the oldest books of the NT date back to the mid-50s AD, around twenty years after Christ's resurrection....the oldest written copies of the OT books may date from 500-700 BC with oral tradition going back untold generations before that.....

Sure it was written in 50AD. SURE it was. How old is the oldest known bible? 1600 years old? Tha's when it was written. They would at least have the the original bible powder papyra paper in a urn or vase so we could carbon date it but nope.

First Moses supposedly happened 1600 bce then 500? Pretty big error. Some would say a flat out lie when they were claiming 1600 years before Christ. I know I do.

Dude, are you really trying to be serious with that? How old is the oldest copy of Homer's writings?
Holy ghost, 28 pages and not an ounce of proof God exists or does not exist. Well, it's been a lot longer that such an argument has continued with no answer, and will continue until the sun burns out.

That said, the only rational response to the question of God is Agnosticism. If God exists, or does not exist, should it impact the moral judgments we make? Either God gave us a brain capable of wondrous things, or our brain evolved from a single cell life form once living in the sea.

Ask yourself, do you act morally because you fear hell, or want to go to heaven? Or do you do so because it is the right thing to do?

I can't help but laugh every time I read a post from a Christian who wears their religion on their sleeve, and is so filled with hate for others, hate for those who in their mind must have been created by the God they profess to love and obey.

I can't help but wonder how a terrorist, who is supposedly a believer in God, can so easily take the life of other of Gods creations.

God hates agnostics because agnostics slander God and call Him a liar. Agnostics will go to Hell.

One of the seven deadly sins is pride, pride is speaking for God. Knowing this, your sin is mortal, and yet you choose to do so. Thus, you should worry about your passport to the Kingdom of God and let others do the same.

And notice after all this time there is still no actual evidence on the table. Theists are trying to make extraordinary claims and then only prove those claims with words.
I'm not arguing that the Mormon story is better than the Jesus myth. Its way dumber. But I want to use mormonism as an example of how a lie can be told and yet millions will believe it.

If the Mormon faith is all a lie made up 215 years ago why can't christians imagine maybe Jesus didn't really perform miracles. Maybe he didn't really rise from the grave.

The virgin birth story isn't even original.

How can christians look at jehovas Muslims and Mormons and not see they're no different? It baffles me.

If Jesus was a myth, who was it Nero was persecuting a decade before publication of any books of the new testament?

Was Nero a myth too?

Why so much disagreement on what this god is or wants? Forget about the disagreements between Islam christians and Mormons. What was the 30 year war about? I'll give you a hint. It was between catholics and protestants. What were they fighting over again?

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